Best friends Braya (Bryce Dallas Howard) and Metha (Christina Hendricks) accidentally smother a guy between them...

>Best friends Braya (Bryce Dallas Howard) and Metha (Christina Hendricks) accidentally smother a guy between them (Timothée Chalamet) to death during a threesome. Not wanting to go to jail for murder, they cover up their tracks and hide his body.

>A year later, Braya has grown into an increasingly panicking person, afraid that the truth will come out. She barely leaves the house, making money as a Snapchat Premium model for ass fetishists under the fake name Brapa. The persistent detective investigating the case, Connie (Jessica Chastain), only serves to increase her fears.

>Said fears prove to be true when Braya discovers that Metha has taken up smothering men to death during sex as a fetish, so it is up to her to stop her best friend. And there is only one way to do it.

> This summer: My Beloved Smother.

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I could get behind this


Nice haha

Based and redpilled.

F K M personally. Chastain sounds like a cunt.

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That photo of Christina is so fucking hot. What is about about high-necked dresses, lads?


With full graphic details, please. Nothing to be implied.

>From the makers of Udder Insanity

Jessica Chastain looks like a tranny.

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Jessica is so fucking hot as a blonde.

You have a tranny fetish, the easiest way to solve this is to just kill yourself


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And that's a good thing!

Directed by Nicolas Winding Refn

jesus christ what movie is this from

Gold from 2016

Id totally have sex with these women

God Bless Redheads

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