Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
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Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
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Night anons. I finish my shoot tomorrow and then it's home free. I can spend all day here and make as much OC as I want, so send any ideas or requests if you want now.
i hate generals. they are inevitably cancer. see /trek/ and formerly /who/ and /got/
but i like these
mostly because i know it's not viral marketing for a film about to enter theaters
keep it up
This the the kind of flop-posting i can get behind
bless the user that made this
good luck on the shoot peaches and we look forward to your company once its done
Blessed 99 digits
night Peaches see you tomorrow
Alita is so cute when she cry.
I have one and I'll repost if you don't see this:
In Soldier, Todd has a scene where he's punching a steel drum and remembering his time as a soldier. Edit everything going against our girl on it as he pummels it; his hands bloody and Alita is in the background smiling.
I'm so glad the gifs I found are starting to get used
I have more that are too big to post
can you scale them'?
>Alita is so cute when she ___
yes I agree
I'm probably gonna watch soldier tonight or tomorrow
Are you suffer user? Why you like to see Alita cry?
cute but also pls no cry Alita
why does it hurt how can it stop please
>when she prefers the meatboy over the hardbody
you posted this last thread and we used it as a general pic 4 threads ago why do you think this bothers us?
Namefagging is the most faggot shit you could ever do
apparently yes I just had to google it
What pieces of Alita merch do you guys have? Anyone manage to get one of those screen-used silver 1000 credit coin props that were on eBay?
don't be a baby, it's not like it's derailed several threads to date or any thing
nah it's whining about them
>2395 of 8298 (current) words.
the worst derailed we ever got was the sneedposting in the old /abag/ and the fight over lewd posting back near the start of #200
Dadposting is straight legit.
>the BR rip will surely drop, let's just wait
you can barely tell they're compressed
I got the HW shirt. idk why I can't find a good pic of it online but it's in the laundry atm and I don't wanna dig it out. Got it half price though at the theater a week ago. P happy with it. Hopefully getting the Iron City merch that one user posted a few threads ago. The Factory pin and a sticker pack. Going right onto my guitar case.
Cliffhangers how exciting.
pretty much. Lewd posting still happens but I think people realized that it peters out after a point and that most here don't really dig it.
I'm kind-of-not-really sorry.
>future tech is just complex greeble
>Are you suffer user? Why you like to see Alita cry?
Yes I am. I explained in the previous threads. I just like seeing cute good hearted character suffer. I really enjoy seeing her in tears.
Different people enjoy different things. I dragged a lot of people to see this movie, so I did my share to support Alita, so what if I enjoy her tears?
I look forward for more Alita tears and suffering in the sequels.
YES, more Alita tears.
When will they announce the blu-ray release?
glad you're branching out cutter.
Ido ain't gonna like this
it depends on the kind of lewdposting too. like spamming threads is bad no matter what but like pics like this behind spoilers and with other relevant points aren't really a problem:
Things are picking up. Remember to pop them all in the handy .zip pastebin gives you for easy sharing when you're done!
Now I get why writefag keeps his stuff pared down. My lord, my brain is melting.
The who the what now?
yo where Ido at? I was supposed to drop this off
>tfw this just makes me want to go see our girl a 17th time but I probably can't now.
it's going to be a long wait until blurays.
when you have a pastebin there's an option to download all of your pastes as a .zip to make them easy to share with people. for those who like archiving stuff and don't want to bother copy/pasting everything manually.
Oh, I got all my stuff in google docs first where I drafted it. I'm posting them as soon as I'm done revising.
>Taking a short break though.
Yeah this guy gets it. I've done a couple myself although I also find a summary paste helps a lot when you get to sprawling amounts of content. Also threadly repost as always for the new people in the thread.
I read that earlier. Very nice job, fren.
all this fanfic is making me want to act on writefag's encouragement I'm the 40kfag and actually utilize my days off for some fiction-oc.
have you watched the anime
it's pretty kino
no, I meant to last night but my meds/having a long workday made me get tired sooner than I anticipated. I will probably watch it tomorrow though when I'm not drunk.
Legitimately do it. Everything that makes this community stronger and builds content is appreciated. The stories we make will help keep the world of Alita alive before we have the inevitable mass-OC deluge from the BR rip and people coming to say 'wow I wish I'd caught this in cinemas.'
it's on youtube in several versions
I like the UK dub but the US dub is what they based the movie dialogue on
user you brought me the wrong kind of fluid
I've had scrivener for over a year and half, I might as well do it even if it sucks butts. thanks fag. I don't know if you have some junk-email to receive stuff but I wouldn't mind sending what I've got 40k-wise to give you an idea of my prose style.
Just spent over $200 on the original manga's. This is the only financial decision I feel confident about.
oh shit pol is broken, catalog and reply buttons don't work
Thank goodness (and I say that as a /pol/tard)
Anyone is welcome to contact me at the address in my name for ideas or just a chat. Doesn't matter what it is; I'll be around.
Thank god someone else noticed. I thought I was banned because other people were posting
why did you lie to me
but he is literally telling the truth, I noticed it too
Sorry guys, I really can't motivate to write right now. Was hoping to have beachscript done and recorded by tonight, but I can't.
any edits done where you-know-what is in her mouth instead?
I'm simultaneously paying for $200 Sennheisers and eventually the 1/6 scale Alita fig and might drop another $120 on a Warhammer set. I hate having expensive hobbies. I also need a matching neck pickup for my guitar which also runs about $110 and I still need a decent interface and might get the Fortin plugin. I'm just glad I have a place to save but drop serious coin on shit I want before I move back out.
sending now writey-boi. It's short, as I've mentioned. If you know anything about 40k, it's true to the setting. I just want feedback on my style I guess. how it flows, describing things without being overly verbose, etc.
Oranges? No, I don't think so. Chocolate's her favorite food dummy, not oranges!
Lads I just got home from a nice chilling whith some cllsoe friends! And I just wat to seat that I lovw yoy all!!! This is rhte mist cofy rhreadt frifgt now!!! I wish we cloud meet for he sequel!!!!
probs going to bed soon anons
love you too user
It's not just /pol/ it's all of Yea Forums (not 4channel) that has the catalog and reply buttons broken
Maybe the real Zalem were the friends we met along the way...
No breaks. No time off for good behavior.
don't force stuff, do it when you're feeling it.
I will say for you guys that in comparison with the general spite on Yea Forums Alita threads stand out for their benignity. You could be onto something.
Good, good.
Alita’s gf Erika thinks her tears are yum yum good.
that's what she said
Give me the access codes for Zalem's computer.
I have the Alita experience coin but I would get Vector 1,000,000 for one of the screen used ones.
friendliest general on Yea Forums who even accept their enemies.
Don't push my buttons, agent. You wouldn't like me when I'm aflangry.
well what do you know about that? I would not have believed Jimmy Fallon could lean so far forward without falling on his alcoholic face
/ourdad/ was holding him up.
The listings are finally live on OfferUp for those who want to buy Arizona cans. Anons from outside burgerland can email me at alitasings at outlook dot com for international shipping rates.
no alita
no life
Also I still have some merch from the Alita Experience. You can email me to ask for details too.
How much for a chocolate? I'm a Cali amerilard, if that makes any difference.
>Alita Experience
what exactly is the alita experience?
It's like that escort GF experience service. You pay a cosplayer dressed as Alita to hold your hand and say cute things while you walk around.
Boy you missed a few threads huh
Does it say "Motorball Limited Edition Hard Enamel Pin"? I'm practically blind without my specs and don't see so well even with 'em.
if only
Tanjis head on this dude.. something to the tune of DON’T MAKE ME BUST YOU UP ZAPAN!!
10 buckeroons plus shipping
bar/game room thingy based on the movie. Pretty cool if you check it out with a group of friends or if you want to meet new people.
It does
You just made a sad in me.
Anyone score one of these mugs? Looks black but.
you go to a replica of the Iron City set and play games and stuff
Rosa is your mommy now. Say something nice!
pls Rosa no cry :c
Like, mommy-gf, mommy-in-bed, or like mommy RP 24/7? Because they're not equal.
Magic color changing Alita mug I’m so happy. Mornings will be fantastic.
sorry I got a C mama por favor don't hit me with the chancla
>It's like that escort GF experience service. You pay a cosplayer dressed as Alita to hold your hand and say cute things while you walk around.
my buddy's younger teen sister looks just like anya taylor-joy, maybe we should actually do this
I don't need a mom I need a fun girl to hangout with and that's Rosa.
pretty neat tho
your buddy better be worried about you, user lol
you're so CUTE
I want to touch your prepubescent penis, user
That's so cool
How much for the motorball pin? I might hit you up
>implying you never wanted to fuck a friend's hot sister
Got it from the wish app. Straight from China stuff came in a ball of styrofoam and bubble wrap no box. I ordered it before I read the manga now it’s like ‘fuckin birds huh?’ but I still love it.
You've got some great financial potential there, bud.
From which interview was the information that Rosa colored the manga?
Pins are $10 each plus shipping. The prices I'm giving is what they actually cost.
full pic
NEVER! my friends are all weird only children. Imagine living your life only knowing one room to yourself. Eerie.
that's what I'm talking about.
more than one interview but I've seen so many I have no idea where to start
I think it's the one where Jon Landau is asking questions to Jim, Rosa, and Robert but I need to go to bed now
I’d like to buy a couple cans of beer or ‘soap’ as they call it at the ups store. I’d pay extra. I had some Alita koozies made I’d send you free of charge too user.
I met a lot of international students as past of my studies and whenever I asked a Chinese born person if they had siblings the answer was predictably 'no'
>don't worry, mr frog
>I'll protect you from the monsters that live in the attic
>if they try to hurt you I'll use my Panzer Kunst and scare them away
sorry, user. I don't have the full cans anymore. I only have one empty can left.
Cool. You'll most likely get an email from me within the next day or so.
Thanks, I will search.
Thanks user. The crane is on the other side of the mug I just didn’t photograph it. Good stuff. fucking birds
If there's one thing Zalem hates it's birds
I lived in the same room as my brother until we were like 20 and 18? It's always odd to me to befriend people who don't have siblings. They take having their own space for granted and are always more uncomfortable with being alone. I know it's not always true but it's proved that way in my experience.
Hnng i’d still want it. Still will send koozie too.
Yeah ever since I moved out it's been to shared houses so I have a small space of my own but the rest is always communal- forces you to learn to get along with people
the second panel of this always makes me smile. I genuinely feel sorrow for anons here who haven't felt the healing touch.
We're gonna get a lot of healing come the Blu ray rips
Sent you an email. Super keen on some of those goodies.
Damn. If I had known so many people wanted merch I would have grabbed a lot more. If any anons near LA wanna go do the Alita Experience tomorrow I'd be down.
I went from being with my folks to living with my gf and back but I'm hopefully going to experience that sort of independent sort of life somewhat soon in PDX.
You got this. Keep us updated on the freedom and the shrine to /Alita/ that you're gonna build
Not stopping til I get it all revised a bit. Kind of rushing but hope it's still entertaining.
Chapter 4
I really just want to try the panzer kunst beer. I’d really like to just toss a few back in Kansas and start HW larping with everyone.
HW larping is what half the people at the bar end up doing. Each signature beer is $10, though. Getting dunk there is really expensive.
What a wonderful day!
try living in the Bay Area, user.
So comfy. With the amount I’ve already sank on tickets, manga and other periphery that’s nothing. I waited too long!
I have, and still visited once a year until my uncles sold the house for a gorillion dollars and moved away to Temecula. I like the weather, but fuck crowded cities.
>tfw an SJ native but hate the climate and geography
I can't wait to save enough to be back up in WA. I hate the sun I hate the warmth.
So will the sequel feature Alita's real theme
How were the tacos?
>31 posters ITT
>167 posts
Same. I live in sunny San Diego but I like the weather up north so much more. Sun is for fun but cold is for comf.
The tacos were a lie.
Shitty tacos or just no tacos?
your pic is accurate. People get seasonal affective disorder. I get the reverse. Summer = death to me. Unless it's 40 degrees I'm angry by default.
>I literally don't understand what generals are for
Fuck off retard.
one day alita walks past you, she wants to try the new hot tub and you turn to look at her and see she looks like this in her bikini, what do?
Needs Michael Beihn somewhere. Maybe as a bartender.
I'm gonna give them a read when I'm home friend.
This thread at night is pretty much just a group chat.
No tacos.
That's cool. Just getting all 8 chapters out.
>I told you not to wear that
>fleshy Alita
I try not to stare so FF won't fuck up my internal organs with karate or some shit.
Hey gais what's going on in th-
>fan fiction fags
Hahaha oh nooo. wow
They're for crossposting cancer containment, like /got/, /who/, etc. But at some point you overstay your welcome when you make it clear you don't value film as an medium despite posting on a film board.
Chandra, you sonovabitch
This, let's go discuss REAL films like Captain Marvel or Dumbo!
Look on the bright side maybe if we keep this general up then asian moot will give us our own board like the bronies
You got us shut it down
Better yet, nuke /mlp/ now that their show is over and give us that real estate.
You go ahead! I'll catch up!
>get meme into seeing alita because threads like this
>see it tonight
>it was fucking amazing and probably my favorite movie of the year
That makes no sense though, Alita isn't cancerous to other threads or boards.
That would be insane
>now that their show is over
not so fast, they are only in season 8 and they were told they will have at least up until season 10 and maybe even more
>Alita isn't cancerous to other threads or boards.
glad you enjoyed it user. Now you see why Alita has the power to fuel 270+ threads.
Holy fuck this general is still alive.
we don't need a whole board user. I feel like a containment board led to their downfall even if it took years to happen.
Welcome and be healed friend
>Alita isn't cancerous to other threads or boards.
That may be true but this general is definitely cancer.
Alita is a tumor so it's only fitting.
>misusing the word cancer
Cancer =/= thing you don't like
Cancer spreads
Alita doesn't spread
keep being mad
This is now a you love you lose thread
I was born a loser.
Cancer doesn't always spread. It's a tumor comprised of cells that don't belong in the body. Like a community of deviantart/AOOOfags posting in a general on Yea Forums for example.
pls don't steal from the Alita subreddit
have this instead.
Those days are long gone. Way long gone.
The Alita subreddit stole that pic from us 3 days ago.
Imagine casting her as Alita, shit they wouldn't even have needed to change her looks at all
user have you forgotten how Yea Forums used to be? How we used to have communities with actual content creation before it just became
And all that
did they? I don't remember seeing it here.
Anya is the only realistic replacement I can think of.
Why hasn’t anyone shown Alita how good chocolate AND peanut butter together is. At this point it might be scary too because she may be upset you didn’t tell her earlier.
Since I'm not American I have no idea what peanut butter is, can someone give me the cliff notes on that?
It's a ledditor tourist lectures people on what Yea Forums used to be like episode
hwat are you serious?
Shock you got me I'm going to forget leave now since you exposed my hidden secret
Yes, I've never even seen that stuff in real life.
Peanuts have no tits so it’s not actually butter, it’s just mashed up peanuts that happens to go very well with chocolate. Reese’s is the shitty childhood entry level but real peanut butter with real chocolate is god tier.
it's pretty good. I prefer crunchy. Peanut butter is great obvs on a pb-j sandwich but it's also great with slices of apple. Much better than oranges. I know that's heresy to say.
Get bent homos
As someone who's only read the original manga, I'm glad this movie is getting more people into the series. It really is great.
Imagine living in a world with no peanut butter. Fuck it feels good to be a burger.
How the deckman props were created
Underrated gif
haha except that anything besides 30k I hate now unless it's Chaos. I'm ready to wage war against the corpse Emperor. Death to the False Emperor.
just dropped $200 on the Alpharius/Lernaen kit.
Time to sleep the good sleep. I'll make sure to send everyone their merch by Monday. Night.
Wait, Gally has a human brain?
I thought she was supposed to be full robot?
How the fuck did an organic brain survive for hundreds of years in that trash yard?
thanks user, good night and thank you for the merch.
Manga: It's fluids were replaced so it could absorb the stress of high speed acceleration and shock impact.
Movie: Same time fuckery that she found the beserker body in.
It's almost like it's explained in the manga but you're too lazy/gay to read it.
Sleep well, fren. You're the real MVP.
Sleep well friend
I read it like 20 years ago man, gimme a break.
>I'm glad this movie is getting more people into the series
Funny, I've noticed a grand total of zero new people on the forum.
Before Alita the only manga I’d ever read/ purchased was Tokyo Zombie. Also read that one because I liked the adaptation first but both were just fun bites of entertainment. Alita in cinema and then manga really fucking spoke to me on the inside though. The whole /healed/ thing is not a meme at all.
>forgot that gally is a cyborg. Possibly her most significant character trait.
I don't believe you.
Did you even watch the movie? The URM microreactor heart was keeping the brain alive.
What's an URM?
No, it wasn't. Behind the scenes confirms the same technology that preserved the beserker armor also preserved her brain.
great more unnecessary deviations from the canon
I wanna fuck Anya on the floor while she cosplays Alita......
Actually, you know what? I just wanna fuck Anya on the floor whether or not she cosplays Alita
>imagine not being able to enjoy two separate entities lol
>imagine samefagging
uh all right good luck with that user
>imagine taking a perfectly good story and making retarded changes because you either didn't read that part of the source material or you're just an arrogant cunt.
Tell me about these changes, user.
>perfectly good story
lol you lost me there, manga-purist. I enjoy the manga. I prefer the movie. You're welcome to stay mad but the manga is far from a 'perfectly good' story.
i swear alita's doe eyes would make you cum extra hard as she looked up at you while sucking your cock
>Alita is named after Ido's daugher hurr
>Used characters from the OVA
>Nova doesn't eat flan
He's probably talking about some shit like that
>imagine being a paranoid retard
Fucking joyless cunt your post doesn’t even make sense.
In the manga alitas brain is biggest mystery in the entire story, something that still hasn't been revealed almost 30 years later. Not even desty nova knows who made the modifications to it. All we know is that it's permeated with some kind of resin nanotech.
Nova was there for like 5 seconds. I hope in the sequel he’s a flan chugging crazy asshole. I just don’t know how they can do his lab justice on a PG-13 rating, is my only concern.
It's got way more impact than a dead cat.
>Used characters from the OVA
So the movie didn't make the changes, the OVA did.
>Nova doesn't eat flan
He didn't eat flan in his appearances in the manga during Makaku or Jasugun's flashbacks either, why would he do so here?
this poor user lmao
Holy shit I was just banting.
But a reaction like this? Makes me think I hit a nerve, kek.
Anybody else here agree that the Alita character herself was the only saving grace of this entire film? Imagine she was not there or imagine her character was done poorly, the whole movie would have been mortal engines-level shit
Holy shit. One chapter left and my brain is fried. Egg like.
the whole movie is hinged around her so... obviously if if was done poorly this movie would've flopped?
The action was top notch, though.
>As someone who's only read the original manga
In Soviet Russia Alita meme handle you
also, you post a pic of Ty-Lee. Imagine if Avatar didn't have Zuko or Aang. Would you still enjoy the show? this is basically what you're asking us. A stupid question.
>Imagine living your life only knowing one room to yourself. Eerie
Hahahahahahahaha, yeah. I M A G I N E. wierdos.
t. Only Child
Haven't you got it backwards? The person who has read a relatively obscure old manga would be pepe and the newfag who watched a big budget hollywood movie is the normie.
Last Order is shit
That’s a great smug Alita. Can’t wait for the BD version.
I'm not shitting on you guys. I just can't relate. I just feel odd describing sharing a room with somebody my whole life and getting nothing but blank looks.
user stfu. Even if a manga=purist is angry at least they're OG. Fuck off with that shit.
t. brainlet
Love her poncho.
Yo, mark em as public so I can browse all of em on your pastebin
>pretending you had a point when you're actually just retarded
Oh shi--
Will do, let me finish the last chapter.
Cope harder, brainlet.
all right, clearly trying to be retarded.
>How the fuck did an organic brain survive for hundreds of years in that trash yard?
singularity level nanotechnology
k done enjoy
Blessed trips posting a cute poncho image
Fuck user I'll have to do something like that
I noticed three obvious transvestites among the extras, and I’m not counting the motorball fan in the long hair because he’s probably just a madlad:
Clinic stoop tranny
Purple dress tranny
Candy buying tranny
I noticed a pretty obvious prostitute
I also think I recognized an e-celeb as one of the extras in the scene where Chiren and Ido walk past the butcher.
I guess it’s time to stop rewatching now when I’m noticing this kind of stuff.
I love the movie. I’ve also read that some anons are worried that Alita will have a bad time in the sequel. But personally I think broken crazy killer Alita is best Alita. Vs. Barjack Alita is by far the best in this guys opinion. Really it’s just a matter of how the hell Den could be pulled off satisfactorily. rosa going apeshit for it would be outstanding
are you sure they weren't regular ugly she-beaners?
wrong armor considering “spoiler” Alita is essentially a Nurgling in a sexy robot body.
what? Alita is the finest of the Red World you heretic.
Can someone make a new thread, image limit reached
Usually my girlfriend has great taste in movies and agrees with me on most, but she thought Alita was completely stupid, I wonder if she just did not like the plot holes that I could tolerate or maybe she was jelly of alita
Aight in the oven
There are some pretty dumb things about the Alita-verse. When I’m as objective as possible, I can only rate it as a 4/5 movie due to the pacing being too fast and a lot of blink-or-you-miss-it worldbuilding. Like many people didn’t notice the space elevator, and even if I understand the “thank you father” scene it might have benefited from some more lines.
Definitely the jelly. My gf even feigned it was ‘dumb’ I wanted to see it. I saw it 6 times without her that’s what she gets for seeing Aquaman without me.
New bread when
Right above you lmao
Remember to bump to 310
>I will not stand by in the presence of evil
>Does not stand by
oh shit, sorry, i totally forgot, it's late
Is that why she kneels? and then when she's down there, she's just like, oh, cool, dog blood, I have an idea
We'll bring it to 310 don't worry
Peanuts are relatively popular in Latin America right?
JC is after all a genius
Even if they're not I think it's excusable.
>After the big war I told you about,
>The fall!
>Right, the fall, people came here from all over the world.
Props to grew for the Freddy Krueger reference
>Come to my world!
I was just wondering if you could grow them there
I didn't catch that desu
Heh. Could be Robbie Williams song too.