Okay, beating on a dead horse here, but how can people defend LOST?

I watched the series during its original run, and loved it. It was my absolute favorite series back then. The sense of mystery was like nothing I have ever seen before (or after desu).

People say: Well, just the because the ending is shit, doesn't mean the show is. I agree, kinda. But the ending is not only shit as an ending, it also devalues the whole series. By not adressing most of the big questions raised while watching the show (or adressing them in a laughable manner) the ending just made it painfully obvious that the viewer has been fooled the whole time.

>let's just throw some weird shit in
That has basically been the whole concept of the show. It worked to hook you while it lasted, but once it reached the ending everything fell apart.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>they were dead the whole time
it never ceases to amaze me how such a thoughtful and intelligent show ended up with such a retarded viewer base.

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People who watched LOST and hated it where focused on the wrong thing. The show's unanswered questions are meaningless, because the characters decided that knowing each other is the meaning they got from the experience.

I pity people who watch this show and hinge their enjoyment on whether or not something mysterious from Season 2 is explained by Season 6.

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Have sex.

Hey myan. Don't get so attached to things.

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The thing is, they could have at least partially made the last season work. They knew it would be the final season, so they could have tried to come up with answers to the main mysteries. Clever writers could have done it. Instead they didn't bother and also wasted half of the final season on the fanfiction sideflashes. The show had already fallen apart in season 5 when they introduced the second John Locke (who was the MIB).

Here though. It's poorly written but at least tries to resolve a few things -


This! OP's a fucking pseud. The ending was actually a fantastic way to tie up a lot of loose ends in a satisfactory, memorable and enjoyable way. Of course this was before being subversive or not giving people what they wanted was the norm.

The only interesting thing on lost are the characters and their development

Like in life, everything else is just scenary

I'm gonna be honest: I got the ending I liked

By the time of season 4 I was so invested in the characters and their lives that I just wanted to see them all together one last time, it was what they deserved ;_;

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Please tell me what you think the ending was because anyone who says they liked the ending or that they thought the ending was good HAVE TO have forgotten what actually happened.

So, they were in Purgatory, after they all had died, be it on the island, outside of it, or, in the case of Sawyer, kate and Claire, after the show ended, and joined together one last time to a new chapter of the Afterlife

>joined together one last time to a new chapter of the Afterlife

Right... Do you remember their purgatory lives (everything that happened in the flash sideways in Season 6)? Everyone had the lives they wanted. Where exactly were they going at the end? New chapter in the Afterlife? That sounds so stupid. Maybe they were all being transferred to Hell. We don't know because the ending was fucking bad.

I don't think still being in a wheelchair and being a school teacher was a dream of Locke...

I never really followed the show, saw it as a bit hacky. But I did like the time travel sub plot when I came across it. It was huge at the time but a bit weird for its own sake. Friends I know who were really into it tried to make it seem like if you weren't deep into it you wouldn't 'get it' which I figure was the main appeal of the show. A sort of 'I like LOST so I'm really deep' card to play in social situations.

JJ had just finished a couple years before the Lost finale the show Alias. There was not only several unexplained mysteries in the overall story, they literally made up crazy stuff that would be forgotten immediately. The whole Fibonacci sequence being imputed in the computer inside the hatch? It was also a random plot point in Alias that went nowhere.
I knew there would be only a vague "because supernatural shit happened" explanation, and that they were piling up random weirdness to keep the ratings going. I didn't hate Lost's ending because I wasn't surprised at all.

>I don't think

You don't know shit about what the character thinks. All the characters were happy in their Purgatory lives. Season 6 would have been 100x better if the flash sideways scenes was just an alternate timeline where the plane didn't crash. The way it actually happened was full retard.

>hey guys ur all dead right now but its ok because ur gonna leave the happy lives u have right now and go somewhere else :)


Locke didn't seem very happy. Neither did Ben

>Season 6 would have been 100x better if the flash sideways scenes was just an alternate timeline where the plane didn't crash.
But yes, I agree with you on this, but I also like what happened

>People who watched LOST and hated it where focused on the wrong thing. The show's unanswered questions are meaningless, because the characters decided that knowing each other is the meaning they got from the experience.
>I pity people who watch this show and hinge their enjoyment on whether or not something mysterious from Season 2 is explained by Season 6.

Thanks for explaining to people what they should be interested in.

>show full of mysterious stuff
>you have to focus on the people! don't mind the four toes on that giant remnant of a statue

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You should rewatch Season 6 because I remember Locke being very happy with Helen. He even refuses when Jack asks him if he wants to be fixed. He chooses to be in the wheelchair because he knows that Helen is only with him because she feels sorry for him. Ben's a teacher and not some nutjob who's hated by everyone.

What I find laughable is you acting like you know what the ideal lives of each character would be.

Of course you should care about that, but watching the character development of guys like Ben should compensate not getting the answers to some mysteries

The Post

Yeah, you started watching Lost and continued to do so because the characters were so amazing.


If there was no mysterious stuff at all on the show, it would have been just as good.

>muh characters!

Locke literally called off the wedding with Helen after being fired and told her she deserved better. Doesn't seem what somebody with a happy life would say

Yes, guys like Jin, Jack, Locke, Ben and Sawyer were amazing. I watched the show to know what would happen to them

>character development

lol what

He goes from leader to follower. What development? The realisation that he shouldn't be in charge because he's a terrible leader and a terrible person? Ben is probably the most evil character on the show. More evil than the embodiment of evil smoke monster guy.

I don't remember that happening. Unless you can give me a video or episode to watch then I'll have to assume you're making shit up.

I didn't say they were bad characters.

I said that's not what the writers baited you with to watch the show.

>Unless you can give me a video or episode to watch then I'll have to assume you're making shit up.
S06E04, I believe

I'm watching that episode right now. At 31-32 minutes, Locke says that he'll always be in the wheelchair and Helen says she loves him anyway.

>Locke: I don't want you to spend your life waiting for a miracle, Helen
>Helen: The only thing I was waiting for was you

Sounds like a happy ending to me.


That I don't remember that clearly, but sounds like something that would happen

people who don't care about any of this after watching the ending

>lol, I just watched Lost for the pretty people

When I first watched lost, I was a giant fan the first couple of seasons and then I thought the writing was becoming worse with time.

A few years later I watched a fanedit that told the story chronologically, starting with the pirate ship, going to the Dharma iniciative in the fifties and then the Lost cast having time travelled to the seventies.

Actually, it turned out the writing in the later seasons is way better. The plot points are still unexplained, but the characters are better developed, and the dialogues are way smarter. When it got to the moment of the crash, in season one, the writing was at it's lowest.

>The ending is only "good" if every character had an easier path in life and got what they wanted

At the end, we learn that regardless of what happened to these people in their life, the relationships they found on the island was what brought meaning to their lives. Not having a gf or being successful in your job or pleasing your father.

Grow a brain cell ya pinhead



Then why did they add in characters and forget about them? Ben's childhood friend Annie shows up one episode then is never seen or heard about again. It's just shitty writting

There's no bigger pleb filter than the finale of LOST. There's also no bigger brainlet confirmation than thinking they were dead the whole time. Prove me wrong.

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They did that so many times it's not even funny. The whole problem is not unanswered questions, but the fact it was just writers buying time. Last season is proof, pointless parade of characters till that dumb ending about afterlife, a drag. But no, experts here say it was not about Jacob, Faraday was just passing by, Dharma initiative? Just background, faith vs science? NO NO it was: F-R-I-E-N-D-S in the afterlife. Give me a break.

LOST was always the Twin Peaks for brainlets and people with aspergers unable to enjoy the actual Twin Peaks.

>Then why did they add in characters and forget about them
That happens too in real life


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It was made obvious she was important to Ben and as importsnt to the story as Ben's dad

It was unironically a better ending and tied up more loose ends than Twin Peaks S3

This show suffered from getting veiws episode to episode for the purpose of ratings. Having no forethought didn't matter they had no consideration for people who would go back and watch back to back episodes. But I remember how mysterious s it all seemed and how dissapounted everyone was with the last few seasons. Then they all got pissed off with the last episodes. It was a cop out ending made up on the spot they didn't know how to tie it all up.

LOST on Yea Forums was the best thing ever.

This. Any normal person will agree that lost is a great show with a not so great ending, only the cenima sins generation will argue that the whole show sucks because of ot.

People allow shitty writing in TV to be excused too easily.

If LOST was a book series, with the exact same mysteries, explanations, dialogue, everything, it would be TRASH tier. UNREADABLE.

Oh, well this sounds like a fun mystery. I wonder what the payoff will be!


This is quintessential Bad Robot storytelling. It's how you make money. You just keep stringing along the audience with mysteries til it all comes crashing down around you in the end because you never adequately explained any of them.

Lost is TRASH.

It's not 'not so great' , it just make everything that happened before irrelevant. If the Island never happened, wouldn't they be there with other people? So, the only connection to the series is they spent some time together? Was Lost about this? Events as a background? Mystery just an excuse? And don't get me wrong, I don't care about answers, it's about logic. I understand writers had no ideas, but damn, every idea would have been better than this one. Last season was a damn parade of NOTHING. I am sure many people could write something better than that. Pick one of those online theories and say "bravo, you got it right"...some fans even filled many plot holes for them, damn.

Why haven't I received a rebuttal yet?

Because I'm right.

>Season 6 would have been 100x better if the flash sideways scenes was just an alternate timeline where the plane didn't crash. The way it actually happened was full retard.
Obviously this

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>they were dead the whole time
christ your are retarded

the meme: "they were dead all allong''They were going to die one by one , by aging up or whatever reason(kate ,hurley , pilot dude and claire) passing the whole series, example: season 3 charlie death, and going on


The first 3 seasons of LOST have the most brilliant writing in the history of tv shows. Breaking Bad and The Wire don't even come close. I pretend that season 4-6 of LOST don't exist.

it had four toes because it was a statue of taweret, the protective Egyptian god of childbirth and fertility.

> Okay, beating on a dead horse here, but how can people defend LOST?

I also watched Lost as it was broadcast and also think it’s a fantastic tv series but when they announced the final season, it was obvious to all that the writers had been pulling the story out of their ass as they went along and there would be no logical conclusion.

And I’m cool with that.

Everything up to the final season was great and other than the flash-sideways bullshit, (who gives a fuck about Jack’s kid playing a piano in the alt-history?!) even the last season was cool.

My biggest gripe is that because of Lost, all kinda other tv series thought they could also get away with making up the story as they went along but none of them had the talent that Lost had and none of them could pull it off.

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agree completely. i think most people tune out around s4 and then go online and perpetuate memes. all the "mysteries" people complain about are eventually rewolved, just not the way they expected in their headcannon so they get upset.

Well there's a lot of really stupid people with really bad tastes.

>I pity people who watch this show and hinge their enjoyment on whether or not something mysterious from Season 2 is explained by Season 6.

Except that's wrong and you're giving the showrunners a pass on not having any kinda remotely cohesive story planned out ahead of time.

Sure, the writers were excellent and managed to make this work by coming up with ever cooler shit as they went along but up until the final season, the showrunners were INSISTING that everything on the show had a logical explanation and the characters weren't in Limbo, only for viewers to discover that was exactly the case.

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>Okay, beating on a dead horse here, but how can people defend LOST?

It's still better than The Leftovers (from Lost)

>kill jin and sun after they finally reunite and left the daughter alone with no memories of their family
That's the only thing i really hate.

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people invested too much time on this to have the honesty to recognize is shit.

i mean, there are people who did tattoos of the mystery numbers, dharma symbols, all kind of shit. how do you say: "hey i was an idiot."

there is no way.

and i was a fan, i tought they have everything pretty much mapped until the end and all the pieces would come together.

them come season six and those filler episodes and from that until the end i was piss because it was all a bullshit scheme from the start.

and them youre awere of jews...

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Reminder that satisfying mysteries are far harder to craft than emotional drama and conflict and thus everyone who argues “it’s about the characters, not the mystery” is inadvertently shilling for bad writers.

The fact that they had to adress it literally, "this really did happen" makes the ending a failure.

The knew it was a real possibility that people would tought that with the afterlife plot.

>Makes a bunch of bullshit mysteries and cliffhangers to keep people interesed.
>the show was not about that.

I understand why they did it, but its cheap and dishonest writing.

>the mystery wasn't the point of the show, the actual point was meaningless filler kate episodes

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Who gives a fuck whether they were dead the whole time or not?

Explain how the smoke monster appeared to Jack on mainland USA as his dead father Christian if he can't leave the island.

I'll wait.


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You're an idiot if you only consider the ending to be the thing that dissapointed you about the whole series. When in reality, it started when they introduced Jacob, and turned the Smoke monster into a man, after claiming it was a security system. Still one of the greatests, though.

I enjoyed both, and being an infant at the time Twin Peaks aired, Lost introduced TW to me. Both had their "plot holes". Who gives a fuck.

It's cases like this one where I don't fanatically defend every decision made by the writers. It is defectous, yes, but to call it overrated, a failure is a different thing.

I consider them one single (conclusion) season. Still one of my all time favourites.

>Who gives a fuck.

People who think, instead of mindlessly looking at moving pictures on a screen.

It's the writer's fault. But, by the time you're in season 3-4 you just want to watch these chararcters find their resolution, whatever it is. Same thing with current Avengers,

>>let's just throw some weird shit in
>That has basically been the whole concept of the show. It worked to hook you while it lasted, but once it reached the ending everything fell apart.
this perfectly sums up LOST. answer one question, raise 10 and repeat. it was fun as long as you believed you will get answers, but once you realized you wont show fell apart. for me it was 5x1 or 5x2. i just couldnt watch it beyond that point.
>leaving unanswered questions is what makes it so great
bullshit, it just means writers bit more than they could chew. sherlock is prime example of good writing and lost is prime example of opposite

you got pleb filtered. Sucks to be retarded

Season four and five is where it stars to fumble. None is 100 % perfect. Breaking Bad has Walt suddenly stopping the production because he had enough. ok. It still is great. If you expected the writers to make an excellent last season (they almost did) and fix everything, you are the one to blame.

Can you recommend a series that has managed to do what you claim?? sincerely asking. My faves are The singing detective, our friends in the north and edge of darkness. Lost was the characters through and through. Desmond and Ben were secondary and then made main characthers because of their charisma and the writers had to adjust the writing around them. It was a case of shitty writing, shitty writers and shitty executive demands; but all the rest was GOAT= the music, the scenery, the sense of mystery, dread, loosing/winning, etc. anyone who tells you different is a shill, either in favour or against.

Such a well-articulated and thought out response.

You convinced me.

There's also people who enjoy things for what they are.

ITT: brainlets
>mfw too intelligent for this thread
so long failed normies, this ain't show for you, try breaking bad or interstellar if you want to feel superior but don't really have brainpower

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Good that you mention it. What the fuck was the significance of women being infertile on the island?

>kate episodes

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People on the "Lost sucks side":
>here is why
>well-developed arguments and reasons

People on the "Lost is great side":
>you are a brainlet who doesn't "get it"
>fuck off, retard

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It wasn't that I particularly disliked the LOST finale, it was more that I thought the whole final season was crap.

The flash-sideways felt like a waste of time, especially once it was revealed that they were purgatory.

For a show that is supposedly about the characters, their on-island actions in s6 made them feel like vehicles for the plot.

i could explain it to you, but i cant understand it for you. and since you didn't get it in 118 episodes that is precisely what would happen so why should i waste my time?

> It's the writer's fault.

The writers weren’t calling the shots, the showrunners and the network executives were and they wanted to milk the series for as long as possible and that meant the writers had to come up with something even though there was no overall plan for the show from the beginning.

The writers actually did a fantastic job coming up with ever cooler and crazier shit season after season but they were screwed right out of the gate and at some point, the chickens would come home to roost (i.e. the final season).

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>sherlock is prime example of good writing and lost is prime example of opposite

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>It worked to hook you while it lasted,
No it fucking didnt.
The show was a fucking joke on Yea Forums with every thread shitting on it and memeing it to shit and back.
I knew the show is going fuck anywhere around mid season 2 but i had the feeleing there is no script as early as mid season 1.
If by season 3 you didnt catch on on the "mystery box" bullshit then you need to pay better atention to what you watch instead of letting it run in background while you do what ever like a lot people do.

I dropped the show like 4x, and only picked it up for the memes and jokes as it was dropping in quality so fast from first few episodes it was in run with Heroes for who can drop the ball faster when it comes to any story coherency,

>The show was a fucking joke on Yea Forums with every thread shitting on it and memeing it to shit and back.
should we tell him guys? i mean if hes been here since lost was airing he surely deserves to know?


>i could explain it to you

explain this

it is not true

irony at it's finest

the truth is they all died on the island in the plane crash

i always wanted them to build a little colony on the island

if you kept watching Lost past halfway through the 4th season but didn't like the ending, you didn't pay attention. It's simple as that. No one bothers explaining way because you're too stupid to get it

>I watched the series during its original run, and loved it. It was my absolute favorite series back then. The sense of mystery was like nothing I have ever seen before

>Tries to say the show is shit

You're retarded, dude. How someone can flip on a dime about a show that they loved for years is beyond me. Did it fuck your mom or something?

I don't know what questions you mean specifically but a lot of shit is implied or just not important. This show was a major journey and while it dipped in quality the last season or 2, nothing about the ending 'invalidates' anything, and I find people who say that to be especially dumb.

"M-muh 6 years of pure love and enjoyment has been turned to dust in my mouth because WHY WALT THIS?"

Twin Peaks is LOST for pretentious pseuds

The ending was perfect because it exposes plebeians who don't even know how they're supposed to watch something.

Patrician post.

>and the characters weren't in Limbo, only for viewers to discover that was exactly the case.

You aren't this retarded are you? Fucking kill yourself.

whats ironic, hes right, you're a retard

The smoke monster never was Christian except for maybe the first season and maybe not even that you absolute fucking mong

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>sherlock is prime example of good writing and lost is prime example of opposite

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this. Season 4 and 5 were so fucking blatant at hinting that a ton of shit would never be explained, anyone who actually thought that season 6 was just going to be a giant wikipedia article explaining every mystery was a fucking brainlet

>Explain how the smoke monster appeared to Jack on mainland USA as his dead father Christian if he can't leave the island.

Oh you mean the episode where Jack was going crazy?
It wasn't the smoke monster. Jack was just going crazy.

the problem was not just the ending, the whole season 6 was shitty. i'd rather dance with my sister in prom than watch dogen's plot from start to finish all over again. jesus christ that was horrible. charlie pace and desmond hume's episodes were the only good ones.


Call it what you like; limbo, purgatory, the bardo, whatever, the characters died in the initial plane crash and we all together in the church in the finale, ready to go to heaven, be reborn, whatever you want to call it.

There was no "meaning" to the finale, it was just a way to wrap up the tv show.

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oh no no no

sherlock is hideous. kys

They were literally not dead the whole time. The end is many years after they have all died.

The series finale reveals that the flash-sideways timeline is actually a form of limbo in the afterlife, where some of the survivors and other characters from the island are reunited after having died. In the last scene, the survivors are all reunited in a church where they "move on" together.

From wikipedia.

Can be confirmed by watching the new man in charge.

u are dumb



Thanks for the spoiler anyway I was on last season when Locke returns from the dead but got bored, anyway should I continue or can anyone give me a quick resume on the ending

finish it season 6a is poor 6b picks up

Why didn't the eagles just carry them off the island?

the DHARMA Initiative accidentally let their deal with the eagles lapse during the 90's, and the Purge killed them all before they could renegotiate it

Lost is the greatest TV show ever, despite the show growing considerably worse with the writers strike in season 4 and beyond.

The ending is actually perfect. Yes, the show was about mysteries and sci-fi, but more importantly, it was about a whole lot of characters that were LOST in their lives. The ending was emotive and brought redemption to the characters that were finally not lost anymore. They experienced something incredible that marked their entire lives so much, they waited for each other in the afterlife.

People insists in the "the end sucks" meme because they were stupidly waiting till the last second to have Lapidus explaing every mistery while looking at the camera or else they have their "gotcha, I told you they wouldn't explain everything!".

Lost was literally magic. And magic works better when you don't know how it works. When they tried to explain the magic, all the explanations diminished the mysteries (smoke monster because of the crappy cave of light, across the sea, etc...).

Lost was an unbelievable ride with a very good ending.

I didn't like what they made with Locke making him not Locke anymore. I didn't like how they destroyed Jacob and the Man In Black characters after they were so beautifully and misteriously presented in the 5th season finale with that epic scene on the beach. And I didn't liked a whole lot of other questionable paths the narrative went.

And still, no other show has ever had the same magic Lost had. Despite it's lots of flaws, it's brilliants moments were better than anything else.

i love the whole 'its about the characters'.

they hype it up every fucking mystery possible but... its about the characters, cmon.

fuck off.

if they pick up some fan theories here and there and did a mash up of all of it, it would be better and the fans would say: 'i was right all along.'

this show was pure scam.

based and redpilled

cringe and bluepilled

>it's not about the characters

yet 50% of each episode is literally focused on a character

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Jacobs rules and motivations make no sense other than he is an evil demon. he sent people to the island for a at east centuries to die for his dumb game. how the fuck is he a good guy?

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this. well said.

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It kept men watching the show entertained with fantasies of fucking beautiful women with no risks involved.

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yes it was, fuck off with this shit. nobody ever said this until the finale was terrible, then defenders started repeating it for damage control.

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seething, worked, and cringe

Mental gymnastics the post

>sherlock is prime example of good writing
Successful bait.

Sherlock IS a good example of how to make an opening intro though.

Seriously this fucking post-post-post-post irony shit needs to fucking end. Please kill yourselves you confused fucking children.

Not him, I remember coming here for the first time when the last episode aired and it was mostly full on memes with a few defenders mixed in.

It's called having a functional brain.

>maybe the true lost was the friends we made along the way
They actually fucking wrote that as the real ending and people think it is good.

They weren’t all happy? Jack fought with his son and was still divorced. John turned his father into a vegetable and crippled himself. Kate was still a fugitive. Charlie got arrested too. Ben was still miserable too
How were they happy? Only Hurley was doing better

That sounds super interesting

They stopped light and goodness from ending in every man and pure evil from being unleashed into the world. There probably wouldn’t be an after life as they knew it if they didn’t stop MIB. It’s not irrelevant at all, them being in purgatory doesn’t happen if they don’t save the island which is the passage to the afterlife

The kid thing confused me because some self-generated purgatory breeding a made up child for Jack to struggle with is baffling on so many levels. There should have been no new characters requiring a vastly different timeline that would be rendered non existent by the reveal

The ending just confirmed that the writers had been making up the plot as the series progressed, and never actually had any concrete plans for the direction of the show.

They were basically just luring in their viewers with the false idea that all the mysteries of the island would eventually be revealed and that everything would make sense to you in the end. But yeah, turns out it was all a lie, and the series was just one massive cock tease.

The incident causing the electromagnetic shit to be overwhelming fucked up the pregnancies


Especially since the man in black never cared about people as his main goal. It was more of a philosophical question if they were inherently evil(which for some reason the man in black believed to be the case despite choosing humanity?) not his primary goal for everything. He just wanted off. Jacob ruined countless lives for a game that only served as providing ammo for his death. At best he’s a stupid asshole

>how can people defend

We don't. It was a fun ride (that I happily shared with Yea Forums over 10 years ago), but it ultimately ended in failure and humiliation.

so you're saying the real LOST was the friends we made along the way

like 70% of these questions were explained

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This is a good post

Recs? Craving a good mystery

LOST is literally even deeper than The Matrix or the MCU or anything else people probably watched, yet it gets treated like you're just supposed to spoonfeed the info and people assumed they never answered like 75% of the questions.

No the problem was people didn't want to do the work of paying attention to the narratives they just collected a litany of "unanswered" to try to dog on the show for being poorly written like people said "the cinema sins generation" which ironically appeared around the ending of LOST before the channel came out.

Cinema Sins is actually the embodiment of the same sick fucking nerds that tried and somewhat succeeded to destroy LOST.

Why is Walk Psychic?

Why does whispering follow the others then stop?

Why are Hurleys numbers cursed?

What happened to Annie?

What happened to Mother?

>tfw LOST generals made me come to Yea Forums
>all the memes and comics
>it's all gone now

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Why does the cabin move around? (fan theories like it was made of the smoke doesn't count)

Speaking of which the original answer for the smoke monster was it was a security system. Then it turned out to be Jacobs confused brother

I mean walt

>ywn look at fantastic as Sawyer

I giggled.

I'd honestly settle for the ability to come up with kino nicknames and make a living as a small-time con artist.