Characters travel to a parallel universe

>characters travel to a parallel universe
>Zeppelins are everywhere

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WOW, Based Rocco really let himself go.

>characters travel to the future
>white people still exist

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fullmetal alchemist?

name 18 shows where this happens

why has jon been looking more and more like shit every year. i'm actually shocked how good he looked in baby driver because he's constantly been looking worse
just shave the beard and get those hair transplants man

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They make him look good for the movies

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Doctor who

Why are the roaring 20's so aesthetic, bruhs

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This picture is so fucking dishonest. They make it seem like there were zeppelins just flying around randomly at any given moment. When really seeing three at the same time probably happened only once in like 10 years.

The picture isn’t dishonest you’ve just inferred the wrong information from it.

True, but imagine being born in like 1860's midwest. This picture would've blown your mind.

Imagine how mind blowing it would have been to see a Zeppelin for the first time. Like, holy shit, we're actually going to have the equivalent of flying ocean liners just cruising around. I can't even believe how crazy that must have seemed. Sad we'll never have anything like that.

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They lived in an age of marvels, worldwide war, constant and dramatic technological development. A person born in 1880 saw the invention of the automobile, the airplane, the jet engine, the atom bomb and the creation of road and electrical infrastructure for a whole country.

Thinking about the amazing advancements of the early 20th century and comparing them to what has come since the dawn of the 21st, it makes the times we live in seem pretty pathetic by comparison.

Would police blimps be effective in a large city? What would be the point of them if they have helicopters?

Feels bad, man

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Imagine being raised in some yeehaw yokel small town, in the 1900's and moving to a city like new york with cars trolleys and trains zooming around, zeppelins over the sky and fucking walls of brick that reached the sky.
It must have felt like a fucking alien planet

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God, it would be fucking sweet if it was possible to go there. I would just walk around looking at everything and taking pictures along the way.

>get those hair transplants man
implying he'd look bad with a clean shave

It's such an underrated setting.
Everything from the architecture to the adverts on the streets is kino.
I watch old movies partly just to oogle at scenic shots.

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>alternate timeline
>the transistors was never invented

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>vacuum tube robots

>analogue computers

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Woah... so this is the power of keeping non whites in line

Unironically whites could create heaven on earth if they would just stop fucking everything up and take white people's lead and emulate

Why the fuck is this so kino?

Even nogs were comfy back then, mahdood

>plasma infused lewis gun

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How can we bring back this aesthetic?

Would Yea Forums a Miss Nanny?

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>you will never be a titan of industry in 1919

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Fuck that noise. If I lived back then, I'd just want to own a small neighborhood grocery store.

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>wanting to live in a tenament
>not wanting to live in a palatial art deco skyscraper

Can't have street aesthetic like this anymore due to traffic laws

>ywn live in the Belle Epoque
>ywn live in a peace that will never be known again
>ywn be in awe of the creations of modernity such as the plane, the telegram, film, electric lights
>ywn see a red eiffel tower :(

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It’s what happens to you when you’ve been a raging alcoholic most of your young life.

>character travel to a parallel universe where christianity never existed
>humanity is completely evolved both scientifically as political

v/h/s 3 has a great short called Parallel Monsters with that trope

it's not fair bros

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name 3 (three)

>tips fedora
Scientific method was invented and developed by christian monks, my fellow redditor.

He was 36 in the first season of MM and I thought he was mid 40’s - he’s just a handsome guy that ages like shit

Doctor Who
Stargate SG1

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W-we know, user. Calm down

>ywn lubricate her servos

>you don't live in a universe with zepplins everywhere

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What are you? Fucking retarded? Just the internet is the biggest technological advancement in the history of humanity. Not to mention all the other stuff.

20th century. Try again.

The single lone thing that has shaped the current thirty years is the internet, nothing else, and I wouldn't say that's done the world any good.

If the entire wealth of thousands of years of knowledge being available to anyone at any time from anywhere didn't result in a net gain for humanity then we honestly need to die out

Seriously, watch this:

dude fuck off back to /pol/ or just turn yourself in before you go on a shooting spree, scum.

There's a thing called Sensory overload.
There's so much information and so easily available nobody appreciates it.
You can't sit down to see a movie because you've seen a billion jewtube videos you don't really give a shit about and you're burned out.
You can't cherish an album because you're just using it as backround noise while you do something else, you didn't go out on the store to buy a record.
You binge read wikipedia articles but nothing sticks on you because you didn't sit down to read it in a book you bought or borrowed so you'd need to make best out of your limited time or money, you're just reading mildly interesting stuff to make the time pass.
The internet moves just so goddamn fast that nobody can just sit the fuck down for a moment and let what they just read/ saw/ heard sink in their skulls.
Instathots cry on their psychiatrists (believe me) that they dont feel any connection and are underappreciated because they get a constant stream of attention online from thirsty betas with deep pockets that grows tiring and hinders them from forming actual irl relationships that arent just pumps and dumps
It's the reason gorefags and paraphiliacs exist, the ones who benefit the most out of the internet anyways.
The internet was literally too good for our own good.

>downtown 100% white
Oh the humanity

don't tell me you think everything they're saying is smart. They're trying to mimic nature, but by doing that they fail to see its short-comings.

>literally carries touchscreen computer with internet access in his pocket
sure bruh

Doesn't seem too white to me.

Posted by a zoomer who didn't watch DVDs be born and die within a span of 15 years.

the internet ruined everything, look where we're posting right now

>Instathots cry on their psychiatrists (believe me) that they dont feel any connection and are underappreciated because they get a constant stream of attention online from thirsty betas with deep pockets that grows tiring and hinders them from forming actual irl relationships that arent just pumps and dumps

t. incel

That tiny pocket of time stuck between the wars seems like such a paradise of existence. First years of the Soviet Union, the good kind of absolute degeneracy over in Europe, last days of the colonial powers, techological leaps and bounds all over the world, movies start realizing their full potential and firing on all cylinders, literature is still a sight to behold, then you've got completely outlandish comic books to read while taking a shit.

WAY too many wypipo

>call the parallel universe version of your crush and use her knowledge to win over your crush in your world

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It must have been crazy.
A world of absolute extremes literally facing eachother

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>ywn fuck your parallel self

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Don't forget the great depression

Simmer down, Woody.