Jordan Peele's Sophomore Slump

Why does this have such great reviews? It was well directed but the script was a mess... thematically completely muddled, tone deaf and the "twist" at the end was the most predictable shit I've ever seen.

Attached: us poster.jpg (2000x3091, 885K)

because "Jordan Peele: Master of Horror" is a thing now


The reason it is giving positive reviews is so that Peele gets endless positive reinforcement only because he is a black filmmaker and not pointing out any flaws or critiquing it in any way.

"From the MIND of Jordan Peele"

I'm sorry if I wasn't immediately impressed. Who are they trying to fool?

it''s got 81 on metacritic, for a woke nigger who hates whites that's average

he should be getting 95 on every film from the faggots who review them

Am I the only motherfucker alive who just tries to enjoy a movie while he watches it instead of trying to pick it to death while it's still on screen in the first viewing? Does no one actually like movies anymore? I predicted the fucking twist, but I shunted that thought out of my mind the second I had it in order to watch the fucking movie.

Because you're a racist that's why magabitch

>Just turn your brain off
Fuck you faggot

You know, predicting a twist isn't necessarily a deal breaker if it's creative or interesting. This wasn't. There's literally a Simpsons Treehouse Of Horror episode with the exact same fucking twist.

Because people who watched key and peele watched an hour and a half long sketch without realizing it. These are the people praising it

You should know that most of Yea Forums is sad sacks who hate movies. They are Seymour from Ghost World, except with movies

ummm that’s migabitch, sweatie

Have sex

>it was thematically muddled and tone deaf
>also the twist was predictable
Stop this.

The hype around the film is that it's in no way sophomore slump. But it definitely is. The movie sucks. Peele is not going to get away with it for much longre.

Do you think the latest Twilight Zone reboot - which will probably be god awful, because they always are - will be what wakes people up?

>from the mind
oh the hubris.

Face it, Peele's the only black filmmaker who's made it big who makes his movies about politics WITHOUT resorting to Tyler-Perry-we-is-lit circus-foolery and shit. He's actually ballsy and takes risks with his movies. His shit is avant-garde and certainly not perfect (I was meh about Get Out and I loved Us but it was far from cohesive) but it's far more interesting and thought-provoking than the majority of schlock coming out.

If you want some true sophomore slump, see Dan Gilroy's Velvet Buzzsaw. Wew lad, now there's an example of the upstart fame going to your head.

how can i wake up when i am already woke.

checkmate bitch

The trailer for this has played a couple of times and I have no idea what it is. Like, I have no idea what it's about, what they're going for or who the target audience is.

I also thought Get Out was mediocre and was really shocked that it got an Oscar nod. Although I've never liked the Oscars I didn't realise just how low they'd gotten as with the Black Panther nom.

This might sound like a cop-out but the movie is honestly targeted at the United States as a whole. I think anyone who's seen the movie could at least see that intent. I'm not saying the movie isn't vague or too much of a mishmash or unfocused... because from one perspective it certainly is. I just think that the movie is a little untraditional because it isn't aiming at any one group to view it, excepting that they're adults. It feels to me like Peele's proof of concept that he can make a universal-feely Twilight Zone idea work on the silver screen.

I've only seen the trailer so I couldn't say. As I'm not American, maybe this is just something I missed.

Velvet Buzzsaw did look fucking awful, and I'm not saying Us was your garden variety garbage. I do think it was ambitious and I absolutely give points for that. I just don't think it worked. As far as the social commentary in his films, I definitely thought it was deftly handled in Get Out, not so much in this one... what exactly was he trying to say with Us? I got a bunch of different muddled messages without much cohesion, there's all kinds of tantalizing ways to explore how the concept of evil versions of you trying to kill you is metaphorically relevant to our lives, but I didn't really get anything terribly cogent or specific here. Potential substance isn't the same as realized substance. I suppose you could argue he wanted Us to be more multi-interpretable, or something? I was mostly just left cold.

Dances With Wolves beat Goodfellas in '90

Rocky beat Taxi Driver AND Network in '76.

I suppose the racial politics angle is new, but giving middling mediocre movies unwarranted attention and snubbing better films has always been the Academy's style

I just realized something. I think it didn't dawn on me until just now because of how mind mindbogglingly stupid it is.

Us = U.S.

Nice job Jordan. How deep.

I could argue that but most of my love for the film is rooted in its aesthetic qualities. I'm a huge David Lynch fan and I really enjoy something that goes for that "uncanny" feeling that this film captured so well. The music and Nyong'o's performance also really drew me in. I won't even argue that the film ISN'T muddled. I think it actually is, for a modern audience. My only lame defense would be to say that as a Twilight Zone idea it captured the essence of mystery and awe that that show captures so well. I'd like to see now if the original episode was as vague as the film... I'm curious.

tl;dr I see your perspective but the film just got me

The film actually beats you over the head with that connection. Early on in the film, Red says "We're Americans." I thought it was a little distracting and amateurishly stated. What's strange is that while Get Out was amateurish in its filmmaking but PRECISE in its commentary, Us is like the exact opposite. A bit bewildering but I have to say this: Give this film a fair shake. It is aesthetically worth ANYONE'S time, and I think you'll like various aspects of it despite yourself. That much I can argue on its behalf.

Literally everything on tv today is 24/7 non-stop astroturf. Its not even really movies anymore it’s just pure indoctrination. It’s like we live in the Soviet Union.

But rocky is better than taxi driver

That's liberals for you.

Didn't feel as clear-cut as Get Out to me, especially in the third act. Still interesting, mostly enjoyed it.

I thought it was a pretty boring movie just through a meandering pace and home invasion premise without enough of a supernatural edge to set it apart from others, but I’ll defijiteky agree that aesthetically - at night at least - it was well shot especially given the predominantly black cast.

It just wasn’t thrilling and I find the idea that, in California, an army of cops wouldn’t be sweeping the place in 10 minutes flat

The cops were implied to be getting attacked by their own doppelgangers, hence why they never showed up

They wouldn’t have been in cop uniforms though - they’d be in red. And with melee weapons. It’s plausible in zombie apocalypse sort of way I guess but not over night and not with the media able to report it so easily. Also, we didn’t see many of the tethered but didn’t they all seem a bit slow witted?

From the BUM of Jordan Peele

what is this fucking poster?

I think the movie implied that the Tethered reflect their surface selves... I took the movie to be about self-destruction through our own dark psyches and how it destroys our relationships with other people.

So... when Abraham goes after Gabe, for instance, he's practically too stupid to do anything right, just like his counterpart. Even his demise is fucking cheesy and dumb and a Dadjoke basically. But when Umbrae begins chasing Zora you see just what potential the Tethereds can have. Imagine the Tethered of a secretly sadistic and well-trained police officer going after him when he's "protecting and serving."

I'm not sure if they are meant to be interpreted that way, half of the 'point' is that anyone could become like them and they could become like us, after all

I got a very "Jungian Shadow" vibe to it, quite literally.

>movie sucked
>getting unanimous critical praise because directed by a nigger
>reee turn your brain off bro

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Blacks get a free pass

reminder this movie only earned $24m outside america

That’s a good point actually although an argument could be made that Red is more graceful/mobile than others because she was originally from the surface. The white family were all fairly lucid not really exaggerated.

I still the underground lab was ridiculous. What happens when a surface dweller dies? Do the thethered eat the body? How were they protected from disease etc. all that time?

I interpreted it as an indictment of classism - by showing that 'Red' could become a basically normal human after switching places with Adelaide, I think the movie is commenting on the notion that in America we often think of the poor as inherently bad, yet really they are just like us.

Furthermore, as soon as we get our slice of the pie (Red integrating into normal society) we stop caring - as Adelaide said, they both could have left together, Red didn't have to drag her down.

I thought it was pretty great until the last half, from there it just got so fucking stupid.

Mediocre reviews for a genuinely bad movie.

Good reviews are the product of liberal dick sucking. Everything is an agenda now and nothing can be enjoyed on its own merits.

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it came at night was unironically better at conveying racial tensions in a more subtle realistic way than get out


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Fat cunt

Have you ever actually had sex? It's terrible, they want to stick around afterwards and cuddle and the bed is too hot and also sweaty and the combined body heat is too much and the bed gets overheated and they sort of think they're you're friend now but they're not your friend. The second after you cum I'm just disgusted by them anyways but they don't want to be alone because they're needy or some other stupid made up feeling so I have to take them out for some breakfast and buy them a fucking omelet that we both know she's not going to finish and then when its over you have to get her number and promise you'll call her but we both know you're not going to call her. Why would you? You already got what you wanted out of her and the sex was mediocre at best and you wasted one of the two days a week you have free of being a wagecuck, you took your valuable free time and you fucking wasted it on some average broad when you could have paid for a hooker and had her get up and leave so I could go back to playing video games.

The only reason to have sex, and I mean LITERALLY THE ONLY REASON, is that fucking without a condom on feels pretty great. Nothing else about sex is even remotely enjoyable, not the stupid foreplay, not the cuddling, I don't even particularly enjoy getting my dick sucked anymore. I'd rather eat a burrito and watch American Dad and be left the fuck alone. No, I'm not going to marry you. No, you're not going to trick me into getting you pregnant(I've had a few women really try hard with that one), and no, you're not coming to live with me in my big empty house.

For one thing, it's my fucking house. For another thing, I like it big and empty, and lastly you're a fucking bore. Women are for the most part IMMENSELY boring. No, I'm not interested in hearing about your stupid day. No, I don't care what Sarah the intern said about your hair. No, I don't FUCKING CARE ABOUT HOW YOU'RE FEELING TODAY


I don't live in america and I'm getting ads for it on youtube a dozen times daily

>The only reason to have sex, and I mean LITERALLY THE ONLY REASON, is that fucking without a condom on feels pretty great
the only reason to have sex is that sex is good


This movie was shockingly bad.
I didn't like Get Out either but I thought it at least was a pretty good directorial debut. The trailer seemed like it wouldn't be some racebaiting "White people are bad and actually jealous of you cause you're inherently "cool"" and that paired with a director who seemed pretty talented was cool. Hey Jordan, nice trailer, a normal horror movie. Might be good!
Horrible. Like laughably bad. Shitty score, the LA DI DA DO song was shitty and played multiple times, I got 5 on it remixed was alright but played for too long during a fight scene that went on too long, hell every scene went on too long. Plot makes no sense. None. ESPECIALLY when they reveal the EPIC plot twist. So the tethered can speak? They were just memeing us? She forgot how to talk? Like she was raised by feral wolves? She wasn't she had a normal childhood. Oh she didn't speak for 33 years (1986-2019)? At all? So that means she's a fucking mess at talking? Oh their outfits and single glove are because Michael Jackson? ...why? Just because?
Why are the tethered stupidly strong? Aren't they just normal clones? Tim Heidecker gets slammed in the head with a poker and acts like the wind blew on him. They were down there for "generations", but had working lights? Cameras it looked like? They could control their tether selves but only sometimes, why? Cause the tethered watched a Hands Across America ad?
At a certain point "turn your brain off lol" doesn't even make sense. The movie is assaulting you with insane, even contradictory information. Who cares if the tethered mom got out? That's still her family. She doesn't know who the other family are? She put the other chick there. She knew. One hell of a convincing actress, that mom. Or just idiot. She was willing to let her family die instead of say what was happening. Or even hint at it. And for what? She's actively ruining the revolution of her people, why?
This movie is seriously the worst. I paid 9 bucks for literal shit.

My only problem was the way the lead lady's doppelganger talked

dis movie got negress nudes?

I wonder how much they're spending on international marketing.

It’s plastered all over train stations in London and that shit ain’t cheap

There's also the horribly written, drawn out, and even visually bad exposition rant at the end. Done in the shitty weird voice of Lupita. She is stabbed during the battle with herself, and that never gets tended to afterwards but don't forget the husband was hit with a bat! That's worse than being stabbed with scissors, twice! At least! Woman STRONK, thanks Chelsea Peretti for making sure that gets in the movie. They even have an ambulance, even just a few second shot of her husband tending to her multiple stab wounds would be nice because it can show how much he loves her only for her to be a liar in the end. Which was handled terribly. Should just have just been her looking to her son and doing the smile a bit too perfectly. Leaves a "Wait, is she??" moment instead of hitting you over the head with the TWEEST, you know the one that makes the movie make no sense.
Every actor was pretty good. No performance was shockingly bad. Some shots made me nauseous because of how the camera spun around, something with that and the frame rate was off, the rest looked pretty good. The scene at the table in the beginning violated the 180 rule a bit, which was surprisingly noticeable.
I get it. Poor, mental wrecks are linked to people with normal, nice things. Like they don't have to be literal clones they're just tethered to the more fortunate like we are tethered to the better off until we kill them and eat some rabbits. Alright Karl Marx I get it. Play Fuck the Police for too long about it.
There is NO reason to like this movie. Not interesting plot, cinematography, locations, score, anything. While the acting is good it's not worth sitting through the rest. It is solely getting attention because "black main cast", and that's so transparent it's laughable. Feels far more racist to tell black people they're doing a great job when they produce crap then not even letting them produce at all.
I wonder if that has dawned on Peele at all, or if he smells his own shit.

Because muh next Hitchcock lmao
But yes the script was a complete mess. Either don’t explain it and have it be mostly allegorical, or make sure your plot actually makes sense.

I thought it was much better than Get Out.

Interesting - elaborate. I really didn’t think it did anything particularly well or consistently outside of direction and lighting.

And a 1 and a 2 and a 3
Predictable progression that's Yea Forums

>am i the only
the answer to this, no matter what it is, is no. fuck off you arrogant cunt

You just described what I thought about Get Out.

Maybe he's just shit?

Ah, someone who hasn't seen the movie. Consider yourself lucky, dumbass.

Classic mass (you) Reddit poster.

It’s a rhetorical turn of phrase you stupid bastard. No one actually thinks they are the only one it’s just a way to invite others to agree or disagree.

>Sophomore slump
>Critically well received, does well financially
Is this another case of Yea Forums declaring something to be a failure because somebody did something to offend them?

>it's fancy worded bait
you dont say


I saw Us two nights ago and left the theater really pissed off for many reasons but the main reason was that this piece of shit movie was receiving such high praise and reviews. The story was dumb, the reactions of the characters were dumb, the twist ending was fucking stupid, and anyone saying there is some deep allegory for class discrimination is equally as stupid. The only redeeming qualities is the main actress' performance and SOME of the cinematography, but even that got stale eventually.