The Walking Dead

How many more seasons do you think they'll keep this fucking show going for? I think at least 4-5 more.

Attached: the walking dead.jpg (1600x1200, 313K)

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Reboot from season 8 and I'll give this show a chance again.


Should have ended after Season 5.

It's been a horrifying shitfest ever since.

Stopped watch 3 eps into 7 and glad I did. I can only handle so much cringe.

It's done after Norman Reedus leaves.

I had a dream that CIA was a zombie and kept saying Baaaannne instead of Brrraaaaaiiiins. FUCK THIS BOARD YOU HAVE FUCKED UP MY HEAD. FUCK.

It will never end they are expanding it

Attached: Alpha_156_Death_2.png (339x499, 153K)

Season 9 is really well directed. They've really taken the hint.
Sure, it's hardly original at this point but it is presenting really well what it says on the cover and at times it goes above and beyond in a good way. I'm hyped honestly to see what they do next.

Attached: Negan.jpg (480x720, 33K)

I think I quit same time. Don't miss it at all.

One more.

Once the show drops below 3 million viewers they’ll cancel it.

If that happens they'll throw all the budget at bringing Lincoln back and use the hype to bring people back. I can see at least 14 seasons, 'specially with the current production team.

They should drop doing 16 episodes per season and cut it down to 10

Then the show will have less filler and more compact plot.

AMC too greedy

It's a character drama/almost a soapbox at it's core though. To manage the amount of B/C/D-plots they have it's really necessary to have so many episodes, otherwise the writing would have to change genre or be extremely brief and rushed.

Attached: Sombi.jpg (1200x801, 1.36M)

*soap-opera. I'm tired.

Not anymore it isn't. Only reason why people watch the show now is for Norman and the zombie aspect. If people cared for the human drama, they'd have jumped ship as soon as Carl's actor or Andrew Lincoln were pushed out of the show.

connie a cute


Attached: conniecute.jpg (1222x817, 204K)

What an ugly nigger. shoo shoo nigger.

no, she cute

Haahahaha the nigger is deaf in real life. Thats what you get for being a dirty ape.

Looking foward to Alpha losing her head, but thats gonna be at the end of season 1o at the pace they are going now.
Imagine if they took a Stargate type format instead of this 16 episode, split season shit.
22 episodes, actually chockers full of story, independent episodes, main story arcs, and smallers story arcs.
They would be where they are at now story wise by season 5. Chancler could still be around and actually look like he is 20 now (after 6 year jump) and they shouldnt have killed off rick. Now after the piking Enid and Tara were the latest long term charaters left, other than Daryl and Carol. Who I think will never die.
Its peaked, and I only watch it because I like to finish what I start.

oof she looks terrible there.

I said that about the simpsons 20 years ago


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This seems genuine.
This show is dogshit. Has been since season 2. Negan is a swearbox, oh wow he says the big bad word oh wait, what's he gonna say?
Haha no. He won't. He'll be some epic meme machine of "blood filled throats of rods that".
He'll never have a good one. Thanks TV.
He's not good to begin with. He's a meme. A fucking stupid one at that.
This show is fucking awful. Only thing right they did was not axing Rick's hand. Which is so fucking stupid it's hilarious. Nice comic book retards.

what the fuck is this typing style, are you just reading into Siri or some shit? fuck off

I'm pretty sure the plan is only like 3 more seasons or some shit. They had a legit number out there I forgot.

>mad I shit on your show with a unique and good style
My man? Okay? You're SHIT.