Mfw when someone tells me Logan isn't the greatest superhero motion picture of all time

>mfw when someone tells me Logan isn't the greatest superhero motion picture of all time

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>greatest superhero motion picture

hey that accolade belongs to the dark knight hehe


>what is the dark knight

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>hack nolan
>a batman who thinks him being a cape wearing faggot is more important than the lives he """swears""" to protect
>gets people killed
Yea na

greatest, not most memeable

No, I think Bane is the greatest superhero movie ever.

more like blowgan

It's this

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I really like Logan but I also really like Tim Burton’s first Batman. But that was also the defining movie of my childhood so I know that’s very biased.

>kill old white man
>let illegals into your home
>desecrate the cross by changing it to an X
how about no

They also made Mexico into a lawless shithole that allows children to be exprerimented on.


It isn’t

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It's good, but I'm more into Watching Men if you know what I mean.


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This was a good movie and I got a handjob from my sixteen year old girlfriend when I was 19 while watching it. I dumped her like two weeks later because I fell in love with another girl who is my wife to this day. But that Spiderman 2 handjob girl is now some big time lawyer in NYC making tons of money. Bullet dodged, a girl like that never would have put up with me and my bullshit like being 33 years old and drunk while posting on Yea Forums at 1:30 in the morning. My wife is just asleep and doesn’t care. I’m going to put this movie on now, thanks man.

>Watching men

nice blog, faggot
nice to hear you hit the jackpot, user. god bless you and your family

>Watching Men

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Grow up
Have sex

>blocks your path

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Thanks, sorry about blog like I said I’ve been drinking

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Well if it isn't Logan, then what is it?
For me, it's between Logan and Raimi-Man 2.
Haven't seen it - is it really in the running for best of all time?

>Implying it isn't Thor
This was the last time a real writer and a real director worked on a superhero movie.

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2/10 b8 not good enough for a (you)

You're a literal troglodyte, and if you're the OP too then also a redditor

>This was the last time a real writer and a real director worked on a superhero movie.
While that’s true, it’s still not even close to the best superhero movie

but that's wrong famalam

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It’s pretty damn good. Probably the most comic book-like superhero movie out there, which is a little strange because Darkman isn’t a comic book character

The first Captain America came out after this. Pretty sure that was a real director.

>Joe Johnston
He’s a literal who

Honey I Shrunk the Kids, Jumanji and The Rocketeer? The guy is good at making harmless family friendly movies. He’s a master at that niche.

The dark knight is almost perfect, it is only missing one thing and Logan has it.

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>gave up his perfect face replacement so a child could have it
He is the hero we need.

I hated that spic.
>build bridges not walls: the movie