ITT: Post the most depressing films of all time
ITT: Post the most depressing films of all time
Your mom's sex tape.
Did they find out?
>and both her parents are older
well no shit
She's probably autistic.
>both her parents are older
uhhh what?
it all went so wrong
>not being older than your parents
That post she made on Yahoo answer when she was 14 asking sincerely for advice on how to become famous actress....
Did she get a sincere answer?
young lana
The Australian film Snowtown.
people who had kids later in life. they're morals, sensibilities and fashion don't line up with more modern parenting because of the extra generational gap so their kids end up wierd, maladjusted and not prepared for life. trust me.
If only they knew
Weed is the cause of this 99% of the time.
Prove me wrong.
Nice try, man. Men raping young girls is the cause of this.
>(i have experience with w/mental hospitals & looney ppl)
nothing beats Kelly's story
isn't her story just that she was a slut and general "bad seed" who enjoyed being degraded
>nothing beats Kelly's story
you think anyone has emailed some clips to her dad?
You guys can mock all you want but this chick is literally a millionaire and all she had to do was lie on her back and open her legs.
She probably works 4 days a month. You guys are so clearly filled with envy.
>you think anyone has emailed some clips to her dad?
This confirmed happened.
>both of her parents are older
>acting in porn
>making anyone a millionaire
Nice try, Lana.
I honestly feel so bad for girls that do Porn. It’s probably not nice that I only feel bad for the pretty ones, but they’ve given away all their value and now no man of value will ever want them. No one will respect them as more than fuck dolls, and if and when they try to turn their lives around, the desperate beta males willing to take them because of their looks and decreased value will always harbor a grudge. They’ll act like they’re too progressive and thoughtful to judge her by her past, but it will always eat at them. They’ll always look at her videos in secret and bitterly jerk off to them. There will always be a fight where he reminds her that she was a whore and tells her she can go back to letting random gross men fuck her and cum on her if she likes. The really sad ones are the one-and-dones like the GDP girls who didn’t think it through when they signed up to carry that stigma forever so they could pay off a credit card and go on a shopping spree. Poor dumb sluts :(
Was the Asian half breed on facialAbuse?
The smart way to do sex work is the belle delphine way, or some light sex cam work so only Russians are dipping into your income and not Jews.
how the fuck is she 22?
Expectant father. Daughter on the way. The thought of this outcome makes me want to burn everything to the ground.
she was so fine at the start of her porn career ;_;
>now no man of value will ever want them
You under estimate the desperation of some
yep, made him have the talk with her, those are always the best ones
>this chick is literally a millionaire
What's her full name?
This. The only "professional" porn I can watch anymore is stuff with the girls who seem so insane / depraved they love what they do, like Angela White, Gianna Michaels, Larkin Love, etc
She was always destined for porn
Isn't Lana Roades retired? I haven't seen any scene from her in quite a while
Bullshit, it's always shekels.
>her parents are older
Well I sure hope so
Chad pajeet
virgin pornwhore
Pics of the unborn?
I'm into fetuses
>In June I got injured and thought I would never be able to do anal gain. But I recovered and amazingly was able to do this movie
any movies about inspirational comeback stories
Yeah they told her to stay in school and study hard
>lol she has money without effort
>shes only a prostitute
damn bro some of us like hard work, money AND dignity, man up your dad and grandpa agrees with me
what good is money if you're going to get ripped apart in hell?
as in they were older than average when they first had her and are now well into their 60s despite her being only ~20something, you autistic little shits.
Can't do any professional stuff not of the "strapped to a jackhammer & forced to cum repeatedly" variety. That's the only time they're truly genuine, unable to act if they tried.
this was when the Wayans were actually making clever scripts. This was a reference to Fishburne only being six years older than Gooding Jr when filming Menace II Society
>Daughter on the way
there was a daughter that was older than her mum
Watching a NetVideoGirl clip yesterday, and this just normal/average, cute looking chick doing her first porn vid was asked how many dudes she's fucked at once, she responded 3 and was also the 7th person in an orgy.
So, they're probably complete whores beforehand anyway, a good chunk of women are, the difference is most of them wouldn't tell their partners that and aren't stupid enough to jump onto a porn set for some easy cash.
Wrong. Weed always leads girls into degeneracy.
They can be normal middle class girls, then a few weeks / months after doing weed they become a different person.
You mean Boyz in the Hood
andale manito que tu novia se van a llevar
only a 14 y/o would take advice from the losers on yahoo answers
>lol just wait until you're 24 to pursue fame, when you're old and wrinkled by hollywood standards
complete bullshit. tell me how many successful actresses got a full college education before becoming famous. its gotta be close to zero
>who seem so insane / depraved they love what they do, like Angela White, Gianna Michaels
If those two are your idea of depraved than you haven't seen enough porn.
She’s officially stop making scenes for other companies.
Her main source of income is now hosting scenes on JustFansOnly and sponsorships.
it's the boyfriend, in that case, not a single girl in human existence has become a pothead on her own accord
As in senior citizens you retards
That’s because niggers ply them with weed and then rape them.
>They can be normal middle class girls, then a few weeks / months after doing weed they become a different person.
i knew two kinds of girls who smoked weed when I was in high school. normal girls who remained normal, and girls who were abused as kids and were always degenerate sluts to begin with. there were a lot more of the former than the latter, but all of the latter seemed to gravitate towards whatever drugs they could find whereas the normies never did anything more than pot.
Zero actual film discussion ITT, huh.
>man of value
they aren't trying to give her advice to become famous, they are trying to convince her to take an approach that leaves her with options when her acting career inevitably fails
you know what I'm talking about faggot.
>gatekeeping porn
We are discussing an actress’s past and future roles.
ah yes, the nigger weed rape gangs are responsible for dumb nymphos going into porn
You know one symptom of autism is being unable to understand humour.
Watch more porn, pleb
Obvious dumb girl trying to cope
fucked my friend's daughter and a cousin's daughter no regrets
a kindly advice for a Yea Forums bro
don't have male friends at home when she is around teenagers are very sexual and use all that sexual energy on other close males besides their family.
except freaks,freak girls literally fuck their brothers or parents given the chance
>so their kids end up wierd, maladjusted and not prepared for life. trust me.
Well that explains why I'm so fucked up
>b-but I've 'dignity' haha...
>I LIKE hard work okay?!
Are you a pornstar? I wouldn’t be surprised since most porn actresses are Yea Forums tier spergs IRL.
>i have experience w/mental hospitals
>ends up in porn
Yeah, I don't doubt it
Today's feminist are trying to make porn illegal. I'd be more worried of her doing those degrading acts with niggera for free because of "muh empowerment".
>except freaks,freak girls literally fuck their brothers or parents given the chance
they say they do/did to get a reaction out of you, don't believe a single thing some slut tells you
>en away all their value and now no man of value will ever want them
this naive incel
I don't feel bad. I love it, I love seeing them get defiled because honestly they're the kinds of shallow cunts that treated me like shit for my entire life. Now I have a fat fucking paycheck in a cool fucking job and they make less than me selling their body online to be abused by painful sex with comically oversized penises for my sexual gratification
The entire thing makes me happy on multiple levels
It's a crazy world.
yeah, dont you?
Based ‘if this is your idea of’ poster
Seek help.
based “based x poster” poster
You guys don't actually look at porn, right?
>chick is literally a millionaire
lol, this is not the 90s anymore
you can still make good money in porn but you have to be a very popular performer, work A LOT and escort on the side. Still, becoming a millionaire after 2 or 3 years in porn is out of question.
never in me life sir
help ? i can fuck a teenager alone unless she wants a threesome then she can ask for help to one of her friends
male or female i don't care as long as i can tap that ass
I hope based Mike brings this whore back for another anal pounding.
also, living in LA and having a dissolute lifestyle means that girls like Lana probably earn barely enough to not be in debt.
Uh yeah based
I heard that you can find pics of naked girls on the interweb but I've never checked myself
I know you won’t believe me but I’m as chad as they come. You probably just don’t know what it’s like to be the kind of man women actually want before they settle for the nice guy with a good job who will actually keep calling after they fuck them.
>calls other autistic
>when he himself is autistic
>I heard that you can find pics of naked girls on the interweb
>but I’m as chad as they come
me too and #metoo
lol those punches at 6:50. she'll never be a rogan at this rate.
they probably have horrible behaviour, like no self respect and no empathy
and they would probably look down on you even though they are the most disgusting things
LMAO have sex incel also wash your dick also Sneed
this depression kino, no doubt
yeah, drugs and living expenses are probably barely covered.
the ones that make money market themselves well, save, and move on to directing and producing videos of girls that will never make it.
oh god no
wow you fucking rock
aye bu ah wha coust?
False. My parents were in their 50's and 60's when i was in my teens/early 20's and i was fine. Meme all you want about posting on Yea Forums, but we all know most here are normies acting like morons as a form of release.
Then say that instead of "older", autismo.
>are you ready?
>for wat?
god shes so fucking dumb
>Isn't Lana Roades retired?
Did you mean retarded? Then yes.
it is that girl who lost her lizard?