
The Billion Dollar plus Conjuring Cinematic Universe continues.

>Conjuring 1 and 2
>Annabelle 1, Creation and Comes Home
>The Nun
>La Llorona also recently confirmed to be in Conjuring Unvierse

La llorona trailer


Get hyped. Yfw A horror cinematic universe is more stable than DC's lmao

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Yes /ourgirl/ is in it

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I love these movies tbqh

Ouija >Annabelle

>new Annabelle and Chucky movies this summer
We eating good this year, doll-based horror bros

Holy shit finally Chad horror is back on the menu

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MEANWHILE: at Universal Studio's "Dark Universe"

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What happened to the Crooked Man movie?

They're still making these? I thought they stopped after /ourguys/ BTFO them for the second one and caused that fucking no-name hack conartist to off himself

It's over there with La Llorona and The Nun

Kek what a joke


What? What does that mean retard?

Didn't mike like one of these movies?

She's been killing it lately

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James Wan is the hackmaster of popcorn horror. It's actually amazing how one person can have so many stabs at a horror movie and always deliver mediocrity at best

It's in the trash

>Annebelle Trilogy
For fucks sake
>Vera Farmiga and Patrick Wilson return as lead characters
Welp, im in i guess

Patiently waiting for Conjuring 3

>people enjoy this shit

This basically is conjuring part three tbqh

So it was a worthless answer? Got it

More like 2.5

>not enjoying Anabelle

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it's better than the 90s slasher craze, the 00s torture porn craze, or the 10s found footage craze.

Will this shitshow drag long enough for them to make a Annabelle in Space movie.

I want to believe

Creation was great. The first one was horrible

Not my fault your an autistic fucking retard who can't Google a fucking movie

Fuck that doll when are we getting a movie based around that scarecrow creature in Creation? Genuinely one of the better horror scenes in recent films

Ahhh but it is your fault youre too autistic for basic conversation. Keep quiet and lurk as you do. When you come up with posts that arent worthless you can continue

Creation was awful. It was one of the most predictable and cliche horror movie I've ever seen. Visually, it looked good. I liked the sets and the costumes and everything, but the story was just awful.

The scarecrow wasnt its own entity. It was possed by the same demon possessing annabelle

yeah creation was good

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Based Patrick Wilson will save the movie

Its better than soi a24 horror

So if the Annebelle doll could just leave it's glass case on it's own, why didn't it do it earlier?

Cliche doesnt mean bad. And most are predictable. We've seen it all at this point. A good horror movie you can just munch on popcorn with your feet up in a dark empty theater and just relax and enjoy. I think thats the best we can hope for

Because the script didn't call for it.

I like them better than nuhorror movies like hereditary that aren’t actually even scary

Lulu is amazing

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I honestly wonder how much he's actually doing with these movies though. Conjuring 1 and 2 he at least directed and they're honestly miles better than The Nun, Annabelle and that other shit

So what are the Villains weve had so far lads?

Valak the nun - conjuring 2 and the Nun

There were many in the first conjuring. Who was the main one tho? I forget
There were also ghosts in Conjuring 2 but they were controlled by Valak

Annabelle is controlled by its own demon

La Llorona seems to be its own special type of ghost

Crooked man seemed to be a manifestation of Valak

The scarecrow in Annabelle 2 was also that demons manifestation. We still dont know its name

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Conjuring two was meh at best, but yeah I've seen most of the other ones and I liked them.

Fuck that I want a "In the Hood" sequel.

Wan just knows how to make perfect horror movies. Every time I've seen a wan masterpiece with a girl I ended up having hot wild sex with them.

Fist Conjuring had the lady who killed her son and hanged herself. Second one had had Valak hiding and using the Crooked man as a disguise.

So hype

True horrorkino

The crooked man technically wasn’t a separate manifestation either and he’s still getting a movie.Maybe in this one the doll gets destroyed so the demon posses the scarecrow again

>Fist Conjuring

Wait, I have a idea. Annabelle: Auschwitz

Sounds like Kino

Because Patrick Wilson had an undisclosed gunshot wound he had to deal with

Imagine six million ghost living in a doll.

Cliche does mean bad. The past several years there have been highly original independent horror movies.

These films are garbage; then again so are most of A24’s too. I haven’t seen an enjoyable horror movie in theaters in years.

creation was good.
1st one was okay if you like those kind of movies (pretty average)
Ouija and Annabel prequels were both significantly better than their first movies

This nigga didn’t watch Us.

> The past several years there have been highly original independent horror movies.

Lol no

ayy lmao

It would be better if it was a normal looking doll instead of one that looks like it's trying to look "scary"

The first Annabelle was dogshit, but Annabelle: Creation was good.

A movie being original or unoriginal is not the same thing as being good. Either can be good or bad


Conjuring 2
Not bad, but felt too similar to Conjuring 1


>Annabelle 2
Not bad, not good. Forgettable

>The Nun
Not good

I love horror and want to like all these movies but all the spinoffs just feel like dollar store attempts at James Wan's style. Which is crazy when Wan himself said he was excited for this universe since every spinoff franchise will have it's own unique feel to it, when they don't at all.

Whatever happened to that Tall Man spinoff? At least his design was really spooky.

Is Sandberg making this? If not idc.

It looks stupid and I trust my gut so no


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You mean the crooked man? Last I heard (in september I think) they were still working on the script

So in the conjuring 2 Valak aka the Nun was behind the shit that was going on.
So when the crooked man was on screen I thought that was just Valak taking another form than the nun, like how IT will take more than one form besides Pennywise.

But since then, it's been said the Crooked Man is getting his own spinoff. Which would mean he's a completely different entity than the nun... So... he had no reason for being in the conjuring 2 right? not that I remember.

So did Valak just call up The Crooked Man and was like "Hey, wanna help me haunt this family?"

>Conjuring 2.5 with more Warrens

Fuck ill take any screen time Partick and Vera can get together. AND we still have conjuring 3 coming? Holy shit i feel like we are being spoiled. Thats great shit. How are patrick and vera so good??

Your rating list is shit and your taste is poor. Try again with it fucktard

Maybe demonic residue? Even after valak is defeated and banished back to hell, some of his evil presence still lingers. Thus the crooked man is truly born

>Cliche does mean bad

Holy shit read a book and stop embarrassing yourself you uneducated fuck.

Bet nobody spotted the Stephen King Easter egg

What the fuck. Why so hostile my dude?

>Yfw A horror cinematic universe is more stable than DC's lmao

Blahahahhahaaaa!!!! Nice cheap shot, bro.

I watch all these shits but gotta say I'm passing on La Lorena - or looks like a cheap knockoff as opposed to in universe horror. The one with the kids in the Warren's haunted trophy room looks fucking dope tho! Paranormal films based around little kids are always money.

Slashers were the 80s.
They had a slight revival after Scream but still were largely dead in the 90s.
The craze of the 1990s was Silence of the Lambs/Seven type horror-ish thrillers.

Is the first one worth watching?

Did the Samurai armor appear in the other films?
I would really really love a film about it's backstory.

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You could take a rancid shit and say it's part of the Conjuring CU. It's not an achievement.

thank god we got a decent scary movie coming out, I'm sick an tired of seeing those niggerfaggots pushing their "Us" on here, always multiple threads, maybe 5-10 replies before dying and they keep posting new threads

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The only ones posting about US are the ones triggered by Jordan Peele.

You mean Annabelle? It was okay, but compared to the Nun, it was amazing.

I'm of the opinion that the Conjuring spinoffs have been pretty terrible. The second Annabelle movie was just okay, but still not great.

Is this onions horror?

Didn’t the shitty nun movie say even after Valak was defeated it’s prescence remains. Fucker got doused with the blood of the holy and still possessed frenchie

Either way I just want scarecrow kino

Which film universe is better???




Both feature Patrick Wilson, so the universes are probably connected

I'd like to see some "serious" style ghost busters movie where the entities are dangerous and scary like in these movies, but this team deals in actually destroying them. A horror movie not always involving a family and some ghosts would be nice.

>James Wan in charge of TWO (2) cinematic universes

>Paranormal films based around little kids are always money.
>la llorona is a paranomral film based around little kids

You are genuine fucking retard. Stop posting

Bullshit. The 1st Annabelle has zero redeeming features. Its bland, its ugly, and boring. You can at least sit through the cozy, misty atmosphere of the nun and enjoy it for that.

More of an achievement than dark universe bitch

They arent connected retard

Insidious, because Leigh Whannell is part of it.

La Lorna is about some dirty spic ghost pissed off at whites for building a wall. The kids aren't even featured in the trailer, they just float in the peripheral like Clown shoes.

Hard pass, essay! And please, learn more about modern cinema before claiming a film about kids is decidedly not at all about kids. Fuck La Spica and fuck you mexican jew.

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>defending the nun aka the worst performing film of the group and the one most critically despised

kys contrarianfag

Insidious is better, less films to dilute the quality pool also, that'd be based of Wilson was the connecting force in both films and they did a crossover


No shit. But I'd rather watch a bad original movie than a bad cliche movie.

The new Suspiria sucked, but at least there isn't anything else like it.

Reminder that Wan's movies are zoomer garbage

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My head canon has developed that they and ouija are all pocket universes that are traveling parallel to each other and share many of the same things because of this

A movie consisting entirely of tired cliches is not good. Even if it's good on a technical level and if it's well acted, it's sill lazy, boring, and predictable. That's why Green Book winning best picture was such an atrocity.

how is trick r treat making fun of tropes? that doesn't even make sense

It's a troll image.



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caring this much about what you watch.. pathetic

That is the most retarded image spammed on Yea Forums but I agree on the James Wan movies.



what s really weird is my post ends in a 3



>contradicts himself
>gets made to look retarded
>starts babbling about modern cinema

Every time

the nun is literally the best performing film you retard. literally

die shill

>defending the nun aka the worst performing film of the group
>actually highest grossing

retards fall from the sky

The A24 films are piles of dung but what the fuck is the rest of that list? What tropes does the fucking shining mock if not invented them outright?

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