I heard he couldn't be charged because they didnt have his last name
I heard he couldn't be charged because they didnt have his last name
how do i get hair that incredible
its looking like i just need to gel it down and comb it forward yeah?
thank god someone posted it
People who literally did nothing wrong
take a shower and then put a whole bottle of hairspray in your hair
He reminds me of my friend Teff, who unfortunately has permanent resting bitch face. Notably not a kiddy diddler though. Score one for Teff!
I think he got charged eventually. I also saw recent photos of him, now around 45 with the same hair style.
2000s kid
Who says something like that and doesn’t post the image along with it? A fag that’s who
thankssorry im lazy
Doesn't look much worse for wear. Looks a little less autistic and is that a hair transplant?
You think? He's not on the sex offender registry.
Looks like bad cgi.
>when you turn the graphics settings low
Daily reminder he got off by not saying anything, and having a lawyer worth a damn
Is his stand Killer Queen?