Remember that time Lucas ripped off Lord of the Rings?

remember that time Lucas ripped off Lord of the Rings?

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I have a friend who thinks willow is a better movie because they filmed using real midgets and lord of the rings had too much cgi and should have used stop motion instead

to be fair, more midgets = better movie


Even the midgets have brownies to bully.

yep, it was pretty good, and it beat LOTR to film unless you count the cartoons

This movie was fucking fantastic and I wish fantasy movies these days were a lot more like it. Fuck

he also thinks that the skeletons from jason and the argonauts look better than any modern CGI

based burglekutt

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buncha pecks around here

Apparently the Willow NES game is actually a really good game but is doomed to obscurity due to being a licensed title tied to a flop.

Kilmer tweeted in 2018 ‘’You just can’t keep a good thing down. There’s TOP SECRET SCRIPT DISCUSSIONS ABOUT TOP POPULAR TOP FUN action packed films that can’t be discussed, and Bob Dylan wants a prequel to TOMBSTONE, and so do I, I finally started writing it, and now there’s official talk of a sequel to WILLOW. Dear sweet George Lucas has always defended Willow and often compared it to the megasmashes of the HOBBIT trilogy and beyond. Ive kept in touch with Warwick all thru the years and it would be a joy to get back into that world after all these years. Or twirling guns BEFORE ol Doc hooks up with the Earps... Even tho someone brings up Doc Holliday virtually every day I’m in public, I actually get more people wanting a sequel to THE SAINT. That one was really set up for it. I’ve got a great outline for that one- more fun characters and situations like cold fusion, that aren’t so science fiction as they were 20 years ago. This could be a lot of fun.’

>directed by Ron Howard
>produced by Lucas
>starring based Kilmer

Why did this fail again?

It's only similar for the first 20ish minutes then they separate. It's closer to just straight up ripping off star wars than anything lotr

Technically speaking it didn't flop, it just wasn't a smash hit.

>Willow bad
Just discover yet another superior movie from a lost age, zoomer? Feeling sad about your low IQ and shit tastes, zoomer? Hmm? Gonna cry?

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I think it was partly the special effects. The shit with the two-headed dragon is absolutely embarrassing and kind of ruins the final third of the movie. They were just way too ambitious with what they thought they could pull off.

I also think the villain/bad guys were pretty unmemorable.

Mostly I think it failed at the time because people just considered it a Star Wars ripoff. Late 80s were the nadir of of the SW franchise and people saw a Lucas movie with cute little creatures, a young hero from a small village on a journey, a rogue scoundrel who joins along the way, a scary guy in a mask, etc. and just said "eh, no thanks."

This film's pretty good, for all that.


I don't know if the bad effects are the culprit.

Blade had a really really bad CGI sequence during the final battle, but that movie basically spawned capeshit.

Toys sucked.

>music by james horner
is there a better name for a music guy?

You could argue that Willow was what inspired Jackson to make LotR.

Dick Pound

There were a LOT of really great to satisfactory fun adventure movies in the 80s for it to compete with.

I was a kid at the time - all the kids I knew watched and liked Willow, but there were also tons of other cool movies at the time for us to discuss. I remember the kids talking about everything from Monster Squad to stuff like Freddy Krueger, not to mention everyone suddenly getting really into Nintendo.

>Apparently the Willow NES game is actually a really good game but is doomed to obscurity due to being a licensed title tied to a flop.

The game is getting more attention now that we're finding out more about the director, Akira Kitamura. He is the director of Mega Man 1-2, and basically the series creator. Kitamura, aka AK, seems to have made Willow as a direct answer to Legend of Zelda and the Willow storyline may have been added last minute.

The game is good, but I can't recommend it to average people. It's a bit grindy, a bit maze-like, and the backgrounds are a bit too similar. Still, in context, it has a lot of improvements over the original Legend of Zelda, and I like Willow more. But later top down action games improved upon Willow as well.

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no actually, is this film worth a watch?

If you're open to fantasy it's actually one of the better ones, if a little wonky and idiosyncratic.

>that movie basically spawned capeshit
How about nope. Batman spawned capeshit. Spiderman movies spawned capeshit.

Willow like other Lucas movies where he was left to fend for himself suffers from the absolute inability to maintain tone. One second they are talking about thousands of dead, the other is badly done slapstick comedy. Compare it to Howard the Duck and you'll see what I'm talking about.

It's actually not that good. It's just like that WarCraft III map with Rexxar except far more monotonous. The entire game is just one giant screen. The original Legend of Zelda is unironically better and more detailed.

That's one of the problems with it. I find the world interesting enough but then there are different clashing designs and goofy costumes like the brownies and random poopy jokes.

How were the designs clashing?

I guess I mean that its worldbuilding has that 'lesser fantasy' tendency to kind of just mash together different cultures and eras into something not quite coherent and consistent in itself. Some of it I really liked, just kind of that typical 80s fantasy schlock aesthetic with the evil queen's fang-y crown design or the general's skull helmet. Cheesy but cool. But having bits of this Dungeons & Dragons-y stuff mixed with that Lucas-y new age mashup of rennaissance and native american and Star Wars-y monsters.

I guess one could describe it as a very distinct 80s Lucas style though, definitely distinct from other movies, except I'd compare its wiff of folksy woo woo pop mysticism with the worldbuilding and sensibilities of the Ewoks (especially in the made-for-tv movies).

God forbid there are jokes in a movie with war. Are zoomers really this desensitized to what movies are supposed to look like that they just think everything is supposed to be the walking edgy dead or some shit? Disgusting.

I'm totally fine with populist movies that mix fun, adventure, a bit of horror, a bit of romance. The 80s were great at it, and I think this movie does it pretty well. But it is slightly leaning towards overkill with all the farts and pooping. Although as a kid I did laugh at it.

It got decent reviews, but it just didn't make a huge profit. They were planning on making more movies, but they ended up as a book series instead.

Movie fucking sucked

I find Zelda a bit too basic. Only 4 directions, very simple magic system.

Willow is 8 directions, more complex armor and equipment. Two types of attack animations.

It is a bit of a monotonous slog though. But it has a lot of charm to makeup for that.

Yeah it was fucking awesome.

>The shit with the two-headed dragon is absolutely embarrassing and kind of ruins the final third of the movie.
What the fuck? First of all, that two headed dragon looks amazing to this day. Secondly that's only like half way through the movie.

>This movie was fucking fantastic and I wish fantasy movies these days were a lot more like it. Fuck
I agree, it held up really well. Such a great job of taking you into another world, like Legend. Is it just that the Hollywood machine is too big for anything creative to escape the focus groups or did the chemicals in the water supply drain every ounce of artistry from this country?

Who are you calling a peck, daikini?

This is one of those movies I always thought was fantastic that I later found out is considered shit by most people. It completely baffles me.

>This is one of those movies I always thought was fantastic that I later found out is considered shit by most people. It completely baffles me.
Look around at this shitshow of a society and realize that art will always fail compared to tripe like Marvel and humanity is doomed and will eventually blow everything on this planet up because the morons outnumber everyone else.

Willow is 8 directions on the NES? That's pretty impressive technologically.

Willow is a Ron Howard movie you idiot.

That was from the 80s though. LotR was around the millennium.

8 directional movement. A lot of later famicom titles had that. Crystalis is another.


I would fuck the shit out of that redhead all day long, 30 years later, and counting...

Val Kilmer is absolutely delusional.

He's writing a prequel to Tombstone? A sequel to The Saint? Don't hold your breath.

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What's up with his head? He literally looks like the boomer wojak.

At that time only Lucas was at the height of his powers. Ron Howard and Kilmer were just getting off the ground.

I want a sequel with about arch wizard willow.

The books were pretty fuckin' good, too.

Never speak poorly of Eborsisk again. It is unbecoming.

Wow, I didn't know about this. This kind of thing is more common now, but that's neat that something besides Star Wars was popular enough to get novels to expand the story. Kinda surprising to see a book with George Lucas' name on the cover too, though I suspect Claremont did the majority of the work. The fact that it's Claremont of all people is pretty cool though.

Yeah, it was great.

Billy Assfucker

>the brownies

"YOUR MOTHER WAS A LIZARD!" was one of my favorite things to say as a very small child.

Midgets kill themselves at a higher rate than normal people.

You should consider this carefully whenever thinking about the future.

Not to mention he sounds like Dr. Claw now.

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>superior movie from a lost age

Will there ever be another generation as cringe as the Millennials?

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This reminds me of the tweets of that guy from Terminator 2.

Not wrong friend

I played it when I was a kid. thought it was pretty good but could never get past the ettin.

You're too young and stupid to realize how bad things have gotten. The 80s were literally enchanted. You will probably never know a time like them.


That was some impressive stop motion animation back in the day...

never even heard of it and I question whether it's a real movie

Stop motion always looked like shit. Even 30 years ago.

And it's still better than even the best CGI. You know why? Because unlike CGI, it has soul.

>You ARE a great swordsman!

The music for this film was fucking outstanding. Both the Madmartigan theme and the theme of Elora Danon are great. Up there with Star Wars for me.

Willow and Legend are maximum 80s comfy kino.

Which version of Legend should I watch? I haven't watched it yet because I found out it has two different soundtracks and I don't know which one would give me the best first experience.

Hell yeah I still remember those tunes like it was yesterday. Good times.

Seconding this question

>screenplay by bob dolman
>film by ron howard
reddit tier post

too bad you didn't grow up into a functional economy like your father did

My father became a functional economy?

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ecks dee i misread the post haha

EDIT: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

say that to my faces, not online
(I love multi-headed creatures)

Attached: Eborsisk.png (1000x800, 1.29M)

>story by: George Lucas
>production company: Lucasfilm Ltd.

Willow is a terrible movie.

You're a terrible movie.

"Concerning Hobbits" was definitely influenced by Willow's theme, especially in the use of tin whistle.

You may just be nostalgic

>Willow like other Lucas movies

Lucas only produced the story here. Bob Dolman wrote the screenplay

user, everything copied Lord of the Rings.
LOR was and is the gateway drug for fantasy

I agree with your friend but unironically. Willow is the better film. LOTR has such a shitty filter really destroys the whole franchise