Edge of Tomorrow

This movie was so kino. I can't even comprehend the fact that someone as based as Tom Cruise could even exist.

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It's a decent flick.

Great fucking movie.

tom cruise is an american hero. the movie was just alright though

The manga it’s based on, All You Need is Kill is pretty great too.

Ending ruined it. He should have died

>Marvel makes the same shitty blockbuster a couple of times a year
>millions of dollars
>an action movie that's actually really good comes out


Truly the best manga adaptation. Not Alita.

it didnt flop at all retard

It made back its money thanks to international gross

Im sliding over cars while I shoot

might be the last action movie I really enjoyed

the girl was so hot in this sexy

> brits need america to come over and fix their stupid war



tom cruise ruined this

It gave me something I didn't know I wanted to see: Emily Blunt fucking shit up with a big fuck-off anime sword

It was an LN ya dorks.

awesome movie

It was very good.

Attached: edge of tomorrow tom cruise ded.webm (1280x532, 2.84M)

I liked District 9 More

Does Tom Cruise know about Xenu? I wonder what OT level he’s at, and all the overts he’s admitted

Rewatch it again without the nostalgia glasses. The plot has bigger holes than a Swedish whore.

Didn't like the happy end but other than that I loved it.

the idea is interesting don't really think there's enough there for a full length feature though

I wonder what he was thinking about.

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Best ending desu. Up there with Tokyo Drift.

I never understood why they made the whole situation so similar to WW2. I thought it'd have some meaning but apparently not. Is that in the original material?

i think they got even the time travel, parallel dimensions thing correct, impressive

No. In the novel it starts as a mundane battle in Japan. Just a footnote in the war and none of the do or die nonsense.

>This movie was so kino
You know why

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I don't understand the ending though.

roger ebert review right here

Ameriturds and chinkinsects want their superhero trash.


there was a manga though

Her sword was a helicopter blade too.

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A wild pleb appears.

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Man I thought the main actress was a prettier Uma Thurman and didn't understand why she was looking like that

Turns out she was in the devil prada lol

the marketing for it wasn't retard-proof
also they probably should have stuck with the name All You Need is Kill. The name's retarded but at least it stands out against generic trash like Edge of Tomorrow

Watched it yesterday too. People were right when they said It is the only manga/anime/LN adaptation that worked. Based Cruise making kino.

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American people don't give Tom Cruise films money. Looks like he really tarnished his reputation there, but world wide people don't give a fuck about his Oprah/Scientology antics.

I wish all blockbusters were as good as this one
seriously fuck capeshit, if it wasn't for 10000 superhero movies every year we would get more good movies

doing exercises as intense as that probably feels like your body's gonna explode, I assume that pain is what's going through her mind

i wonder what her feet smelled like

the sequel is in production right? i think i read that online and that its supposed to "revolutionaze" how sequels are made or some other retarded shit

This is probably one of the most underperfoming and underestimated mainstream action movies every made, it bombed and no one saw it, yet it's fucking great. Great script, Cruz and Blunt both killed it, great effects, great emotional scenes as well as action. Just great all around. And it only made $370 mill total worldwide. Captain Marvel made almost triple that.

was it supposed to be a comedy? shit either way

One of Tom's better efforts. He can be a good actor when he wants to be.

I was more impressed with Emily Blunt pulling off an action role.

But yeah - solid writing, solid acting, actual humor in the beginning, looked great. No complaints here.

The titel was shit. Should've been called Hard Reset or something.

He just does Y’know ? What daheck user !?!?!?

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The original title was All You Need Is Kill, so uh, you know. Maybe not so bad.

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I think overseas the movie's title actually was Live Die Repeat, which isn't half bad.

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All you need is kill is gay, they should have used the tagline. Everyone knew the film as Live Die Repeat

Underrated film desu (outside Yea Forums)

Apparently they renamed it for the DVD/BD release

>You're American?
>No sir I'm from Kentucky

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The saddest thing about all of this is Blunt was a rock machine in it and convincingly in shape enough to seem like a physical threat and she was in line for Captain Marvel for like the last five years it was being cooked up and it got torpedoed at the last second because of scheduling conflicts because she was shooting Mary Fucking Poppins so we ended up with Brie and the rest is history.