What is the most disgusting scene in a movie you've ever seen...

What is the most disgusting scene in a movie you've ever seen? I just saw a close up of someone's dickhole as they were jerked off and saw coom fly out. It was pretty much the most vile thing I've ever seen, at this point I might as well just watch porn.

Attached: Dx8lojIWwAEEAqr.jpg (645x773, 45K)

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what mobie

I saw a movie once where a guy put his penis in a woman's vagina

sounds rather tame.
is this your first day on the internet?

You asked for this.


Once you see it you die a bit inside.


>So Tim how do we wrap up this movie?
>"I dunno, let CG Johnny Depp do a ridiculous dance while Gothic Lolita Ann Hathaway claps?"
>Wow Tim you still got it


What do you mean by “put his penis into a woman’s vagina”?

I'm not entirely sure. It started pointing straight out and then made it disappear somehow. I'm unclear on the details because I was watching with my fingers covering my eyes

love it's a pretty terrible movie, I'm just watching it cause I'm retarded.
Yes my firend it is my first day on the interwebs

Probably THAT death scene in Bone Tomahawk. Gore rarely affects me in movies anymore, but that shit nearly made me nauseous

Jesus Christ user.
You did the right thing.


Hard to be a God, not a scene but the whole movie really grinds you down.

I remember coming downstairs to see my brother watching VHS and I saw the male castration scene
Fucked me up

Attached: 43CD29E4-C374-47E8-9270-3A22C8F38110.png (2000x734, 350K)

Never heard of that movie, I might check it out

sounds like a great movie OP

Christ, where do I begin?

Attached: MV5BOTU1NzgxMDcxN15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwODY0OTkzNzE@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,683,1000_AL_.jpg (683x1000, 168K)

Newborn Porn

Love is a shit flick, Gaspar Noe is a fucking hack
even taking the pointless sex scenes aside, the movie is still flat, pretentious and poorly executed
what a fucking waste of time

I'm suprised you got the title just from me describing that scene.

>that scene where army dog crushes an infants skull with his paw before mowing down his parents with a machine gun

when she cuts off her clit in Antichrist.jesus christ, I saw that at the cinema. fucking why??

i couldn't watch the scene in the green inferno where they start ripping of the dude's limbs, i had to fast-forward. shitty movie overall, dont know why i watched it.

also the scene where they are eating at the table in dead alive/braindead. shit was too gross. good movie overall.

What? I don't get it.

lol you got him good, my fellow Old Faggot™

tbqh, I don't think anybody else has done anything like that in a movie that isn't porn
he thinks he's revolutionary for doing it
everyone else knows he's a pathetic tryhard