/CG/ Chernobyl General and Nuclear disasters
Please tell me it's just lightning and the first guy who appears in the trailer isn't a nigger.
Required pre-launch kino:
>1. Chernobyl: Chronicle Of Difficult Weeks (1990)
>2. Surviving Disaster, S01E03: Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster (2006)
>3. Chernobyl: The Final Warning (1991)
>4. Innocent Saturday (2011)
>5. Raspad (1990)
>6. Land of Oblivion (2011)
>7. Motylki (2014)
>user doesn't remember the BRAVE African who tried to war the racist uSSR about the plant
Come on user!
I like this new meme
literally nothing in that trailer is accurate except maybe MAYBE the vehicles being period accurate
jesus fucking wept
In the trailer, the scene at 0:40 (where Valery Legasov tells them what the dangers really are) is also interesting: In Surviving Disaster, there's a quite similar scene, see
Either the new miniseries just copied this particular scene, or there really was a meeting where Legasov had to tell the higher-ups from the Communist Party that what was going on then was actually a bona fide catastrophe.
What's not accurate for example?
this. more shit pedelled to make people fear nuclear
its obviously lighting, this isn't netflix
>ear-shattering brap noises
>geiger counter sound
>repeating disstressing alarm
birds didnt fucking fall out the sky dead in the city proper for one
Why didnt they just nuke chernobyl?
That's all you got? Pretty weak.
>literally nothing in that trailer is accurate
Your claim. Name 10 things that are not accurate or fuck off.
>1. Chernobyl: Chronicle Of Difficult Weeks (1990)
I really wanna see this but I don't know where to find it
Required pre-launch reading
Apart from libraries of universities where you can probably really watch a copy on premise, there's that:
Problem: Pretty steep price and VHS :(
How come? You'd think they would suffocate and fall dead
why are they all speaking english
Serhii Plokhy's book is better
>based want to be useful boy
>based Crozier
>based Stellan/Watson Breaking the Waves reunion
Can't top this cast.
White people being terrified of black people is not a new meme.
I wonder if CIA /ourguy/ will be there
playing a CIA agent
>le "untold true story" meme
Why do movies say this? It makes no sense
Is it just a fancy way of saying "we made all this up"?
How can you tell a true story that is untold? Who told you this story? If you're the first one to tell it then how can it be true? Did a person at Chernobyl keep quiet for 30 years only to then write this screenplay? How can you verify that it's true then? How can you verify a story's veracity if it's the first time it has ever been told?
Probably they inflated "made public to a broader, not scientifically interested, paper-reading or conference-attending audience" a little.
Hm nice catch, yea. I assume they've taken this scene from someone's memoirs, which is reassuring. Unless they just copied scenes from documentaries instead of doing their own research of course.
Wow, of course you'd be willing to testify, hand on the Bible, that at no point between the explosion and the end of the evacuation has a single bird died from radiation exposure. It's totally impossible for a bird (what appears to be a starling to be exact, which would be present in the region by mid-April already) to have flown close enough to the reactor to receive a fatal doze. In this close-up shot we can definitely see that there is no electric cable or a tree or a street light pole to be perched on before succumbing to the poisoning. Stellar reasoning. It's even more amusing when you're claiming that everything is fake except for maybe vehicles, while it's literally the easiest thing you can check for authenticity instead of bitching about a single bloody bird. Please allow me to help you get started: you can see the public being evacuated on LAZ-695 buses, which were being produced in USSR at the time and obviously used there. How do I know that? Maybe it's because I know how to use a web search engine. Or maybe that's because I grew up in a post-Soviet republic and am familiar with the setting, our family is friends with a famility of a liquidator and some of my friends are getting benefits from the government for having lived in the area too close enough to the initial fallout. It's absolutely laughable to have first-worlder armchair historians pathetically trying to nitpick a short trailer of what isn't even a documentary while being absolutely clueless. Oh I'm sure there'll be tons of mistakes and anachronisms there and the cleanliness of all the equipment and the look of those Pripyat residential buildings already don't sit right with me but holy shit was that "muh burd" whimper of yours retarded. KEK'd hard.
based and autismpilled
They didn't speak American in Chernobyl.
Will this have mutants and stuff running around?
I just got back from a holiday in Chernobyl. Did you know that over 2000 people still live and work in the power station. The real horror is what they serve you in the canteen.
What is that?
food, my amerigordo friend
Genuine Chernobyl canteen lunch, got the same as all the workers, the soup is Borshe, which is meat and potatoes I think (I didn't eat it). Bottom left is completely plain pasta and bread (and peas). The rest you should be able to identify.
Have another Chernobyl pic, this is outside the canteen, loads of wild dogs in Chernobyl.
Where’s the burgers? And the fried bits?
One more for good measure
>doctor pavel? I’m fatally irradiated
looks like the cancer detecting device doesn't work
Is that the sarcophagus?
Mostly it's fine now, pretty much just background radiation, even right next to the reactor in this pic. But there are spots, like 5-10 feet patches that you'd wander into and it'd spike up to 30 or 40 on the detector. 5 feet away you get nothing, step back in and alarms go off. Very strange.
Yes, here it is with the memorial in shot.
Looks like shit desu. Even a documentary with reenactments looks better.
Bнимaниe, внимaниe Bнимaниe, внимaниe Bнимaниe, внимaниe Bнимaниe, внимaниe Bнимaниe, внимaниe Bнимaниe, внимaниe
season 2 yeah
goosebumps from this comment desu
what is the russian siren repeating in the chernobyl trailer?
>general for a show that isnt even airing yet
Fuck off with your cancer.
KINO is back on the menu
>ear shattering brap noises
>edgy lighting
>fast gunfights in the dark
>mutant slash
>gieger counter noises intensify
Coming this fall
Cпacибo зa внимaниe
Your attention please.
I think they took they same sound bit that announces your train's arrival on platform X
>"Vnimanie, vnimanie"
"Attention, attention", a beginning of an emergency broadcast. Sounds really weird when sped up and repeated too many times when your brain processes it as speech and not as an audio effect. Normally when used in broadcast, the word is repeated twice and then the actual message is read out. Guess it just didn't fit the edgy tone of their trailer.
>Convincing request of dogs not to feed!
Stuff like this never gets old.