She murdered the British employee, didn't she?

She murdered the British employee, didn't she?

Attached: IMG_20190331_095458.jpg (802x720, 76K)

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No but she might as well have. She basically drove him to the point where he'd have to back her shitty broken machine or be financially ruined by getting sued up the ass. Suicide was his only option.

I dont care. I want those eyes to pierce my soul while she sucks on my weiner while scratching my legs and drawing blood.

Yandere thread?

whats funny is she put her name on all the patents too

looks like it
crazy bitch

why was she fucking the indian dude almost twice her age? what was the point

The machine wasn't broken. It was 100% vapor from day one.

> Gibbons, who was named chief scientist by Holmes in 2005, had grown increasingly vocal about the inaccuracies of Theranos' technology, according to Vanity Fair.
> When the department notified the F.D.A. that something was amiss, according to The Washington Post, Holmes contacted Marine general James Mattis, who had initiated the pilot program. He immediately e-mailed his colleagues about moving the project forward. Mattis was later added to the company board when he retired from the service. (Mattis says he never tried to interfere with the F.D.A. but rather was “interested in rapidly having the company’s technologies tested legally and ethically.”)
It's highly possible that he was "suicided". And this bitch is obviously a psychopath.

>(Mattis says he never tried to interfere with the F.D.A. but rather was “interested in rapidly having the company’s technologies tested legally and ethically.”)

indian dude was a good listener

She wanted the big Pajeet cock

Basic gestalt?

elizabeth... i dont feel so good...

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-03-30-00h19m56s560.jpg (565x770, 81K)

Why does she have that Marc Zuckerberg look to her eyes?
Are they androids?

Why won't she love me, bros? It hurts so much.

beep boop invest

Attached: elizabeth holmes.png (677x771, 427K)

This. I still cant believe people dont see this for what it is:
>severe delusion, cognitive dissonance and a massive case of fraud
She had nothing, she had no tech knowledge, no "idea", nothing except a persona which she sold.

People who say "she was just making it till she faked it" have never dealt with a fullon psychopath like her before. She knew she had nothing from the start and her aim was to further her career and to become rich/powerful, getting the machine working was irrelevant to her.

I hate how she somehow is painted as "a victim of her own ambition who's motivations were pure".

A concerned employee at the company (that was also responsible for producing the company's patents) was close to becoming a whistleblower. But he suddenly "killed himself" and Theranos' problems suddenly disappeared for a while

he just did this for the interview, right? as a joke or on a dare or something?

I want her to give me a handjob without ever breaking eye contact or blinking.

i know this particular image is photoshopped, but in the real pics she looks fucking scary. people were saying zuckerberg looked weird but she is on another level

you keep posting this, you must really want it badly.


Who wouldn't?

Someone please help me, I can't keep going on like this

flat out stating it is not making implications you fucking retard

or perhaps i just implied you're a fucking retard? hurr durr, user?

She's facing up to 20 years either way, I wonder what will happen to weirdo like that in prison

Attached: ht_EH2_le_190123_hpMain_16x9_992.jpg (716x548, 59K)

k, what's the story behind this glossy-eyed blond?

He obviously has severe 3rd degree burns you utter retard.

How could she let her meat suit slip on camera? Really sloppy.

this is painful lel

>1billion are gone
>probably thousands of people's lives ruined, affected, or even killed themselves
>20 years, but realistically 10
Fucked up world, when white collar crime is somehow a slap on the wrist compared to the damage it causes.

China doesnt fuck around with that. This woman would get a bullet to the head.

She'll manipulate herself into the top again.

love letters if this thread is any evidence of it.

Oh shit, we gettin Blue Jam 2?

Attached: 41F10T2NkjL.jpg (375x500, 29K)

What is this and why should I care?

it's not a good look to fuck with the job creators


JFC someone please just help me

you just sent a video of a total autist who is trying to act relatable. holmes looks like a psycopath

An hero.

What would happen is she found a death note?


Blue Jam reminded me of The House That Jack Built in that you could see the auteur just going for the easy mainstream conventional path instead of trying to have an effect on the viewer.

The photographer should be fired. Isn't he meant to be a pro or something? How did he get away with using those harsh strip lighting and having it reflected in her pupils like that?

Either tripod or the cameraman was mind controlled.

hello autist

the guy had influence too

quite epic indeed. please send more Z U C C memes

That’s just what women do. Fuck people to advance their careers.

>Holmes contacted Marine general James Mattis
Doubt that, a lot. 99% for sure it was Kissinger who contacted him.