Would you a monroebot?

Would you a monroebot?

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Fuck no, give me Lucy Liu bot!

this scene is literally the future

Absolutely. I was in a trainwreck of a relationship for five years, then my sex life came to a screeching halt. And the older you get, the harder it is to get laid, and the quality is subpar. Once you hit 25-26 you're looking at entitled single mothers, or women who "want to wait" because they've spent the last teen years getting dicked and now they want something more. Guys, if you have a good one, don't leave her because you think you can do better.

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No because I’m not a boomer with bad taste in women

>ther older you get, the harder it is to get laid
Wtf I thought it was the opposite

Would the robot have hairy gorilla arms like the real thing?

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Fuck off zoomer

> And the older you get, the harder it is to get laid, and the quality is subpar. Once you hit 25-26 you're looking at entitled single mothers, or women who "want to wait" because they've spent the last teen years getting dicked and now they want something more. Guys, if you have a good one, don't leave her because you think you can do better.

That's only true if you're a socially awkward loser.

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You jelly of a dead woman, you smooth-skinned babby?

I have a girl I was really close with for around 18 years. I'd have a bot of her back when she was 17-18.

Based and patheticpilled

I hope I live long enough to die from having a Jodellebot.

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Same boat
He speaks the truth, saving up for my realdoll now

such unrealistic bullshit
90% market would be lolibots irl

just go younger or older and avoid your age range, it gets easier to go younger in your early 30s

Would they sell them on Etsy?

>implying cunnybots won't be banned
Only landwhale, cowtits, ethnic sexbots will be legal, if not only transgender ones

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Why do women shave everything but their heads?

>this will be a reality in our lifetime


Marilyn Monroe was skinny fat.

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>me on the left

I was never super into Lucy Liu until I was watching one of the Kung Fu Panda specials and I heard Master Viper giggling. Instant love boner.

It’s already illegal to buy them in the US and Canada. They put a stop to that real quick when companion dolls started looking realistic and gaining steam.

this is reddit as fuck, I don't remember it though

Because it's from the Comedy central run

I’m 28. Divorced my wife for being a lazy piece of shit and a waste of space. Pulling tail is easy as fuck. Try getting in shape and owning a house.

the only thing that i had to look forward in my old age
might as well end it all now

only if I can get her pregnant

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You could always move to a third world country that doesn’t care like Cambodia or the Philippines or Thailand

>And the older you get, the harder it is to get laid, and the quality is subpar. Once you hit 25-26 you're looking at entitled single mothers, or women who "want to wait" because they've spent the last teen years getting dicked and now they want something more.

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On the bright side, drugs are illegal too and they are easy to get.

>or women who "want to wait"
This is the fucking worst, man. I don't care what it says about my desirability or if it makes me "the wrong guy," I ain't gonna wait 7 fucking months for her to feel ready to take that next step, not when I know for absolutely certain at least a few times in her life she was in bed with a guy within hours of meeting him.

I'll have a Pagebot thanks

100% you are ugly as fuck. The exact opposite is true, most women go for older guys. The same 24 year old that wouldn't look at you twice when you were 25 will be dripping wet when you are 40. All the girls I know in their mid to late twenties, some quite hot, are with 40÷ y/os.

people can change you entitled asshole
if cou can't wait you're not respecting her

I don't see the point in having sex with a woman or woman shaped object unless it's to procreate. If I want to get off, porn and my hand can do it way better than any woman or woman shaped object.

False. The motion in canada failed, and there is no legislation on the books in america for sexbots.

Invest now, women are not worth the hassle.

i would not even exist ZEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Why do w*men who used to be sluts feel entitled to respect? Respect is earned, not given.

>try to change
also by that logic shouldn't they treat you like the little bitch you were in highschooL?

They already do. Turnabout is fair play; if they treat me like the little bitch I was in high school then I'm going to treat them like the ireedeemable subhuman slut they've been between 13-30 years old.
>people can change, you evil incel loser!
>but not (you), just w*men and you need to lavish them with respect because they're entitled to it

But you don’t have to ship heroin into the country through customs with a manifest that says that ‘you ordered heroin and it’s totally not for what it looks like’!

What I'm saying is that were there is a demand somebody will supply regardless of risk because of profit.

A woman isn't respecting her boyfriend by lowkey punishing him for the mistakes she made with men in the past. If you've been "Facebook official" for a few weeks, it's time to start thinking about intimacy. That's the bar that gets cleared and makes it apparent it's not just a fling, where you're meeting the parents, where you've slept together (non-sexually) more than you've slept alone. Waiting longer than some long-term relationships in their entirety even last is absurd. Sexual chemistry is a huge component of a successful relationship and nothing good will come from putting it off for so long.

Sorry, but it's the truth. Very few men will abide. The sexual revolution cake was eaten, the hokey courtship cake cannot be had anymore.

government will ban them eventually

>all civilization was just an effort to impress the opposite sex
kek, futurama was great

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user that's very homophobic

memes aside, unironically would