>You will never experience Season 3 for the first time again =(
You will never experience Season 3 for the first time again =(
Other urls found in this thread:
It's alright user. The experience evolves with re-watches, it keeps expanding, changing, developing.
and that's a good thing
life was still pretty shit at that time but seeing the show while it was still going on and shitposting on Yea Forums was great. seeing the finale with Yea Forums's chatroom was based
/tpg/ is probably the last time this board's been fun in a while, though, i hope there's something else that catches our attention one day.
lynch looks really young in that photo, even for a 1990 photo. shelly must have some sort of aura around her
I'm pretty sure those are wax dolls or something of Lynch and Madgekin. They look really off
>seeing the finale with Yea Forums's chatroom was based
>not devoting all your attention to what you're watching when you're watching something this amazing
what the hell?
I haven't rewatched the whole thing from beginning to end yet. I'm really looking forward to the full 18-hour experience in one or two sittings. Waiting for the summer.
Any of you done it, anons?
Sure you can
i never bring phones out, post on Yea Forums or really use bathroom breaks when watching a film/show, but it was cool to pretend i had friends to watch twin peaks with
who even is the sort of audience who watched twin peaks season 3 with their friends? only dude i know irl who watched season 3 is a weirdo hipster high school teacher
I wasn't around for any of it. What was Yea Forumss reaction to the ending?
This. People who watch Twin Peaks are solid already but people who watch, understand and really delve into it like we do, now those are true Patricians. Those are the ones I'd like to meet in real life.
Best season of tv.
I messed up. I watched Season 3 straight after 2, then watched Fire Walk With Me. I was shocked when Bobby killed that dude with Laura after seeing him as a deputy in S3 and at how much of a slut Laura was.
Have you seen The Missing Pieces yet? Definitely worth a watch.
How do you go from this?
to this?
Hopefully Lynch will make something new before he croaks.
Season 3 made me feel like other directors aren't even trying to be original and creative nowadays.
is twin peaks that good? should i watch it?
It's good enough to still have threads almost daily.
So yeah, it's pretty fucking great, and essential Yea Forums-core.
That's a damn fine cup of fuckoffee
when s3 was airing, i remember /tpg/ was getting upset at the idea that this would be lynch's swan song, thinking about it, it's the first thing he's directed in years and it came out of nowhere. i wouldn't be suprised if he stopped now though i like to think his brain is still full of enough creative juices to make another film/show, even if he did create the logical conclusion to cinema (inland empire). he still looks lively and energetic, even at his age.
also, how would cuddling with sheryl lee be like please respond i need this now
the original early 90's run and the 2017 series are at the very least both the absolute peaks of television
How is this even a question my boy. A resounding yes. It will change your life for the better.
No not yet. Can't find it on any legit streaming platform.
That's horrible.She was so nice looking.
I fell in love with it right away and didn't know what to expect. I'm waiting for holidays to watch the whole thing again.
I haven't even experienced season 1 for the first time
I got extremely depressed during the time of the last episodes and i could't enjoy it, these threads makes me sad because i missed out
will watch asap
Remember to watch the film between seasons 2 and 3.
>No not yet. Can't find it on any legit streaming platform.
You're probably not gonna. It was released as part of the Entire Mystery Bluray, basically a special feature.
Do you not use torrents?
just finished The Return
I really enjoyed the last 3 episodes. so many good moments. Coop waking up was tv magic, same as the moment he tried to save Laura from the past. My jaw was literally hanging open. My only thought is... Is cooper in the dream reality from the original series that he has knocked out of place by 'saving' Laura or is this a totally different dimension / dream? I dont really want an answer, its just fun to ask the question.
And this is how you enjoy Twin Peaks and life in general. It's just fun to ask the question, you don't really need or want an answer.
I don't know the answer, I'll just say that 1) there's a lot of very self-assured "analysis" of the whole thing on Yea Forums and elsewhere, with the attitude of having figured the plot out perfectly and 2) I think nearly 100% of that analysis is completely retarded and not on the right wavelength at all. but your mileage may vary
Anyway, I think you more or less get it. It is about the mystery, not the answer, which isn't there anyway. The mystery is the thing. And a true mystery it is.
I never experienced it in the first place. Dropped it on 5th episode.
Too much of a brainlet to handle the massive Lynching. Fuck off.
That's alright, despite the fact that I think this is some of the greatest audiovisual media ever created, I also acknowledge that it's the epitome of "not for everyone", or even "not for most".
There's no need to stay here and trigger us with your opinions though
brainlet is a really poor insult in this context, desu. This isn't something that's received intellectually, as much as pseuds pretend otherwise
>it's another /tpg/ ignores that S3 is an allegory for rejecting tangible happiness for the sake of intangible and unobtainable spiritual "balance"
I'm with you, Lynch's work in general appeals generally to people who derive it value from psuedo intellectual masturbation. They extract a feeling of illusory supriority from digesting something which more intelligent people find to be a total waste of time.
>tfw I didn't watched Season 3 yet because I don't want that feel of not seeing it for first time gone
Thank god. Is there an edit without all the slow repetitive stuff?
that's one part of it, yeah. there's no need to reduce a complex thing to this one aspect of its narrative, though
can you see the irony in your own post if you look closely enough?
as a Lynch fan I agree that, for some unfortunate reason, a large part of his viewerbase are insufferable pseuds. but you're really doing the same thing here,
>which more intelligent people find to be a total waste of time.
basically proclaiming that his work is for stupid people. when in reality, whether or not it's for you has little to do with intelligence. this is what both you and the people you're talking about fail to understand
>there are 18 episodes in season 3
How in the fuck? All i could remember was about 8 to 10 episodes of content
Is this some sort of space time distortion?
Calling them a brainlet is a meme, you dingus. Anybody who goes out of their way to post in a Twin Peaks thread about how they hate Twin Peaks is a massive faggot. Why be polite to somebody who pisses on your floor? Don’t be a cuck.
whatever my man, I guess I'm just in a good mood so I'm being nice even on Yea Forums of all places
Very slow pacing and long scenes.
Most episodes don't have very many scenes when you break it down.
>tfw love Season 1 and 2 and still haven't seen 3
I will one day
This is not "an explanation". This is how I perceive the ending to be. Which is what Lynch keeps saying, everyone has their own perception.
At the very end, after facing the bleak "reality" that is Judy's world, a world in which their recreated existance is awful and filled with pain and death (Coop being Richard, a guy who drove Linda away after the awkward rough sex part and seems to have a violent streak, and Laura having an actual dead body at home and feeling desperate enough to run off with the first stranger she sees), they face Judy's existence as the house's presence, the "thing" that took over Sarah along the years and that caused Coop's attempt to save Laura in the day she got killed to be foiled.
At the very end, when Laura screams as a direct consequence of Judy's presence, being the light to her darkness, and "kills" Judy, slaughtering the evil once and for all (Lynch using the electricity of her house going off to symbolize this is obvious), she does so just before hearing her mother telling her to wake up. In the very day she was found dead.
After erasing Judy and her universe, Laura woke up in bed, with a universe that had none of Judy's evil. This scene not being there makes it better, because a hokey "it was all a dreeeam" would have ruined the tone.
Instead, this is clarified by Coop easily. "We live inside a dream".
>The Return was two years ago
christ alive
I remember being disappointed with how little "Twin Peaks" there was in Season 3. But was blown away when Coop comes back. It felt so magical.
There was a whole episode about a Nuclear explosion. How could you forget that.
>using the electricity of her house going off to symbolize this is obvious
I think there's nothing obvious about it at all. The lights go out. Things going dark has never been a good sign.
It depends on what goes dark. I'd say Judy's universe going dark is a good thing.
I think you're treating it a little too sci-fi-like, but whatever works for you.
Well, time travel and dimensions are already a thing in TP, and the place that Coop went to was clearly Judy's domain. Don't know what's sci-fi about that?
should i start watching this shit? how good is it on the scale of kino
- yes
- very
- watch the whole thing. Meaning, Seasons 1 and 2, Fire Walk With Me, Missing Pieces, Return.
I'm pretty sure you're high
it's outside the kino scale, perched right on top.
the original series is pushing to the top of the scale during its best moments, fire walk with me is punching a hole in the ceiling and crawling through, "the return" or "season 3" is really where it goes outside the scale, but you have to watch what comes before to enjoy it to its fullest extent.
i don't know where i am
Reading the Tibetan Book of the Dead so imma definitely rewatch after I'm done
It's honestly one of the most memorable TV series of all time for me. Just go into it having zero expectations.
Will do.
Bless user
I know next to nothing about it, so I will. Thank you user.
I missed all the BrBa funposting when that show was still airing, /tpg/ is probably the closest I'll ever get.
I have to warn you user, there are times during the original run, especially in season 2, where it crawls out of the scale on the other, bottom, end, due to various real life circumstances, such as the creator being absent. when you get there, you just have to keep in mind that it's worth getting through it.
Lynch is thinking about Season 4
I actively avoided /tpg/ out of fear of spoilers.
Also because every Yea Forums general has been autisitic as fuck
That's true, and he said Carrie called him the other day but there was a lot of electrical disturbance in the signal and he could barely make out what the fuck she was saying, in other words don't get too optimistic
I've never seen any seasons of this so called kino
Should I?
I enjoy stunning visuals and somewhat abstract art
Is it for me?
You gotta be fucking with us. Add mystery and you've just perfectly described TP, especially season 3.
probably not
What's funny is that I was in high school when tp was airing
I thought it was for fags and so did everyone else
Really? My older cousin, which pointed me to Twin Peaks once season 3 was announced, saw it as it originally aired (s1 & 2) and he described it as a phenomenon. Everyone watching it and going rabid over it. He was also in high school at the time.
I've never bothered with season 2.
Should I watch it before going into 3rd one?
most people’s tastes improve after high school
Absolutely. There are low points but you'll enjoy it immensely when it's good. It's also essential viewing for season 3. Watch the movies as well.
We were more interested in partying and smoking weed
And also Pic related
God DAMN. Great show too.
Yes, fucking obviously you should. You'll have zero idea what's going on otherwise. Season 2 starts out great and has a few exceptional episodes and moments. It takes a brutal nosedive at one point, but the finale is an incredible episode. You should also watch the film, Fire Walk With Me, after Season 2. It's important to the plot and a great film.
Yes now that I'm am oldfag I'm discovering all sorts of kino that I missed out on
Also discovering music that I thought was crap back then has been great
kcuF sreggiN
it’s comfy, surprising, surreal, sometimes hilarious.
it’s got it all
The original show is on netflix, everything else is easy to find
If you miss /tpg/ it's on every Saturday, fuck cats. Cy later.
But when the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him, then He will sit on His glorious throne.
They're still furrowing their brows in a vain attempt to ascribe agency to some sort of "dreamer" in order to convince themselves of an outcome. They don't realize that the entire point of Twin Peaks and everything else in the DLCU was to introduce Ronnie Rocket.
Fuck Season 3
It as nothing to do with the top tier it was on Season 1 and 1st Half of Season 2. While beautiful directed and acted it is such a tone shift that even Riverdale is more similar to Peak Twin Peaks than Season 3.
Fuck Lynch
Nah buddy, RR is never happening. Its ideas have been dispersed and built upon throughout his work. At this point it really wouldn't be that impressive. There's some cool stuff in the script but I think there's absolutely no need to make a movie of it. DL himself probably agrees. Also, I think he wouldn't want to film something the script of which everyone has been reading for years and years.
Dun Dun Dun, another one bites the Lynch.
You're wrong.
No u
mmnbfndbdn hnnnnnnggg
>You will never experience TPG threads for the first time
Don't worry user, every saturday we get big /tpg/s and even throughout the week a few good ones pop up. Cheer up, /tpg/ never dies, Twin Peaks is forever.
Director is only for faggots.
Was he supposed to be Lynch?
Friendly reminder that it's been confirmed that Eddie Vedder recorded a song that plays during the Twin Peaks finale. It confirms Agent Cooper never gets his mind back. Listen here:
The pleb filter truly does work. Repent you filthy piece of garbage.
>trying to talk back when it's been confirmed that you're a subhuman and your opinions are worth less than a normal person's
Reddit queers are so fucking stupid. I can't wait until the cull starts.
Look, it's trying to think!
Proof of effeminate nature.
>iPhaggot device
Proof of effeminate nature.
I'm sensing a pattern in everyone who enjoys the films of pseud spaghetti artist Dabid Lunch.
Your words say it all, your IQ barely scratches 70. I'm surprised at how you can type, let alone comprehend anything other than drooling and shitting yourself. Stop embarrassing yourself brainlet and go watch capeshit instead.
>I "GET IT"!!! :))))
You're such an accomplished virgin with weak wrists. Single mommy must be proud.
No, it's better than good. It's Lynchian.
Imagine being this mad and miserable. I recognize that retarded mouth-drooling writing style of yours, you pop up in every Lynch thread just absolutely seething with autistic rage because someone enjoys what you cannot. If you're so keen on wasting your life why don't you just kill yourself and be done with it already.
Baited. Exact same response and image as before, I knew the >imagine was going to trigger you. You're getting boring and predictable.
>i'm in control for once!!!! i MADE YOU do that!!!!!!!
You know, if you actually went out and got a job you could probably take back control of your life instead of having to participate in general to feel like you actually have friends. :^)
whats impressive about lynch is how he never ever get his very own me too.
because there is no fucking way that the didnt fuck any of these chicks at their prime. impossible.
> season 3, episode 8: never something like it on tv ever. feels bad.
so fuck up that not even the guy who did the eraserhead baby could wrap his mind around it.
Tears running down your face, pathetically screaming. Can you point on the doll where David Lynch touched you?