what the FUCK was his problem?
What the FUCK was his problem?
Other urls found in this thread:
he was a big guy
He was fooled into thinking Captain Kino (Marvel) would be bad
Bronson was terrible.
he didn't get to bring friends
cucked by batman
He was radicalized by the alt-right
He suffers from reverse Napoleon complex. Since he is a big guy, he felt the need to remind everyone of the fact and act aggresively towards anyone who deny the fact or thinking that he is not in charge.
He was a mangina and a cuck
He was proto alt right populist
He was born in a prison.
Didn't get out till he was in his 20's.
Only loved one woman, they never had sex.
His problem was he was an incel.
of course
Of course
Of course
of course
Could Bane beat Cptn Marvel?
Of Course! Dr Paven refused our offer in favour of yours. We had to find out what he told you.
Of course
Of course
Of course
Roid rage
Of coursch
Of coursh!
for you
He was pissed that he was a manlet and that nobody thought he was in charge.
Of course
He's a big guy but was only paid a small fortune.
Of course
Of course
Of coursh
he had a funny voishe with odd intonation, but Sean Connery had that funny voishe first.
was it kino
of course
Of course
Of course!
youre really funny and creative user
Of course!
of course