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Why is JASON the ORIGINAL RED RANGER so unpopular, guise?
Not today bitch
Jealous incels.
Why didnt USA just nuke the coney island disco palace?
Rita would turn the nuclear warhead into a monster probably.
c o o l
It was on the moon
Even zordon wouldn’t send the megazord there as it would cause too much damage
Is there somewhere to watch the original Japanese Sentai?
>you will never experience another power rangers marathon with Yea Forums
regularly posts updates and links for the latest sentai.
They hate carnitas.
>tfw no reruns
>tfw missed entire seasons because of sleep + work
Because he was dorky. The only good thing about him, was he had a T Rex zord.
Then the White ranger dude came along who was a complete chad, with a even more based zord.
Friendly reminder Astronema is best girl. This isn't something a sane person can argue.
How dare you speak, you sickly pale monkey. How dare you open your thin lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Tyrannosaurusoid. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your measly Power Coin and Dinozord offer no hope to the world that the forces of Good can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the frozen tundra you came out of, you literal chimp.
I hope you decide to sail your Zordon's skip to the Jurassic and rape some velociraptors, as is in the R*ngers nature. It would still be the only pussy you ever had. Give Rita and Zedd a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. R*ngers obsession with the Moon is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution R*ngers have made to the medical field. The MUH Goodness sentiment in the average R*nger dog is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.
Take your R*nger hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of semen slabbed on your face every morning will make you DRAGGON. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of Native American heritage.
You P*wer R*nger.
You make Edenoi look like a beacon of civilisation.
You are the blight of the unibrtdr.
Go rot beneath the Earth's surface you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, R*nger, you have a job making an object vastly superior to yourself. A dildo. Coincidentally, it would be the first time a R*nger "man" satisfied a woman.
Die, R*nger boy. No one would miss you. Except for VR Troopers, who now would have no one to make them look good.
He was only there for 1 season.
With that said, he's still getting more attention than he expected for a washed-up "actor"/glorified stunt man.
Other way around, actually.
Jason's swole.
I want to eat his meat.
Here from /ssg/, twitch is doing a sentai stream right now twitch.tv/shoutfactorytv
If you want actual pathetic, it's this bitch. Only filmed the pilot episode and quit because she wanted more money. But she's spent the last twenty years billing herself as the "original" Yellow Ranger.
He isn't.
>All these faggots arguing about the original Red Ranger
*Laughs in Lightspeed*
now this was a based red ranger, also whoever was the black dude with the cowboy hat.
Timeforce is still the best season though.
He lost his good looks.
Time Force is up there, but there's a strong argument to be made for RPM.
Get back in the can.
He's essentially the Cyclops of the team and Tommy is the Wolverine of the team.
For me, it's Samuell Benta.
What went wrong?
Because JDF is:
>A real certified martial artist
>runs his own Dojo chain
>made his own martial art
>dabbled with MMA
>Is a Christian
>Beautiful MMA/Sky Diving Wife
>beautiful MMA/Sky Diving Daughter
ASJ is
>a quitter
>did gay porn
>retired ambulance driver
>bullies your thread
Hold. Up. Senpai.
That's Bulk Ranger to you, pal.
It was from JDF's own post.
Yes, but what happened?
The truth is that JDF has hated ASJ for years ever since the original show was on the air. Even after the MMPR show ended.... JDF has gone on radio shows, and conventions for years bad mouthing and ripping into ASJ for no reason. ASJ couldn't defend himself since he was in Afghanistan saving lives, and didn't use Facebook for a long time. Only recently when ASJ finally surfaced online, he just replied to fan questions saying that were all grown ups, and he didn't knowingly do anything to insult JDF, that he really respects JDF wishing him nothing but the best of luck in his career.
JDF stalks ASJ's YouTube and Facebook videos insulting ASJ . JDF constantly inserts himself in the conversation even when ASJ isn't talking about him. One time, ASJ went to a convention, and a woman asked him for advice about how to defend herself. ASJ gave her some practical pointers, and mentioned that long-hair could be an issue as attackers will try to grab onto long hair.
JDF went nuts about the long hair comment in the video, and accused ASJ of directing the long hair remark against him. Fan backlash got bad but JDF refused to apologize, but secretly deleted his post, and JDF pretends he never said it.
The list pretty much goes on with JDF constantly negging ASJ, refusing to appear at the same conventions ASJ goes to, but ASJ just ignores all the drama. ASJ is just a nice chill guy at conventions, and easy to talk to.
I think JDF is secretly homo for ASJ.
Nothing. He's perfect.
I've met all of the original Rangers at conventions (and a number of the newer ones), and JDF is the only one who rubbed me the wrong way. Brennan Mejia is probably the nicest and most fun of them that I've met.
What about ASJ?
Austin is nice. He's not as personable as the others but he's a perfectly good guy. Of the original cast David Yost is probably the most friendly. When he was promoting the mobile game at the Lionsgate booth at SDCC he actually took the time to talk with me for a bit, once he was done laughing about JDF losing and being butthurt.
>once he was done laughing about JDF losing and being butthurt.
Wait, what's this about? Losing what?
At the mobile game, Power Rangers Legacy Ways. JDF was doing exhibition matches and was talking mad shit about how good he was, but he got beat by several people.
hey guys whats up
Go away, no one likes you.
sides every fucking time
I still dream of a world in which the 2017 Power Rangers just bait and switched everyone hardcore. Have all the trailer footage make the film look like it ended up being, teen drama and edgy bullshit. The film opens with some super serious spacecraft launch, astronauts walking on the moon and collecting shit, they discover the hatch, open it up and then Rita fucking bursts out with a new rendition of the original theme and the film turns into pure schlock. Literally just follows the format of an episode but longer (putties > normal size monster > large monster > zoids > megazoid > sword), dudes in costumes fighting in a scale/mini city location for the final battle, but just all done with a ludicrous budget.
Oh well.
aw man but I thought everyone loves him.
why do people hate the most kino ranger
>the most kino ranger
I'm putting you in Space Jail for that post.
Message from /ggg/
I'm gonna say the N-word!
Man, back in my day GGG meant something very different.
>All the jokes about how Joel was gonna go school shooter one day
MUAAHHAHAHA! Those power brats will be no match for my new monster, Barefoot Gen! They will be paralysed by nightmares AND tears, allowing me to destroy their precious Angel Grove once and for all, HAHAHAHAHAAAAA!
Childhood is idolizing Zedd.
Adulthood is realizing Sledge is the true Chad.
You came to the wrong neighborhood
god I miss Zeddposting
and the PR Marathon
>The truth is that JDF has hated ASJ for years ever since the original show was on the air. Even after the MMPR show ended.... JDF has gone on radio shows, and conventions for years bad mouthing and ripping into ASJ for no reason. ASJ couldn't defend himself since he was in Afghanistan saving lives, and didn't use Facebook for a long time. Only recently when ASJ finally surfaced online, he just replied to fan questions saying that were all grown ups, and he didn't knowingly do anything to insult JDF, that he really respects JDF wishing him nothing but the best of luck in his career.
JDF hated ASJ because when they were on the show together ASJ used to brag about having killed people in secret underground fighting tournaments. As a serious martial artist this pissed JDF off. ASJ also disliked JDFs popularity with the fan base.
>JDF stalks ASJ's YouTube and Facebook videos insulting ASJ . JDF constantly inserts himself in the conversation even when ASJ isn't talking about him. One time, ASJ went to a convention, and a woman asked him for advice about how to defend herself. ASJ gave her some practical pointers, and mentioned that long-hair could be an issue as attackers will try to grab onto long hair.
ASJ was asked about long hair by an interviewer who was clearly looking to start some shit. ASJ said that they used to call them bitch grips yadda yadda. JDF wore his hair long because it was the done thing in the Martial Arts community at the time. ASJ never knew this because he was never part of the wider community, but when he was a kid used to posture like he was.
Basically JDF has not been able to let go of a stupid childhood grudge.
He is definitely the less mature of the two, but there are reasons for it.
Are there any FULL series translations of any of the Sentai stuff that involves giant robots done godzilla style with dudes in suits?
I know there's Kamen Rider stuff but I mean, I like big robots and stuff
>Sentai stuff that involves giant robots done godzilla style with dudes in suits?
I mean, JDF is pretty annoying, but the fandom takes it too fucking far.
When you have dudes rocking up to cons with a gun to shoot him, the fandom has crossed a line.
When you have the rest of the fandom then posting JDFs responce to said event and saying 'REEEEEEEEE HE IS ENJOYING THIS!' maybe you should just fucking burn it all down.
Foolish and wrong
rita was my first crush
thats all im saying bye
That stream is garbage as fuck.
They are constantly showing commercials advertising Power Rangers.
10000 years ago humans weren't even a thing
Give Carter Grayson a gun, a bottle of water, and about an hour or less and he'd have brought down pretty much all of the Neo-Saban villain factions.
it's especially weird since the Earth is only 6000 years old.
Nah but there's a good chance other alien races like Eltarians, Aquaitians, and Mirinoians were a thing.
If you listen to past interviews JDF seems to be just as bitter whenever someone would bring up ASJ.
ASJ was a fire fighter aka a real life hero, and that gay porn shit was proven to be fake news years ago.
He was a paramedic, not a fire fighter
Still better than selling shit on eBay for a living like JDF.
JDF would be cooler if he ate more humble pie.
Austin would be cooler if he just accepted that Power Rangers is low paying unless you're JDF.
Gennady Golovkin?
>JDF hated ASJ because when they were on the show together ASJ used to brag about having killed people in secret underground fighting tournaments.
Okay, let's say that ASJ was majorly being Frank Dux et al as an 18-year-old martial artist who allegedly joined Kumites and whatnot.
He isn't that way anymore. Sure, he's still a blowhard but mostly a nice guy all-in-all, as based JYB would attest.
Nice taste.
He was the paramedic at the fire department, hence the confusion.
Childhood is idolizing Tommy.
Adulthood is realizing Jason is the true Chad.
I want a Serpentera version of King Ghidora.
Scorpina was hotter
Hitler's ghost be like...
ASF was based, and was a teen jocking around, ASJ is a 50 something guy being triggered over shit an 18 something kid said when they were teens.
Wait, did his head shrink?
>affliction t-shirt
Get your shit together.
When did swole start meaning fat as shit?
>being muscular means fat now
will tommyfags ever recover
Tommy will always be cooler than Jason.
>power rangers
>not kino sentai
Make my monster GROOOOOOW
>pink ranger
There is something seriously wrong with Japan
Wait a second.
>not kino
shit taste desu.
Based Yuta Mochizuki.
Most boomers are already dead.
Those were just curious Milllennials.
Jason was such a complete chad he's the only ranger to defeat Tommy.
What about SUPAIDAH-MAN?
how salty is JDF still?
he could snap your neck with one arm and not break a sweat
I watched Timeforce millions of years ago, yet I have the feeling that it was relatively way too violent for Power Rangers
That look of disgust on his face tho.
Meanwhile, ASJ couldn't give a shit with this kid and his White Ranger morpher.
Never. It always meant big muscled. It's like you calling Bane fat.
>1 season
all of the first season, 60 episodes
he was in season two for 28 episodes
and gold ranger in season 4 for 17 episodes
-t. can look at the ranger wiki
the execution wasn't great, but in theory a good way to deal with Tommy-wank was to make him a villain
that way, other rangers get the protagonist time and you instantly have a villain fans will drool over
and you side-step the green vs white debate (no on cares about turbo, and unfortunately no one cares about zeo)
braindead desu senpai
I think the guys in the suits are the stuntmen
who sealed her? why not just kill her?
how much longer til the aussies escape from their ISP enforced exile? it’s been like 2 weeks
lmaoing @ her website
The comics are touching on that kindof. Master Vile was her father, confirmed in show. And she becomes a good human sorceress after the Z-wave, so she wasnt always bad and is at least HALF not monster
Her mom was a princess of some planet right next to Eltar, and Zordon was seemingly an ambassador or Jor-El figure who KNEW her mom.
>he seemingly did it as a measure of penance and pity rather than execution as a dying favor to her mom
don't say stuff like this. it made me afraid i got an exam question wrong.
Gay porn.
Now compare it to the over-exposure that is JDF.
So I was right that he was on 1 full season instead of 2 seasons.
He hates it! He hates it!
>as opposed to SUPERIOR RAIDA
These are premium panels reserved for 20 people or so. It's supposed to be that many.
didn't austin and the guy playing zack and truy tran (trinni) get fired because they wanted a higher salary then the measly 1000 bucks they got back then
jdf, Kimberly's actress and billy's actor where too pussy to ask for a higher salary and didn't even try to prevent the other 3 from getting kicked out and replaced with 2 faggots and a monkey
>didn't austin and the guy playing zack and truy tran (trinni) get fired because they wanted a higher salary then the measly 1000 bucks they got back then
>jdf, Kimberly's actress and billy's actor where too pussy to ask for a higher salary and didn't even try to prevent the other 3 from getting kicked out and replaced with 2 faggots and a monkey
They didn't ask for a raise because they went "Oh shit, Saban will fire you if you ask for a raise".
But JDF did get a raise because he's super popular and loyal to Saban.
jdf probaly gave the big wigs at saban blowjobs for that raise.
>posts the AIDS Rider
Why does the anime hair rider have am I kawaii uguu eyes?
2/5 are shit
>honestly the same rate of quality as sentai
Meanwhile, ASJ does gay porn.
Literally debunked 10,000 years ago.
Maybe they should replace him with the gay porn actor.
I bet he'd take the low wage.
What a wank.
thats not a good idea user. Gay porn is degenate.
It's a good wank where you can feel it all the way to your toes but a wank nonetheless.
Now imagine if this were ASJ vs. JDF.
Knock it off.
What is this red ranger vs green ranger shit?
Power Rangers DSP is my favorite season.
nobody has ever fucking cared about that faggot as soon as the green ranger appeared. he was the real, cool character, that all the kids liked. JDF is the HEART of Power Rangers. This guy is so fucking forgettable people thought FOR YEARS that he was actually in gay porn. Hilarious shit
>nobody has ever fucking cared about that faggot as soon as the green ranger appeared.
Threadly reminder that Jason made Tommy his bitch.
>he was the real, cool character
Sure, I guess. But without him working with the Power Rangers in the first place, he'd be a Moriarty without Sherlock Holmes.
It's no coincidence that ratings started to plummet when he was the leader.
Show benis
That doesn't make any sense. The earth isn't even 10,000 years old.
Was he carrying that baby and recently gave birth to it, thus letting him lose all his baby weight?
Did they fugg?
90s fashion was so weird, man.
>The Gay Plumber Gang
Why did the villains keep getting more and more attractive?
We'll take the lot.
>Pilot Trini Since 1992
>Pilot Trini
>Since 1992
The pilot was filmed in 1992.
I fucking know that. But billing yourself as Pilot Trini since 1992 is fucking retarded and sounds so pathetic. It might be the since 1992 that pushes it over the edge for me, it's just hilarious. Pilot Trini would have sufficed. But no her brand is Since 1992. Keks and ever keks.
What stopped her from conquering Earth 10000 years ago?
Just bring it.
is it just me or is the helmet shopped into this picture
Zordon and a team of twenty-plus year olds still in ancient cave school with attitude
Not so fast!
this one
What about SUPAIDAH-MAN?
LOL. looks almost like Kamen Rider V3 is getting ready to pound spiderman' ass and is just doing calisthenics to warm up
Fear us
This gives me that special kind of thirdhand embarassment that makes me want to kill myself.
green ranger got a motherfucking mythical creature zord. that cucked the red ranger eternally. there are NO other real animals that top t rex but then comes a fucking DRAGON.