Movies for this feel?

Movies for this feel?

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is that a real article

Found this on /int/. How true is this? I don't believe for a second that we consume more resources than China and India

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White people should just be allowed to form their own countries and be completely left alone because clearly they're the cause of all of society's ills.

hey look its another /pol/ twitter bait thread thinly veiled with a "movie for this feel" which definitely makes it applicable to the Yea Forums board and not at all a way for the brain damaged original poster to get a cheap dopamine rush by harvesting cheap >yous with absolutely no thought or even effort required. Fantastic!

the average chink lives on two bowls of rice a day


What does it mean world population lived like?

Are they including all the business and manufacturing?

They hate us, cause they ain't us.

this but unironically

What are they trying to accomplish here with just a full-frontal barrage of journalistic attacks on white people

this but unironically

Brainlet statistics. Indians shit on the street and don't need to heat their houses.

That uses extra resources

At this point do you even need to ask?

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Eroding the voice of whites so that over time, white people (at least those that disagree with the politics of the far left/media moguls/corporate tycoons) cannot have social freedom to voice their opinions without being severely reprimanded as consequence. If they can't make it illegal, then they will make it socially unacceptable.

>(((Emily Goldstein)))

Every time

You know I ain't proud of thinking/saying this, but if we let Africa and the like revert to their iron age primitivism rather than uplifiting everyone with white technology/civilization and subsidizing their explosive population growth we wouldn't strain world resources so much.

Maybe we should do that first. If they can still maintain a modern level of development on their own, then maybe we should talk about what "white people" should do.

Holy shit you people are completely unhinged. Try not to shoot up any schools/mosques anytime soon, k?

Pretty sure "white people's diets" aren't much different from any other race in a given country

beggin ya to dilate

this has to be fake
i mean it's real, in the sense it exists. but has to have been written by someone from Yea Forums. first sentence of the article is literally
>First off, I am a white person myself, so allow me to get that out of the way. I’m extremely glad that the white race is dying, and you should be too

They're just making more and more white people decide not to trust the media at all. The progressive whites are becoming ever more pathetic but they're shrinking

this really made me think. thank you for the contribution to this topic

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I'm a white person who got sick of burgers and fries when I was about 14-16. On the down side, I don't know what a food I'm not sick of is, so I tend not to eat much. As a consequence, I am skin and bones.

Fucking dirty rat fucks. This is why I'm mostly carnivore now (also because I was tired of cravings). Destroy India if you're so afraid of climate change.

americans are so mentally ill, glad I don't live in that shithole

how do you think i got the first sentence of the article if i hadn't already googled it, retard?

white people suck

fuck white people

>Jew York Post

yeah good thing america and american influence doesn't extend past its borders

no one gives a fuck about your blog.

yeah fuck civilization and technological advancement

t. speaking a white language on a computer invented by white people

>First off, I am a white person myself
Jews aren't white. They teach their own children this.
Do not allow them to give themselves a voice for your race.

but it's asians that stab a whale to death for it's dick powers

The beef thing is real tho. They waste considerably more resources and land to raise them. Not to mention they pump the cows full of hormones and other unnatural shit to make them grow faster. It’s pretty fucking nasty which is why I avoid beef for the most part.

new york post are /our guys/
if they say it i believe them. maybe you're thinking of the new york times

I don't know, but I assume: Smartphones for example demand a certain amount of rare earth metals to manufacture. They're limited in supply. If everyone on the planet used a smartphone and burned through them at a rate of an average U.S. citizen we would need X number of earths more than we have to meet the demand. Also the USA produces so many tonnes of trash annually. If every nation on earth was producing the same amount of waste we would again need to start getting extra earths for space to maintain current quality of life.

it is a confirmed fake article. a jew would never overplay their hand like that

This is the kind of person who makes these bait threads on Yea Forums.

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>The article you are trying to read has been reported by the community as hateful or abusive content.


does she have freckles or is it a filter?

>i'm a white person

I've take it you're not familiar with the "my fellow whites" ruse.

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Do these fuckers not even suspect that maybe flooding the internet and the mainstream media with these types of bigoted fluff-pieces (to the exclusion of all other groups/tribes) might actually in fact CONTRIBUTE to the rise of radical white supremacist/MRA/incel/insert-your-boogeyman-of-choice-here groups?

Or has this actually been the fucking plan all along? Like some kind of unspeakably bizarre form of ideological racketeering?

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technology and advanced recycling will solve these problems
we just need to implement free markets and property rights so there's a financial incentive to process waste properly


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i'm familiar, that's why i'm saying it's too "on the nose" hehe

>the absolute amount of crying in this thread from /pol/cels
I guess conservatashits are the real snowflakes after all

They're used to generate clicks from triggered posters like you. Some of you use archive, but lots don't.

the article could have been named
"modern western consumer habits are not susteinable in a worldwide scale"
but you know they went for the clickbait/hatebait

>a jew would never overplay their hand like that
Except they do it daily, you hook nosed kike.

I beginning to think jews don't have a plan. they're actually not that smart and everything they do is emotion-driven. in this case, their seething hatred of white people and western civilization in general.

singapore and hong kong's problems is they don't have property rights, it's a government controlled mess

Majority of people wouldn't get that title.


in a clown world anything is possible

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I'm just contributing to the food thread... that happens to haven been posted on Yea Forums for some inexplicable reason
/ck/ is that-a way==>

good thing they same people writing these articles want to import millions of brown people into western countries to increase the global footprint instead of cutting off foreign aid and letting them die off in their own shithole countries.

This is true. We might have a smaller population compared to say Africa or India but our carbon footprint is much larger. I can’t wait to see conservatives get triggered when our valuable resources finally run out like oil. I guarantee you they’re going to throw a tantrum and start yelling at the ground or some other stupid shit.

it's mainly been nonwhites that have caused genocides
inb4 native american myth or colonialism myth

>he rather have a billionaire controlling house prices

You will never be a woman

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white people just need to stop eating and die off and be replaced by brown people already ugh #whiteprivilege #bernie2020

chaos pure chaos, when you heard some jew talking about superiority remember that they were barely able to sustain their own kingdom for some periods of time

>But doctor, I am pagliacci.

yeah fucking conservatards and their smartphones and tablets and gadgets. they will suffer the most

>I can’t wait to see conservatives get triggered when our valuable resources finally run out like oil.
Far right winger here.
You're going to be waiting a very long time lmao.
Also alternative energy would have taken over by then anyway and would be much cheaper than fossil fuels, so don't get your hopes up hon.

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You don't have to be Jewish to write a by-the-numbers clickbait fluff-piece like this or even buy into this ideology publicly or privately, for gods sake man.

>>he rather have a billionaire controlling house prices
I wouldn't want that at all.
I want a free market in property.
Active use based property rights works perfectly fine.

that poster must be doing the left wing equivalent of a prepper hoping for a shtf scenario. except a prepper wants to utilize all the prepping gear he's acquired while that poster just wants people to suffer

>it wypipo fault!!

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What clicks? That's a thumbnail, you moron.

Argentina has now lost its white status it gained during the pornhub ass vs boobs stats.

Thanks for this graph, I hate when leftists claim that the oceans are polluted because of le capitalism.
Capitalism(A free market) would have solved this issue.

the fuck is wrong with you

How the fuck is it going to work in such small island dumbass?

>>peak oil

except a disproportionate amount of these articles are written by jews and the media, at large, is owned by them.

I'm sorry I didn't know the laws of economics magically change when the size of land is changed lol

props to kuwait, qatar and uae,

>fucking white people!!

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don't play that game where you support everything the leftists hate. huge megacorporations ARE bad and WILL try to go around regulations and pollute. just because third worlders don't care about the environment, doesn't let corps off the hook.

You just KNOW.

Yes you didn't, you should pay attention in school.

If you think about it, literally every level of this article has been made possible by white people.
Press, freedom of expression, electronics, internet, mobile phones, burgers, fries, nutrition, everything about it is literally from whites.
How does that make you feel?

Non-whites are a mistake.

>huge megacorporations ARE bad and WILL try to go around regulations and pollute
No shit.
That's why I told you I support a FREE MARKET.
You know, a system in which any business that tried to pollute someone's land would get sued to bankruptcy.

How exactly does the country being small make active use property rights not work?
Switzerland manages this just fine.

oh you are the libertarians
oh well, have fun with your utopian larping then

the US exports it plastic to China who then unceremoniously dump it into the river

they stopped doing that recently, though

>Movies for this feel?

Anything on BET or NBC.

>muh utopian larping
>forgets that free markets have existed in history and were extremely successful

Every single fucking time.

>Every single fucking time.
if people keep telling you this, there's probably a reason for it

>You know, a system in which any business that tried to pollute someone's land would get sued to bankruptcy
Unless you ship the pollution to a neighboring country or just to fucking ASIA where they'll dump it there.
Then "woke" people can point at Asia and demand answers for why they are polluting the most.
Free market also says its okay for business executives and politicians to flee far away to another country after doing a shitton of economic and environmental damage.

Pretty sure society will collapse if oil runs out any time soon. There will be bigger problems than liberals vs conservatives.

Jews are an extremely specialized species of parasite. They can only feed on one specific host, to the exclusion of all others.

Specialization provides an easy life but comes with a very high risk. The moment environmental conditions change these organisms go extinct.

Jews are reaching a terminal phase in their infection of Aryan civilization. They are just about to expire their host. They don't have another to infect.

>it's the US's fault chinks sully their (and subsequently our) environment

>amount of rare earth metals to manufacture. They're limited in supply.
supply may be limited but that doesn't mean that they're truly rare
they're only "limited" or "rare" because western nations don't want to spend the expense of mining them in accordance with their much stricter environmental policies
china doesn't give a shit about the environment hence why everyone buys rare earths from them

did you even read the rest of the post? it's not utopian, there have been relatively free markets before

Holly shit, I just noticed all har makeup is a filter. Lashes, freckles, nose ring. I'm so out of touch. I'm not ready for this reality.


i don't read

>if people keep telling you this
No, it's basic history.
Do you know the history of the United States of America after the civil war until 1913? How about Scandinavian countries in the 1800s and early 1900s?
Free markets with no central bank, HIGHEST WAGES ON EARTH.

>Unless you ship the pollution to a neighboring country
Dude that's my point exactly.
Those other countries don't have free markets. The problem is a lack of free markets.

>Free market also says its okay for business executives and politicians to flee far away to another country after doing a shitton of economic and environmental damage.
No they don't lol.

>Jews aren't white.
They're schroedinger whites: they're white when they need to be, that is, when they're disparaging whites and saying "hey fellow whites, you shouldn't do _____, you should do _______", but also aren't white when it comes to privileges given to a "persecuted" minority.