How bad will it be?
Leftists ruin EVERYTHING
How bad will it be?
Leftists ruin EVERYTHING
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it's going to be about the evil white-skinned numenorians invading the peaceful brown-skinned haradrim.
Will he still think logically?
Well, many good artists and creators have been left-leaning. Don't forget that a lot of your favorite movies or music is by people who were considered relatively left-liberal.
The issue is more that this new corporate pseudo-'wokeness' spawned by academics and crazies on twitter constantly haranguing companies to change the nature of their product results in bad art, because the casting becomes more about some hamfisted, preachy statement or tokenism-for-the-sake-of-itself.
Are all Americans this insane or is it just the ones on /twitter/? What is it with you and your extreme left vs extreme right bs?
Just be normal.
The real hero was some random black girl who lives with the elves but is human.
It will be filled with allegories, the very thing Tolkien hated most.
I bet we will see black hobbits and elves.
he won't exist, it's 2nd age.
well, you can blame the man for putting evil in the east tho
Which is to say the legacy of bohemian / romantic artists and countercultures, and of a more liberatory, less-self-censoring kind of paradigm of 'progress' or liberalism made for a lot of great art and entertainment. Not that it's based in leftism necessarily, that romanticist or artistic legacy or impulse originates in things that preceded the modern political binaries...
But the 60s liberalism was good for creativity, or at least compatible with it. Whereas the neurotic, accusatory, self-monitoring, identity-obsessed, socio-political-linguistic academic nerd form of progressivism that mutated into the current state of 'wokeness' arguably has a really constrictive and damaging effect on art and content.
/pol/tards ruin EVERYTHING you mean?
It sounds like you've already picked a reason to be mad at it, I'd suggest reddit if you want a circlejerk of similar opinions though you politically-obsessed faggot
In all likelihood it will be insufferable and pathetic. Who cares about political affiliations. Just speaking of art though, I'm left-leaning mostly but I know that wokeness = dogshit art.
Send it to HBO.They don't give a fuck about leftists
Multibillion dollar corporations aren't leftist you retarded faggot
>poltards have massive corporate representation
Do you have one end of the horseshoe rammed in your ass and the other into the ass of your tranny berniebro personfriend?
Since this Amazon, I'm betting on the opposite. It'll be even whiter than the Peter Jackson flicks, causing "mass controversy" that won't change the show or put any dent in viewings.
Neither is wokeness and its effect on media. It's not actually progressive or leftist. It's just this strange domino effect of constant attempts to make these supplicating gestures to pander to what they think or presume the current or future demographic wants, but a lot of it is more artificially forced by interest groups with too much influence and not really representative of the actual culture or where "the future" "~is going~".
But as a result we just get all these annoying clickbait articles and a lot of shows and movies ruined, not for having women or black people in them, but for the hamfisted, tokenistic way in which it's done and overemphasized. It's just a fad but you just have to let it work its way out of the system. People will get sick of it because it's mostly extremely artificial and not what people actually want.
Hey OP, I'm a leftist.
Pretty sure big T said he hated allegories just to be left alone by all the drooling retards wanting to confront him about every thing they interpreted as an allegory in his works instead of just enjoying the stories and the lore.
Pretty sure he still saw nogs and sandnags as subhumans though
Nah, he hated Narnia shit, even if was friends with its author.
There will be a black main character, even though all the blacks are in the far east and south and are evil morgoth worshippers.
Prepare for black elves, even though they're all canonically fair.
Same with the Dunedain and other men of the west.
(which just means "token nigger" to studio execs, added in to make virtue signaling whites feel good about themselves)
Based and nuance-pilled
>muh not real leftshits
Time to buy Nike and kneel in front of TV you hero of working class
Cheap bait
LOTR is so good because it was made by kiwis. Amerisharts will inevitably fuck it up and then cry and blame it on niggers like they blame everything.
But really it's just gonna suck because it's not a New Zealand production.
Cuckboy deserved to die.
tell that to gilette, nike, google and dick's sporting goods
>Neither is wokeness and its effect on media.
>Stalin pushed for international hate speech laws after WW2 with support from islamic nations
>forces eastern Europe to send the fruits of their labor to African shitholes like Ghana
>legislatize the 'wage gap' away
Sure, kamarad, how about you kill yourself, you'll decrease the inequality of the world that way.
everything amazon creates will be shit, and this liberal is to blame for it.
I am so sorry, I hope you'll get better.
Or is 'better' some system of capitalist oppression?
>Leftists ruin EVERYTHING
You realize the original trilogy was also created by lefty artists right?
Nigga postin news articles from over a year ago acting like it's news and shit.
>You realize the original trilogy was also created by lefty artists right?
oh nononononnonoo
Boyega is rumored to play legolas as he is serving as one of the show's producers.
so legolas is gonna be a DARK elf lel
PJ may be a lefty but that shit didn't seep into LOTR. So a director can be leftie all he wants but if that doesn't affect his work who cares? that said, Amazon version is guaranteed to be Leftie Propaganda First, Storytelling Second.
>rohan riders were women
>Send it to HBO.They don't give a fuck about leftists
literally 0% chance I'll watch this
because it's made by dumb americans
You have zero clue how this shit works.
>all white cast
>maoris as orcs and uruk-hai
PJ would be arrested for a hate crime in modern New Zealand if he tried to make those films today. The 'leftists' of 2001 are the Nazis of 2019.
I will make every effort to not give amazon any of my money again if they fuck this up. Even one tiny ounce of disrespect to the original novel/s and I am so fucking out. Even one offhand retarded modern politics virtue signal and I'm done. Don't fuck this up, Tolkien's work deserves respect.
lmao get a job you incel retard
By wokeness i mean what passes for 'the left' or liberals currently, as opposed to western liberalism of the 60s, or certaun liberal tendencies among arts.
I wasn't referring to marzism, which, despite having a few interesting aspects i have use for, was always shit, and was a big influence on the toxic politics that feed today's woke identity politics. Not that any of that current shit is marxism now, it's corporate and neoliberal to the core.
If Tolkien was alive today, he would porbably approve of his work being changed to be more inclusive, especially after he witnessed incels shooting up places. I'm 100% sure the man who wrote the character Faramir wouldn't side with /pol/ incels, despite attending daily Mass.
>ugh, like, educate yourself white dude
>like, you need to go to Starbucks Friendship gulag like, right now
... And you are a [virgin/incel/bigot/nerd/neckbeard/triggered alt right nazi] for being offended by it
>Even one tiny ounce of disrespect to the original novel/s and I am so fucking out.
>implying the movies aren't filled with changes in inaccuracies to the source material
weird how your respect for tolkien is drawn at seeing a girl or brown person on screen and not to major story changes like character being twice as old or introducing romance scenes for the pleb movie goer audience. no one buys your faux outrage, this is why I find /pol/ tards so annoying. you weirdly lack the confidence to just say you don't like to see people different than you and make up random shit to pretend you have some deeper values.
Is that what left means in America? Why can't there be middle ground?
Why are you either sjw cucks or redneck retards?
I don't really think academia is the main culprit, rather the media picking up on fringe-theorists and preaching it as absolute truth to the masses which in turn make companies and celebrities believe and regurgitate the same opinions as absolute truth because they want to sell more of their products. Anons on Yea Forums just sweep the entire academia in one go when they are actually talking about a radical minority of academics. Can't speak for american academia though, but in general anglo academia seems much more polarized and radical than the rest of the world. Can only say that academia in my country isn't even close to what gets described here, and seems to almost always distance themselves from dogmatism.
My condolences
Nah that guy probably gets out more than i do. I live in bumfuck alabama.
the main character will be a black human female with a man's first name, adopted and raised by elves. but not just any elves, her foster brother is Legolas himself!
How was Chris OK with this after that feud with Hobbit movies?
good post
The changes LOTR made were acceptable. He went too far with the Hobbit and that’s why it isn’t liked.
Tolkien was an ultra conservative Catholic Englishman.
Have sex, tranny.
Actually, Tolkien was constantly at odds with Englishmen for being a Catholic in a land of Protestants. Idiot.
he's not wrong