Underrated actors

Only underrated actors, no actresses; unless you really really want to post an actress.

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Other urls found in this thread:


This guy is classically trained and it shows (in a good way). He has some serious fucking chops and is hilarious is Superbad and Role Models

Ben Medelsohn elevates anything he is in. The only role I regret for him is the one in Rogue One. That movie could not be elevated no matter what they did. Ben's work in bloodline was a revelation.

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For me it's Garrett Dillahunt.

everytime i see joe, i think its macon blair, and vice versa.

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This /absolutemadman is slept on by the general public. His work in Night crawler was so convincing that I could not even recognize Jake. He did great alongside Tobey Mcguire in Brothers. prisoners, enemy, source codewas were great movies as well. He seems to be a great supporting actor as well as lead. I respect that.

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He's underrated because he sucks

Brad fucking Dourif

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>the edgy prick that shows up in every thread

I blame women and faggots for this, they shill him so much only for his looks that his real talent is mostly overlooked


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You guys have MySpace?

I don't even know where to start with Mr Sam Rockwell. I fucking love this man, I admit, i am a bit biased because he is one of my all time favorite actors. His movie Moon is one of the greatest space movies ever. I would say it's almost as good as Sunshine

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Andy Dick. FUCK Joe Rogan huehuehuehue

this guy is so good in Aliens (and in "The Terminator", him and Paul Winfield should have had a kino gritty detective show together)

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yes, this guy is fucking evil looking In LOTR

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Someone nominated for multiple Oscars is not "underrated" you ding dong

Cliff Curtis. I know that's not your real name, you pajeet bastard but I love you.
This dude is a fucking chameleon. He is a solid actor with the potential to be legendary imo. His role as Searle in Sunshine had a lot of depth. I think he was the best character in that movie.

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He’s fantastic in those movies.

Generally speaking, people outside of this board don't know him by name

joe loTrulio's Best performance


I'm the wiz! and noooobody beats me!

Say what you will, but this guy has an acting future ahead of him. I wish him luck.

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fuck off zoomer

Ha, The State, they said my name on that show once because I wrote them a fan letter, good guys

Brad's and Stacy's don't count

Brie Larson isn't underrated, I just wanted to post a sexy ass picture of her

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interesting trivia: henriksen and paxton are the only ones that get killed by aliens predators and the terminator

that is like the best picture of her I've ever seen, she needs to stop hating on "white dudes" though, even if they are putting her up to it


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funny to think hes now the most succesful guy from The State after years of being lowest on the list probbaly next to the "redhead gay" guy from the show, the fuck ever happened to him?

Joel Edgerton stole the show in Smokin aces with his role an the Assassin Hugo. I didn't see him for a long time, but his work in It comes at night and Bright was very good. I was impressed of him. Admittedly, he is very much white bread but he has flavor, yo!

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I'm stealing this

He's horribly typecast as a villain, or at least is forced to fake being a villain.
I'd just like to see the guy be something that isn't a sniveling asshole for once.

>Ben's work in bloodline was a revelation
Let's be honest, watching Kyle Chandler play a backstabbing son of a bitch was pretty cool too.

OP said underrated not underraped

Good fucking lord I want to cum all over those lips.

I've had a huge boner for Brit Marling recently. She's fairly talented. She wrote and acted in The OA, which seems very much like a passion project. I have to hand it to her for selling her story and acting the shit out of the lead role. She also wrote and acted in Another Earth

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this guy, season 1/ep 2 of Cheers and he played Tony's dad on a couple of KINO episodes of "Taxi"

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>The only role I regret for him is the one in Rogue One.
He was excellent in Rogue One, what are you on about?

Whoa, Moner is NOT for lewding

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this guy was great in everything he did, died recently

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they even added a little hankie to his costume for his weepy eye

Legal in my state. Nothing can stop me from saying that I want to mating press moner and feel the tip of my cock pusihng against her puffy little cervix until I shoot hot thick semen directly into it.

I agree. He needs to fire his agent.
True Kyle chandler is great in that show too. He is also great in Wolf of wall street, game night... Pretty much everything he's in, actually!

Side note : fuck this guy for being so good looking

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>I agree. He needs to fire his agent.
Like if he couldn't act, I'd be a little less raw about it, but the man can definitely act and that feels like a waste.

I just regret anyone being in that movie. He was good, but he couldn't save the movie. Nobody could. :'(

Not saying much, but Rogue One was by far the least shitty NuWars movie thanks to Donnie Yen.

Legal has nothing to do with it, she is NOT for lewd

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Hes a Maori or whatever islander, so that most prolly is his real name, dumbo

Kathryn Hahn is a very talented actress, I think she's fairly underrated and could go on to do great things.

Also, she has undeniable sex appeal. I'd fuck the tits off of her

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I'm gonna jack off to Moner and NOBODY CAN STOP ME

Dude, I asked his mom. His real name is Pajeet Z Johnson

What else could she possibly be for?

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Imagine the smell. Probably coconut and flowers and sweat

He was hilarious in Ex-Men and that Street Fighter thing.

I mean... I guess. Care to elaborate? I don't even recognize this guy

Imagine her body quivering as you run your tongue across that tight stomach.
Imagine the taste.

This weird fuck is pretty underrated. Most people don't even know him by his actual face.

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Probably salty and bitter from perfume. I'd rather just squeeze her neck as i reach up her shorts and finger fuck the shit out of her

Thomas Middleditch, the best part of Silicon Valley. He's in the new Godzilla movie too, I predict he's going places.

Dan Steven's is extremely good in everything he's been in including The Guest, in which he becomes one of the most believable antagonists in recent memory. Make this guy the next Terminator. This guy has presence.

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I love salty and can deal with bitter.
Fuck imagine hearing that labored breathing right next to your ear while you're soaking your fingers in all that juice and smoothing out her vaginal walls with your fingers.

Shea Wigham
Was just about to post this.

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This guy is a fucking alien. His work on Sacred Deer was earth shattering yet nuanced. He has a great future ahead of him.
Get this kid and Joel Edgerton as father and son in a moví, or maybe do a reboot of looper with those two

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Also Soap, BSG and some sitcom I can't recall

wasn't he the crazy son of catherine keener in get out?

Lol that would be nuts. They do look alike.

He's hilarious in interviews, I'd love to see him in more comedic roles

>side note these 2 are kino

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idk if he is underrated in Korea or not but I need this dude in more movies.

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>got to say fuck on basic cable


he was creepy as fuck in sacred deer. Creepy but good creepy


He was surprisingly great in Dirt

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yo do you think actors lurk this board and then post themselves in threads like this?

Please reply if you are an actor

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why don't they make Canadians like Donnelly anymore?

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I just want to take this time to say that Eli Roth sucks ass in Inglorious bastards and takes me out of the scene every time he's on screen. Fuck his shitty acting

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Bong Ben

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Go away Donald Glover

I was on set with Ben for Bloodline season 1 episode 9 in Homestead FL and the dude smoked cigs for his role constantly I wouldn't be surprised if he was a huge pothead

This fucker right here is super talented and underrated. He has already acted in great films such as Tropic thunder, Superbad, this is the end, and vice principals. He is a great writer too having helped write the new Halloween and writing vice principals.

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This guy was very good in Avatar and its a shame he hasn't gotten a lot more compelling work. He's pretty fucking solid.

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Why they aren't casting him for the Vince Mcmahon movie is beyond me.
For the life of me, I just can't see Bradley Cooper as Vince.

He really shows it in sneaky pete, glad he got his own thing eventually.


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I haven't even heard of that. Who is Vince McMahon?

Ben foster is one of those actors that is easy to forget, but he bared his soul in Hell of High water. His work in Pandorum and Punisher was very good.

WWE ceo.

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ol' Benny

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Jesus Christ that really is a mistake. Ben would be the perfect Vince.

This dude has presence. He was recently in Westwood, and I think he really fit the role well. He looks like he takes care of himself, which I respect. Despite not getting a large amount of roles, he was great in Hostage

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Bradley Cooper is the definition of overrated

For me, it's Ethan Hawke.

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Kek, OP is Joe. You know what, I actually would have a lot of respect for an actor who posted about themselves on here, they risk being totally shit on by the board and JUSTed, it would take a lot of balls to risk incurring that wrath.


Flea is underrated to the point where people don't even know he's been in the big lebowski and back to the future.

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rip big dog

His work on predestination was great. That movie deserves so much more credit.

dude definitely belongs in this thread

He was also the best part of the magnificent 7

shut up

Black Irish get no respect.

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He's a fookin legend m8

His work on True Detective and Fright Night are probably my favorite of his

>brown eyes
>Black Irish

Man I miss The State.


>they still haven't made big dog's shirt available to buy online

fuck this


Peaky fookin' Blinders

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also, the next James Bond

And sunshine and 28 days later... This man is pure kino sauce

Don't play wit me, boi

Am I the only one?

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he is underrated but peaky blinders is cheeks past s1

I guess so I don't even know who this is lol

>Xander Berkeley
his character in the walking dead was a fucking travesty. total waste of talent.
oh well. most people wish they had "underrated but consistently working actor" problems

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robert englund retard


His character was such a fucking piece of shit. He did his job lol

You're telling me you wouldn't fuck this fine piece of ass?

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decent in american animals too, super relatable

it's funny when an actor is the go-to "asshole" guy for a while

Didn’t he win an Oscar?

Ben Medelsohn unfortunately

Jared Harris, he kills every part I've ever seen him play. I particularly recommend The Expanse and The Terror.

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The Terror killed me.
I really want to rewatch it but I don't have the strength.
It's similar to something like Threads, Come and See or All Quiet on the Western Front.

He had to beat off a lot of american men for that role.

Yeah, its heavy stuff. You've got to be in the right state of mind for it. Ultimately its a story about how we face death, some do it with courage and honor others with cowardice and duplicity.

Watch Millennium

Remember when people used to get cool fake names like Cary Grant?

Rachel Hurd-Wood would rather be a F list celebrity than just change her name Rachel Rhodes or some shit. Fuckin millennials.

Ethan Hawke is Keanu Reeves without a classic action movie, its pretty sad.

I was thinking about it on the crapper today and think he deserves an Oscar like Leo did hes at that level now of being robbed.

I nominate Matt Dillon. This guy has been in movies forever but never got that iconic role although he has tried.

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Loved him in The Phantom and Deep Rising.

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he killed it in "Mad Men", no screen death has made more Americans sad than his for decades, forget the hype surrounding others

You could say that Patrick Wilson has

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I haven't seen that, I'm going to now, thanks

Shaft specialist detected

this guy is the definition of "under-rated", is it just because his name is kinda "John Smith"?

What's that about? Sounds like dark city

He's dead now; but I'll give props to Dennis Farina.

He was probably the most likable gangster I've ever seen on film both on Miami Vice and in Snatch.

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>Yeah, its heavy stuff. You've got to be in the right state of mind for it. Ultimately its a story about how we face death, some do it with courage and honor others with cowardice and duplicity.
Honestly at the point of a giant magical bear creature eating everyone I'd probably just slit my throat.

Good luck finding it. Its made by the X-Files creator about a millennial doomsday cult.

I always associate Gary Sinise with that kind of role. He always seems to play the part of the guy who's ready to lose his shit because everything is getting to him or he's in a situation he can't control.

>Matt Dillon
I remember not thinking much of him but then seeing "Something About Mary" and realizing this dude is pure kino

This guy is great, especially in Fargo

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Tfw your friends get eaten by a magical bear right in front of you

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>Gary Sinise
definitely belongs in this thread

is it on DVD? Netfucks?

Good one.

Wow, he looks like such a baby compared to his look in Fargo


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Whenever he pops up you know you're in for a treat. Also Everwood was pretty good.

that's Rocco you posted

I saw a movie a long time ago with him... a cop pulls him over, pulls him out of his car, puts his car in drive and sinks it in a lake right in front of him, it was kino. Wish I knew what it was.


Raw sexual energy

What messed me up is the idea that it potentially eats their souls as well.
Man so many fucking feels

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of course he did his job. he's good at his job.
but do you honestly believe having a one-note "this guy's a coward and nothing else" character was really that interesting? how did a guy like that even end up as the leader at the time the viewer met him? was he good at anything? How on earth did he administer a successful community post-apocalypse for 5+years and why did the residents let him sit around in a mansion and sip single-barrel whiskey
having him snivel around so the lead characters could curl their lips at him over and over was just so tiresome

his character was relatively unknown at the end of the season when he was introduced - and then the following season he was sniveling-weak-man
it seems as though his character was turned into "weak man gets what's coming to him" arc so he could be replaced by maggie which is retarded
tension is fine. great. whatever. but turning the character into a weakling to be replaced as community head by a total outsider is retarded. the writers wasted the opportunity to utilize a strong actor to represent the figurehead of a separate (even if allied) community

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The obvious.

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Um, sweety, they fought for decades to be called 'actors' just like everybody else, until a few years ago when they demanded to be called actresses again... well some of them did and the Oscars are now unsure whether to have 'Female Actor' Category or 'Actress X' category. Almost like this shit is just something to moan about...

But I gotta say Mark Strong.


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The walking dead is has become unwatchable for me. Plainly speaking, it sucks donkey balls. Nobody could save it once Carl died

Few are as based as Brendan. I would have killed myself

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Do you think chicken nuggets have a piece of a soul?

the guy who played "Dick" in The Rules of Attraction.
he was really one of the best things of the movie, but he had a very underwhelming career after that.

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Never seen that. It sounds like cruel intentions

Rogue One was actually good though

god damn he was a handsome man.

what else has he been in? He looks so familiar...

He was so fucking based in the terror

id let him sux my dix desu senpai

he's gotten to do so many sex scenes with hot actresses. frig him

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Eli Roth. mostly bit parts. he's known more as a director than an actor, but he looks very similar to Zachary Quinto who plays Spock in Abrams Trek

>got a lifetime of free access to the best golfing locations in the world from playing a golfer in a movie
>became a legitimately good golfer
>hangs out with pros more than he even bothers acting
based as fuck

I hope so

fuck that he was such shitty casting. idk what the fuck Tarantino was thinking. The Bear Jew in the script was a fucking Beary Jew. Not some short hairy asshole with a retard accent.

Finding a physically imposing Jew who could also act would be a near impossibility. They aren't the most athletic people.

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hiya gato

Scoot Mcnairy literally only does kino. He’s like a supporting cast version of Daniel day Lewis

Thought he was bad in warcraft but that could just be the movie

Finally an underrated actor in this thread. Easily one of the best actors in 24 as well

>unless you really really want to post an actress
I will use that, Jessica Biel

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Saving Private Ryan
Boiler Room
The Virgin Suicides, as the narrator

He's been in some kinos and has real connections, he just seems like he likes remaining low key

he never chose leading roles, maybe he wanted to be "under rated"

thank you i thought i knew who this was and was trying to place him but i was thinking of macon blair the whole time (who is also really good and underrated)

it's based on a novel by Bret Easton Ellis, the same guy who wrote American Psycho,
it's about a bunch of degenerate college kid having a lot of sex and doing a lot of drugs

I like her in everything because she is one of the most perfect people I've ever seen, but then she's actually kind of funny in the cartoon horse show, AND she's impressive in the crazy murder show. Gosh I want to smell her smells.

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>under rated villains

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Have you ever heard of Glitterati? They basically had the actor playing Victor in character and followed him around Europe and he just has adventures with real life people. They never released it though because of the ethics of doing it

he can be funny but hes a massive cunt

loved him in black panther

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he's far better in Rogue One than he is in TDKR

plus, he's side-by-side with Hardy in this kino

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but tdkr is kind of the big studio picture that started it all for /ourguy/

Never seen it, looks kino. What would you compare it to?

>kino actor
>one of the best bassists of all time
how can one man be so based

Lee Van Cleef

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they goofed it with his career trajectory when they got him the freddy kruger role. That movie suxxed and it tanked the momentum he had.

fuck Berk and double fuck Smith for ruining this man's glorious visage
he's made a bit of a comeback, but we'll never get this god ever again, and it pisses me off

The Fighter but with MMA and no documentary styling

Only by performing a blood sacrifice of River Phoenix

Will Smith?

Afton Smith, his ex-wife

He was good as fuck in Preacher

John Leguizamo

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>Finding a physically imposing Jew who could also act would be a near impossibility

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He should have been bear jew

I guess, kind of old for the part. Maybe if you kept his shirt on you could pretend he's intimidating.

I've been a McNairy Fairy since Monsters.

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Yo he's great. He's easily the heart of True Detective s3
Speaking of which : Steven Dorff is criminally underrated and has some serious chops. He tore my heart out in the new True Detective

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The creator of that movie is based

>excuse me if im supposed to be terrified


I just realized this guy was in Blair witch 2 book of secrets


give him a couple years they'll wake up

his renaissance is beginning (although he's always been great)

his first film role was in High Noon, not bad

>Ethan Hawke is Keanu Reeves without a classic action movie, its pretty sad.
no offense to keanu but hawke is like 5x the actor keanu is

>yeah, I need a guy who looks like what would happen if hugh grant blew a load in doctor house's ass

he was actually excellent in a million ways to die in the west

Nigga what? Krennic made Rogue One. It was a great role and a great performance.

It's X-Files but with serial killers. Very bleak.

Based dubs for based sam rockwell and the basedposter

Persona Non Grata

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I respect her because she went out and made the kinds of films and wrote the kinds of roles she wanted to be in.
Instead of just waiting around complaining that others weren't doing it for her.

absolutely this. like dorff got memed into being a joke for some reason and kind of always did great work but wouldn't get taken seriously.

And then even in TD3 like his old guy make up was kind of shittier, which took away from his fucking great performance.

Lol so true. She's pretty fucking redpilled. I would wife that bitch up in a hot minute

He's almost 50 in Aquaman, maybe he preserved so good because he's not overworking?
Also you guys better watch Stretch.

>I would have killed myself
Because despite it all, me and every other guy who will never be what he wanted to be are still out there being what we don't want to be forty hours a week for life. And the fact that I haven't put a gun in my mouth you pudding of a woman makes me a winner!

what a tryhard hack

Great in everything I've seen him in.

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He just wants his kids back.

I liked him in Paul.


that's Dominique Strauss-Kahn, former IMF managing director, current maid rapist

Joe finally got a good main cast role in a big hit in Brooklyn 99, even though it's not a very good show. Good for him.

He looks painfully slavic in this pic

Caspian Wint. Unreal execution.


That's just because of the tits. Her face is so rubbery she's slowly gliding to the butterface category.

Are you from /bbg/?

Is it wrong for me to like Brooklyn 99?

It's okay to be a normie, technically they are better than us. Godspeed, user.

Didn't he play a henchman in TMWS Liberty Valance before that?

He went toe to toe with Seymour Hoffman in The Devil Knows Your Dead. Ever since that movie I have immense respect for him.

I recommend Once Were Warriors if you haven't seen it before


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Uncle Bully is best uncle.

Jim Carrey
I thought he was only a comedic actor who plays the same over exaggerated role every time, but in eternal sunshine of the spotless mind he plays the drama to near perfection

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This has to be a troll or bait right?

was pretty hilarious as Matthew Lillard's preppy dad in SLC Punk too

Everyone likes him what are you on about? My grandparents even like him

there's one guy who didn't go into showbusiness, I think he may be a doctor or something

He's by far the least funny State alum (low bar anyway) and the only reason he gets work are his friends.


Terminator 2, Sopranos, X-files
He was good in all of them

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He’s my favorite actor

Ben probably couldn't get ripped enough

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Did he ever play a drama role? Could be interesting

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No, but the general public usually only knows A++ superstars.


Nobody knew it was him under all that shitty makeup

It wasn't a good movie though.

Dont have an image, but Timothy Olyphant

He's in so many great movies and always does a great job

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Penis Anthony Doubligné.
As I live and breathe.


the bear jew was written with adam sandler in mind

Carrie Coon

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what a cool guy


Should have used a better stage name

>I am always getting love for the homies.

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Someone should do the overrated thread

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He's even good in bad movies. Really did get a bad hand.

Fucking savage. I love Woods.

How is he in Trust? Does he have a substantial part? I fucking hated his underuse in Texas Rising.
Thinking about it, prime Mummy-era Brendan would've made a great Leon Kennedy.

Just because I wanna fuck it in the asshole doesn't make it a good or underrated actor.

Logan Lucky completely warped my opinion on him

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lil goof

This but also with Adam Driver. Never thought one movie would make me like two actors I didn't originally like.

He really was, RIP.

David Straithairn. Always liked him but his supporting role last season on The Expanse solidified my opinion of him.

Apparently this wop nigger wrote an autobiographical musical.

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Also pretty much every actor cast by David Chase has been on point.

First Reformed blew me away

Fargo s02 was kino

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Everyone from The State are underrated character actors. This guy and Ken Marino are my faves from the bunch.

we're in the dorffissance lad

>the best part of Silicon Valley
i like TJ Miller. he's such an obnoxious idiot.
yes, i know he left the show

hes perfectly rated. Really funny, but also a really narrow range. He only plays oddball autist characters.

i saw what you did there
though tbhfam he's a shit bass player

yo lil donnie

He elevates every film for sure, but he seems to never draw attention. Really low-key guy. You pretty much know yuo're in for a good film when you see him

his work with yorgos lanthimos is fucking kino. apparently he tried to fuck an 80 year old woman one time but i forgive him because he’s a genius


Foxcatcher was undiluted kino

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My nigga Dorff

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i thought he was british because i've only ever seen him play villains