Was it kino?

Was it kino?

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>Elohim, Adonai, can you hear your people cry?
>Help us now! Listen now, and deliver us! Hear our call, deliver us!

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nah, god isn't real.

The main song is a duet with Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston. You tell me.

>Oh, our Lord, remember us in this burning sand!
>Deliver us! There's a land you promised us!
>Deliver us to the promised land?

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>sweet perfumes of incels
What did he mean by this?

Whitney was so fucking cash

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What was God's Endgame in this film?

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It's "Elohim, God on High" and "Help us now, this dark hour" you dumb fuck

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who knows these things.

"the LORD hardened the heart of the Pharaoh" is a mistranslated. "God hardening someone's heart" is a poorly rewritten common saying at that time for reneging on a deal. All the old testament was saying was that Pharaoh jewed out Moses and his people, ironically enough. God wasn't at fault.

Those are straight from the official lyrics bro

God is responsible for everything that happens. If it wasn't God's will that it should happen, it wouldn't.

That highly depends on your school of thinking. Calvinism, maybe deism? Sure. Valentinianism? No way.
Also I haven't seen this movie in about 15 years. Does it have shitty comic relief characters like every disney animated movie, or does it have more dignity? I might rewatch it if it doesn't.

Ah, nice to have this cleared up. I told my sister about this when I was reading the Old Testament and she was like "why God, why you a bad guy?" because of that.

The most comic relief in this movie is an upskirt shot of Moses or Pharaoh. I enjoyed it a lot when it came out because it was quite un-Disney while still having the good parts of a Disney movie (the music and the animation).

based scholar

>upskirt shot of Moses
I do not know why this is so funny to me

the parting the sea scene with the whale was pure kino

I still can't understand how come eevryone believed the princess that she found a baby in the river and that the baby wasn't hers? like, such an obvi case of an unmarried mom coming up with some far fetched story (see Mary) and everyone believing.

It's not the main song, nor is that version even in the movie itself

It's got a few funny bits, but they never feel annoying
And the only comic relief character are Hotep and Huy (the Egyptian priests) and they are far from Disney levels of comic relief character

Never got why they called them Hotep and Huy when Paul’s epistles say they were named Jannes and Jambres.

>Paul’s epistles
I guess that's because the story is loosely based upon Exodus (and Genesis?) and Paul's epistles are written a solid 1000 years later. So it wouldn't make too much sense to use those names, as Paul is just as likely (or maybe even less likely) to know the correct names (if they existed at all) and Hotep and Huy sounds more Egyptian than Jannes and Jambres

The Pharaoh's family are basically demigods, or even fully gods in Egypt at that time. It's completely up to the Pharaoh to allow her whims or not. And remember that he was killing the Hebrew firstborn back then, so if anything the only thing that kept him alive would be that she claimed him as her own.

>Ra! Pa! Anubis! Banubis! Heretak! Meretak!

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True, and the epistles are also written in Greek, and they would translate names just like we translate words.

strayed too far from the source material to be authentic, with an anthropocentrism that made Moses the hero rather than the God who was ordained all these things come to pass, both to reveal His character and foreshadowing how great a deliverer the Messiah would be

3/10 ~ would only let kids watch it if they had studied the Biblical narrative with all relevant context first -- and since that necessitates going back to Abram, Isaac, Jacob and Joseph, then forward through Israel's timeline to the arrival of Christ, by the time they see the movie they'll think it's dumb babby stuff too

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Then let my heart be hardened
And never mind how high the cost may grow
This will still be so:
I will never let your people go

Pharaoh was pretty based, taking on God by himself.

Pharaoh fancied himself something of a god himself, among a pantheon of various gods. He probably saw the God of Israel as a weak, nameless, god who was as weak as his people.

It was a wondrous work of fiction.

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remember its ancient egypt

go read a bible

No shit, its a fucking animation for kids it doesnt aim to tell any story other than the hebrews escape from Egypt. Making the plot about a rivalry between Moses and Ramses is just a way to make it simple for children. As a movie its still pretty good, excellent style and music.

Lai le lai lai lee lai lai
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Lai lai lai lai lai lai
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Lai lai lai lai lai
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Lai lai lai lai lai lai
Lai le lai lai lee lai lai
Lai lai lai lai lai
La lai lai lai lai lee lai lai
Lai lai lai lai lai lai

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oh shit


Literally every song and soundtrack is God Tier

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Queen Tuya best girl

also is this the most horrifying scene in animated history?:

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extremely so, knocked nu-disney out of the park to this day

At least in mainstream western animation movies that I can think of. There's been some body horror and also documentary like animation films, but I can't remember anything as dark as this in theaters.

> its a hecking animation for kids

no, nope, nope, nope -- the Biblical Narrative is the story for all ages, in every sense

this cartoon is a man-centred bastardisation of Divinely inspired Scripture which gives a false testimony about the character of God and the nature of man; and while one might think to turn a blind eye to the latter crime, as an adult perhaps you're familiar with the ensuing story of the Law being handed down to Moses on Mt. Sinai?

if so, you'll possibly recall that to give a false testimony or 'bear false witness' is a damnable action according to the 10 Commandments, and that's just for speaking evil of a man -- but to speak evil of God is a blasphemy of so much greater magnitude that it warrants a horrendous eternity for the one who creates it

but then to foist such a lie upon children?

well if you'll recall the words of Christ; should someone cause such a little one to sin it would be better he was tied to a millstone and cast into the Abyss


*slander being the literal definition of the greek word blasphémos

>some body horror and also documentary like animation films

do tell!

>was it kino?

If you believe

Jester jester jesus

The Animatrix for example, but that was not a general theatrical release.

I can't tell if you're an elaborate shitposter or not.

Jews never built the pyramids.
It’s basically holohoax porn.

You mean most kino.

>HD remaster literally never

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WHOM are you quoting?

you literallycopied and pasted off the first thing that pops on google which is always wrong.

>Ramses: lol no
>*kills first born son*
Moses was a dick

was gonna ask about this


Yes, yes it was

no it's not

>I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

No whites no thanks

If I want pure lent Kino, I go Ten Commandments. Prince of Egypt is as far ad I can tell, mainly about Moses and Ramses coping with the pain of losing each other as brothers, with the religious nature taking a back seat. People will say "blasphemy" but is in fact kino.
Still better than Exodus: Gods and Kings by a longshot tho.

>burden of proof shifts toward you*
Psh nothin personnel kid


they don't make them like this anymore