See a fat teenager in the theater with his girlfriend

>see a fat teenager in the theater with his girlfriend
>instant depression and day is ruined
>pay for my ticket and dont even feel like watching it anymore and go home

you know im not an incel because i could see why a women would take someone better then me but when i see things like that it just fuckin makes me realize god never even played his role

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have sex

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im gonna say it

You're not better than him you're a bitch the fact that this ruined your time and went to post about it on Yea Forums is proof

>watch movie
>afterwards feel like i am in that films universe and adopt the mannerisms of the lead character
>after a little while realize i will never live in that universe or have an interesting life like that character

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>tfw you did 4 hours ago

>thinks just because he's thinner than someone he's better
yeah no, could be the fact that you're a low iq manlet with a garbage personality too

are americans really like this?

>go outside
>fat woman hit on me

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I literally can't stop LOL because I know there are almost 40 year olds reading this thread relating to it

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>defending obesity

>you know im not an incel
You are the epitome of incel. You sound like Elliot Rodger for fucks sake.

How often do you ask girls out? As a goal, I ask one girl each week for their phone number, I'm socially awkward but I've gotten better. If you have nothing to lose why not try it?

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>day ruined because you witnessed a happy couple
Are you the Supreme Gentleman returned from the grave to haunt us?

>go to theater with hot older sister but actually I'm adult virgin
>everyone thinks I'm a baller
>people treat me with respect because they see me holding hands with a hot woman

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you hold hands with your sister

I dont see what is wrong with that

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Get fucked lanklet this world belongs to bloatmaxx chads.

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i want to have sex with an older woman

>go to a gym
>acquire currency
>find hooker
>realise other people are a waste of time
>play vidya

>chink gf
bottom of the fuckin barrel

Yeah I was thinking the same thing, not even good enough to get a girl of his own fucking race.

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>goes outside
>sees people doing normal people shit
>day is ruined
>bro im not an incel

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>immediatly starts to pace circles in bedroom while wagging hands vigorously by their wrists

>almost 40

How many second dates have you been on?

being fat is kind of a big deal but there other factors like social skills, humor, money, a vehicle, etc. for all we know she's getting a lot out of him. maybe he is happy though. I hope he is, sorry user.

There's literally an entire board dedicated to guys like you. It's called /r9k/. You will find comfort there.