So everyone is more excited for this than GoT, right?
So everyone is more excited for this than GoT, right?
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Is that from the new Clone Wars episodes they're making?
Rather watch a rebels sequel
I'm sure it will be a horrible soulless monstrosity like everything disney anymore
Idk man that trailer had a lot of soul
Ahsoka and Sabine getting into random adventures as they search the Unknown Regions for Ezra and Thrawn.
That would be pretty sick. I'm always game for more orange girl.
if by everyone, you mean waifufags, then yes.
I would like it to be good, here's what I'm expecting; depature from the established characters personalities, focus on ahsoka with contemporary strong woman syndrome, denigration of anakin's character with contemporary man baby scenes, less star wars, more lame contemporary motifs of """"diversity""""
I am tremendously cynical, yes.
Game of Thrones has waaaaay more waifu material. TCW only has orange butt cheeks
they're not rewriting anything that hasn't been made into the lost missions.
they introduce all the main clones who paint their armor to look like ashoka. then they're at mandalore to fight a great big battle, alongside ashoka and then they're rewriting the opening to the battle of coruscant, to include ashoka.
and then there's knockoff delta squad but more kid friendly and cliche. like the big strong angry clone who turns the barrel of a spider droid back into itself so it blows up. or the clone who throws grenades and shoots them in the droids hand. did i mention they're going to have ashoka, who was created by dave filoni?
Season 6 was a mistake, not sure about this
so it's out of the blue making her the central character? eww
Thats what I want
there's already 10+ seasons of TCW and rebels that have ashoka as the main character. even the original movie had set up that she was one of the main characters alongside obi, ani and rex.
main character is not the same as series revolves around the character character
The arc with 5's investigating the Order 66 control chip was great and the episode that gave Sifo Dyas some backstory was a good contribution.
Yoda's trippy journey wasn't the best way to end the series though. Of course it was never intended to be the end.
The Yoda arc is kino
woah you're right
I guess pic related, 2d hershlag or ASSajj ventress dont exist. Actually watch the show, George and filoni knew what they were doing.
Its interesting, I just kind of prefer the force to be mysterious and unexplained.
Lucas and Filoni both like exploring what the Force is at this point. Lucas wanted his proposed new trilogy to be about exploring what the force is and Filoni incorporated some of those ideas into things like the Mortis Arc and the trippy Yoda arc in Clone Wars and the time travel in Rebels.
based space Australians
and Aayla and Barriss.
Her trademark
Is that lipstick or does she just look like that? Do Jedi women even wear makeup?
Of the 4 TV trailers I have watched in my life, this one is by FAR the best
She just looks like that.
>Clone Wars
>main characters
nigga one week it's Anakin and Ahsoka, next week it's Anakin and Obi-Wan, then it's Mace and Jar-Jar, then it's a random squad of clones, then it's Rex, then it's Asajj Ventress
there better more Sheev
nah, GoT will either be pure kino or a complete trainwreck, either way it's going to be entertaining
I always have an issue with Hondo being the "funny roguish criminal everyone deals with" like he didn't try to sell the teenage protagonist as a sex slave that one time
One last Kiss.
well, he is an enterprising pirate, he's never hidden that fact
What i miss? new series?
>children's cartoon
I thought he was going to sell her to the separatists for that fat bounty they had on Jedi.
"season 7" of the clone wars apparently
be skeptical
Stay in character Ahsoka, and suck your master's saber
I honestly don't get why he went with Padme when he had Ahsoka around, practically desperate for his cock.
Nah, he said there would be people who would pay a lot to own a female Jedi, and he put emphasis on female
>14 year old character gets introduced on your show
>she wears a skirt and a bra, that's it
>don't give her any more clothes for three seasons
how did they get away with it?
ha! that's upscale compared to her literal tube top
And even when she had more clothes on after the timeskip, she had more tits/hips
The scripts and episodes that make up season 7 were mostly finished before Disney scrapped the show. If don't want think much is going to change but knowing Disney they'll probably do something to tie it in with Disney Wars.
>dramatically leaves the Jedi Order
>still gets to meet up with her former master and command clones in battle
What was the point then?
They had lots of twisted threats to Ahsoka. Like the arc of her being hunted by trandoshans whose leader was gonna kill her, cut her head off and stuff it to mount on the wall as a hunting trophy
the mouse knows when not to reinforce failure
Is that why they doubled down with the TLJ shilling and the Russians hacked RT narrative 2 years ago?
well they kind of have no choice since that's their new thing
oh i dunno, maybe because she's the director's self insert and that's why he can't bring himself to kill her. he made time travel so she wouldn't die either. that and she's in 90% of two shows
>self insert
I don't think you know what this means
Did everyone already forget best girl?
Still wish I knew what Anakin said to her.
>final scene of the show was meant to be Darth Vader right after ROTS preparing to hunt down the remaining Jedi while Ahsoka goes into hiding
>Disney makes them tack on some dumb sequel era tease and a "see Episode IX in theaters this fall!" card before the credits
wrong phrase. but she is one of his OC characters that he can't bring himself to kill, like rex or his arc troopers. ahsoka should have died in tcw or rebels but at least she's a good character.
>implying filoni doesn't want to be ashoka and get dicked down by several clones and wolf creatures
sounds about right, brought to you by mountain dew and doritos
Why is the Resistance in the movies like 98% human when it's supposed to be emblematic of the whole Republic. I can only think of Nien Nunb and one other alien pilot I've seen in both movies
Blows my mind how little this story group cared about continuity from Episode 6
I would have preferred it if Filoni had thrown her in carbonite instead of going the time travel route. If you're moving forward in time you can always just put a character in suspended animation instead of having to resort to time travel.
I think having Vader her beat her in that duel but making an excuse to throw her in carbonite so he doesn't have to kill her off would have been a cool little glimpse into the shreds of humanity that were left in him.
Unless they're doing the Utapau Arc, I don't give a fuck
She didn't really time travel. She went through the gateway and came out like at more or less the exact time period she left, just in a different part of the planet.
Brown people are alien enough for the white slavers. They don't want their message diluted for considerations like world building and creativity.
That was the least notable of the unfinished episodes they released, only really needed for the Anakin and Obiwan bro moments to discuss Ashokas leaving, and that could have been done only 1 or 2 episodes instead of 4.
>obi-wan bro moments
>grievous actually being competent, and even beating obi-wan in a fight
more than enough reason to make it
its still largely unexplained and mysterious, it's still fun to get those small tidbits, doesn't lessen the force imo
but again i have 0 problems with midichlorians so i might just be a minority
Ezra must have time traveled to interact with her though.
I don't have a huge problem with it because the time machine got destroyed afterwards and its all mysterious enough to be trippy and interesting; but ultimately I think it would have been better if Filoni had used a simpler plot device like carbonite.
desu itd be better if she just died. i dont watch or particularly like rebels, but dying to vader wouldve been a good end to her character.
i assume shes gonna die to vader at some point, but its kinda cheapened because they already had a climactic showdown
Rose Tico being an alien wouldn't have saved her character but I feel like people would have been more forgiving of her wacky lines and save the animals nonsense if she was a protagonist coming from a different galactic culture.
As it is all of Disney's protagonists are human and they have zero unique aliens in the background so whenever they use Chewbacca and Yoda they feel like they're just props from the old movies instead of actual characters on the same level as humans like they were in the OT.
Excited since some parts will tie in with Respawn’s Fallen Order game
>i assume shes gonna die to vader at some point
Nope the last episode of Rebels shows her alive after the battle of Endor.
>but dying to vader wouldve been a good end to her character.
I guess but I'm not sure what it would really accomplish for the narrative. I mean we already know Darth is evil him killing Ahsoka just reinforces that in exactly the same way that offing Obi Wan did. Its just hitting the same note again.
Probably this. I like Ahsoka, but she should have died to Vader in rebels. You should either redeem Vader or die to him.
>Be Disney
>acquire Star Wars
>cancel EVERYTHING that was already in production because it's still part of when George was the owner
>erase EVERYTHING tied to the prequels
>Prequels = BAD
>6 years later
>ALLOW the animators to remake the work you cancelled those years ago
>not even new stuff
>literally the same shit you cancelled
Fuck disney
Disney realized they fucked up. Lots of people actually liked at least parts of the prequels. The extended media like games and shows were near-universally loved. People fell in love with the world of the prequels even if 2/3 movies weren't great.
they basically admitted that their adaption of SW is trash and can't stand on its own
Disney still can't understand how Star Wars can exist without Death Stars and Empire vs Rebels.
>Nope the last episode of Rebels shows her alive after the battle of Endor.
thats stupid
Sadly that's very far from the dumbest thing about that trainwreck of a finale. I don't know why TCW was so good and Rebels was so not as good.
It wasn't that bad aside from the space whales.
hmmm I wonder why...hmmm
Disney really didn't like the Prequels. They just couldn't seem to understand that people actually liked the Prequel era. Looks like they're starting to realize their fuckups now.
>2015 Battlefront was literally only OT and ST
>People cried out for Clone Wars content and now Battlefront 2 has literally been doing nothing but release Clone Wars content for the last couple of months.
>They release Rebels and Resistance
>People do nothing but trash on those shows and have been crying for Clone Wars to come back
Resistance is actually less shit then I expected. The first few episodes had horrible slapstick humor but the show steadily improved over the course of the season.
>space whales
>Ahsoka's fate unresolved, to be concluded in something with an even lower budget
>undid a LITERALLY PERFECT ending for her character at the hands of Vader
>like one good guy dies, a literally who (to be fair they did just kill Kanan and that was a great episode)
>Thrawn btfo with ease
>space whale bullshit
>time travel shit
>force dog stuff (kinda cool but went too far in a few places)
>this has removed Thrawn from the entire span of the original trilogy apparently
Palpatine swapping from Sheev to Sidious was pure kino though.
>episode IX
>Rey and Kylo having climactic battle with the REAL™ villain of the series
>suddenly Ahsoka backflips into shot and cuts them in half
Only way this trilogy can be saved.
I wonder if 69/70 year old Ahsoka is still fuckable.
Yoda was 700 and he was totally fuckable.
>the time travel
>It sucks at first, but it gets better as it goes along
Hasn't this also been the case with TCW and Rebels?
Maybe whatever her species is stops aging once they hit a certain age, like Saiyans.
The initial shittiness is getting higher and the subsequent increase in quality is getting lower with each iteration.
No, I’m not excited to see Ashoka and Sabine retconned into being the real heroes of the clone wars.
>Liking Ahsoka
>Not Preferring Asajj Ventress, who is the superior Waifu in every way
she sexually assaulted a clone while killing him, that's pretty fucked up. how do you know she won't force choke you to death while riding your cock?
Because my name is Obi-Wan Kenobi
Based Kenobi. The one man who could tame every slut in the galaxy.
Why not both
>my cock isnt barbed
Aside from clone wars what other animated star wars kino series are there?
Why don't they do non-comedic relief alien characters in the movies?
>R2-D2 as himself
he was real???
Only losers watch this show.
They're tripleing down with Episode IX, more women and negresses because that's what the fans want, amirite?
Seperatists shouldve been more humans/aliens like the Umbarans, and not just be disposable droids, would say a lot more about how the Republic is slowly turning into this Empire when they employ mass produced bred to kill clones to mow down dissenting opinions from planets that want to secede.
Same desu senpai
>>rather watch cartoons
It's a shame they stopped doing space battles for the most part after season two. All you got after that was brief scenes or something at the beginning of the episode.
>Literally just decapitated 4 guys in a kids show
How did they get away with this?
You don't actually see any human flesh get cleaved.
>it aint me starts playing