>I left them... in a particularly ghetto part of town...
Damn, how did this get past the censors back then?
>I left them... in a particularly ghetto part of town...
Damn, how did this get past the censors back then?
Other urls found in this thread:
It was more than 10 years ago... literally a different time
joker hated minorities, (((they))) would never allow that, that's why he died at the end.
>He's at 250 and Martin Luther King Boulevard...and she's, uh, on Malcolm X Drive. At Popeye's.
>Which one are you going after!?
>Rachel! He left her in a street corner with some hooker boots on. She wont last three minutes!!
Man Nolan sure does like to spell things out
>Rachel! He left her in a street corner with some hooker boots on. She wont last three minutes!!
Well she *is* beautiful.
>Rachel, they dropped her off at a kill shelter facing budget cuts. It won't be long!
Joker should have stripped her down, jammed an apple in her mouth and tied her to a rotating spit over an open flame
>white mobster is reflective and wants to impartially consider propositions without succumbing to personal feelings
>black mobster reacts with animalistic anger to disrespect and resorts to calling for physical violence in order to maintain status in his pack
what did Nolan mean by that?
based raimi ghostwriting
This has always been the dumbest meme in existence. Everyone that likes it deserves to have their family raped in front of them.
>make fun of white people and nobody bats an eye
>make fun of coloured folk and suddenly everyone loses their mind
it's just one dude, cuck
They always chimp out
Don't cut yourself on that edge.
>How many of your daughters... have I had BLACKED?
>I'm a father. I know the difference between having a child that has self respect, and having a daughter... And you've BLACKED six of my daughters, you greasy kike.
I don't give a shit about the racism aspect of it. It's just a retarded meme that isn't the slightest bit funny. The pretending to be retarded meme as a whole needs to just die already.
>I left them... In the most violent and crime ridden part of town... And that's the thing, you'll have to admit you are going to a part of the city populated with a very specific demographic...
>racism aspect of it
How is the joke racist?
Nolan really isn't known for his subtle dialogue.
There's something about being assaulted by brown people despite doing nothing to justify it that makes the most idealistic person racist
lol fuck black assed niggers
>Batman drives around an entirely white suburb for an hour
>Rachel and Dent both die
>Batman goes home
Looks like the Joker lost that round.
>making the batman go to the black part of town
This unironically would've completed the deconstruction of batman and it's the most joker thing the Joker could've done to him(and by extension the audience).
>You know how I got these scars? I used to live in the poor part of the town and these negro kids always made fun of me for being a lonely kid. One day they threaten me with a knife to take my lunch money, I refused. As they changed me They kept saying
>why you being serious and shieet white boi stop tripping nigguh. Why so serious?
Seriously, I'm still mad about this— who the FUCK cast Maggie as Batman and Harvey's love interest??? What the actual fuck. That shit breaks your suspension of disbelief harder than superheroes existing, or Harvey's exposed eyeball burny face.
Was she cast just so Joker's "You are beautiful" line would be an actual joke?
>Why hello beautiful
Damn, he really was insane.
Riddle me this Bats: what demographic makes up 15% of the population, but commits 50% of the crime?
ENOUGH of your "facts"!
She's such a good actor she tricked Nolan into thinking she's good looking.
>You either die woke, or live long enough to see yourself become a racist
>Harvey dies with half his face in blackface
>The people on the other boat might not be so white
>You thought we could be woke men, in a racist time!
>Where is she!?!
>Do the words "Dogfart" and ".com" mean anything to you?
>My father was.... A juggalo. So I do this. And you know what? HE CAN'T STAND THE SIGHT OF ME. OH HEE HEE HAW OOOOIIIIIHHHH MIRACLES!
Based and gamerpilled!
would have been funnier if you had said 187 & martin luther king blvd
>"Is it a problem?"
>"No, I'm an expert. My father made sure I had a good education, and didn't go to public school with black kids from the ghetto. Did you know that even though they only comprise 13% of-"
What if this happened in the movie but it was also happening in the same universe and in the same timeline as the Leprechaun series so Batman had to go to the hood at the same time the Leprechaun did?
What did the Joker mean by this?
Maggie is cute. She's not stunningly beautiful that's for sure, but IRL there's literal uggos that manage to pass off as "drop dead gorgeous" like Jenniffer Lawrence or Brie Larson.
that's disgusting.
OK incel.
Based and redpilled
Face is meh, but body seems decent enough.
Bitch had the face of a 90 year old granny
Imagine being Heath in that scene and having to be all like "Well hello, beautiful, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your tight body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room.
Imagine being Bale...
What's the difference between blacks and whites?!