Why didn't he just make candy instead?

Why didn't he just make candy instead?

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People don't pay hundreds of dollars for a few pieces of candy.

Why didn't he open a coffee franchise with Gale?

If he was such a genius scientist, why did he settle for a shitty teaching job? Surely companies would want someone with his skills

In the meth biz, Investment is minimal, margin and profits are huge.

What happened to jazz general?

what if walt and jessie invested in bitcoin

there's some kind of unstated incident that happens with the tall dude he started their company with that presumably involves gretchen and he gives up and becomes a teacher.

If you watched the show, you'd know he started a billion dollars company but got scammed out of it.

Start a candy business and report back to us, user

He would have needed all the money at the end just to plow through all the paperwork to set up a small food manufacturing company.


He got literally and figuratively cucked by the whore Gretchen

He's not evil enough to give kids long-lasting health problems

reddit show

You're right, candy is the problem, not irresponsible parents. Ban candy.

Cucked, scammed, both the same to me. It's not respecting a contract.

It’s a well known story trope/trick.
Character can use his skill for something good (teaching chemistry)
But chooses instead to use said skill for the exact (evil) oposite : cooking meth

That didn't magically make his leet science skills disappear, did it? Why would he become a high school teacher?

Of course, the whole series is premised on "teachers have bad health insurance," so it's operating in fantasyland anyway.

Yea Forums agrees Breaking Bad is the peak of television.
GoT is truly reddit.

is this a WW joke

they would if it was exploding candy

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her and gretchen broke up and she got with elliot. and walt gets really butthurt when his pride is wounded

wasnt the point that he just wanted to make money fast before he died?

he had the ideas, the other two assholes had the money, guess who ended up getting screwed out of it? sadly that's how it usually turns out IRL too

he probably just figured the same shit would happen again and didn't want to keep getting screwed over by corporate jerkoffs. that's why it was so important for him to be in control with his meth scheme. "we're in the empire business," etc.

also it was never about him not having good health insurance, they established early on that he could've gotten money to cover his cancer treatments from various different sources. the issue was that he was probably going to die in a few years regardless and needed to leave money behind for his family.

It's peak mainstream telly, yes. Otherwise it's Spartacus and The Knick.



Yep, you're one of those people who blames everyone else for their failures and problems. Just like Walt.

if he was such a good fucking chemist, why didn't he just make his dollars out of basic elements?

Yeah, because smoking crank sure is a healthy lifechoice.

They had to stretch a whole ton of shit to set up the premise, including his perfectly wonderful public school employee medical insurance not happening to pay for one of the ten best cancer specialists in the country, so they hadda pay out of pocket so he needed buttloads of money wah wah wah.

What was the point of killing off Mike aside from demonizing Walt even further? We already knew Walt had problems with authority, but shooting Mike over an argument was completely out of character.

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you're not wrong, fuck

He was to be killed by Mike, sounds reasonable.

So I've been watching Breaking Bad lately and the writing has some serious holes in it. What did Mike mean when he said to Walt "Just cos you shot Jesse James don't make you Jesse James". When the fuck did Walt shoot Jesse? I thought it was Gayle who got shot?

Later they talk about Jesse again with the train episode. Rob a train like Jesse? When did this junkie piece of trash rob a train? How could he even?

Even weirder, Walt specifically, determinately states: NOTHING STOPS THIS TRAIN in the episode. And woopedoo, what happens, the train stops because of a stupid little truck.

Also, to go back to a previous thing discussed in the series. The Gold in the Streets.
When does Walt extract the gold from the streets? Did I miss that one? Did he use the flouride mercury again?

And then the icing on the cake. "Everybody sounds like Meryl Streep when they have a gun to their head". What. the. fuck. is this supposed to mean?
Why would they sound like her?

I'm getting sick and tired of this fluctuating level of writing... might just drop this show if it doesn't go back to the old level soon.

This is an autist's attempt at "humor"

Mike saw through Walt like a piece of cellophane and he let him have it. Walt's massive ego took a hit and he retaliated by killing him. This was building up since the disagreement of paying his 11 guys and seeing Jesse grow so close to him.

Reminder there is no "time" in Breaking Bad. Vince has no idea when the episodes take place. There are no seasons, there are no holidays. School is always in session. The bacon birthdays are a meme and have no bearing on the rest of the episodes, that exist in some other dimension where the earth is standing still. It's a terrible show for terrible people

>le reddit bad meme

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Mike is literally the only character on the show who consistently saw Walt for who he was. He had an insight into him even beyond what his wife or son had. Why? Did he deal with guys like him as a cop?

It's possible for him to have come across one or two or maybe Walt in particular just rubbed him wrong after knowing what he became. It wasn't like this from the start, though. Mike actually tried to get along with him and he gave him advice that Walt ultimately rejected,

no, he just had very high EIQ

Skylar ground his ambition down to a nub with her world-class handjob skills.

>He had an insight into him even beyond what his wife or son had.
explain this.

this desu senpai imo baka

this just gave me anxiety

what season is when the hot drug girl jessie moves in with shows up? i want to start rewatching from there.

First I thought Breaking Bad was a great show. Then I came to Yea Forums and was brainwashed into thinking it was pleb shit.

I rewatched it just recently and found out it was kino all along.

Mike Stoklasa loves breaking bad. does that make him plebbit?

season2 ep5 i found it :)



>Cowboy Bebop and BoJack Horseman losing to The Simpsons, Better Call Saul and Game of Thrones

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It's not like others were without the blame.

bullshit, when Walt sent Jesse to kill Gale, Mike had absolutely no fucking clue that Walt was capable of setting that up and planning for that eventuality.