
Easter Sunday editie (follow the white rabbit!)
old thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


FUck, old thread is here --->

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Will, /trek/?

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Trek whores bow to Drummer

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You have successfully baited me.

Ha! You go to Leddit

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La creatura...

There are more burner accounts and "true trek fans!!" by a large margin than actual pre2009 trek fans

Are there Ferengi in STD?

I can't imagine them allowing a Jew caricature in a #woke show

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Which character are you?

I'm Kirk

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>Are we still on for neuro-pressure tonight, Commander?

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This is based and I'm checking your prodigious digits. One thing that study fails to recognize is Keiko's willingness to allow Miles a degree of freedom rarely seen in marriages: she not only encourages Miles to spend time with his friends away from the family, but also to have amorous relations with other women. Keiko is literally a 9/10 wife whose only flaw is her dinner choices.

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It's not Easter yet, Kees

Thread theme!


Klingon are already a brutal metal af race. Heavy Metal would compliment their already brutal yet traditional and conservative culture.



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I applaud the evolution of this meme. Well played.

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>okay so for this next scene you guys need to massage each other again

She gave up her career as a plant-lady to follow Oatbran onto DS9 as Chief Engineer while she became a school teacher for Nig and Nog and ugly-wrinkle nose children who's parents worshiped aliens in that space hole next to Bajor.

I would say Malt Oatbran is the boss in the relationship to the point where he converted a cargo space into an Arboretum and shit.

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Nobody cares what you think, retard. Do us all a favor and never post here again, it's the greatest contribution you could make to /trek/.

Enterprise was too busy trying to be epic and had too many multi-episode arcs.
Change my mind.

You raise a good point. However, you forgot one thing


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Ensign Crusher, did you know girls have two peeholes?

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Not him but you're an over-emotional little girl who tries to hard to be aggressive. Go change your tampon or take a bong rip.

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Sisko is looking for Nig and Nog in this ep

I thought jake was bumming Nog in the cargo hold but they didn't go there

That's true. Keiko sacrificed a lot for Miles' job. She was nothing but accommodating, her only """selfish""" act was to take a job on Bajor doing horticulture. Miles knows that he's a lucky man. Just look around. None of his co-workers are happily married.

>Admiral James T. Kirk, DDS

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>Jake on top
No you are very mistaken.

Then when she comes back for a few days she accuses him of living like a bachelor in a subconcious attempt to push her out of his life. Like, bitch, YOU are the one who left him alone.

Are there any Star Trek books worth reading?

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>She was nothing but accommodating, her only """selfish""" act was to take a job on Bajor doing horticulture

That wasn't selfish. That was done on Miles recommending her to go. He's the one who knew about it and recommended for her to go.

>That wasn't selfish
You are dense

DS9 S1 is fucking dull

>A black guy
>holding a book

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He does not look happy about it at all.

He wanted her to be happy. Being married to an Irish bloke, mom to two half-chinks, and teaching nig/nog about profits while teaching wrinkle-nose kids about prophets wasn't enough. She joined Starfleet to be Chief of Trees Officer, not for the rest of this other bullshit.

Jadzia is a very unlikable character imho. This incident is just one time where she interrupts someone or purposely ignores the rules of etiquette for her own purposes.

She seems pretty slyly narcissistic if we consider certain episodes where the entire main bridge/Ops crew are engaging in her culture to an extraneous degree.

My consensus? Fuck her and fuck slug """people""".

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How come they never were able to make a better doctor character?

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>She joined Starfleet
She did not.

Imagine some elderly person who just trolls because there are no fucks left to give. Shoplifting batteries and shit. That's the Dax symbiote. Old people fucking suck.

>that peterson edit


I agree. Look how happy the others are to hold up their books and look at how they hold their books up. Look at how he holds up his book compared to them. He probably though Plato. He probably wanted to hold up a DBZ comic book or a Hennessy bottle.

He's only 2nd best.

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Then who the fuck is going to take care of all the fucking trees on the Enterprise? Worf with a Batleth?

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>Old people fucking suck
so much this

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How many times have you been cucked?

I think you missed my message. She was never a member of SF. There was a sizable contingent of civilians onboard the Enterprise D. Mot the barber would be another notable barber, not to mention Guinan,

another notable civilian*

Dude wtf I didn't make this post as an entree to ageism, seriously, rethink your positions

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Pulaski is Bones done right

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Have you guys ever noticed looking up from my bed while I give it to you good that my fan blades look like they're being held out by Dan Curry with a Batleth in his hand?

Me neither

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lol fucking based
why does the Cage seem like it could've been produced in 1954?
everything about it seems really old

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based BF

literally me when I turn 21

how can you place a commanding officer in a huge global military organization as anti-authoritarian? All the captains are at least neutral, if not authoritarian to a degree. if you think otherwise, you don't understand the word

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I liked the q-continuum trilogy
this link has spoilers so only use it to check the correct names of the books, if you want to read it. About the plot: Q tells Picard about a problem he has with his fellow Qs and some other beings. It ties up several lose ends from several generations of Startrek, even TOS

He plays by the rules, but he's willing to bend the rules when necessary. He does what he feels is right rather than what the rulebook says is right. The further up the y-axis one moves, the more likely one becomes to base decisions on rules and laws, whereas those on the lower end of the y-axis tend to go for what is moral. Kirk wasn't afraid to go against Starfleet if he felt it was the right thing to do.

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>Hey lets make the main protagonist of our show grow up Vulcan and establish how she trained to perfectly suppress her emotions like a true vulcan!
>-wow cool, that sounds pretty unique.-
>Lets then put her in a ton of situations that up the stakes first for the entire federation then for the entire galaxy and eventually for all lifeforms everywhere that put her in increasingly highly emotional situations!
>-won't the impact be muted by her just reacting cold, logical and unimpressed to these events?-
>No why would she do that? She'll yell and cry!
>-bu- -
>Also she's spocks sister.

Have sex.

I mean, of course he can? Gatekeeping is pretty fucking shitty.
It is one thing to be of the (right) opinion that the new shit is while watchable, really not classic "trek" and discovery just being objectively terrible in general.
Only a true cunt wouldn't allow somebody to enjoy their platter of shit, just because they know the old stuff (that is largely also shit, let's be honest) was better. That all being said: let's hope once he catches up on the old shit, he realizes the stark differences. and "comes to the light"

I literally had sex 15 years ago then I became full neet and now it's masturbation and at best getting skype girls for me.

Also: Beyond was the most trek out of all the new shit.

no wonder you hate women so much, retard
you're a full blown autistic incel

I actually like women, most of the people I'm friends with ARE women and I'm pro diversity and all that stuff. Burnham is just a shitty mary sue and not a well writen character.

post yfw

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>Look at how he holds up his book compared to them
Well, Plato is heavy stuff.

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Shran did nothing wrong

ideology =/= job
As starship captains their job is to be a dictator to their crew the same way any modern ship captain is, or at least should be, even if they are benevolent dictators, their word is the final word.
But it's totally possible to do that for a living while at the same time believing human/Federation society would be negatively impacted by imposing that level of hierarchy and order on the civilian world. For instance, observe the thousands of generals in the Western world that have NOT launched a coup to depose their government.
With this established, there's no reason a captain couldn't be a left or right wing libertarian.

there is so much going on here with that font and the gradient they applied to it. I mean, I guess at least it isn't Bank Gothic or Trajan.

anyway, let Garak tell you about his life. also punch anyone who tries to tell you the "Destiny" story arc is good.

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Here's the real one, backed up with actual data. Tested and true in most cases except ones built on nostalgia.

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>spamming the same charts in every thread

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Odo looks like Beetlejuice, Jadzia has her megawig, Kira looks homely, Bashir looks turbobaffled, and Quark looks like buttheaded rabbi.

Really, only O'brien seems like he never changed all the way through.

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JEJ some decent OC for a change

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*you arrive on the designated rape colony known as Turkana 4*

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Finally finished rewatching TNG. S7 is a fucking slog, its all berman-braga in proto-VOY mode, got your soap operas and your akoochemoyas and wesley shows up more than once. Last 2 eps are pretty kino but I'm so glad I'm done. I can finally move on. It's been a long road...

Season 7 wasn't as good as 5 or 7 but it was better than anything before 5.

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How do you reply?

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They are insignificant in size and lumpy.

One can choose to be raped
Or one can choose to rape

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The season starts pretty fucking strong, mid-Descent. Gambit right off the bat, Force of Nature. Then they start on the weird forced character-growth sorts of things that aren't all completely terrible but kind of out of place: Dark Page, Homeward, fucking Sub Rosa, Pegasus, Firstborn.

The Picard Bajoran-hater eps are pretty good but there's some fucking weird shit like Masks, Eye of the Beholder, Emergence and then it collapses into space indians and a threshold prequel. It's kind of a weird season structurally and dramatically.


Have you ever actually had sex? It's terrible, they want to stick around afterwards and cuddle and the bed is too hot and also sweaty and the combined body heat is too much and the bed gets overheated and they sort of think they're you're friend now but they're not your friend. The second after you cum I'm just disgusted by them anyways but they don't want to be alone because they're needy or some other stupid made up feeling so I have to take them out for some breakfast and buy them a fucking omelet that we both know she's not going to finish and then when its over you have to get her number and promise you'll call her but we both know you're not going to call her. Why would you? You already got what you wanted out of her and the sex was mediocre at best and you wasted one of the two days a week you have free of being a wagecuck, you took your valuable free time and you fucking wasted it on some average broad when you could have paid for a hooker and had her get up and leave so I could go back to playing video games.

The only reason to have sex, and I mean LITERALLY THE ONLY REASON, is that fucking without a condom on feels pretty great. Nothing else about sex is even remotely enjoyable, not the stupid foreplay, not the cuddling, I don't even particularly enjoy getting my dick sucked anymore. I'd rather eat a burrito and watch American Dad and be left the fuck alone. No, I'm not going to marry you. No, you're not going to trick me into getting you pregnant(I've had a few women really try hard with that one), and no, you're not coming to live with me in my big empty house.

For one thing, it's my fucking house. For another thing, I like it big and empty, and lastly you're a fucking bore. Women are for the most part IMMENSELY boring. No, I'm not interested in hearing about your stupid day. No, I don't care what Sarah the intern said about your hair. No, I don't FUCKING CARE ABOUT HOW YOU'RE FEELING TODAY


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Get it right, OP.

Have these threads gone downhill lately?

"downhill" implies they where once good

How about you provide some content instead of complaining?

So Bashir is some kinda Superman?

Yes, he is a Khan-let

Humor. Fascinating.

>crew speak American
>Nobody's silly-putty-clown-balloonish fat
immersion ruined

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The guy in the wheelchair can actually walk, he's just fat and lazy.

Most Americans are actually pretty healthy. It's just that they're short so they look fatter.

Makes sense, I guess.

Has there been any further info on that Tarantino Trek project?
i feel like that was announced a decade ago



This kinda looks like that Star Wars spaceship.

Captain Leland will fix it.

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Nobody says the latter because we all know it’ll be shit

>asks question
>tells those who don't produce the desired answer to stuff it
Checks out. Only wants validation, not information, I hate shit like that. Here's your (You)

No, he’s some kinda suicide squad

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Leland is pretty good. Hope he survives to be a main character in Section 31. They just need to get the stupid nanobots out of him, or better yet reprogram them so he keeps their abilities but is in control of himself.

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TNG ships look too comical

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Flying office building

fucking hell this, I tried reading destiny and every single main character was a boring piece of shit, asimov tier cardboard cut-outs

is this the crew of the USS NONBINARY?

I want an Orion Slave gf.
evil or not, she could motivate me to do my best.
Convince me how orion girls arent superior

>marrying a plant hoe
I thought the Irish were supposed to be savvy

>watching the 1950s movie Julius Caesar with Marlon Brando and James Mason
>this doctor plays Cinna

"Good morrow, worthy Caesar. I come to fetch you to thee Senate house"

Every Easter she would pass out chilled Jimbalian Fudge to crew members that was shaped like eggs.

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i just finished the "False profists" episode in VOY.
im just raging.
Janeway is a shitty captain. How the fuck is more important to catch 2 ferengi than crossing thru the wormhole to go back home?
If i was part of the crew i would be rioting and killing all the loyals to her.

Fuck this gay shit, VOY is trash and DS9 reigns supreme.

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False Profits is a weird episode. It's technically good, but the whole issue of Janeway going full retard over the Ferengi not even doing anything that is harming these people is insane. She 100% could've gotten the Voyager crew home in that episode, but MUH FERENGI. I think I kind of started to hate VOY after seeing this ep.

based user

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i understand the idea of the show is that the ship need to go back home. But this is already in season 3, they could just make them go home, do some shit and then back thru the wormhole.
In fact that could be a cool oportunity to give us a few episodes about how the marquis crewmans are judged by federation or wathever.
VOY is badly written.

VOY is fun. Quit watching it like you’re trying to min/max an RPG.

Looks like DS9 from the underside

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>"I fucking love Star Trek™! Based Bad Robot"
Struggle is pointless.

It's a shame that they had to turn him into a borg drone.

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>Binder filled with trading cards has gone missing

hey I started this meme.

>bootleg borg

That was just a spoof, ol' gaffer.

You seem angry and indoorsy.

cry more, retard

But resistance is voltage divided by current. I don't think the Borg queen really knew what she was talking about. Maybe it was difficult to study with those black contact lenses.

Why did she dress so provocatively in this episode? She was like 80

>gatekeeping is pretty fucking shitty
I guess you don't like civilisation in general then you dumb nonce?

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pls try an be frenly. no hurty bad-bads

based shamelessly cringe poster

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Fuck your cuddle box.

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He's just saying we don't have to be such quip whores all the time. It's tiresome.

>quip whores

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>I mean, of course he can? Gatekeeping is pretty fucking shitty.
I used to think that.
Wish I still could.
They're a "real fan", but Trekkie is by definition someone who's into Star Trek a lot.
And there's just not enough out for STD yet.

Disc with prolly go for 8-9 seasons. Shows tend to be longer in the 2010s.


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>std will go on for 8-9 seasons
So you're saying that it's aids?

You have to be twelve to post on a blue board, bud.

when tripfags stop posting /trek/ bitches about quip whores, whatever that means
it's just one geriatric retard who gets pissed when no one talks about the same charts he's been spamming for months

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I'm personal friends with Alex and he likes STD.

Yeah, I think most of us are cringing at the prospect. Maybe the reddit crew is looking forward to it but they're going to ruin everything by the time they're done.

Every time I try to start a discussion about /rek/ I get ignored.
When I make a /trek/ 'quip' I get (you)s.
Clearly the positive reinforcement leans one way.

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I quite like the outdoors actually

No u

'ate /rek/
simple ass


>liking jj abrams and shitty nutrek
>caring about what other people think
and blue pilled

shouldve been 'as' mert but good attempt

>autist has replied! respond?

Doesn't mean we can't post trek bunnies

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which episode was this? i thought i saw all of TAS

based quip whore

I'll murder your entire fucking family. I'm superior to you in every demonstrable way. Eat a bullet if you have any honor.

>Finished ENT
>Only STD remains
I can just go back to TOS and start over again, right guys?
God, ENT was so full of potential

you ain't gonna do shit we both know you're a gigantic retarded pussy stay in your fucking lane

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>you ain't gonna do shit we both know you're a gigantic retarded pussy stay in your fucking lane
>talking like a dumb nigger on a white supremacist forum

HOO BOY, did you take a wrong turn Jamal at suck my fucking dick lane just adjacent to the carefully prepared rope store?

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>Its a child actor episode

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The Easter episode, duh. The Easter Bunny forces Kirk and Spock to compete against the Klingons in an easter egg hunt with the fate of the Enterprise at stake.

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>talking like a dumb nigger
gg retard

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>doubles down on nigger memes

We know it's you, BF. No one's fooled.

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BF is a commie revolutionary, she loves nigger dick.

Is that Kevin on the left?

pls no nasties that hurt and cause tears

What is 'Kevin'?

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>commie revolutionary,
The UT translated this to 'mentally disabled' for some reason.

Bashirfaggot's husband

based shamelessly cringe poster doubling down on the cringe

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fucking quipwhores too gay to jerk off on your belly to girl on girl

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>that facebook post about the concerned aunt asking about """her""" birth control

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>Well, we're talking about words you can't say
>I'm going to say it
>I'm just going to say the word

link or stink, chomo

Friendly reminder that Kevin is made up.

lol the genetic trash just passed the 30 year old threshold for trannies
inb4 suicide by cockcision

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That's actually really meanspirited.

I still like my theory that Bashirfaggot is Kevin and the girl in the pictures is his Estonian mail-order bride.

They forgot make-up on his hand

Trips confirm, Jansa's cousin is now being held captive in a Pittsburgh basement.

T H R E A D__C U L T U R E

jadzia a CUTE

This was the most nightmare inducing scene of all Star Trek. Data with an emotion chip was the biggest blunder. Data jumped the shark.

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>viewscreen is a practical effect
There's nothing wrong with The Final Frontier.

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Is this like a reverse Brosnan?

All he did was turn into Lore. I wouldn't have been surprised if he murdered Geordi in that scene.

There is zero evidence this is not true. How do we rescue the mail order bride? Cuties shouldn't be held captive in dungeons.

She's taken, kiddo.

A virgin isn't worth killing.


>Leonard Nimoy had an estimated net worth of $45 million. Veteran actor, film director, poet, musician and photographer, Leonard Nimoy became famous for his role as Spock in the original Star Trek series 1966–1969, multiple films, television and video game sequels.
Slugzia got that Spack money.

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>cuties shouldn't be held captive in dungeons
err, wrong?

jadzia a SLAG

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You envy their happiness, don't you? From your basement window, you can see but never touch.

>kill career
>marry Nimoy's estate

Your post says more about you than me, because I'm genuinely happy for them. It's just funny that the skank from Becker is now richer than shit.

Becker? Do tell!

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she cute not a skank


>I'm genuinely happy for them

When's the Meetup?

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>obsessing over celebrities
when's your conf surge?

I know you are, but what am I?

Checkmate, athiests.

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Trek is atheistic. They always make fun of religion.

Ro Laren vs. Ensign Pretty

Battle for explosion of my cock, who wins?


>being this much of a newfag

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>Reg, I want to try an old Earth technique.
>*retarded texas draw* You've got Stinkin' Thinkin'!

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Can you think of nothing but sex??

Why would we? No one is getting laid.

I have no basis upon which to formulate an opinion. My knowledge of your cock is sorely lacking, a deficiency I wish to maintain, Lieutenant.

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I had an intense orgasm when I saw ro laren for the first time


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She was a competent drummer, and usually chicks cant keep time to save their lives. I was in a band, I know

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Ro Laren would crash through Pretty's ribcage and pull her heart out of her chest, forcing her to look at it as it stops beating

Spacepope is evil
Prophet gods are just aliens
Spacejews worship money

Reg was a fanbase insert. Let that sink in.



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You forgot about Bash.

>Hello my fellow Cardassians. All hail our current leader. Oh, by the way, what were our secret plans against the Federation again? lol I forgot

Starfleet Intelligence is not what it used to be

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>he doesnt get it

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>I was in a band

Why was DS9 season 2 so much better than TNG season 7 (which aired concurrently)?


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>Ah, Commander Sisko. I'm so glad I caught you before your trip to Gotham City. Would you be so kind as to relay the Cardassian Union's trade proposals to the CEO of Wayne Industries?

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Untapped potential, new characters, different look/feel, etc.

H8 more, tonedeaf plebian

Who banged more Bajoran pussy?
Sisko or Dukat?

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It's Wayne Enterprises, you fat downsy shit.

Odo fucked a whole lake of people.

>Who banged more Bajoran pussy?
>Sisko or Dukat?
Is this a trick question? Dukat was the wrinkle nose raider, he probably had ten other illegitimates.

Attached: DukatInspectsAComfortGirlOffscreen.png (720x540, 456K)

>I'm surprised you would entrust me with such a task, Dukat. Especially considering how much you like to hear yourself talk

Attached: BenSisko.jpg (220x269, 15K)

Dukat's daddy made it with everyone, 19th century humans, Romulans, even that Antican.

Has trek ever acknowledged that the ferengi are thinly vailed Jews?

If pedorasti counts, then Morn's your guy.

I would bang her until she licked me clean like a bowl of milk.

how come jeri taylor only knew how to write romance and soap drama episodes for TNG and VOY
is it because she's a woman

I'd like to put my brine in her hasperat if you know what I mean

I wouldn't mind sticking my balls in her anus, if you catch my intent.

it's because of the sex dungeons her husband Senator Jack Ryan took her to for public sex.
>and also why Obama was president


>Jeri *Taylor*, writer
>Jeri *Ryan*, actress

Is this VF?

Fuck it', we'll go with it.
>too funk to drunk

Tell me about Bashirfaggot. Why does she wear the mask?

Attached: Screenshot_20190327-200445~2.png (711x708, 764K)

Let him post. It's content.

Silence of the trannies

It's a tranny with a dick, user and XY chromosomes.

You'd still fokk the poor lass, ye dirty pig

naw, I fuck men when I want a man - I fuck women when I want a woman (that's bisexual!). A man pretending to be a woman would just confuse me.
>why you have penis?

Attached: an_idiot_sandwhich.gif (500x281, 1.42M)

Is B-train post-op tho?

Holy shit a new image for my collection.
Thanks user.

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Your mind wouldn’t even be able to comprehend it? Does that mean trannies are... dare I say it? Lovecraftian?

Friendly reminder to automatically report all attention whoring tripfag activity with immediacy and without apology.

>Holy shit a new image for my collection.
>Thanks user.
Stop talking to yourself. Mentally ill is becoming an understatement.

Attached: 1519750495254.jpg (474x589, 16K)

What you do with your Bash images is your business.

Make new thred

>we magic nanotechnology now
the final frontier in nu-scifi faggy shittiness

How's your show coming along, user?
Oh, that's right.

Friendly reminder to dab on autistic faggots lol

pls no buly an no nasties

It's doing great man, thanks for asking. My dog got hold of one of the main characters' minifigs but I was able to write giant teethmarks into the story without materially harming my canon so it's OK.

Dukat is, canonically, a cuckold


I am not Bashirfag, I just want (((her))) pussy.
I only collect them, I'm a hoarder.


Why'd you cuck me? I thought we were at 300!



You fuck the pillow to them too. Be honest.

If the occupation hadn't ended, I'm pretty sure Gul Dukat would have slept with enough Bajoran women that in a thousand years after his death, he would be thought of as a Genghis Khan-like figure that millions of Bajorans could claim to be the direct descendants of.

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