Even if there was a Jedi plot to overthrow the senate, it’s not like the younglings, padawans, and average Jedi would be in on it. Why would anyone cheer hunting them all down? That’s like saying “a couple of high ranking Iranians were behind a terrorist attack so now we will exterminate every man woman and child of Iran”. How is literally the entire senate except padme filled with evil madmen, despite being made up of multiple different cultures and planets and species?
Even if there was a Jedi plot to overthrow the senate, it’s not like the younglings, padawans...
because pic related
>That’s like saying “a couple of high ranking Iranians were behind a terrorist attack so now we will exterminate every man woman and child of Iran”.
Post 9/11 america would have unironically cheered for it.
He never mention killing younglings he just did it. I'm an American and we kill innocent women and children with drone strikes no one cares but it's unintentional
but thats part of what I'm saying
it isn't just a particular region of a world like USA, its literally a huge conglomerate of massively diverse species and planets. and not any are like "wait maybe we should just hold the high level jedi accountable? like the 10 or so that actually make up the council"
he literally says "exterminate the jedi" in his speech
the younglings would have grown up to be terrorists. sheev did the logical thing.
>Why would anyone cheer hunting them all down?
the united states currently has a system in place where we are forcibly adopting refugee children, and raising them in purposely abusing them in concentration camps along the border, to try and deter people from legally applying for refugee status.
This is one of the uglier things we've done in the last 100 years, and ~60 million people in this country support it.
>That’s like saying “a couple of high ranking Iranians were behind a terrorist attack so now we will exterminate every man woman and child of Iran”.
we are stealing thousands of children and raising them shitty on purpose.
>How is literally the entire senate except padme filled with evil madmen
We have plenty of people taking issue with this. There aren't enough to change it, because all of the authority on this has been claimed by the executive branch, and the judicial branch won't hear about it. And most people in this country just don't give a shit, or they spend so much time consuming anti-humanism propaganda from corporations that they support destroying children.
You do realize that Jar Jar performed a mass mind trick, right
>the united states currently has a system in place where we are forcibly adopting refugee children, and raising them in purposely abusing them in concentration camps along the border, to try and deter people from legally applying for refugee status.
and dont reply with a massive paragraph or an insult but no source
Yup he sure does. He literally doesn't say let's kill some children. In case you didn't know a younglings is not yet a jedi
Except the 9/11 attackers were Saudis and Sunnis, Iran is an enemy of Saudi Arabia and Shia. The Iranians/Hezbollah are more straightforward in their warfare.
"the jedi" is basically still describing an obviously much larger group than is actually responsible
He could have just said "the jedi council". even just using the word "exterminate" is super strong.
Its supposed to be like a large scale Waco, Texas
people who commit serious crimes are often separated from their children, I fail to see whats controversial about this
quite a number of world problems would evaporate if the people from the middle east region ceased to exist
>people who commit serious crimes are often separated from their children
seeking asylum is legal. That's why we steal their kids. To scare them away.
>I fail to see whats controversial about this
Then you'd support the coup against the jedi.
you're wrong on all counts
Politicians are inhuman and don't give a shit about anyone unless pretending to do so will increase their power. How are you not already aware of this?
Fuck off.
>commit crime
>rot in a camp
Oh nooooooo, sucks to suck beaneaters
Jedi, padawns, younglings there are differences. When we went to war with iraq we're we declaring war on iraqs children?
k. You support killing younglings out of tribalistic fear and spite. You've been seduced by The Dark Side.
The vast majority of those problems come from a particular country in the Middle East.
Seduced by the dark side LOL
>seeking asylum is legal
You can’t seek asylum from living in a third world shithole
I think they all share a blame, and they're a pain
None moreso than Israel. If it weren’t for Israel, they would be a feuding bunch of tribes forever confined to their shitty countries
I support the apprehension of outsiders that have no permission to land on our planet, and the separation of children from the detention center that said offenders shall be processed in in order to protect the children from detainees, and to clarify the status of their relation to the outsider they were with.
yeah you can. That's why we're collecting thousands of DACA 2.0 Younglings right now and rape raising them in tent cities.
that region is a problem beyond that country, islam is a disease
Yeah you've been seduced by the dark side. You're going to burn in hell if that exists. You're a shill for malignant agencies that use outgroup contempt and fear to control you and keep you compliant.
The people you trust are abusing you. The people you trust want you to kill yourself.
Do it.
No, we’re collecting them because our elites hate us and want more compliant subjects.
your idea of morality is retarded
Islam is a coping mechanism that instills restraint in people who have none otherwise. Without Israel they wouldn’t have come to invade when they have. And without Israel, when that time would come, we would be more than willing and capable to push them back into their holes.
who's restraining themselves? that religion is like chaos cultists
>you're going to burn in hell
Holy shit user you have larped yourself into another dimension. Please see a doctor you need stronger medication.
lol your morality doesn't exist. You'll keep supporting your abusers as long as you feel like they're mistreating your spooky boogiemen worse than you!
Sure your cost of living is exploding, the economy is on the brink of collapse, and you're more likely than ever to get bankrupted by medical bills, but at least you can take some solace in knowing that at least you aren't being as mistreated as brown kids in concentration camps!
You're a bad person. You've been doomed to burn in hell by the corporations you trust. if you get the opportunity, you should kill yourself.
The jedis are jews
Shoot yourself in the brain. It'll be one of the biggest sighs of relief in your mother's life.
I live in the real world pal, I have a nation, you want to live in world bound by nothing.
>more than willing to push them back into their holes
Oh so that is why we elected them into our highest roles in the government? Doing a real bang up job of keeping them in check there aren't you murica?
Younglings grow up to be jedi
I disagree. They’re a naturally chaotic people who muster what little order they can through Islam. Without a burqa and a male escort a woman in their countries would be raped in a heartbeat. Without the prohibition of alcohol they would be eternal drunkards. Without several prayers each day they would be exponentially more heathenous than is already the case. What I fear is not Islam, but having these people in pur countries as they lose their faith.
>being so far into Trump's cock and balls that you're okay with punishing children under a strict interpretation of asylum law
Thus timeline is insane with bootlickers.
Anger isn't good for your health user friend, watch some non non byori and calm down for your own sake.
look buddy, islam is shit, it's holding them back, and it always will
>I live in the real world pal
no you almost certainly do not.
How many hours a day do you live in the black mirror?
>I have a nation,
nope. you have an astroturfed tribe of malignantly abused virgins who've been bamboozled into supporting some of the worst industrial plunderbunds in human history that use psychological political messaging strategies to control you that you'll likely never be able to come to terms with.
Everything you care about is a distraction. The people you trust rightfully think you're a pathetic loser. Your death will be the most patriotic thing you ever do.
feels fucking mint
nice troll post friend, the fire rises ;)
>Anger isn't good for your health user friend
What is there to be angry about? You're pretty much on the path of ultimate self-destruction. I don't say shoot yourself in the brain because I think you won't if I don't, I say it because you're statistically very likely to do it regardless.
And you won't be missed. You're a negative sum nigger shill for bad actors. Nobody will care that you're dead.
>holding them back
I know it’s bad as it is, but you have no idea how low they can go. And they will. They’re behavior will deteriorate into something dramatically worse.
they really should keep the illegal kids and the people that sex traffick them together. Great argument
Jesus man, not that user but relax. Get off of /pol/ and make some meaningful relationships.
Do you know how many illegals are statistically sex traffickers, Rudy? Why has your camp just abandoned all facts for feefees here? Like SJWs...
now if only you'd take your impulse against old caveman religions and apply it to your own goddamn society. Christniggers are fundamentally working towards installing a fundamentalist theocracy in the United States, and they control an overwhelming number of people in our government. There are tens of millions of people in this country that ARE EXCITED about the idea of causing the apocalypse in their lifetime. But yeah please keep whining about sand niggers. Always be batting down and away!
The Americans vaporized Japanese civilians because Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.
I've seen those buildings. They're nicer than the shitbox I'm typing this to you in. You're goddamn delusional, those kids have it fucking made compared to the dirt floored shack they used to live in. Latin America is such a shitbox, American prison is like winning the lottery
>they really should keep the illegal kids
yeah so now anyone south of the border that doesn't can't raise their kids are incentivized to take their kids to get "adopted" into the US system LOL. We've created a mexican baby adoption program by accident! We're going to be dealing with these fucking kids for 20+ years!
Because it's poorly written, zoomer. The end.
the jews let pearl harbor happen to force america into the war
>inb4 /pol/
empirically the jews
Iraqi children grow up to be Iraqi men. Holy shit we do kill them on purpose don't we
No, we're collecting them because their shitty abusers are only using them as tokens because retards like you think we're under some kind of obligation to take the teeming mass of humanity frothing at our southern gate
your post is disregarded
enjoy being angry asshole until the day you due
both of these posts are retarded, and part of the reason this website was a mistake
>I've seen those buildings. They're nicer than the shitbox I'm typing this to you in. You're goddamn delusional,
Forcefully adopting foreign kids is GOOD!
> those kids have it fucking made compared to the dirt floored shack they used to live in.
>Latin America is such a shitbox
Better upward mobility than the US at this point. There's a reason that immigration to the US has plummeted over the last decade. Economic opportunity in this country hasn't bee this bad in 100+ years. The only people still trying to flee TO America are the truly desperate.
>American prison is like winning the lottery
tell that to the babies and young children being raised in concentration camps because their of decisions their parents made LOL.
>says unsourced and retarded /pol/ thing about the Jews doing (the umpteenth evil scheme here)
>when those big bad nazis got you so down you unironically mentally unhinge
>give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses....
>No, we're collecting them because their shitty abusers are only using them as tokens
We are their shitty abusers and we are using them as tokens. The entire premise is that we're making an example of some random kids to scare away people with kids from seeking asylum. We're turning babies into political props.
>because retards like you think we're under some kind of obligation to take the teeming mass of humanity frothing at our southern gate
We are a nation of immigrants. And we already had SUPER conservative immigration policy. The most conservative immigration policy in the world!
And we were already at a 10-year low of immigration! There is no crises! There is no "teeming mass of humanity frothing!" It's all a fabricated scandal designed to trigger you into shilling for assholes that you'll regret later.
You've been seduced by the dark side. You're going to burn in hell.
every time
Those kids are so pretty happy to be there where they get food, clothing, no asshole coyote threatening to murder them if they say anything other than "papa", you know, the basics. You're literally arguing my side for me, and you don't even know it. The logical conclusion is the part where we force every single one of them back, not open our arms to them all
>some poem someone stuck on after the fact to a gift from a foreign nation
>the goddamned constitution
You idiots pushed so far we're headed so the way back to "free white males of good character" and as an Italian that has me worried
I'm going to get attacked for this take, but it has to be said.
Islam has unironically been a net positive for the world, and I mean this from a purely geopolitical look of history. The Middle East was always warring since whoever "Abraham" is had his first son, but the terrorism we see today is relatively new on a historical scale and can be almost entirely attributed to the rise and fall of dictatorships, Israel, and of course, the United States. Islam is just a tool, a vehicle. Theologically it has the same retardation that pretty much all religion shares, though the Quran is an interesting "old world philosophy" book in the same way the Bible is and worth a read.
Islam literally saved the Middle East and possibly large parts of Western Europe. What we're currently in is the equivalent of a Dark Age.
nothing is going to stop your destiny. You're going to die alone. You're going to die by your own hand. Your mom is going to be relieved when it happens.
The USA and most Western nations are really big on collective punishment. See the world post-9/11 and the bombed-out crater mess the West left the Middle East which they are still bombing to this very day.
>there's no way to stop them all coming in!
>but there's no crisis
:^) I'm gonna fucking hang you in Minecraft
You're never going to convince him that he's wrong. He's fucking brainwashed.
Every time...what? Someone calls you a retard? Well maybe you should stop saying retarded things?
Kek when you realize the crock of shit you've been bragging about has been nothing but this whole time
Well when all your arguments rely on statistic manipulation while you pretend it's not a crisis as people continue to force their way past our increasingly fortified border, you're the one who looks brainwashed
This new meme argument again
>literally a mantra that has informed our cultural and national identity for nearly a century around tue entire globe
>aggressively campaign to have immigrants coming in multiple times after major European crisis'
>so imbued in the American image that it's the one thing that we are internationally known for
>a mentality that has permeated our media, books, television, films...
>"but like psshhh, I saw a convincing /pol/ macro about muh Immigration Act once without looking it up"
Kill yourself.
>national identity
>around the globe
That's where you lost
Not those anons but not even your good boys over at ICE consider this a "crisis".
>after major euro crisis
And that's the killshot
>while you pretend it's not a crisis
It's literally not one. If it was, the president wouldn't have gone golfing after declaring it one.
>Those kids are so pretty happy to be there where they get food, clothing, no asshole coyote threatening to murder them if they say anything other than "papa", you know, the basics.
they're also apparently getting systematically raped lol
It's like the policy in India or wherever where they started paying people that turned in dead cobras, and that lead to an explosion of cobra farms where they were being breeded to be sold to the government. And then when the government ended the program it just led to EVEN MORE SNAKES THAN EVER BEFORE.
The undesired externalities in this situation are going to haunt us for decades.
>You're literally arguing my side for me
lol didn't realize you were a filthy liberal
>The logical conclusion is the part where we force every single one of them back,
lol nope. We don't even know where their parents are or who many of them are. Devos is already making moves to dump them into the system.
>not open our arms to them all
Like how do you not get brain bubbles from the cognitive dissonance?
What are you even attempting to say?
>this one person said one thing that we took out of context
>we will use this as the rock solid foundation to spin an entire new web of lies
This is why people stopped taking you seriously in 2014
>there's no way to stop them all coming in!
there isn't. People will always just fly in and overstay visas.
>but there's no crisis
there is no crisis. It's been trending down for a decade.
>:^) I'm gonna fucking hang you in Minecraft
you're going to hang yourself in your mom's closet
Well that's two posters less than a minute a part who both recognize the fact that America as a nation of immigrants means explicitly white ones
>If it was, the president wouldn't have gone golfing after declaring it one.
What in the shit are you on about? No federal agency thinks we have a "crisis" at the border, there is no official consensus on there even being remotely one. The only place you are hearing this is from the White House press and the retard of a President who doesn't even know what carbon dioxide is.
nobody really cares. like how people don’t care the us is sacrificing children to open inter dimensional portals at cern in order to find another earth for the elite to escape to once the great filter hits us
>statistic manipulation denies the reality that there are so many apprehensions they're being kept in open air camps underneath fenced in bridges
Hahahahahahahahahaaha you actually believe this on my god what the fuck
Do you have any understanding of what America is or represents? Not that the average American does post-FDR, but it's much more of a parallel than what you think.
That's not even an argument though?
>let me tell you what you believe because the real facts can't be countered
And that's why you already lost 2020
>there's no way to stop them all coming in!
>there isn't. People will always just fly in and overstay visas.
Then how about we don’t accept their visa applications?
>but there's no crisis
>there is no crisis. It's been trending down for a decade.
Except the recent massive spike after that downward trend
No of course not goyim, America not has one culture, if you don't like fags you're just a dirty fly over stater who is 100% the same from the Appalachians all the way through Minnesota, absolutely no diversification at all there, we need mexicans
>real facts
Again, every federal agency AND independent watchdog group with credibility shows the decline of illegal immigration over the last 10 years, that there isn't a crisis, and not even fucking ICE agrees with Trump.
I just want you to admit that this isn't a position you hold because of facts, you just feel it to be true. Which is fine, just be honest with me you disingenuous faggot.
>Hahahahahahahahahaaha you actually believe this on my god what the fuck
Im not sure what you're quoting, what you're implying I believe, or what you're desperately implying we aren't doing.
Don't forget
>If you're not part of one of my coastal enclaves of progressive thinking, you're not a TRUE American
There isn't a "massive spike", there were barely a thousand immigrants that even showed up at the US border from the caravan you dumb mutt.
God damn who let Resetera out of the cuck shed tonight?
>he's a homophobe too
Real shock.
Seriously, you can keep ignoring reality all you want, the fact of the matter is that the situation is so bad we're almost out of room to house them. There's a reason Trump said last week that we're legally allowed to just gun them the fuck down, that's the next step and it will be on you for pretending there was no crisis at all
Just gotta call him a tranny and you'll hit all your quotas!
t. self-loathing cumskin
>faggot thinks American culture stands for homos
That's the real shock, that idiots like you are even allowed the fantasy that you're actually the majority
>Then how about we don’t accept their visa applications?
That's millions of people. that would actively sabotage our own economy. And for what? We ALREADY have "historically low" unemployment rates. Why should we just stop ALL flow of traffic of qualified people getting visas into this country?
And even people that don't get visas and just travel here "on vacation" and stay. You want to nuke billions of dollars entering the economy just to keep out ferners? Are you a fucking communist? Why would you unironically want to do this?
Honestly how virginal are you?
>Except the recent massive spike after that downward trend
Nope. Upward mobility is getting worse. Economic opportunity is getting worse. We're going to "beat immigration" by becoming shittier than the places the people are fleeing.
Read more nigger.
>t. Shitskin who doesn't know what irony is
>I'd be fine with straight up gunning down immigrants seeking asylum at the border
>it's true because I said so
How you people somehow think you're the "good guys" of this era is beyond fucking me.
>Muh disease riddled sodomites, they’re just like us! They totally don’t have a drastically higher probability of pedophilia
If you're some flyover nigger that parrots a bunch of Russian propaganda, you're not a true American at all. You're going to burn in the 9th circle of hell and nobody will care. You should kill yourself as soon as possible, for the good of your country.
I hate to break it to you, but the statistical majority of this country give no shit about gays anymore.
>money is literally all that matters, I've never had a home so you're not allowed to hate me for stealing yours
If that's your best argument, it doesn't even bear refutation
>muh pedophile gays meme that has been debunked for nearly 50 years now.
>when you try to be all badass on an internet knitting forum but you forget there aren't circles of hell
Fuck me, I had one hope. Make my enemies pathetic. God if I could go back and ask for ridiculous instead
lol you wish you were German so bad...
You know you can just move there, right? If you don't have the skills to emigrate there legally, just tell them you're Syrian. It's not like you're any more white than they are.
>Seriously, you can keep ignoring reality all you want,
You say in a desperate attempt to justify why you're still a shill for a degenerate New York "billionaire" liar.
> the fact of the matter is that the situation is so bad we're almost out of room to house them.
Nope situation was fine. It's entirely fabricated. The Trump administration intentionally created scenarios that would lead to more congestion at the border, for the press opportunity of being able to sell images of "hoards" at the border.
>There's a reason Trump said last week that we're legally allowed to just gun them the fuck down,
Yeah he's desperate to use outgroup contempt to keep dumb nigger kids like you compliant.
>that's the next step and it will be on you for pretending there was no crisis at all
It's all on you. You're going to be dealing with the cognitive dissonance for the rest of your life.
Luckily for you the rest of your life will be over by your own hand in this decade.
The Jedi are the Star Wars equivalent of the Knights Templar, and Order 66 was a reflection of the Friday the 13th Massacre. Just like the Jedi, the Templars had grown in political power, and the the government and the Catholic Church grew to hate and fear them as an emerging pillar of power, so they invented some fake accusations and whacked them.
But when he gets there and gets flagged for visiting Stormfront, he's going to realize that modern Germany doesn't even entertain Naziboos at all.
ironic. you people are the worst, proving every insult the dumb coastie faggots throw at us right
>believing in the Russia conspiracy
>slurping the nutsacks of beaners
>wants to be invaded
>likes gays and probably trannies
Leftists everyone.
You people are so trapped in your brain-rotted way of view of the world that you think the majority of the country agrees with you. Then you lose an election and howl like banshees as reality collapses down upon you and spend the rest of the time frothing at the mouth about how it's all illegal.
>Inb4 popular vote
The popular vote is poisoned by democratic mayors keeping sanctuary cities and registering illegals and dead people to vote. Basically I can't wait until we gun you people down in your homes.
So to sum up your dumb fuck belief system
>Trump isn't just letting them all in willy nilly
>so it's his fault they're overloading our border control
Nah nigga, that ain't how that works, it's on Jose for coming here in the first place, not because ICE is doing their job for the first time in a decade
What I find fascinating is that when it jas to do with Hillary, she has the capacity and international power to suicide anyone at any point in time...but they can't fathom that a President would fabricate a crisis. And a billionaire one.
It’s my fetish
>money is literally all that matters,
The success of this country has been built on our economic strength. And our economic strength has been built on immigrant labor.
>I've never had a home so you're not allowed to hate me for stealing yours
I've owned multiple properties. You're a pathetic fucking loser that is so pathetic that you feel threatened by fucking immigrants. Shoot yourself in the brain you fat faggot.
>If that's your best argument, it doesn't even bear refutation
You have zero argument. The only reason you support any of this shit is because you are very easily manipulated and exploited. Do your family a flavor. Do your country a flavor. End your life you degenerate nigger traitor.
>yfw I'm a masshole who got culturally enriched
>look at all these sources
Has R/the_Donald ever been able to formulate an argument based in fact?
Palpatine is basically if Hilary won.
>when you try to be all badass on an internet knitting forum but you forget there aren't circles of hell
>literally just having CBP actually doing something causes such a hiccup that they can't handle the tidal wave of flesh
>tHe (nonexistent, remember) cRiSis IS FaKe
What am I even looking at here?
>We ALREADY have "historically low" unemployment rates.
See that’s a juked stat that I’ve talked about extensively before. Unemployment only applies to people who’ve worked within two years, the stat passes over millions of people. Why would Trump go to the trouble of attempting to bring manufacturing back in country, just to promise legal immigration to fill those jobs? What was the point of that whole exercise if it wasn’t to put people who were out of jobs back into work. That also doesn’t address the quality of work, and how shitty low living standard shitskins undercut white American wages.
The whole point of the anti-immigrant stance is that the economy should serve of native people of the country first and foremost. I don’t give a fraction of a fuck about this nation’s economy if it will see to MY people’s demographic destruction. I WOULD “nuke billion of dollars entering the economy” if that meant living in a sea of infinity niggers.
>travel hundreds of miles to fight and die alongside your brothers to reconquer sacred Christian lands
>descendants in the year of our Lord 2019 claim that Islam literally saved the middle east
>and large parts of Western Europe
>when confronted with the fact that you have no home
>you claim "I've owned multiple properties"
That's the whole fucking point you bougie prick, not all of us are jet setting internationalists, I've been in the same town all my life with a bunch of families who have been here so their lives going back generation after generation. That's what a fucking home is like, you will never be able to understand why blood and soil will always come before capital to a real American
>So to sum up your dumb fuck belief system
nope we're only talking about the system you support. KYS loser
>Trump isn't just letting them all in willy nilly
yeah he's actively adopting them
>so it's his fault they're overloading our border control
yep. We are limiting the budget for border security officers and doing all kinds of other intentional things that lead to longer lines and congestion at the border, to create media opportunities that create the perception of a "bigger problem" for losers like you.
The people you trust laugh about how pathetic you are. Nobody hates you more than the people you trust.
>Nah nigga, that ain't how that works
whatever you need to tell yourself cucko. Whatever makes that dick taste ok.
>it's on Jose for coming here in the first place,
nope it's on their kids that we are forcefully adopting LOL
>not because ICE is doing their job for the first time in a decade
they aren't though. That's the whole cause of the congestion.
Honestly. Just kill yourself. For the good of yourself. For the good of your country .
>literally a chokehold crisis because the President is trying to crackdown on borders and forcibly remove thousands of children from their families
Kek you didn't even read his actual fucking quote.
The voter fraud that doesnt exist. She won that popular vote fair and square, now up the shut fuck and undo your electoral college so America 2.0 can finally crush the remains of the real thing under foot
>What I find fascinating is that when it jas to do with Hillary,
Shoot yourself in the brain you degenerate communist
Show me in the bible where there are rings again? I haven't read it cover to cover in a few years, I must have missed it last time
This blurry webm is evidence of voter fraud to you? That's all it takes to convince you?
...I'm not even a communist you assmad retard.
>Congress tries to undercut the president and defund his projects
That seems more like Congress fucking up than Trump senpai
I think it was somewhere between the ritual child sacrifice and the father/daughter threesome.
This isn't reddit, queer. Maybe you should fuck off back there. There's no debate here, no sources needed. Just contract AIDS and die. Or better yet, get murdered by an MS13 member.
>of i just keep pretending it's isolated o can pretend there's no problem
Meanwhile you're teaching me about an entire other kind of problem we'll need a solution for
>I can't read
You literally have an Executive Branch trying to supersede Congress because they told him to fuck off with his border wall money.
>heh, I don't believe in your religion but of i say you're doing it wrong you might do what I want
See how easy it is to b8 you retards out when you don't actually know what you're talking about because literally all of your knowledge comes from memes
>I don't need facts or sources to inform what I believe
nu-conservatives, everyone. Undeveloped brains because they are underage, lack of critical thinking skills.
>president gets elected on thing
>Congress denies the rightfully elected president by the majority of American people the one thing he was elected to do
Still sounds like a problem with congress. If they won't budge they can be dealt with. Thanks Obama
>it's another "I'm going to take blatant sarcasm as straight fact" episode
Is this English?
>He unironically believes in le Dominionist conspiracy
>if. I. Just. Keep. Pretending.
Gradually, I began to hate them
>See that’s a juked stat that I’ve talked about extensively before.
yeah you'll do anything to justify why your mouth tastes like cum.
>Unemployment only applies to people who’ve worked within two years, the stat passes over millions of people.
>Why would Trump go to the trouble of attempting to bring manufacturing back in country,
he isn't. It's a lie. He's ALWAYS been focused on exporting labor on his own products to increase overhead. He just lies to you and you're stupid so you accept it.
>just to promise legal immigration to fill those jobs?
his administration created a system to forcefully adopt babies to try and scare away asylum seekers.
>What was the point of that whole exercise if it wasn’t to put people who were out of jobs back into work.
It's ENTIRELY ABOUT JANGLING SHINY KEYS TO DISTRACT DUMBASS BABIES. None of it matters. It's just what fascists use to keep nigger retards on their team.
>That also doesn’t address the quality of work, and how shitty low living standard shitskins undercut white American wages.
You realize that by getting rid of immgrants, we're actively "undercut" American wages. You're creating a system where "white Americans" are the ones picking berries for $3 an hour in 120 degree heat. You're turning "white Americans" into niggers.
>The whole point of the anti-immigrant stance
is that it's easy to manipulate dumb nigger white people against scary outsiders
>is that the economy should serve of native people
You have to spend $300,000 in your life on healthcare. You're being facefucked by the people you trust. You should kill yourself loser.
>I don’t give a fraction of a fuck about this nation’s economy
Because you're a degenerate nigger cuck and you're destroying your society to spite boogiemen. You should kill yourself loser.
> if it will see to MY people’s demographic destruction.
You're all alone. kys.
>the majority of Americans voted for Trump
>Why isn't my meme man a straight up dictator that can go unchecked and not be stopped by Congress, who's literal job it is to check the Executive?
You don't care about the democratic system, you just want your WWE character of choice to win things and "stick it" to other Americans, /pol/nigger.
>Show me in the bible where there are rings again?
Where Jesus beat up the bankers you're a shill for?
Legit question for the based skitzo kys user. Why do you think immigration laws should apply to every country but your own? If you just started walking south until you hit Mexico do you think they would just let you in because you asked nicely?
>I'm just going to support a President doing whatever he wants
>to increase overhead
You have no idea how profitable business is run. You dumb fuck commies actually think he's cutting himself comical sized cheques written out to "an unfair portion of generated revenue" which he personally pockets week by week, don't you?
He never said that.
In my long life he's the only politician who ever actually tried delivering on his promises, and it's set the entire establishment against him. He would dissolve the other two branches tomorrow and you dumb fucks habe pushed me to the position where I will support that until my lungs are split and my large reserve of ammunition is spent
>immediately after getting elected, advertises and shills for his daughter's clothing line
>tried to leverage his possible election win on a building deal
>appointed his children to various "unpaid" positions in government and the White House
>Goldman Sachs members write his tax bill
My fucking lord, how do you "redpilled" faggots seem to miss obvious corruption?
Lel thats a new one
>he's the only politician who ever actually tried delivering on his promises
>hillary will be in prison!
>mexico will pay for the wall!
>tariffs on china!
Imagine being an honest to shit, political extremist? Yikes.
Sheeve probably lied and said the Jedi killed the kids in a mass suicide. They were killed with a lightsaber after all. As for the "moderate" Jedi, Sheeve did tend to incorporate surviving Jedi into the Inquisitorious.
>You have no idea how profitable business is run.
neither does Trump LOL. Lost all his daddy's money ON CASINOS and had to become a Russian cuck for the last 20 years.
kys loser.
>You dumb fuck commies
My net worth is ~$14 million.
>actually think he's cutting himself comical sized cheques written out to "an unfair portion of generated revenue" which he personally pockets week by week, don't you?
He's still profiting from his businesses, that foreign agencies are dumping money into to influence him. He's essentially the only president to continue actively profiting from his businesses while being president. This is an active violation of the emoluments clause in the constition. And the only reason you support any of this cancer is that you're a nigger tribalist.
And nobody will care when you're fucking dead. You're a degenerate traitor cunt and your suicide will be the most patriotic thing you ever do.
>this billionaire crony shill is delivering on his promises despite doing nothing at all for almost 4 straight years and I'm so brainwashed that I'd be cool with him overthrowing all the other levels of government
If you actually believe any of that, next time leave it to the fucking adults to discuss because when you say stupid shit like
>Trump is trying to increase his business's overhead
>implying that would lead to larger profits and no just a bloated failure
You make every argument you tack on to it so tainted that you could say the sky is blue and I would have to go look myself before I even consider believing you
>Do you know how many illegals are statistically sex traffickers
Source please.
>You don't care about the democratic system
This but unironically. How can anyone think democracy is still a good political system at this point?
"Democracy is a system in which the village idiot has just as much of a say as Aristotle."
>My net worth is ~$14 million.
No it isn't, can I google you? What is your name?
>Russian cuck
>Still believes in muh Russia even after the Mueller investigation
>had to become a Russian cuck
>My net worth is ~$14 million.
>He's essentially the only president to continue actively profiting from his businesses while being president
imagine being this dishonest
>And nobody will care when you're fucking dead. You're a degenerate traitor cunt and your suicide will be the most patriotic thing you ever do.
and this mad
>the billionaire failure of a business tycoon with 500 successful businesses and roughly 8 failures isn't getting things done instantly despite the fact most of his party and all of the opposition are against him, what the fuck I'm a yang ganger now
Based anti Trump. If you aren't a rich and you support Trump you're a dumb cuck.
You're talking to 2 different user but Trump quite literally advertised his daughter's clothing line after becoming President. Which for obvious reasons, is illegal but because he's a President, he got away with it, as per usual. And you retards just let it go.
Imagine reading all that shit nigga, have you not been here for so long you can see who's on the other side of each post?
nope LOL. You can shoot yourself in the brain tho
Lol he doesn't have "500 successful businesses" you bootlicking faggot, his wealth has always been exaggerated.
the people you trust are abusing you
Trump has been a Russian agent for 30+ years.
That will never change.
Your life will NEVER improve.
Shoot yourself in the brain.
Ah yes, here we are in 2019. Promoting your family's success is a bad thing but saying "that murderous little thug could have been my son" is one of the shining lights in the beacon of morality that drove this country apart
Imagine believing this paranoidn eft wing conspiracy theory
I'm saying it's low.
>The people you trust are abusing you
So who should I trust in your mind?
>but but but whatabout...
Yes, it literally is illegal for the Office of the President to advertise for a personal business or members of family with a personal business.
>your life will never improve
>woah stop what are you doing stop trying to change society
I can't wait to laugh my ass off the day faggots are recognized as criminals again
>Promoting your family's success is a bad thing
it literally is. You're a shill for bad people that mock how pathetic you are in private.
The people you trust hate you.
Hold on let me get my list of all these people who hate you
user, I know it sounds like the way things work is done to protect children, but you must not believe it. The government has never ever once given even half a shit about the welfare of a child
t. someone who has had their life rearranged by government "child welfare"
answer this
Imaging unironically being a faggot for Donald Trump. Why NOT just shoot yourself in the face right now?
How does a skitzo acquire 14 million dollhairs? Inheritance? Lottery? I feel like a mental disorder of that magnitude would make it difficult to acquire such wealth in the working world.
It's called nepatism it is a crime
>being right wing and anti immigration means still supporting Trump after all of his cucks and scandals
Nice strawman there you AIDS-brain faggot
Why can't you spell schizo?
the funny thing is that you literally can't wait. You'll be dead in a decade.
Why are you so obsessed with this? Why can't you stop rambling about "the elites hating you?"
Do you really think you're shining some enlightening knowledge anyone? You really think people don't already know this? You're literally saying the same thing over, and over, and over, and over again. We get it
You think wasting an extra 10 seconds to make your grease stained fingers shit out another canned insult with less creativity than the last wet shit I took is a good use of your time, be my guest, I'm gonna continue ignoring every useless thing you write past the fifth word, but keep dancing to my tune if you want
Then how does every kike in America get away with it?
>answer this
you didn't ask a question.
>being a nuclear level assmad phoneposter
Wjat Jews in the government get away with appointing their family to government positions? I honestly didn't know about this
One side is pushing for you to NOT get fucked by healthcare debt. One side is pushing for you to NOT get fucked by education debt. One side is pushing for you quality of life to go up and cost of living to go down.
The other side is telling you to be scared of brown people while they destroy your future.
Why are some Star Wars fans such hateful people who think the series is supposed to be a treatise on why Space Fascism is a good idea
You're telling me to answer my own question.
A question I directed at you.
I was the one who said that earlier, turns out it’s a widely recognized sentiment. And you said I was all alone
Then why are you so upset if it's common knowledge. Why don't you fuck off to one of your safe spaces where you don't have to encounter opposing ideals, it'll just make it easier to crush them the next time you're brave enough to peek over the fence
Trump appointed his Jewish son in law, owner of 666 5th Avenue, to a super high position that he used to cause a war in the middle east to secure funding on his building. Does that count?
im confused
I'm asking this poster
to answer "who should I trust in your mind"
They don't, because that has always been an elaborate conspiracy.
That would be republicans advocating a lifestyle where you an pay for your own shit without making your fender study degree society's problem, and democrats telling you these poor animals just need more advantages in life and they'll finally be normal
It doesn't because "reasons" and "whatabout Hillary!"
Psh yeah right, and what's next, Russians hand delivered stolen emails? What a crock am I right?
Your arguments are purely economic.
I disagree with the GOP's economic policies, and I believe what you just said, but social issues matter more than economic issues to me.
Trump only cares for himself and by extension other rich people. He lies his ass off and he's kinda dumb. If you're s Trump supporter you're either very rich or very dumb or a straight up angry piece of shit who are blaming their problems on others
>why are you so upset if it's common knowledge
Because hearing people say the same thing over and over ad nauseam is annoying.
>quality of life
>cost of living
How do you intend to do that without breaking humans of their free will while also asking to endlessly import more of them
Yes, let the government take care of you from birth to grave, nothing could go wrong when the government runs things. Let them educate you and make all of the important decisions of your life. Just hand over your guns and your freedom slave, you don't need those where you are going.
Who pays for that free healthcare and education? Doctors don't just grow on trees. Enjoy waiting 6 months for that prostate exam, "oh whoops looks like you've got stage 4 cancer user, too bad you didn't get a timely check up when something could have been done about it".
>That would be republicans advocating a lifestyle where you an pay for your own shit without making your fender study degree society's problem
It's society's problem regardless. We're conditioning everyone to "need" higher education, then burying them in debt over useless degrees that mean nothing.
>and democrats telling you these poor animals just need more advantages in life and they'll finally be normal
>muh safe space
>don't have to encounter opposing ideals
it's NOT an opposing ideal. I agree with it, I'm just sick of hearing you say it over and over.
You're just deflecting though.
I didn't realize I had repeated myself when I responded to you for the first time while you were having you conversation with someone else, I wonder how that could have happened. Maybe these ideas aren't half as unpopular as you think and you're just another gaslit retard separated from reality
>implying they're not both shitty
>implying the system isn't rigged
>implying "fear the jews and brown people" and "fear the imaginary neo-nazis" aren't both Palpatine-style fear-mongering designed to scare people into complacent obedience
I can't imagine believing this, hell no
gib names, not sides
surely you don't believe every person on your side is trustworthy?
are you fucking retarded? oh wait, where the fuck am, ugh
>Maybe these ideas aren't half as unpopular as you think
Where did I imply they're unpopular? You're putting words in my mouth.
They ARE popular. I agree with you , and so do most people, which is precisely why there is not need to convince people of something they already know.
Yeah you're right there's only one real path forward
You go ahead and look for yours and I'll look for this imaginary other time I said something about you being diametrically opposed to natural order, okay?
Yeah haha that would be so crazy if senators declared war on a group of people just because of what a few people did haha who would be dumb enough to believe that haha
What are you even saying?
>Your arguments are purely economic.
Yeah generally. I don't care about your faggot feelings. You retards will destroy everything out of spite over your easily manipulated emotional impulses. There used to be a time when being "purely economic" was the underlying principles of "conservatism."
>I disagree with the GOP's economic policies, and I believe what you just said, but social issues matter more than economic issues to me.
Except most of the "social issues" we're dealing with are connected to the economic issues that destroying hundreds of thousands of lives every year. We have more crime, more spree killings, more drug addictions, an opioid epidemic, a mental health epidemic, a suicide epidemic, a heart disease epidemic, a diabetes epidemic, a medical debt crisis epidemic, etc etc. SO MANY PROBLEMS in our society are negative externalities from the problems in our economy. If we address economic cancer, we fix the societal outcomes that happen in a cancerous system.
>There used to be a time when being "purely economic" was the underlying principles of "conservatism."
I'm not a conservative. I wouldn't have left-wing economic views if I was.
Degrees aren't useless if you don't major in something stupid. What is your degree in?
From what? And if they were really seeking legal asylum, they'd plop down in Mexico, who welcomes them with open arms.
>when purely economic was
You mean in the 80s when a bunch of kikes religiously fucked any rising Republican who wasn't full on "preservation of corporatocracy is preservation of the nation" during the massive neocon coup? Yeah, we've been waiting for the boomers to die so we can take our country back. You're making the same tired argument. "I don't believe in your ideal system but you're doing it wrong so do what I want" meanwhile everyone in attendance is wondering what the fuck you're blathering on about
>How do you intend to do that
We are paying billions a year in food stamps and entitlements for people working full time for corporations like McDonalds and Wal-Mart. This is corporate socialism that is artifically keeping the quality of life low.
And then cost of living has been exploding for people as an outcome of all those tax cuts for corporations and "gutting" the ACA so that corporations can more easily exploit sick Americans.
Embracing a medicare for all universal system that operates at cost, to compete with the private insurance system, would decrease the cost of living for the average American by hundreds of thousands of dollars. Nobody is being more exploited than we are right now.
Sheev is a seasoned politician. It's highly likely there where certain facts omitted and covered up. Case in point the senate probably didn't know the Jedi where killed en mass in spite of the use "exterminate" in his speech . Depending on how he spun his speech Sheev could well have implied the Jedi in their entirety where imprisoned indifinetly or re-integrated into society as model citizens.
Then move to Saudi Arabia, Ahmed.
What? What about Saudi Arabia's economy is left-wing?
If only there weren't an endless revolving door of people to take their place maybe those wages would rise! Nah, let's just double the workforce again because it didn't kill wage growth fast enough last time and this nation's inhabitants weren't completely supplanted yet
Learn to fucking read and get back to me.
What? I told you that I have left-wing economic views, and you responding by telling me to go to Saudi Arabia
Commies don't understand that you can take legitimate issues with unrestrained capitalism without going fill refugees welome
>immigrations cause wage stagnation myth from literal neocons
>when you've been so thoroughly obliterated you start arguing against yourself in a blind rage
are you implying that unregulated immigration and open border policies are a weapon against the american people's agency? be careful, you wouldn't want to be called a racist drumphtard :^)
Did you respond to the wrong comment or something with that Saudi Arabia jab?
It's a proven fact, you can't unionize when Juan doesn't give a fuck about the difference between 8 dollars an hour and 10 because he was making 2 a week back home. My racism stems from my deeply left economic beliefs
That’s retarded, user. You can’t just focus on the economic sphere, it may be “connected” with all of those social issues but it’s not the sole root of them all. In fact, all of the social issues you listed have a racial root, too, as well as a cultural root. It’s like aid in Africa, just sending it there without reforming so many other aspects of their society means they just breed a lot and perpetuate the same living standards with a higher denser population. If you don’t approach these things with a multi-faceted mindset then you’re just making things worse.
Read what?
Same way that all the laws in China actively encourage them to kill each other, they're just making it "legal" to inflict harm until you reach a point where it can't be hidden when they will say "It's always been like this" and then you both get stabbed while debating rhetoric
>it's a proven fact
>refuses to cite a single fucking thing
>Yes, let the government take care of you from birth to grave,
We already do
>nothing could go wrong when the government runs things.
Things have never gone more wrong in the last ~100 years than right now. And right now corporations have captured the agency of the regulatory agencies that exist to regulate them to protect consumers.
>Let them educate you
Yeah standardized education is much more reliable than handing over the reigns to for-profit cunts and churches to abuse children with their own subversive messaging strategy.
>Just hand over your guns and your freedom slave
Reminder that it was Trump that said "Take the guns first, go through due process second."
>Who pays for that free healthcare and education?
>Doctors don't just grow on trees.
Yeah we're destroying that industry too by burying medical students in debt and underpaying GPs.
>Enjoy waiting 6 months for that prostate exam
America already has pretty shitty wait times. This meme of yours is an empty talking point. People with private insurance in the rest of the world have faster wait times than the US.
>too bad you didn't get a timely check up when something could have been done about it".
The irony is that we have a heart disease epidemic, a diabetes epidemic, an opioid epidemic, hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths, 700,000 medical bankruptcies, higher infant mortality rates, and all kinds of other super fucked up stats that we could easily be addressing if we weren't needlessly face fucking our people with psychotic medical expenses.
Not being able to unionize has nothing g to go with Mexicans. And they know the difference between 8 and 10
>my racism stems...
You're a literal teenager who thinks he's le edgy for repacking racism that is the same thing your grandpap was screeching about.
Tell me how you would encourage employers to pay their employees more when they have no reason to give a shit about their feelings? They're expendable, just another cog in the machine thanks to an entire continent looking to escape poverty. The second you say "just make it illegal to pay them less" you lose because that doesn't solve any problems unless you've got global dominance keeping them from just fucking off and leaving you to starve
>implying they're not both shitty
the contemporary republican party has never been more corrupt. Citizens United changed everything.
The people you trust are abusing you for money.
When are you going to source something?
Here's your site niggerfaggot, I managed a mcdonalds in my college years. I dug through the pay files one night when I was bored and lo and behold every mexican working grill, doing the dishes and making your burgers was being paid below minimum wage. And they can't say shit because they will just get sent back to where they came from if they do. They are being exploited for cheap labor and lowering the wage for everyone else at the same time. The only ones winning are the ones at the top and you sucking their dicks while they lead you to the slaughter is the highest irony.
They’re literally the concept of scabs blown up to an astronomical scale. And I’m willing to wager the vast majority of illegals are sub 90 IQ
>literally "muh anecdote"
No thanks, retard. Facts over your feelings. Literally your party's mantra.
Meanwhile the democrats are currently fielding an open spy for the Chinese who is blatantly shilling for an America that's fucked up on heroine so pure no one cares when China starts lobbing nukes the president can't respond to effectively
If Mexicans were the problem and Trump believes and cares about this why we're illegals discovered working at his hotel?
Please explain how paying unskilled laborers, lowers the wages of skilled laborers...
You haven't, the difference is my argument follows through with unassailable tautology and yours is the fever dream of a mentally ill faggot
You do realize he's polling extremely poorly right?
I'm not a liberal or leftist, I'm on your side, just wanted to point this out.
talk about star wars, retard
And you think more government interference in the free market is the solution to everything. Yet magically things only get worse every time that happens. Really makes you think.
>hurr durr no one wants to do those jobs
>they're being preferentially given to mexicans who can't bitch without getting deported for pennies on the dollar
BuT HoW Do It DePreSS WaGes ThO
How about you prove that they don’t undercut wages? Surely this has been debunked before, hasn’t it?No one gives a shit about Trump anymore, stop bringing him up as if we think he’s on our side
tautology just means repetition and that isn't an informed argument by itself, retardo. You make an absurd amount of claims and back up none of them.
I'm convinced you actually are mentally ill at this point.
Any one who says they're on my "side" is decisively not, thank you faggot
>things get worse
Child labor and monopolies are still illegal last time I checked, user.
You think I'm some of "Jewish shill" because I think Yang can't win the nomination?
Yes, I am directly asking you HOW that depresses wages. I know you are getting mad because you don't understand why you even believe that, but I'm trying to at the very least, pull some sort of answer out of you.
Explain how.
>prove a negative to what I am saying.
Your tactics don't work. Answer the question or just admit you don't know.
If tautology is repetition then diversity is our strength. It's genelogical routes stem from a role pulled tight in the aether. It's not repitition but response, sorry you can't handle that the fact that every thing that goes up on this planet comes back down in time.
Because politicians don't really give a fuck, they're just there for the money and underage children sex slaves. They made a choice to run with palpatine and they just thought it would be easier to hand him the reins. Out of sight, out of mind. I doubt self-preservation is less prevalent in other star wars species compared to humans.
This read like utter gibberish.
Bonus points for being the first one to mention jews. You don't get to tell me what I believe, cunt, i have no side to be on, I'm not gonna let you "hello fellow children" me
>how does it depress wages when my employer has the option to NOT pay me my legal wage because there are mexicans who will do my job for less
If you can't follow that one through yourself, I'm sorry, you just convinced someone new that democracy was a mistake that needs fixing
>That’s retarded, user. You can’t just focus on the economic sphere
No you ABSOLUTELY CAN. FUCK your feelings snowflake. People are very easily conditioned. You all act pretty much exactly as anticipated. Free will is a meme for stupid people.
> it may be “connected” with all of those social issues but it’s not the sole root of them all.
No it absolutely is. The healthcare crisis in America is the biggest thing destroying our future other than the all the other debt crises and global warming.
> In fact, all of the social issues you listed have a racial root, too
Nope it's poverty. It's a system that makes EVERY PERSON in the country either spend an average of $300,000 in their life on not dying, or they go bankrupt, or they're poor and their credit just gets worse. Most of the 700,000 medical bankruptcies every year are middle class white Americans.
>It’s like aid in Africa, just sending it there without reforming so many other aspects of their society means they just breed a lot and perpetuate the same living standards with a higher denser population.
Yeah like refusing to raise minimum wage while spending hundreds of billions on welfare for Americans working full time. Like the government spending twice as much as we should be on Medicare because we refuse to take it off a hyper-cost-inflated insurance-only system. We could just be operating at cost, and covering everyone, saving everyone hundreds of thousands, and saving the government trillions.
> means they just breed a lot
wtf is up with you weirdo virgins obsessing about breeding. You realize that you're conditioned to care about this because it's correlated with poverty right?
White Americans would be breeding a lot more if we weren't dealing with crippling student debt, crippling medical debt, crippling house debt, crippling car debt, underpaying jobs, and shitty benefits. We are ABSOLUTELY disincentivized from breeding by our ecomomic conditions.
Remember when the government killed all those kids in Waco?
I see a similar explanation going down for them killing the younglings in the Jedi temple.
>Why would anyone cheer hunting them all down?
In the books it's explained Palpatine's master, Darth Plagueis, was a powerful banker. So he probably owned several large media outlets which he used to promote his propaganda... What did Lucas mean by this?
Hey, let me fix that in two steps
>25% tax cut per kid
Done, I just saved America
You keep just saying this depresses wages because "feefees and reasons", if I pay an unskilled laborer minimum wage based on demand, how does that correlate to a DEPRESS of a skilled laborer paid based on his demand? How does a rice farmer depress the wages of a fuckinf neurosurgeon you braindead mongoloid? Explain it to me.
I work with Mexicans who are very skilled and get paid a good wage. Which I'm sure you also consider a bad thing. However white people don't wanna do this work. I know I don't
Plagueis has been dead for years before the events of Revenge of the Sith...
No, I'm telling you in concrete terms the existence of mexicans inside my country who are willing to work for shit pay because they don't have the ability to protest the way a real American can directly leads to my boss making the smart business decision to pay as little overhead as possible by expending less on employee wages. This is a sound business move any one would employ if given the opportunity so it is time to take the opportunity.
Tell me where the fee fees are again?
>just another /pol/ thread
Oh right, /pol/ is a "boogeyman" though. I forgot.
I can’t even call you retarded anymore, this is beyond any mere mental deficiency.
Here’s how it works, even though I KNOW you’ll misconstrue it in some manner:
Bean person comes to America illegally
They get hired in low skill blue collar job
They get paid 7 dollars an hour what a white worker would get 10 for
Being that this is below minimum wage, bean person would like to file some sort of complaint
But what’s this? Making his status known to any kind of government organization risks the possibility of his deportation.
Employer explicitly hired bean person over blue collar white Man because of this dilemma.
If your logic about Americans not breeding is true then why are Africans in worse situation s breeding?
Tell me how that is wage depression for skilled labor...cite me something, faggot. Make an argument.
>And you think more government interference in the free market is the solution to everything
Nope I think the private market can be left with considerably less govt interference if there is also a public market operating at cost. We currently have MORE "government interference" in the insurance market than anywhere else in the world, because we just refuse to have a public option.
>Yet magically things only get worse every time that happens.
Yeah because we keep NOT doing what everyone else has already figured out. We just keep making all these retarded concessions to insurance companies and refusing to implement a public option. Like how we have UPS and FedEx as private options, and USPS as a public option. When it comes to healthcare, we have no USPS.
> Really makes you think.
You're being forced to spend $300,000 more than anyone else in the world of your own money, and your government is spending more per capita than any other government, and that's ENTIRELY because you refuse to "think" about the value of having a public option operating at cost in healthcare.
You're in a cult.
...and none of this is a "wage depression", are you unironically retarded and just hear words said on PragerU videos and don't understand them?
>for skilled labor
Not the argument at hand, and your attempts to move the goalpost have thus far warranted my acknowledgement and nothing else. Refute the FACT that immigration drives wages down without using an asterisk
Most of the media was under the control of the state by the end of the Clone Wars.
Oh you're suddenly an ancap now?
>It's not real depression because you didn't deserve that minimum wage anyway
And you wonder why the other 60% of the country dreams of hanging you night after night
Why don't you literally source, cite or quote LITERALLY anything that proves wages go down with increased immigration? Because even right-wing Forbes disagrees completely. I want you to understand that you've been fed a protectionist talking point that isn't even true, since the economy historically booms under high rates of immigration.
And that's a wrap, we're passed 300. Good job every one, great work today, let's meet at the bar and discuss throwing the Nazis off Yea Forums tomorrow
The native worker can’t negotiate a competitive wage because illegals can be manipulated into taking sub-optimal wages! What part of that can you not get through your thick brainless skull? Are you doing this on purpose?
>literally didn't say that
>right wing
Anyone who says immigrants are good for the country isn't right wing
Do you think 60 percent of the country is just walking around with violent tendencies in their brain like you off meds?
They would be after a conversation with you
In theory the United States is not a single country but a collection of 50 states unified by a federal government. The republic functions the same way.
I guess you hate Reagan then, or facts. Or every statistic of the last 80 fucking years.
You people really live in a cult.
No I know that 100% of humans have violent thoughts, we're a species of predators, it's in our DNA. You think medicating this away is a good thing.
Why? You need a shitty degree to even be considered for most middle class jobs.
And why start a family? 60 years ago one salary was high enough to pay for a Man, his wife, and 3 kids to live in a 4 bedroom house. Now one salary barely pays for one person renting.
>25% tax cut per kid
Our taxes are already real low. Endlessly limiting our revenue doesn't actually help anything. It's just more government debt spending to try and stimulate the economy in ways that don't involve having to stop being a bootlicking nigger for corporations. Just do ANYTHING OTHER than regulating the corporations causing all the problems!
>Done, I just saved America
Nope you didn't even address ANY of the problems. Telling people to STOP getting a college education and start breeding like niggers to get gubment refunds isn't a solution. Fucking idiot.
Why do you hate facts this much?
>I guess you hate Reagan
>mfw you thought this was the gotcha card but I actually do
In what way are you far right? And no, the social conservative line is a lie crafted just for your brand of stupid
I think your issue is that you honest to shit don't know what a "depress in wages" is or means.
>Anyone who says immigrants are good for the country isn't right wing
What does that make me then? My political views are pretty aligned with fascism
>Pro-gun control
>Pro-legal immigration
So yes, you are willfully ignoring reality on purpose to suit your narrative. You know, I felt a lot worse about the idea of seeing rivers of blood in the streets before I realized you people are literally beneath videogame characters
So what is someone like then?
>pro gun control
>calls himself right wing
>I'm "far right"
>I align with fascists
This used to be a weeb board for porn and memes...
Oh you silly we still have that too
Why can't you source anything? Is this just actual cognitive dissonance at work? Why can't you formulate a real argument of how different job sectors are magically depressed by the efforts of unskilled labor despite nothing backing this up at all?
Do you disagree with that label? Do you think such a person is not "far-right?"
Most people would consider someone who is anti-homosexual far right.
I'm not even that guy, you just haven't actually made an argument yet, by his definition of one or yours
Right wing is about hierachy and order.
Letting the unwashed masses own weapons is not orderly at all.
What does this even fucking mean in your poorly medicated head?
They don't have debt. They don't feel obligated to building careers. They're just fucked regardless and uneducated and they don't have any other activities in their life like we do, so all they fucking do is bang. Middle class kids go to piano lessons and sportsball practice and whatever else. Poor kids' parents are working all the time and they're generally in the more "conservative" states that refuse to provide sex education or birth control or family planning services.
White people and people with future prospects will travel and spend the money to get life ruiners sucked out their pussy. Poor people have neither the means, education, or ideology to do that.
That's the biggest irony to me. Is that all you "white" niggers that are obsessed about white people birthrates versus poor brown people birthrates, is that you're always super opposed to abortions. You prop up the systems where only white people have access to abortions, and then freak out about all the black people having kids. Put a fucking planned parenthood at every corner, and make education available for poor people without burying them in debt, and the black and poor birthrates would move towards the white ones. Poor people in places with shitty infrastructure have more kids.
I'm not making a ridiculous claim that some Mexican picking corn or shoveling shit is depressing the wages of poor ol' natives working vastly superior jobs with federal benefits, user.
That checks out, I can't really advocate for people to have their voting rights stripped away but not their guns
Leftism everyone, where your brain needs to be fucked with in order for it to work "right". Makes a ton of stuff make sense, right?
Someone who wants gay marriage to be illegal again.
I think it's fair to say that that's an unpopular view. Most people associate that with right-wing thought. I would wager that most people would consider someone liketo be far-right.
States like fascist Italy had pretty left-wing economics, but most people still call them far right in spite of that (yes, there are some boomers who think fascism is far left, but everyone hates them)
who you talking to?
You're making the ridiculous claim that that's what this argument is about because you can't deny that mexicans l i t e r a l l y took muh jerb
nothing would depress white wages more than if all the brown and black people disappeared.
Source. Literally. Anything. That. Mexican. Immigrants. Depress. Native. Wages.
What are you even trying to say?
Fuck, I'd be happy if it were just one. Raul took one job and Mbembe took the other, now I'm "privileged" for having so much down time. It's all so tiresome
Actually to be fair, most forms of fascism are anti-immigrant, but not necessarily. Brazilian Integralism was pro-racemixing for example.
But the user I linked is a mix of far left and far right.
Why do you want to take legal marriage rights away from ofher citizens who pay taxes like you do?
>yfw you've spent 3 hours arguing whether the sky is blue or not because Moshe says statistics show a greater than 50% green content
Why can't you back up your argument with quite literally, anything at all? I'm practically begging at this point. It's almost making me believe you are an actual psyop.
Marriage is when two unique organisms consign themselves to a life of monogamy in order to create a new unique family unit. Faggots can't due that biologically. They can have their civil union but it's not a marriage if it can't produce kids
The sky isn't blue. And immigrant labor doesn't depress wages. Corporate socialism does.
You're trained to reflexively bat down and awa instead of up at the people causing the problems you're upset about.
I'll ask again, on what concrete grounds do take away legal marriage rights away from consenting adults? Your feelings?
>if I just keep pretending it's not real I can go about my day unimpeded
Right up until Domingo lines you up on a wall and puts magazine of 5.56 into your back for being on the wrong side of history, gringo. I live here in the real world, not some gated academic community run off shoulds and coulds
They have a tendency to engage in more unhealthy behaviors than the average citizen when they are allowed to do whatever they want.
The more taboo homosexuality is, the less likely they are to take part in such behaviors, improving society as a whole.
This wasn't me That was someone else.
>the sky isn't blue
Holy shit I was joking but if you're actually going to deny reality that hard because it triggers you to agree with me the next time I say "so all leftists could die tomorrow and it would be a net positive" it won't be a joke
It's their own right to "engage" in that behavior, it's not illegal. But how is that LEGAL grounds to deny them rights?
>on the off chance you have behavior I dislike, I will take your right away to a legal marriage contract
That isn't an argument.
Also, you never answered my question. Is that a far right view?
No I'm gonna flip that around on you. What right do faggots have to subvert and redefine one of my culture's institutions?
The atmosphere is quite literally not the color blue.
But denying right wingers a platform in case your kids like what they see is totally faithfully upholding the first amendment
>It's their right to "engage" in that behavior
I don't think it should be. I think rights are a man-made construct that do not really exist.
>But how is that LEGAL grounds to deny them rights?
It's not. Not it a democratic society that values freedom. But freedom is not my highest political goal.
I'm not personally taking away anyone's 1st Amendment rights and neither is the government but weird deflection I guess?
>Holy shit I was joking but if you're actually going to deny reality that hard because it triggers you to agree with me
saying "the sky is blue" is like saying "the mirror is me." The ocean is blue. The atmosphere is just a reflection of that.
This bringing us to the point of this conversation. You would argue platitudes of what is theoretically true while I open my goddamn eyes and look outside. Your ideas only hold up in a vacuum
Again, this isn't me.
So it's ultimately your feefees?
>And neither is the government
>he hasn't read the constitution
It doesn't say "we let you do these things", it's says "You're allowed to do these things and we will fight for it". Twitter violates the first amendment every time they claim they're a private entity the same way the guy who owned all the sidewalks wasn't allowed to ban niggers from using them
Because we don't live in a fucking vacuum and part of Don't Tread on Me is letting adults exist in their own happiness how they see fit. Imagine needing to morally police the marriage lives of other adults? Imagine being this concerned.
Don't Tread on me, faggot. Consenting adults can love any other consenting adults they want. You don't run a monopoly on who gets to love who.
>Twitter violates the first amendment every time they claim they're a private entity
No, they don't and a Supreme Court has disagreed with you each time.
No, it's my political philosophy. I don't worship freedom like most people do.
I think that the people in question would actually be better off not having their behavior encouraged. Homosexuals are generally more likely to be promiscuous, which is harmful to the psyche. Discouraging homosexuality prevents them from damaging themselves like they do. This is why the LGBT suicide rate is so high; because instead of helping them to better themselves, we tell them they should ruin their own lives in the name of "freedom."
It's not like he's some fuckin intricately cut diamond with flaws you need a geologist degree to appreciate, the dude is pretty fucking clear about his ideology.
>freedom comes second to greatness
You're just a faggot who doesn't believe in objective greatness because you think you're some immaculate being free of bias because some professor told you it exisrs
> You would argue platitudes of what is theoretically true while I open my goddamn eyes and look outside.
The sky is not blue. when you look up at the atmosphere you are looking mostly at a bunch of nitrogen and other oxygen and carbon dioxide that reflects the ocean. The sky isn't any color. Just like a mirror isn't any color. It's a reflection.
Like are you aware of the allegory of the cave? I think this is a good parallel.
>muh anecdotes are facts
>promiscuity is le bad
Quakers were a fucking mistake.
When will you faggots understand that """our""" beef is not with some half cocked idea of what America is that allowed x to occur, it's the fact that shot like this is considered normal now. Fuck your rhetoric, fuck your "legalities" and fuck your decorum, we're well past the point of all that
And here you go again. "Um akshualee if we could take a cubic foot from the atmosphere it wouldn't be blue, Checkmate bigot" Meanwhile everyone on the ground looking up sees
Keep seething, /pol/nigger. Keep polarizing yourself until you shoot up another church and we are one neet down.
You keep thinking that until the lies have stacked up and fallen over, leaving you trapped in a corner
You'd be the type to argue the earth is flat because you can't see the curvature.
Fair enough. You simply are more libertarian than me. You believe that people should be allowed to do whatever they want, even if they hurt themselves in the process, as long as they don't hurt other people by doing so.
I believe that we should discourage harmful behavior altogether, even if we have to sacrifice freedom to do so. It's a matter of political philosophy I suppose.
Also, for the record, most heterosexuality is degenerate too. I think asexuals are actually the most based sexual orientation.
Still not an argument, schizoid.
No, I'm the type of person to call a mentally ill faggot what they are instead of playing 30 rounds of "deny reality" until the (((moral))) thing to do is sexually mutilate them
no this is just basic education stuff. That's real entry-level trivia. The sky isn't actually blue. Do you not understand this?
And even if you want to make the anecdotal argument that your perception is that it's "blue" then we can start deep diving into what it is you think "blue" even means. Where does that "blue" come from?
>Meanwhile everyone on the ground looking up sees
Allegory of the cave.
It's just a matter of you being a Statist cuck that needs to morally police other people as if you're some authority on degeneracy.
>this causes anecdotally, statistically, and empirically proven evidence of degeneration
>lol ur just using ur feels
No user, I just think maybe if people refuse to stop being shitty that maybe daddy will need to take his belt off and whip his kids out of their lunacy
Yes, I'm a statist, and proud of it. People devolve into anarchy and chaos when left unchecked. Fact is, the average Joe could be transformed easily into a murderer. The state stops that from happening.
>gays are "mentally ill" meme
>da jooos
Nobody in the real world takes your bullshit seriously. You know you get laughed at, right?
You colossal retard, you're the one who's so low IQ that you take the statement "the sky is blue" as a challenge. You're unironically trying to convince yourself that you're the clever one who managed to see through the deception whole you delude yourself into an alternate reality and it's getting to the point of dangerous lunacy
>proven evidence of degeneration
Do you also support unregulated capitalism? You seem to really hate the government, so that would be the logical conclusion.
>He thought social shaming would work on a website you visit to meet people who have other people cut up in their freezer
You have no idea what you're getting into do you
Don’t Tread On Me is essential mind your own business and leave me alone. Faggots have proven that they don’t intend to leave us normal people alone.
>d-don't tread on me
>get the fuckin boot scrapers out when it's time to bake a cake though
Fair enough. I appreciate your consistency of belief.
Most plain old right-wingers and left-wingers are inconsistent.
The right wants the government to control people's private lives but not the economy.
The left wants the government to control the economy but not people's private lives.
I want the government to control both, and you want them to control neither.