Sarah Silverman

was the word "hatefuck" invented just for her?

Attached: sarah.jpg (4171x1202, 973K)

I believe the term "pig" would be more accurate.

No she is based and makes my penor hard desi.

I’d love to whip it out and masturbate in her company

No it was invented for Marilyn Monroe

I think the term is "eviscerate"

Attached: silverman.webm (480x270, 2.92M)

These are the only good pics of her in existence. This moment in time was the only time she was beautiful.

It was generally invented for all jewess

hmm, since you know who she is you arent a zoomer... but since you dont remember her in star trek... im guessing you are between 26-30 years of age

I guess I would but her voice is a real turn off.

oh shut the fuck up you faggot

>Sarah Silverman
the "holocaust" was invented just for her

Annoying voices give me a boner, Fran Drescher makes me diamonds

>white males don't jump to her rescue
i love really old movies

You are looking for refrigerator

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Such a slampig.

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>I will never cum on her feet
Time for a rope

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>post glorious white world revolution
>Sarah Silverman stands before high magistrate Ben Garrison
>"You stand accused of subversive behavior, promoting degeneracy and general kikery. How do you plead?"
>"n-not guilty"
>"You're a liar! Normally these kinds of crimes would come with the penalty of death. However, for a case as severe as yours I see no option other than sentencing you to a the Brap Barn!"

This. You guys have clearly never seen her nudes

she went from retarded hot to milfy and thats okay.

Look at those gross talons

Fucking this

she's a hawkish fridge but I would let her suck me off tbqh

She should have had six kids by now.
>TFW no pregnant jewess lover.

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Attached: sarah silverman nude scene.jpg (467x600, 55K)

She's no Janeane Garofalo.