And what are you hoping to see in the sequel?
What does Yea Forums think about IT: Chapter One?
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I liked it but I think the sequel will suck. It was a sleeper hit and I think the next one will just be more Hollywood. I know they already packed it with at least one A-lister. I’m sure it will endeavor to be as woke as it possibly can.
One of the reasons it was good was because they allowed themselves to stray wildly from the source material but that gives them a lot more latitude to fuck things up in the second half.
I liked it. It had a good amount of psychological horror instead of just 100% jump scares. I also found the characters where really well done.
>inb4 people complain about Richi's jokes not being funny and completely missing the point of the character
I laughed out loud when they go to Bevs apartment the day after swimming and she says she has something to show them and he says “more than what we saw at the quarry?”
Also yeah, a kid who was hilariously funny wouldn’t be much of a loser. He was supposed to be annoying.
It wasn't very cohesive. It was like The Sandlot with some horror elements, and I liked the Sandlot parts more than the horror parts.
Pretty great film, really enjoyed it.
Should have stuck closer to the original series. The best part of the book was learning the history of the town and learning about the kid's fears. It should be a miniseries over a movie
Where are the epic and based and redpilled Sophiaposters when you need them?
expecting to see these two do the ritual of chud and annihilate IT
Pretty great casting for Chapter Two
Less noise as soon as it is spooky time.
No trailer this coming week, sorry my dudes
I don't like the cast of Eddy but the rest are okay.
More of an action movie than a horror movie. Tired of overproduced CGI junk.
Loved it. Hope they go full spider in chapter 2.
Fat kid has the canon biggest dick
Should've casted Seth Green for adult Richie
So the big twist in the new Pet Sematary is that the daughter dies instead of the son. Will It Chapter 2 have someone else die at the end instead of Eddie?
Why the fuck would the new trailer reveal that. The first one had me hooked.
based fatty
It was shit.
>beating it to death with baseball bats in the most cliche type of roundrobin scenario they could think of
>taking "they all float down here" literally with floating kids for no reason
fucking brainlet writers
king isn't fine literature, but he wasn't this fucking retarded
>eddie's hobo, the creepy jew painting all look like Mama
because the director is a hack and only has one specific fear that he is compelled to cram into every fucking film me makes
>woooo! elongated head with distorted facial features! scawy1!!!
besides that it felt as rushed as all zoomer movies these day and therefore extra shit
faggots, one and all
I really liked it. I enjoy the old miniseries as a kind of hit or miss cheesy horror movie. I thought the new one did that some justice while also having some good spooky stuff along the way. Also seeing how fucking close they got the town to look like Bangor was really comfy.
fine rebuttal friendo!!
sex have celin
i liked that they included bowers so much. little disappointed they didn't have patrick hockstetter's original storyline, but i can understand cutting it bc it was so gruesome. this scene was my favorite:
also, was "they all float down here" like it was in the book, or did they change that?
Yeah I liked Pennywise when he was actually talking to the kids, not chasing them with that stuttering effect. Though I did like when he popped out of the fucking wall. That was great. But when he was talking to eddie at the house on niebolt street and shit like that was when he was at his best.
the ginger? how would that work?
Need to swap adult Eddie and Richie and it's perfect
They didn't run a train on Beverly like they did in the book. Thumbs down.
It was OK but the 80’s setting irked me
>No Amy Adams
Still mad
I hope they keep it like a book and just make him a kid who was already a psycho being used by it to kill them. I hope they don’t pussy out and try to make him sympathetic somehow.
>grown-up Bill is described as tall
>they cast James McAvoy
Still better than 1990 Bill’s ponytail
More Pennywise directly.
>no gangbang scene
C+ horror
A- coming of age story
hopefully the sequel is scarier but keeps the good parts
Chapter 2 trailer when?!
It really disappointed me. It was much more of a CGI mess than I was expecting, and I just really wasn't compelled by anything. I was hoping for Stand By Me with a spooky clown. Instead what I got was something that actually felt like a Stephen King book.
It is a book I tried to read, but finally dropped with about 30 pages to go. I couldn't take it anymore.
Why didn’t one of them offered a free massage? This film was unrealistic.
Never read the book and never watched old movie - i dont understand, what part 2 will be about? I mean, loosers met monster as kids and it wouldn't be difficult to kill him for the grown ups.
Why the fuck did they show they focus on the turtle (lego) and then mention it in the lake?
If that doesn't come back to serve any purpose then they shouldn't have had it in the first place.
Since it doesn't look like they're going with the ultimate cosmic horror route then it seems like it was a pointless throw in.
>also, was "they all float down here" like it was in the book, or did they change that?
It was just a random creepy line that pennywise said. Float, as in a floating corpse or turd in the drain, which he only brought up because Georgie loved balloons (that float).
The book and old miniseries had more impact in that the story follows the adults first, and begins with their journey to desperately remember wtf happened to them when they were kids and how, bit by bit, they come to remember how they dealt with IT and how to do it again now that the time had come to fulfill the oath they made to each other when they got out of the sewers. It's a lot of flashing back and forth from the adult present to the childhood past.
Starting with the kids, and showing clearly how they, kinda lamely, dealt with IT takes away from the mystery of the story: adults trying to remember a repressed childhood memory that is revealed as the story progresses until its denouement where all is finally remembered right when it needs to be.
(banging fork and knife on the table rhythmically) GANG BANG! GANG BANG! GANG BANG! GANG BANG!
hey guys look! a tiny door! im a virgin btw
Richie stole my heart