Ohhhh the island is a cork, now I get it. thanks jj

ohhhh the island is a cork, now I get it. thanks jj

Attached: Lost+-+Jacob+with+bottle.jpg (400x300, 16K)

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no, what he means is it's like a cork.

no the cork is representative of the sand, which is the bottle
t. jacob

since he smashes the bottle instead of removing the cork it almost seems like the glass and cork are interchangeable in his analogy

JJ left after first season

Why didn't Jacob just up front address the candidates about the job. Like you get to live forever and chill on a tropical island. I'm sure someone would have hated their life enough to take him up on it.

I'm pretty sure JJ was only there for the first episodes

But he did write the finale. Or that was the talking point about the series when it was in production. He wrote the first episode and the last episode.

>when your show gets killed by literal blogposters

because almost anyone would agree to that, you have to find out who actually would be the very best

but didn't he say literally anyone could do the job and any who was a candidate was fit to replace him?

Its a cork holding all the souls of the dead losties that died in he original plane crash.

JJ seems to have a history of leaving projects, and then they turn to shit.
Why does he do it?

>implying Jacob knew what it was and wasn't blindly doing a job he didn't understand because his mommy told him to
>implying God knows everything and isn't figuring shit out like the rest of us

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No Lindelof and Cuse wrote the finale

In hollywood you either make the money fast and take off while the product's popular and hot, or you stay with the project until the fans are tired of it and it becomes a meme and people make fun of you for being attached to it.

That’s a lie. They ditched the planned ending very early on. The ending was all Libdelof and Cuse. And I like the finale btw, it’s very touching.

>5 episodes later
>it's literally a cork

>"the island is a cork almost big enough to cover all those plot holes, Jack. You need to believe!"

Have any lostfags watched the new Name of The Rose adaptation?

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No, the Island is the people you met along the way.

>God is not omniscient
Go back to Rabbinical school, schlomo

>Plot holes
But those don't exist if they were dead from the original plane crash. It all makes sense if they were dead from the start.

>Richard arrives on the island on the black rock slave ship as an indentured servant/slave during the slave trade. never ages.
>Magnetism is magic/mystical force that no one understands and gives the island magical properties dealing with time.
>The island is a cork
>The brothers that are on the island (Jacob and the dark man) have been there for an undetermined amount of time, actually born there, but then they stopped aging at some point.
>Jacobs bones were found with the mothers in the cave the losties found- with the white and black marble rocks, the adam and eve as john locke said.
>Women can't get pregnant on the island, if they are pregnant, they don't go full term.
>Jacks dad disappears from the casket and is seen throughout the show on the island.
>No one alive can find the island.
>the losties found the island when they died in the plane crash.
>whispers they hear in the forest are other souls that have died on the island.
>When you die on the island you lose your soul. That is why the people that died on the island before the final season did not join the losties in the final episode to cross over.

implies they may or may not be suited also, Jacob lies

MiB explains all of this, really easily, you may not like it, but MiB and what Jacob did to him does explain all that shit

Was LOST posting the height of Yea Forums?

It seemed so much more reddity and apolitical 10 years ago than now.

it was fun

Attached: ivertbt.jpg (622x1406, 60K)

in 2009 reddit and Yea Forums were more similar to each other

it was no pumpkinposing

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in 09 leddit wished it was Yea Forums guess it still does

Because everything on r*ddit was a repost from 4chins.

the projects he stays on dont fair any better

leddit in 09 was still a circlejerk because karma but it was distinctly less...whatever it is now. It was more white tech guys back then, and there were actual edgy subreddits

present day reddit is basically a twitter or facebook or something, it's not really comparable

this. I'm still convinced this was the original plan but they got asshurt that the fans figured it out so early

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wrong, reddit has always had upvotes therefore always complete shit


>Makes it painfully obvious
>Get upset that your audience isn't literal retards

They should be happy it was a success, ABC was planning to blacklist them all for going overbudget and lying to them during the entire production of season one what they where doing. Had it flopped we'd never have seen Abrams make another show or movie again. A shame it succeeded.

But it wasn't until reddit started become obsessed with Yea Forums screencaps that everyone on Yea Forums started getting double edgy FOR reddit upvotes.

Like redditor rejects were a lot of the faggots bringing in all the politics and virginity memes and making everything about the plight of the rootless white male. Like I remember goofing about racial shit in Lost but I don't remember there being like daily threads of people unironically whining how SAYID IS EXTINCTING WHITE PEOPLE or whatever. There are seemingly a lot more people that take this shit a lot more serious than then.

And you know I wonder if it's because I've changed, but even when you look at archives from 2012 or whenever they started keeping them, it just seemed so much less malignant and bitter than it's become after 2014.

nigga I've been on this site since 2005 and reddit has always been the antithesis of Yea Forums. having a username and an upvote system is fucking gay case closed

That's because of what's been going on in the broader culture dude, it has very little to do with reddit or Yea Forums, all of society is becoming polarized.

this, every post is just that, no score or any other stupid shit

>Had it flopped we'd never have seen Abrams make another show or movie again
Damn, you're so right, a real shame it succeeded.