Who in the fuck still finds it amusing? How much of a hack do you have to be to still use it in your movie?
Hahahahahahahaha did you hear that? It's the Wilhelm scream! I bet you don't even know what that is :))) it's a connoisseur joke that I'm in on!
Hang yourself, you soja bean eating drone of a human waste.
Wilhelm scream
Other urls found in this thread:
I was thinking this same line of thought on a long drive last week. Stopped by a KFC to get some popcorn chicken and honey mustard for the road but everyone there was acting like they took the worst meth on the planet so I left. Was the freakiest shit I've ever seen in my life, I literally left mid-order and I don't think the guy even noticed.
You're talking about people who got high and went to KFC, happens to all of us, I'm talking about permanent human garbage who need to be put down.
I've seen really high people; there were more drug dens in my neighborhood than should be acceptable in a white community. I've seen my share of tweakers and these guys were so out of it I would legitimately guess they had been partially lobotomized.
Most viewers don’t recognise the wilhelm. It’s just a sound editor’s inside joke. Get over it.
it's just a reference and an homage to previous sound editors you fucking idiot, it's not meant to be a joke
Might've been true in the 70s and 80s, but it's absolutely a joke within the past 20 years. It's always immersion breaking and lowers the quality of the movie.
Wilhelm scream doesn't need an homage you dope, it's literally a fucking meme. A bunch of sound guys who think they're clever by running this sound to the ground, not to mention all the other recycled sound effects these hacks whip out of their sound folder, I'm sure they're all tributes.
Name 1 movie where it's used as a reference and not been snuck in by a faggot editor who thinks he's totally funny
What does a wilhelm scream sound like? I’m deaf so don’t post a link, use your words
I remember hearing it in Small Soldiers at the cinema back in 1998. I thought it was getting old then.
Nowadays I can't stand hearing it. I actively question the mental state of whoever decided to ruin their film by putting it in.
Uncultured bastard!
Itt: insecure overweight manlets, who let movies and politics define their lives.
If you are under 6'6" you must neck yourself
>white community
>consists of slavic subhumans, mediniggers and brown haired people
Neck yourself slavcic
>be literal meme lords
>and contrarian hipsters
>be mad about antique memes
99% of people don't even notice it
Bullshit I remember noticing it as a kid watching Star wars and Indiana jones
someone owns the sound so it must cost to use it
>what is public domain
You seem a bit over sensitive to this. What’s wrong with you? When’s the last time it was used?
>getting sued because someone copyrighted a specific version of the wilhelm scream
>Norway makes a war movie
>Gripping period piece about a king having to step outside his boundaries as a glorified figurehead and invoke an ancient right to veto political decisions
>Dialogue heavy film with authentic costumes and buildings, good acting, thoroughly moving
>Shootout between Norwegians and Nazis in the second act
>The most jarring Wilhelm Meme you've ever heard rings out, far louder than usual, when a Norwegian throws a Steil grenade back at a German soldier
Effectively ruined the tone of the film and any hope of my culturally bankrupt country becoming anything but a laughing stock of cinema.
Just watched Small Soldiers last night. Heard it too.
Btw that movie was really fucking creepy. From a time when cgi was deep in uncanny valley.
Not true, it's the most unrealistic fake scream of all time
Wilhelm is literally for the reddit audience so they can recognize it and think they’re smart for being in on le epic joke
Imagine getting triggered over a 1.5 second audio clip.
Imagine getting triggered by people getting triggered by a 1.5 second audio clip in a thread about getting triggered by a 1.5 second audio clip.
Did that chump ever comment on his picture being used as a postercard for weakness?
>slavic subhumans
Your country lost to farmers
that scream is ruining serious films.
The original sound clip is from a man being eaten by an alligator
If I were a director I'd fire the sound engineer on the spot if he ever tried to put that damn scream into my movie.
I don't think it's used that often now. The last big movie I remeber that had wilhelm scream was BvS, but I don't watch a lot of blockbusters.
it's meaningless stock fluff at this point
good job ruining a classic sound effect though retard
>DC exec: we're a tad worried that the final trailer joke isn't strong and audiance-friendly enough
>sound editor: say no more senpai
your post made me expect it, but I actually laughed
Any movie with action has it.
Fuck you I'm a 7"2 skinny dyel and even I think the wilhe
give me 1 kino, 1 movie, 1 flick and 2 joints from 2017-2018 that do it
hello fellow redditor