Why was this movie received so well?

Why was this movie received so well?

Attached: Get_Out_poster.png (220x330, 155K)

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"Funny, scary, and thought-provoking, Get Out seamlessly weaves its trenchant social critiques into a brilliantly effective and entertaining horror/comedy thrill ride."

the bleqs

It’s a good movie.

Unironically this

You can imagine my disappointment to find more than a fair share of cries of racism, and the despicable, repeated and ironically racist notion that if this movie had a white director, it would not have received the same praise.

The reality is that this movie is brilliant and horrifying. Absolutely unbelievable work for the first-time director Jordan Peele. I love horror films, but I've become jaded and found it hard to feel anything resembling terror from anything released in the past few years.

This movie is terrifying. Terrifying in a way that keeps you begging to know more even once the credits roll. 10/10

>trenchant social critiques
thats why ill never watch it. comedy horror is my favorite genre and I dont want it bastardized with reminders of how fucked our victim complex/virtue signalling culture has become.

this movie is a new milestone in how bad it has become. it's like a combination of black peoples inferiority complex and white peoples cuck complex.

If I wanted some braindead assholes self important opinion from imdb Id go to imdb, you braindead asshole.

After sitting through two and a third long hours of "IT" recently, being bored mostly by the predictable CGI and the usual jolts in today's so called horror films, I just watched "Get Out". I wasn't expecting much, as the DVD had 5 mediocre to awful previews. But almost immediately, I became intensely involved by the plot and quality of this film, which mixes social satire and racial issues brilliantly. This is not like most horror films today, but rather more like suspense thrillers as "The Stepford Wives", "the Harvest", or "The Tall Man". The scares are not like jolts, but rather stem from the nervous feeling that kept me glued to the screen, anxious to see what will happen next. I just learned this was the director's first film, though it seemed to have excellent production values and built suspense seamlessly. I love stories where something strange is going on, and the mystery is gradually revealed, like the original "Invasion Of The Body Snatchers" or "Night Of The Living Dead". For those not looking for gore or shocks, but rather suspense, this should satisfy most of you. But if special effects are your preference, maybe stay away.

This movie had lots of suspense from beginning to end, great acting, and a great story. That is all I have to say about the movie, but IMDb has a STUPID rule forcing people to post 5 lines worth of text, as if they were professional movie reviewers. For this matter, I will fill the rest with unrelated content:

The House speaker said any deal brokered with the Democrats would have to go through the GOP-controlled Congress. "I think the president understands he has to work with the congressional majorities to get any kind of legislative solution," Paul D. Ryan said at a news conference on Capitol Hill.

>a combination of black peoples inferiority complex and white peoples cuck complex.
literally what Jordan Peele is

This movie turned me on. Does Yea Forums have any other favorite cuckold movies?

I honestly found the plot very dumb.
The only merit I give to the director is that it's hard to tell whether he was merely pretending to be retarded or not, which ultimately means the same.

>victim complex/virtue signalling
This movie has nothing to do with either of those, which you might know if you weren't so constitutionally delicate as to get offended by movies ya pussy.

>Why was this movie received so well?
Because people were told it as good and they can't formulate their own opinions as they are majoritively the worker drone caste of society and have to get pollen for the queen so when the queen, in this case group consensus, tells them X, they have to conform to X, or else risk ostracism from the hive. It is the same reason why you can ask your coworkers what their favorite movie is and if male they will invariably respond "godfather" because it ranks as #1 on imdb etc, and is a manly type of show so they will appear cool and also worthy of working for the queen.

Thanks to steve jobs dumbing down the internet so that all it takes is a touching the internet icon on their phone, the average iq of the userbase has dropped to the point we get posts like these regularly.

>movie about white people preying on blacks
>not a single white actor is given anything outside of a clique evil role
>reason they target black people is because they are 'virile"
Yea I agree it has nothing to do with victim complex and has no virtue signalling at all.

i called the fucking rose twist a mile away because how would she not realize these servant people are acting so strangely?
and how dumb is chris for not realizing straight away that they AT LEAST wanted his body for SOME REASON when they kept commenting on his physique, asking if he plays golf...
the one good part is the clever bits of foreshadowing sprinkled throughout, like how the black guy with the straw hat says "for me, being an african american has been pleasant"

I was amazed to see so many negative reviews; so many people are impossible to please. This movie was 2 1/2 hours long, but I could have sat there another 2 1/2 hours and not noticed. Thoroughly entertaining, and I love how the directors weren't afraid to take chances. I've read a lot of other user reviews that claim that there's no plot. Unless you're mentally handicapped or not paying attention because you're on your phone the entire movie, the plot is pretty clear, and decent in my opinion.

>said the /pol/tard with zero self-awareness

So is it a clever commentary on white liberal racism, or just a poorly thought out analogy of slavery?
This movie reminds me of "This is America".

it's a well made and funny movie

I decided to see this film at the theater after hearing some of the hype (which was basically that it is an excellent horror film that is told from the perspective of a black man).

Well, I can see this would be truly the worst nightmare of a black man (and really the worst nightmare for us all). This is NOT a film that tries to make the viewer feel "sorry" for black people, nor is it at all preachy, but it is just a good old fashioned horror film with a fresh new setting. I'm an old white guy by the way.

The acting is wonderful, and directing is amazing. The film, while mostly horror, is actually completely hilarious in some parts, making it the funniest AND scariest movie I have seen in ages (no easy feat). It is a shame that the film will likely not be regarded in the company of Academy Award potential nominees, because the directing and acting is honestly Oscar worthy. Again, no small feat for a horror movie that is also funny.

In summary, this is a MUST SEE at the theater and one of the best films of the year. It is a fun ride that is very well done!

It was good. And black-obsessed libruls were the baddies so it was appealing to corporations.

These imdb posts all read like an ai bot composed them.

Which authority in society do pol get their views from?

the first one. the movie plays with the idea of becoming black because it's "cool" to be black today, except actually BEING black would not be cool. it would just be cool to control a black body.

the bad guys in the movie are liberals that love black people so much they want to become them in their second life. What the fuck about any of that movie is about "virtue signalling?"

>he thinks the critique was only about white liberals
Do you really think a mixed race man in California has any understanding of the distinction between a white liberal and a white conservative?
Honest question, because I'm having a hard time believing it myself.

because it was good

>It was good.
why? try not to sound like a vacuous imdb user. go.

Or it's a movie about how white people spend their entire lives trying to exploit minorities, and the film takes the opportunity to express that by having white people literally steal black bodies for themselves.

>he thinks the critique was only about white liberals
it unambiguously was. Conservatives don't want to be black.
>Do you really think a mixed race man in California has any understanding of the distinction between a white liberal and a white conservative?
Do you think they don't? Are you retarded?
>Honest question, because I'm having a hard time believing it myself
What are you even asking? Poor people and minorities don't hate conservatives because they're white, they hate them because they support corporatist policies that absolutely fuck over poor people and minorities. That's an easy target. But making a movie about white liberals that believe that black people are superior, and are harvesting them to have a second life in their body, that's a pretty interesting and novel concept.

always be very skeptical about niggers who make movies to jerk themselves off about how hard they have it. havent seen it so i cant say for sure, but theres movies i want to see. why would i watch a movie that presents itself like this? the way i see it
black people = bad movie more often than not.

Us was good, I just hate seeing blacks in movies like that. it ruined what i thought the message of the movie was, for me. Also the movie has very subtle hints of 'fuck whipeeepo' that black people just cant seem to stop themselves from including in their movies, and black audiences cant help but to love being pandered to. I cant imagine Get Out is any different.

tell me, is there a scene in Get Out equivalent to the scene in Us with the black family breaking into the gaudy and expensive home and killing the evil white people (who had just effortlessly killed the stupid regular white people in the scene prior) to the N.W.A. song? The white lady who cuts her face to look like the beautiful nigger lady? it just reeks of insecurity. Make the main family white and you have a perfect movie, except the darker scenes (especially the funhouse scene) where the black skin blends into the dark mirror. black movies are ALWAYS flawed on some level. whether it be ham fisted social commentary that doubles as Democrat propaganda or subtle racist ideas about how blacks and whites are fundamentally different.

you can look at the script structure, the way it was shot, the performances, the editing, the underlying themes, etc. It was all relatively very well done.

And again, white conservatives generally really enjoy the movie when they actually fucking watch it.

>Do you really think a mixed race man in California has any understanding of the distinction between a white liberal and a white conservative?
They are hyper aware of this, especially the more black nationalist types. They know for one thing which white people have guns and are likely to shoot them

There is no real indication that these are overtly liberal white people. They are just the same generic whites that you see in every other movie.
>poor people hate them because they support corporatist policies
Oh I see you are one of those people who will rely on senseless stereotypes to understand other people. No wonder this movie clicks with you.

>We wuz oppressed n sheeeit

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>white liberal racism

You retarded?

This pizza is so good, the sauce is sublime, the presentation of the cheese on top of the sauce on top of the dough is just masterful, and god, how it was cooked! Oh my, how it was cooked!
>but how did it taste?
What are you some kind of pleb?! Haha how did it taste get outta here.

jordan peele writes what he knows, and as a comedian, thats fine. but as a director, it's not. because peele only knows black culture, and now we have to suffer through him making mediocre horror moveis. and if anyone calls out any of the tons of plotholes in us, he can play the race card, and since most movies have not had all black casts, we can't say shit because brainwashed liberals have been trained to attack dissenting opinions.

it's like he didn't watch the movie.

any indication of this outside of films such as these?

>and if anyone calls out any of the tons of plotholes in us, he can play the race card

Ok, so if you point out the sheer unlikelihood of 300, 000, 000 tethered underground how is this countered with a “race card”? You aren’t making sense

>There is no real indication that these are overtly liberal white people
yeah there is have you watched the fucking movie?
>hey are just the same generic whites that you see in every other movie.
So to you all generic whites want to be black people? What's up with your sense of self my dude?
>Oh I see you are one of those people who will rely on senseless stereotypes to understand other people.
Nope I spent years as a political messaging guy in Republican politics. Fundamentally all of our issues are caused by economic market failures. And because those market failures benefit corporations we turn things into a race issue so retards all fight each other instead of turning on their daddy.
>No wonder this movie clicks with you.
Yeah I'm pretty aware of things I'm watching. And I also don't feel personally persecuted by movies where people that look vaguely like me are assholes. I don't want to be a black person. I don't even care about being alive. This shit is all cancer. Humanity was a mistake.

I could’ve done without the sci-fi brain swapping. A stronger commentary would’ve been if the white family was killing the black boyfriends for racial cleansing or after breeding them.

what even is your argument?
Look at this comment thread.
>how did the pizza taste good?
>This pizza is so good, the sauce is sublime, the presentation of the cheese on top of the sauce on top of the dough is just masterful, and god, how it was cooked! Oh my, how it was cooked!
>What are you some kind of pleb?! Haha how did it taste get outta here.

Do you have fucking brain damage?

you do realize the most recent market failure was in part due to anti-racist policies right? once upon a time there were regulations against giving poor black people housing mortgages.

>you do realize the most recent market failure was in part due to anti-racist policies right?
t barely has a highschool education

The one part I didn’t get was that the blacks that did get the procedure, they went crazy. Why would they continue to do the surgery?

Explain how he’s wrong

truth hurts doesn't it?

all of those "market failures" are just a society refusing to learn from the lessons of their fathers, and inevitably making the same mistakes.

some reading for you my friend:

of course no one talks about the quiet pushes of Congress because of the implications.

What recent market failure?

You mean the financial market?! It’s because we’re in a trade war with China.

that's a pretty complex concept involving a lot of moving parts and a lot of frames of reference. And it's fundamentally a faulty premise. They clearly don't even understand what market failures are and theyre whatabouting to whatever the fuck "anti-racist policies" as a reflexive pivot away from engaging with the actual subject.
>once upon a time there were regulations against giving poor black people housing mortgages.
And like this is just silly. Red lining and stuff was systematically fucking over hundreds of thousands of people. And it has nothing really to do with anything when we're talking about things like market failure in any of these industries. Giving shitty loans to black people (and all the other poor people) didn't doom the economy. Allowing banks to give shitty loans in the first place did. It's classic "bat down and away" behavior.
>truth hurts doesn't it?
no the point is youve been trained to fundamentally be incapble of even understanding what "truth" is. You're being abused.
>all of those "market failures" are just a society refusing to learn from the lessons of their fathers, and inevitably making the same mistakes.
You fundamentally do not understand what the fuck "market failures" even means. and again this is because you aren't educated. You're an uppity nigger talking out of your ass rat meow.

And yet you evade the question. I’ll try again:

How is he wrong when he says that PART of the problem was caused with supplying loans to pour black folk?

>giving shitty loans to black people didn't doom the economy
>allowing banks to give shitty loans did
did you even read the article? the banks KNEW approving of these loans would be disastrous to their books when there was an inevitable downturn, which is why they didn't want to do it in the first place. only after the regulations (making originators have more accountability over the loans they sign) were lifted by Congress did the banks go with it. why wouldn't they? they just got a green light from their bosses.

The simple fact is that a misguided attempt to reconcile what was viewed as systemic racism helped lead to a great financial crisis, and you're attempt to brush it all away as political propoganda only ensures that it will happen again.

I didn't really notice plot holes in the movie, and 300 million tether people underground isnt a plot hole.

I think the problem is that in today's political/cultural climate, people only view black culture only through the lens of white oppression. There cant be a black movie without some mention of white people or some representation of white oppression because today black people are told through all forms of media that the only thing that defines them as a culture is their position as a subjugated class in modern society under the evil whites. This attitude is pushing whites and blacks apart. It reflects poorly on both races and movies like Us really throw it in your face how delusional so many black people are when they are raised on movies that are half propaganda even when they are good. black movies are like news media cant avoid throwing in false depictions of society that paint the world like its LA in the 90's, thats what sells to black people because thats what they've always been sold. What is the general theme or idea explored in Get Out? i have on good word that it is entertaining, but only from my liberal xoomer dad.

What’s your definition of plot hole then?

Tales from the Hood exist, as do many other movies that portray whitey as evil in a black cultural movie.
The issue is that this archetype was used as a vehicle for social commentary, and the movie is critically acclaimed because of it.

Honestly it's pretty ironic how the racism that this movie is supposedly tackling is also the same racism that propelled it to the top.

>How is he wrong when he says that PART of the problem was caused with supplying loans to pour black folk?
because the problem was caused by allowing banks to give shitty, predatory loans with variable interest rates to people with shitty credit. And then allowing banks to gamble with the toxic debt and bribe regulatory agencies to give them good ratings on the collateralized debt obligations and everything else. It was systematic fuckery that fundamentally preyed on poor people. PART of the problem can't really be boiled down to racial demographics. It was systematic abuse and exploitation of ALL the demographics by a thousand people that made a lot of money off of it.
>the banks KNEW approving of these loans would be disastrous to their books when there was an inevitable downturn
yeah and they were giving them to EVERYONE willy nilly. It was a top-down system of corruption and exploitation. The people that KNEW they were fucking people over still did it because they were making money regardless. Saying it's the fault of "anti-racist" policies is psychotic and stupid. It was just "pro-exploitation" policies being actively incentivized by government deregulation of banks, and then banks making the choice to knowingly prey on millions of poor people.
>The simple fact is that a misguided attempt to reconcile what was viewed as systemic racism helped lead to a great financial crisis,
nope it was a basic prisoner's dilemma meme. All the market participants were incentivized to give out toxic loans, and then gamble on the toxic debt from those loans. And then they spent a lot of money trained woogie boogie knownothing retards like you to blame black people instead of the people destroying everyone's lives for money.
> and you're attempt to brush it all away as political propoganda
It's corporatist propaganda. You're a sniveling kike shill for extremely bad people that have spent a lot of money on your "education."

Because the whitey was the baddie.

when something in the plot doesnt follow a cohesive structure that makes sense. if there is an event in the plot that doesnt have a cause or effect. If something happens where we unintentionally dont know why we are seeing something that we are seeing.

What if there wasnt a scene where princess leia was rescued in her cell? what if one moment they were arriving in the death star and the next they were in the trash compactor? thats the simplest explanation i can come up with, its hard to explain.

the 300 million people underground, even if they are all in the same tunnel, isnt a plot hole its just unrealistic. we know why they are there, we know what they do down there, we know what they do and we know why and how they leave, we know what they do when they leave.

300 million people all breeeding at the same rate in a bunker under Santa Cruz is “coherent structure” to you? I appreciate that there’re more specific definitions of plot holes but I think a nonsensical premise like this falls under a similar enough catagory although I agree it’s wooly at best

a nonsensical premise is a far better criticism of the tethered than a plot hole. the tethered are connected to the people on the surface, the conciousness and actiona from the people on the surface seems to be sort of loosely streamed into the tethered. remember in the final scenes, where we flash back to a young girl leaving the tunnel as her counterpart wanders underground. we see the counterparts of people we see on the surface underground loosely emulating each other in real time. the 11:11 guy, the kids playing rock paper scissor, the people eating fries and laughing while their underground counterparts rip apart and eat raw rabbit, the tethered pretending to be on a rollercoaster and even the tethered little girls parents act out what they do on the surface. whos to say they dont mate and give birth in sync?

Like this:

I think that’s implied, yes. Doesn’t really give any semblance of explanation of what happens when someone dies. Would they eat the body? If someone is murdered up there does the same crime happen? It was just preposterous

legitimately btfo


>peele only knows black culture
He doesn't know black culture. He altogether avoids it, or makes it the punchline. He grew up white. To be fair, that's probably the most uncomfortable situation to grow up in, from an intersectional perspective: black people who grow up white are simultaneously fawned over and condescended to by white liberals, yet have to deal with exclusion and peer pressure from black culture.

pro tip: WASPs generally see "white nationalists" as niggers. You're not "white people." You're the embarrassing servant class that is constantly triggered about the slave class. You're literally the same thing as a nigger.

Because the director is black and the film is very anti white

Source: ASS

Because it was good, but it shouldn't have been nominated for Best Picture, especially over BR2049

t newfagot nigger

who here 1630s?

Wasps dont run anything anymore, jews do, who cares what wasps think


>Stepford Wives but replace feminism with racial politics
So brilliant, so brave

You have shit taste.

>Wasps dont run anything anymore, jews do
the ironic thing is that I have years of work experinece working for wasps that spend money teaching white niggers to blame jews for their problems, instead of the people causing their problems.

Jews generally have a disproportionate representation in popular media because their grandparents were smart and followed a new industry to the west. It's like if you being a gold prospector ended up being an industry that created generational wealth and connections and only led to more and more gold. Jews invested well in their future, when it comes to the entertainment and production industry.

And then the beautiful irony is that "white people" AKA CORPORATIONS EXPLOITING WHITE PEOPLE use the success of jews to justify why they should support policies that fuck over white people.

Like you're a fucking stupid cuck. You're a dumb bitch. You're just an easily exploited little faggot that anyone can manipulate as long as they pretend to be your friend.

"White people" are pretty much the only people actively antagonizing and exploiting you. That's why you're so concerned about jews.

white guilt

Basically this

>expecting me to fall for this
top kek. wasps dont run shit. Proof being that the same thing happens in every country with Jews, none of which are run by wasps

Meanwhile it doesnt happen in Israel. really makes you think

>top kek. wasps dont run shit
lol we literally are running everything you care about. The only jews microtargeting you are conservative ones that want to make you think supporting them will bring about the apocalypse.

Like wasps run all the fucking industrial complexes that determing the things you care about. Jews make comedy movies for babies and retards.
> Proof being that the same thing happens in every country with Jews,
What? White people convincing stupid white people to blame jews for getting exploited? You're just a stupid nigger my dude.
>none of which are run by wasps
everything is run by wasps.
>Meanwhile it doesnt happen in Israel.
Israel has both conservative and liberal shill farms focused on influence different demographics for entirely different reasons and with entirely different motivations. Same with most every other country.

And the US relationship with Israel has always been about utilizing them as an ally in a region devoid of allies.
>really makes you think
no you're trained to not really be able to think at all. It's just all jews and central banking and black people instead of the people actively and happily exploiting you.

To me, you're a sniveling little fat body pig faced faggot that's gonna kill himself regardless. You're a really light skinned house nigger. You're not even a human.

Considering the only ones in the movie that are mind controlled are the blacks..doesn't the movie kind of imply that they're less developed and easier to manipulate due to lack of intelligence? A little racist

What? The white family gets wiped out by the white tethered

dude black people lmao

I love Alison Williams.

Attached: blood-diamond-1447189904.gif (500x248, 1014K)

>soiboy larps as aristocracy
Again the people you're imagining you are have no real power anymore,they answer to jews

Holy shit did you have to btfo him that hard? Brutal

did anyone else feel disgusted watching that redhead qt in a relationship with a black guy?

It was a very thoughtful and well made movie about the inner fears inherent in the black experience...BUT THAT ENDING WUZ WACK DAWG!

I have more money right now than you'll make in your life.
>Again the people you're imagining you are have no real power anymore,they answer to jews
nope. filmmaking and television media is important but that shit answers to industry. America is run by corn and tobacco and wall street and academi and the prison industry and arms dealers and all these like trillion dollar industries that are spending billions on subversive messaging strategy to keep pig faced fat faggot virgins shilling for their interests. Generally this is accomplished by feeding feelings of persecution, victimization, and spite. This is best executed by propping up a source for outgroup contempt (such as jews as muslims and homos and trannies) to radicalize against and reflexively act in opposition to.

At a certain point you likely no longer even thought about what you supported, just what you opposed. And as long as you're reaction and opposing the boogiemen you're working for the handlers that were abusing you with them in the first place.

You're just a useful idiot nigger for industries that are exploiting you.

Yeah antisemitism is definitely shilled by big companies and not deplatformed from everything. Youre laughably uninformed

You CAN be my lawyer!

It's a pretty shitty movie.
The only interesting shit happens in the Last 15 minutes when he gets captured and breaks out.
Everything else just feels like padding.

The dude has no personality.

It doesn't make any fucking sense at all, if you want to put yourself in black bodies you could just abduct them, why would you go through the trouble of an elaborate ploy where your coal burning daughter lures them in? Also why would you keep your now-black relatives around when they'd only arouse suspicion? And why did they act all weird and autistic around him? Fucking retarded movie

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>Yeah antisemitism is definitely shilled by big companies
yep. And all other forms of outgroup contempt. Tribalism and spite are SUPER fundamental aspects to keeping cunts like you cucking for daddy.
>and not deplatformed from everything
being de-platformed for hate speech on social media sites that have a constitution right to do that has nothing to do with anything. Your addictive media use is your fucking life.

We are talking about TRILLION DOLLAR INDUSTRIES that are in control of every aspect of your fat faggot life. Not twitter banning you for being a stupid faggot. We're talking about corn companies planning on how much fatter you're going to get in the next 20 years (assuming you don't kill yourself) and how to train you to normalize fat faggot attitudes about your consumption of corn products. Oil companies training you "skeptic" messaging strategy that makes you think you're being a "centrist" when you're really just being a bouncer for them. Every fucking industry is exploiting you using subversive messaging strategy. Every person you trust is manipulating you.

Like these are hundreds to thousands of years old industrial plunderbunds. Not fucking twitter. Stupid fucking faggot kid. kys loser.

Why would you need to shill tribalism, something inherent to the human condition? Why would anyone waste money shilling something that people will do no matter what?

>he seriously thinks industry and academia shill antisemitism
absolutely lol. please go get laid you are way too mad

>Why would you need to shill tribalism
It's always about teaching children and pathetic adults how best to kill their sense of self. You need to eradicate a person's tendency to lapse into self-critical thought that causes cognitive dissonance. You do this by teaching them to reflexively lash out and down and away. Just always whatabout away from things that might make you think critically about daddy.
> something inherent to the human condition?
no it's inherent to the ape condition. Humanity in many ways has been the process by which we've moved away from that.
>Why would anyone waste money shilling something that people will do no matter what?
Because when you do it well enough sniveling little fat faggot kids like (You) will think that being a malignant reactionary faggot for corporations is "something that people will do no matter what."

It's been entirely normalized in your sense of self. You used to be a child.
>he seriously thinks industry and academia shill antisemitism
no I unambiguously know it. Why the fuck do you think you're so concerned about this shit? Just a wacky coincidence that everyone that most shills for exxon and private prisons and arms dealers happen to have weird feelings about jews? You think you just NATURALLY learned to blame jews for your disaffection caused by the corporate exploitation you support?
>absolutely lol.
the irony is that you're sitting by yourself staring into the black mirror. You're lying right now.
>please go get laid you are way too mad
I say this unironically: you'll be doing your family a favor when you kill yourself.

did the american corn industry tell Martin Luther to hate the Jews too kek


How fat are you right now? how much corn do consume every day?

You a gamer boy?

It was creative and well made. Why are you surprised?

Imagine actually thinking this

I found it really funny, its a decent comedy.

this but ironically