...would you?

...would you?

Attached: the raccoon.jpg (533x800, 68K)

Would I What?

You know.

why he so mad?

watch his movie? fuck no. i did, however, use him occasionally on mvc3

Make the racoon happy.

He's a freak of nature. His romantic life probably doesn't exist, he never had sex.
I'm guessing he's not even gay, but if you showed him a bit of affection, he'd gladly let you have sex with him. Because he's just that lonely.


What, like, give him a garbage can full of yummy garbage? Sure.

Tortured into existence in a lab, abandoned by or escaped from his creators, then treated like a freak or animal by every single person he met except for Groot and eventually the Guardians. Wouldn't you be mad in his place?