Why dont more films have visceral fights?

Why dont more films have visceral fights?

Attached: The Clinch.webm (854x480, 2.73M)

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Is this supposed to be Ivan the Terrible murdering his son?

I get that this is a fight and they hate each other but why the fuck are they naked

name a better naked fight scene

Looks like that Liszt movie

It's the one we were all thinking of, user. The only one that might be better is the one from Borat.

I mean what the fuck is he supposed to? Turn the fight down like a pussy just because he doesnt have some shorts on?



Would this be considered gay?

Only if you were involved


But they are fighting? Which is a pretty manly thing to do...

only if balls touched

Literally what is this from? I'll give you reddit gold

Why so you can watch it faggot?

I'll fuck you til you love me, faggot. And yes.

Attached: DH_.59838.Wiredl.jpg (1164x1164, 237K)

Do white males really do this?

Who was in the wrong here?

Attached: 1511637399564.webm (854x480, 2.72M)

How do they not get hard?

You think you can beat me 1 2 3? I win I take your ass.

What a bunch of pussy faggots. I'd wreck them both easily. THROW A PUNCH. Insufferable.

What do you do when your opponents cock touches you?