I just saw this and it's fairly kino.
I just saw this and it's fairly kino
Anything less would come as a surprise
Same as Zahlers other movies. 9/10 action, 2/10 writing. 6/10 film
This. X 2
Imagine if this movie happened in real life.
I kinda agree
Ending was dumb. Gibson’s character and the black guy should have buried Vince together. Then just as they are about to leave Mel would say, he one more thing. This is my wife’s address, give her my share please. The black guy would be like, yo wtf I’ve it to her yourself bro. Then Mel coughs and a little blood comes out. He lifts his shirt to reveal and undisclosed fatal gunshot. He’d been bleeding out the whole time but held on long enough to bury his friend, then cut to the black guy living it up. And then the scene where Mel’s family gets the gold
excellent film
kino is not an adjective
Smells like kino to me, Sucks ballzler is a hack
I think the cheesy dialogue and weird characterization is part of the charm. Vince Vaughn had me cracking up with the jazz music and 98 minutes to finish a sandwich (with a salt shaker and wet wipes in his car). Was very much like how he corrected everyone (Bradley) in Brawl. I still have to see bone tomahawk but of it's Kurt Russell I'm sure the shtick is good in that one too.
Why is Gibson still allowed to work?
When I saw this post earlier I wasn't sure if anyone was going to use this as a pasta but I'm glad you did, I'm going to start doing too
Because he hasn't committed any crimes. Why are you allowed to shitpost?
I wasn't bothered by the blunt dialogue relating to race etc. The whole first section of the film in terms of the scenery and tone was mourning modern life so the dialogue fit.
BT is his best. Zahlers problem is that he’s a 46 year old metal fan with a ponytail, and he writes like one. His scripts try too hard to be campy and clever but it comes off as cringe
he makes movies you'd expect from a director with a ponytail
It was too on the nose for me, especially the shit that seemed to directly reference Gibson's personal life.
was pretty fuckin good
This movie is literally gta online heist setups with detectives
Yeah when he told his daughter you dress like a bitch in heat and if you get rapped by a pack of niggers it'll be your fault! i felt it was too much to take that quote 1:1 from his personal life. What was that about?
fuck you piece of uncreative shit, stop posting this now.
About 70 percent.
What the fuck was the "quirky" anchovies shit
Bone Tomahawk is his best work.
Generic ending #58272 that completely ignores Mel's character.
Mel not trusting the black guy was much closer to his character. He's bitter, cynical and doesn't trust thugs an inch. Why would you think he'd suddenly decide to change his colours and trust the black guy with incriminating footage?
it truly was a shotgun safari
Zahler made him say that? Is this one of those movies that was actually pro-left but happened to fly over the leftists' heads?
can you easily move bars of stolen gold into cash??
You do it in Sekiro all the time.
You could melt them and make different bars
you think that hacky, cliched shit is good? lmao
>turns out the entire movie was just the video game the handicapped kid was playing the entire time
nice twist zahler you hack
I guess I mean: wouldn't it be weird to suddenly start turning in a bunch of gold for cash? especially when you start buying huge houses?
>Movie has grenades, pistols, SMGs/assault rifles and sniper rifles
>not one shotgun
Richard Jenkins' character in that movie is exactly what you're looking for. Underrated role for him
Money laundering has ways around this I imagine
>It's so bad that it's kino!
It was an arbitrary expletive.
Do you think Zahler's script for Golgo 13 was good? Or Robotech which had Tobey attached for several years.
I'm looking for Zahler's screenplays online in PDF and any user assistance thanks. Particularly The Big Stone Grid which Michael Mann was supposed direct and Big Fury Man or whatever it is called thanks
lol, yeah the movie is pro-left
I know you're joking, but the movie really does bait both the left and the right until I imagine both are confused
Not an argument
Yeah the fact that Slim turned out to be a magical negro all along really ruined the movie for me. He is a smart street wise tough criminal but he only went to prison for beating up his brothers attacker, but he is willing to accept a job as muscle for a monster client, is an accessory to a robbery and multiple murders, is willing to lie and extort to get what he wants, but who has a heart of gold and is willing to uncritically trust a racist cop, and then gets a happy ending. Let's hunt some lions, yo.
The ending need work. Either black guy dies too, or he double crosses Mel. would have worked better too. Mel was 100% correct when he gave him the speech to him about the cell phone at the end, and yet Slim experiences no consequences for any of his actions. If you want to show him living it up at the end, have him move to an upper middle class suburb and show his family is doing all right. He is supposed to be street smart, so going from the projects to a multi-million Malibu mansion in less than a year would get him busted and/or killed.
Zahler usually cuck moments in everyone of his movies to draw off criticism that he is a “right-winger” but this one was too much. Vince having a mutt gf was there only to draw off heat for muh racism too. Casting based Mel probably drew a lot of heat on him, so he went out of his way to be cucky. DAC has some great scenes, and I love Mel and Vince's chemistry as partners, but overall its Zahler's weakest movie. Still 7/10. The unemployed bloggers who larp as journalists are all seething about all the racial transgressions in the film, but it was mild compared to your average pre-2000 cop movie.
gold bars are marked chemically (the gold is an alloy) so as to enable tracking despite recasting.
Yeah, spoiled myself on the ending.
Jesus H. Christ, I ain't watchin this shit.
Better than Brawl by a longshot
Freeze. Disclose any gunshot wounds or I give you a third ear. You have 12 seconds.
Yes. I liked how Don Johnson gave the anti pc speech while taking the pc measures.
Not even close. Brawl was a successful exercise in getting a protagonist into a series of increasingly fucked situations and I loved every minute of it.
money laudering is one thing but it would be kind of suspicious for unemployed ex-con to suddenly pay cash for a huge house
They probably explained the sudden money with some bullshit investment story. Remember when his mom told him that his broker wanted to talk with him? Not sure how easy it would be to launder money through the stock marker
i bet his Golgo 13 would have been good...the rest? not so sure
>stuffs magazine pages in your cunt
Monetizing gold bouillon is a ridiculous prospect for anyone. I imagine there would be many interested investors but at that scale...but oh well. We can't all be robbing bearer bonds on Christmas eve.
You've never lived in New Jersey or Miami
>Black still doesn't give 40% to white family despite Mel doing all the work for him
what a jerk
was her ripped panties, which slim wrapped in newspaper when he disposed of them. pay attention.
Need Zahler scripts for school project, thanks for links
thank god
it pokes fun at the stupidity of modern identity politics, yeah.
Bland film that people only like because it ticks their ideological boxes
Why would any self respecting black man agree to be in this movie?
You watched a movie? A WHOLE movie!? Woah, dude, you're so cool! That's like, epic dedication and effort, you should get an award! And you rushed right here afterwards without taking a nap to give us your oh-so-crucial review?
I for one can say my life is better now reading all eight words of your inciteful, gripping, relevant review.
Thank you, hero.
tl;dr Nobody cares, faggot.
>it's kino because daddy Gibson and lolbertarian Vince Vaughn, /pol/ incel icons/father figures are in it
Still retarded for someone a supposedly street smart.
>Ay yo, muh broker, can ya help me launder this stolen gold bullion that every state, local, and federal agency is looking for, along with anyone else who knew Fogelberg and his team of trained assassins, and then move me into the most ostentatious oceanside mansion you've got with my ghetto mom whose was turning tricks 11 months ago.
If he was really as smart as the movie makes him out to be, he would slowly and steady exchange the gold to multiple sources over the course of years, while moving into a modest but nice house. He would be the millionaire next door. It would have fit with his character too. "It's better to be underestimated."
sadly this doesn't work in your favor as on leftoid approved sites like letterboxd all of his movies are praised as well
whose ideological boxes?
he can't tell you that
the quickie mart owner had a shotgun.
right, forgot about that one
It reminded of Twin Peaks season 3 a little bit desu.
The abrupt cut to the story of the woman and her baby, and that whole scene in the bank was very lynchian.
It’s a metaphor for slavery. Blacks broke their backs building America and got fuck all for it.
>building America
nice meme
>got fuck all for it
free ticket out of africa
How many kino-emeralds AND kino-scarabs do you rate it?
I wanted based Mel to win in the end.
>the cotton-pickers built the country
akin to saying the us was built with stupidity and ignorance, that axes can chip wood without hands to wield them.
Never knew he did a Golgo 13 script.
>work without pay goy, you're too stupid to understand my thinking
nicely sumarises nigger involvment in "building" america, with the founding fathers as kikes of course. however you slice it, blacks were beasts of burden and contributed less than even the chinese.