Favorite world peace sketch?
Favorite world peace sketch?
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The one where he dresses up like a weird ghetto clown and says David Duke solely to piss liberals off.
The Man Who Would Never Be What They Wanted Him To Be
The one with the really intense CEO at some low-level company.
The only funny sketch was the post wall sketch.
Super busy
Kid 6
The Wall sketch in the first episode. The part where they break character and just annihilate those washed up hoes is hilarious.
Anytime MDM breaks character to rip into their hired extras/clueless guests is great. Seeing them crack each other up is just pure joy. Really a shame they're not all friends anymore.
the wine sketch, the CEO sketch, and of course, cop killer are the best sketches. i also love the "hypergenx" one.
the one where scott's in the gulch
the one in pic related also the male hooker sketch and the one where they get rejected at the door step and the one where charles says kill politicians.
"The Man Who Would Never Be", isn't exactly a funny skit nor do I think it's meant to be. But bah god is it real.
>you know how to make tap straight fresh?
I might have autism but I didn't completely get it, was it trying to ridicule "successful" wagecucks?
Speaking of WP,
>Sam's show gets cancelled and he gets deplatformed off of youtube
>He cries about being blacklisted and begs his fans for support
>A fan kindly puts up some his content/World Peace stuff, without monetization, to promote him
>He says some shit in an open conversation that doesn't paint Sam in saintly light
>Sam immedietly tries to get said fan deplatformed
Why does Sam shit on his fans and act in such a hypocritical manner? What's wrong with him?
>the one where charles says kill politicians
This to me is probably the worst part of nucomedians and MDE is pretty guilty of this. Like, WKUK did that bit where they were joking about getting together to kill Bush.
It's as though these comedians are trying to inspire the one crazy in 100,000 who might really try to assassinate a bank president or local politician or congressman, so they can 'reluctantly' take credit and reap a shitton of infamy and publicity.
Charls isn't very smart, so I think this one of his personal tactics. He uses it pretty heavily in the how-to-stab-someone video too.
(No one in Flint, Michigan has yet to sacrifice their freedom to try and murder a local politician yet)
It was simply lampshading the wagecuck world in general. Not really wagecucks themselves. If anything, you're meant to feel pity for the manager character.
None. They are all shit and Sam is a talentless fraud.
guy heaven
the one where he cried like a faggot trying to blame tim heidecker for his show being a failure
How is he getting that fan deplatformed? That's his content.
he's a neurotic Jew.
>a talented artist gets a deserved fame and praise
>a racist sexist bigot fuck gets his show cancelled
We live in golden age of comedy definitely.
Vape Nation is one of the greatest acts of comedy of the 21st century, and sam is where he belongs, in the fucking trash with a dead career.
Meanwhile Sam is trying to "ruin" ethan's career, because he's butthurt of his success. He hired some literal who who make a totally not a content cop rip-off to "destroy" ethan. He also shills threads on Yea Forums how h3 is" finished", meanwhile ethan does not give a flying fuck about the "drama", and people already forgot about this shit
Any sketch with Charles in it
he could have DM'd the guy to take the vids down instead of doing stuff that he knew would get that fans account deleted, but he didn't because Sam is a thin skinned faggot
I guess you didnt see how same hyde was acting like the CEOs or how Sam hyde released a book "how to bomb the us government" but its Charles. I'm pretty sure comedians do this because it's the farthest they can go without getting in trouble. What's the point of comedy if you aren't making a joke that could get you in trouble?
it's all shit.
t. remot l. ydecentastes
>What's the point of comedy if you aren't making a joke that could get you in trouble?
to make people laugh at least, something Sam rarely manages to do these days.
the episode where a deranged tranny posted the same pictures in every mde thread
Tissue Box
In video format theres no instant gratification of making someone laugh so you have to make yourself laugh by getting away with stupid shit. Theres nothing funnier then getting a call from the FBI because you made a joke on the internet.
Or you could just write material that you know is funny and perform the material on camera.
Wine sketch and the bullying one
the fucking peanut arbuckle sketch
and the part after but jewtube took it down
The one where not a single thing involving sam hyde was even a little tiny bit funny.
nah ill say nigger
oh look its you again
>We live in golden age of comedy definitely.
blackface without the blackface, lel
>those fucking arms
The Man Who Woud Never Be was absolute kino.
It's funny seeing all these people wanking over something that will clearly never see a resurgence/revival. MDE is dead.
If Sam keeps going in his current trajectory he's gonna eventually run out bridges to burn. It seems like every few months he's scamming someone to do his editing and other work for free/on empty promises of riches.
Just look at his current content, it's all absolute dog shit, even with Nick phoning it in while being in his vids.
you think "nu"comedians are the first to joke about political assassination?
When the CEO is driving he is in a Mercedes but when he pulls into the parking lot he is in a Buick. Think about it
I only remember the tripping the guys wife scene.
it was okay. I've seen the rest of the episodes but I don't remember any of the other sketches offhand.
>they call me pink dress
This. I don't get it but I fucking love it.
this unironically
there's nothing to get, it's just an interesting sketch
the baseball sketch
and the one where nick puts that bitch through a table
Take it easy man
the one with the kids in the last episode that were being raised by single mtohers.
i can't even think straight
Nick is absolute best member. He's funny even when he's not trying to be.
The line delivery in that skit is just perfect
>charls with the trump hat
i be like
why would he?
Sam should know pretty darn well how much it sucks to get deplatformed, to do something like that to one of his fans just reeks of hypocrisy.
"The Man Who Would Never Be"
It gives me pause!!!FACT!!!
the one where he harasses strangers with his loser friends like he's 14 and uploads it online for money because he's another entitled millennial that thinks he's too good for a real job
Sam sucks but let’s not pretend Ethan isn’t a fat washed-up retard
It's not really comparable. Sam lost a lot by being "deplatformed" as you put it. VMUDream was just some nobody.
Everyone who hasn't had their head stuck up their ass has moved on to Owen Benjamin who's a million times funnier and manlier than Sam could ever dream of being:
>"Where's your boulder goy?"
Sam has a unique take on things that you can only get from an aging, right wing hipster and not some generic "durr hurr the snowflakes!" comedian.
the music
>You owe me 2000 dollars
what did he mean by this?
that doesn't make him funny though.
meanwhile Owen is consistently hilarious and he actually believes that shit Jew too, just look at the crazy in his eyes
Sam fakes it too much
I don't go to Sam for funny (though his IRL trolls had me in stitches) I watch Sam for this:
I like MDE but Sam inever makes funny skits like the old days you know dumb shit like the worlds comfiest man I preferred that to podcasts/blogs and whatever he is doing now he should have avoided politics it was his undoing
>Literally an (((Andy Kaufman))) rip-off
>fans are all legit antisemites
The irony.
>a christcuck
>some deranged kike invented absurdist humor
American education.
Jesus Christ get over it you’ve been posting this shit for years without irony I’m telling you to HAVE SEX
What's going on, big guy?
I like that one where his bro denies vehemently pushing his wife through the table. The way it escalates is hilarious
The Man Who Would Never Be What They Made Him to Be
andrew ruse is a genius and I really hope he gets the chance to make more stuff with an actual budget, will suck if he's blacklisted too
This one is double funny because he was making direct fun of Eric Andre here, after their spat.
Basically. Ever heard of Franz Kafka?
Any sketch where they break character.
The wall show, the trex one, it doesn't happen often and only for moments but it's gold.
Dude, you just need to fuckin go home.
Probably the closest thing to representing the "quiet desperation" of a man's life.
Watching Hyde Wars I feel like there's a shitload more he has to say that he could probably say better though "skits".
tie between the male hookers, teacher and the erik CEO
don't you mean Frank Kafka
>people already forgot about this shit
Well you didn't, thanks for the old pasta
>the pages of the calendar flip a little bit faster than I was ready for
It really was basically the pinnacle of the show. The wine party sketch and the gene sketch with Eric Sam and Charls are also up there.
No, I mean Frank Sinatra.
Also these
Literally this
make it hard, make it right
make it wet, make it tight
>theres a shitload more he has to say
Sam hyde doesnt have anything to "say," and looking for meaning in anything this fat, greasy, untalented, antisocial shitbag does only proves what a worthless, human pissflap you really are
take it easy man
He made a bunch of weeaboos faggots look like they have carrots stuffed up their assholes and triggered some limp wristed hipsters. This guy is my sage for lyfe. So go fuck yourself and stop projecting.
it's just funny cause it's taboo, and it could get then in trouble potentially. I don't think any of them actually want anyone to be killed or think it's a real possibility that they would inspire a political killing. you're such a douche and your kind of braindead analysis of comedy is what kills shows like world peace
Funniest is that one trying to get the crippled guy laid.
Most memorable is the guy having a slow-boil meltdown at the office.
I've only seen a few of the sketches on YouTube, how long was this show on the air? Was pretty good.
>t. asshurt chapo donor
Go celebrate the hijab day, homo.
Its all free on adult swim for stream, it lasted one season before it got canned
Did the cover Sam? All the arguments I ever see those guys making are usually brutal(ly untrue) ad hominems.
Totally from scratch
Holy shit what an absolute madman
Not world peace but I like this one
The one with the "pathetic beta male" school shooters or the "did you just trip my wife?" one.
Does anyone know why /pol/ is down? It's been down for two days on my end.
Kek. If it wasnt for tim heidecker sam would be bragging about his celebrity and money instead of being a broke failed artist
He's working with Charls
Check other Yea Forums.org URLs. It's possible that Australia and NZ fucked up and only blocked that one.
Does /pol/ work for you? All other boards work for me but pol displays just the basic html layout but with no threads displayed.
The Bully one is good
I think one of the adblocker lists has added Yea Forums. Turn off your adblocker.
Yes. Just check if it works on phone or mobile internet.
Thanks dude. It turns out my ad blocker was only blocking /pol/. It was pissing me off not knowing why it wouldn't load.
Detroit? I've never even left Rhode Island!
and he’d be doing it in a funny way
>the big headphones playing the weird goth sounding 80s music as he walks in
sam hyde is a faggot but i loved that sketch, also the gambler sketch is kino
The teacher sketch was really good.
that's how it feels to have a job like that, wasn't ridiculing him
Fuck dis filthy jewess is hairy af
This one felt too real to me. One of the best sketches I've ever seen
You must've seen a lot of it. You've been in constant pain over MDE for five fucking years now.
>your dad packs you spices, and it stinks
>what did he mean by this?
>$1900 rug
>$36 dollars per bottle
>broken glass table
bitch owes him $2000
does this count as a sketch? because it still kills me youtube.com
Yep, it was about how soul crushing corporate culture is in general.
The Field Hockey Wife wine party is one of the best sketches I've ever seen. Real promise.
There's a fan recut version that incorporates all the uncensored versions of the sketches and the interstitial titles in the way it was meant to be seen that was posted on /r/MDE before it was nuked. Hopefully someone has the links
I'm a simple man. most acceptable to show to normie friends
>What are your parents doing, man?