I dont understand - how the hell this movie is not feminazi propaganda...

i dont understand - how the hell this movie is not feminazi propaganda? literally muh stong wymyn the movie savin the day. oh yeah lets not forget about sand hags that totally rule and kick mysigonist manhood ass and this is why its a good thing. makes me sick

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> how the hell this movie is not feminazi propaganda

I barely payed attention to the story. I just liked the action scenes. I don't even think I could tell you what the movie is about

Well its pretty much strong woman and defendless cuck (max) and his lapdog (nux)
Fucking joke of a movie woman pretty much do all the work while manhood is either stupid or weak

It shows the power of one man. Max was a cuck and if he said NO and didn't come back to help those females, he would probably have changed the world for the better. Imagine what would happen in the movie is Max just walked away and not give a fuck about women's problems.

I mean, at least the main female character actually does shit, and gets fucked up over the course of the film, even more so than Max does. Better than her just being "muh strong womyn" who is just good at everything and stays pretty the whole time.

It's only "feminist coded" if you are really, really stupid.

The society run by women utterly collapses into ruin. By the time Furiosa gets back to them it's like six people barely surviving on scraps. The society run by males is making machinery, bullets and agriculture.
Furiosia's escape plan only succeeds because of the help of two men, otherwise everyone dies.
Furiosa's plan to ride into the salt desert would have killed everyone, they only live because Max talks her out of it.
They only win and take the citadel because of Max.
Best of all Furiosa was actually realistically written as a fighter. Every single time she gets into a fight 1v1 with a man, like when she does with max for example, she instantly and repeatedly goes for weapons and never tries to fight head on except as a distraction to again go after a gun or melee weapon because she knows she can't match a male in strength without a weapon. She only gets physical with males if she has absolutely not other option.

So yeah, essentially it is "feminist" if you are retarded. But that's the only way.


immortan Joe was the good guy in this movie - he literally wanted to build a society in postapocalyptyc world, literally trying build something from nothing but Strong Wymyn TM happily saved the day thanks to womn magic and emotions. pathetic

How about get back to Red dit woman apologiser

Incel rage lmao

Nice argument. It's okay to admit you were completely wrong, you are anonymous there is no social cost. The only one who will know you were stupid is you, and you can just drink that away like usual.


You. Onions it is

As with everything, the Aussie version of feminism includes a competition to be the most uniquely condescending in your advocacy. If you watched past the first line of dialogue then you got what you deserved.

I wish i had a harem

Was immortan jor a cuck?

OP you just got BTFO

You mean that film where max has to save the baby making harem and take them to the womens camp? Except the womens camp have all been killed except for a couple of old biddies and need max to save them? OP is neither shiny or chrome,.

Nice pasta faggot

i mean, sure, but how did you even stay awake long enough to see the sand hags? i had to read about it

Exactly this. At no point did I get the feeling of this being "WOMYN EMPOWERMENT". George Miller has said himself that there was absolutely zero intentions of making a movie for women

>women being used as military slaves and sexdolls break free from these externally imposed constraints
whoa, so this is the critical thought process... of /pol/...

It's 1 strong woman with a backstory that explains her personality. Its not just "muh strong wymyn". The movie makes it clear she went through hardship in the past and was forced to adapt. Did you forget that the women the movie revovles around were literal breeding slaves?

Max is constantly saving her and the brides, plus she almost die in the end.

Yeah but let's not pretend that the was the filmmaker's intent, he was clearly trying to show womyn power and just did it badly because he's a hack

It's more like maintaining preexisting systems through salvage and salvation. Remember, even the water was there deep beneath the Earth, the remnants of man just capitalized (built a capital Citadel) on it. You are correct enough on all other points.

its why it got such positive reviews
other than the feminazi shit, the film is garbage

The whole moral of the story was to give over "the patriarchy" to a gender-specified group.
No nitpicking and saying "well, men also do things" changes that.

Pic related is the answer you seek.
Under Immortan Joe, life was horrific and in a constant state of war or readiness for war.
Under the bikey matriarchs of the desert, their crops failed and their land turned to putrid swamp incapable of supporting life.
Balance in all things.

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George Miller couldn't top himself after 2

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If you read the comics, Immortan built nothing. He simply attacked the Citadel and murdered the people that had built it. Wigger through and through.

They were not just handed the infrastructure. The aquifer was held by a completely different group after the bombs fell. Immortan Joe at the time was Colonel Joe Moore in the army. Him and his men tried to negotiate with the people holding the aquifer but were turned down. They found the derelict oil refinery and abandoned lead mine and managed to scrape up enough resources to assault the aquifer by climbing to the top and launching a surprise attack. Then the built the bullet farm, the gas refinery and the society and agriculture in the refinery.

He sets up the wives to try and give birth to healthy children since almost all survivors are either sterile or dying of radiation poisoning. It's not just for his pleasue. Any women that goes up there are treated better than anyone in the entire settlement and if they fail to give birth to a healthy child after two years they are returned to the city. They were not lifetime prisoners.

Anyway, it's all the in the dark horse comic which is canon.

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How does this story which a babes try to run away from goons, kicking butt of daddy by getting a help from a dude, qualified as feminazi propaganda?

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>wasting 2 hours of your focus on feminist inverse power fantasy themes is smart because it's not strictly real feminism because it shows women in a less than perfect light.
You'd have to be stupid to believe this line of reasoning.

Please have sex

Immortan Joe was lawful evil tho
Max was literally shanghaied into furiosas bs by him and nux just by pure providence the movie didn't go out of its way to paint muh gud evil inho
All of the women where utter retards and got rekt by the men.
The only scene that was utter horseshit was the end scene where he just pissed off into the crowd felt forced
I like to think of Max as chaotic neutral tho
He killed faggot twinks in mad max 2
Hopefully in 5 he will just go even more insane although I dunno how they will top mad max fury roads action scenes.
George miller has tonnes of madmax shit written down so there's no shortage of material

How would the sequel to this even go?
>furiousas society collapses and becomes a roving band of nomadic femenists capturing men for their seed?
Or will it just go some boring immigration metaphorical hoopla?
It has anti femenism themes but all it implies is that furiousa could do better than the many mothers
How do you explain the ending and max just fading away like a ghost?

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Have sex


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It's about how both sides need each other moron. That and Max getting some of his sanity back, but just a little. Literally, the men in charge have all the stuff but they are heartless monsters, and the woman have peace, and love but they didn't have the strength or ingenuity to hold on to it and keep it. With them being kind, and mutant big brain telling them how to run things because women are stupid quality of life increases for everyone.

>It has anti femenism themes but all it implies is that furiousa could do better than the many mothers
So you're saying it's based on the individual, not the gender? Why is this a bad message?

this bait or for real?

Out of context it's not a bad message but furiousa is a fucking retard as other anons have said
>almost gets the brood killed 4 times only to be saved by max/nux
>will turn immortan Joe's paradise into another swamp like her femenist forebares did
>muh (unlimited) water aquifer
Yeah Nah I wunna see where the sequel takes this but I hope it continues the soft anthology style mad max films have.
The trilogy/mcu formula has been run into the ground