Why is this scene portrayed so dramatically...

Why is this scene portrayed so dramatically? Gandolf is a lower case god who knows the big God Eru has complete omnipotence and allpower, shouldn't he have known Eru would cheat and help them win no matter how dire their situation looked, like he did in the end with Gollum as you would expect?

Also, if Eru is so powerful, why does he even need lesser gods like Gandolf?

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You are absolutely fucking retarded

idk couldnt Sauron have killed them all, ruled for another 3000 years, and then be defeated in some other way

That's the thing about God fixing things 'in the end', if you dont live right at the end it sucks

The gods don't interfere directly in the world because it caused a lot of bad shit to happen last time.
Eru was nice enough to trip Gollum though, but the mortals had to carry 99.99999999999% of the work

Because tolkien was a christcuck and couldnt write himself out of a cardboard box

Eru is a clockwork God, he made the valar and let them sing the song of the world. He doesn't interfere, he's more like an audience.

t. Chuck Wendig

You fucking fedora lord. It's a fucking fantasy fiction don't bring your pol doomer shit on this board. I just want some real discussion.

Is that how it works in the real world? God just comes and blows everything to pieces so the good guys win? Is it obvious to people on earth that good will win the day and they never have doubts?

Perhaps you have the same mindset who don't understand why the eagles couldn't have done xyz. They're representative of all seeming lost and miraculously the day is saved (night is darkest before the dawn).

People are so mechanistic and stupid these days.

Tolkiens a retard and got stuck on a dues ex machina like every other high fantasy writers

it's why LOTR is dumb boomer shit for Christians. Doing things for God out of misplaced servitude is how they live their everyday lives

You are an idiot. You haven't written anything. You are incapable of being in the ballpark of Tolkien. He fucking wrote entire languages specifically for these "stories" you disregard.

God helps those who help themselves

All the books are boring gibberish nonsense about shitty world building that no one cares about. I cant wait for the amazon tv series to breath some life into this dead series


My mom sent me to christian summer camp when I suggested God peaced out after Jesus.

It is explicitly a test. Arda is an Alpha build of our reality, Iluvatar wants to see if mortal races are worth it

Mods we clearly have an under 18 please remove them thanks.

If the reward for being loyal is an extended lifespan, then I think Aragorn and his ancestors had the right idea.

What's the point of all this world building if the tension in the story is non existent because God can fix it whenever he feels like getting off his lazy white ass?

Jesus Christ. You guys are actual idiots.

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>Shooping agent smith into LoTR
What did they mean by this?

>Is that how it works in the real world? God just comes and blows everything to pieces so the good guys win?

No because in real life God isn't real

>Is it obvious to people on earth that good will win the day and they never have doubts?

No, because, again, God *isn't* real on Earth, while Gandolf is a diety who directly has knowledge that a God exists in his universe.

I really have to question the IQ of LOTR-Boomers

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I don't even know why I come into these threads with you anti god atheists.

what do you know about god, you bot

what about us pro-God atheists

You guys are alright

>No because in real life God isn't real
I just raged at this and can't even read the rest of the post. Will the plebeians never have their fucking mouths gagged?

Watch out boys, there are discord trannies here

Retard detected

Gandalf isn't a god, the Maia are more like angels.

Eru explicitly gave living beings free will and a degree of power over their own actions. He doesn't generally intervene unless shit gets serious.

Gandalf doesn't know what Eru's plans, if any, are. Perhaps Sauron gaining dominion over Middle Earth is a part of Eru's design and mortals simply can't understand it.

Then why even bother doing anything?

>Gandalf isn't a god, the Maia are more like angels.
That's kinda what he means by god, I think. The gods that heathen worship are devils i.e. fallen angels. Morgoth was one of the most powerful angels in this lore and so is analogous to Satan.

Why do you do bother doing anything? Why don't you keel over and die? You don't know the end of all things.

Will you fight and die for the possibility of a better world or just give up and die anyways?

You have to have faith that Eru knows what he's doing I guess. Just like any rl religion.

>a tv series would flesh it out more!
>they can tell so much more story that happened in the books
>meanwhile all that extra time they have
>they fill it with filler bullshit that they made up to pad the episodes to 40 mins each

Tolkien believed in God and he wrote the books. So for the sake of the argument God is indeed real. If you're talking about having a greater theological argument that's one thing but you can't deny how Tolkien's belief in God influenced LOTR.

>No because in real life God isn't real
You should go down to your local mosque and let them know.

Why did Eru allow Melkor to go bad? He could have poofed him from existence and prevented the suffering of untold millions

Has Gandalf even met Eru?

If Eru made everything, who made Eru?

Christian God seems like such an asshole compared to Lord Buddha

It's just bad writing. The entire series Tolkien goes out of his way to have no religious references, since his real world faith was so important to him, he didn't even want to create a false one in the off chance it could be considered mockery. But then at the end "oh look, god intervened!" The movie did it 10000000000x better than the book. And his little god ending proved futile, since Lotr gets banned by religious organizations all the time for including "witchcraft".

Gods are cunts.

Everybody knows good wins in the end. What we don't know is whether good wins in the middle. As far as Elrond was concerned, good didn't win. Good didn't win for Elendil.

Old Testament god was literally the bad guy, and the faith revolved around pain and punishment. As the years went on, faith leaders realized people aren't gonna keep believing in this cruel shit, so out comes the DLC called New Testament, featuring a god that loves you and generally doesn't give a shit what you do as long as you love Jesus.

This is why Silmarillion and shit was never published in his lifetime.