Where did the second lightsaber come from?
What are they going for here?
Where did the second lightsaber come from?
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It's probably her pistol she had in the first movie that was given to her by Han.
It's just the little sac to put it in
The other one belongs to bigger Luke.
it fell out of her pussy
It doesn't look like a holster nor a gun though.
cant it be the holster?
can OP NOT BE so autistic?
Looks like a little sac to me
She's Padme's clone created by Vader soon before his death.
The original lightsaber was split in two, maybe she made two lightsabers, one from each half. That would be in line with JJ's brand of pottery.
Its the blaster she got from Han
I’ve got a little sac to put in her
It didn't look like this in TLJ or TFA, she wore it in a matte holster.
OP might be on to something.
What if not only she dual wields but it also combines into a double bladed saber?
That would be fucking cool. Could also be Luke's green one he left on Achto
would be hella fucking epic bro
Unironically would work as a nice bracket closing all 3 trilogies, first has Darth Maul, last has Rey.
its literally her thigh holster from Achto, its Han's gun
quick rundown?
I was looking for pictures of the holster in TLJ and you can't see the gun when it's in, the holster closes around the barrel completely.
There have been many elaborate theories as to why there exists a larger version of Luke Skywalker in the original Star Wars films, however most theories fall into two general categories:
The Canon Luke Hypothesis, sometimes simply The Bigger Luke Hypothesis, in which it is theorized that within the Star Wars universe and canon there does indeed exist a version of Luke Skywalker that is slightly larger than a posited regular Luke Skywalker, or Luke Prime.
The Hamill Hypothesis, in which it is theorized that there exists an uncredited Mark Hamill look-alike who was used in certain scenes of the original trilogy for undisclosed reasons and whose identity has yet to be determined.
The Canon Luke Hypothesis is the most popular of the two, with the Hamill Hypothesis a close second.
Evidence for the existence of Bigger Luke is scattered throughout the original Star Wars films, predominantly, or at least most well documented, in A New Hope. If one were to juxtapose multiple scenes containing both Luke Skywalker and Han Solo standing up in the same frame, one would quickly be able to discern the existence of a slightly larger version of Luke Skywalker, dubbed the titular Bigger Luke. It is generally agreed that Bigger Luke is approximately two to three centimeters / approximately an inch taller than Regular Luke, but disagreements as to the exact height discrepancy do exist, and tend to be muddled due to perspective. See Size Debate for more details.
It is believed by supporters of the Canon Luke Hypothesis that Obi-Wan's line shortly after Luke first succeeds in blocking the training remote's shots (You've taken your first step into a larger world) is evidence of Obi-Wan's knowledge of there being a larger Luke Skywalker.
Another commonly held theory is that Princess Leia's comment towards Luke shortly before being rescued (Aren't you a little short for a Stormtrooper?) is a thinly-veiled acknowledgement of the existence of a size discrepancy between different versions of Luke Skywalker. Because this is an in-universe acknowledgement, it is generally deemed evidence in favor of the Canon-Luke Hypothesis, as opposed to the Hamill Hypothesis, as it seems very unlikely that a Star Wars character would acknowledge the existence of different actors.
Are you saying you don't analyze every single frame of you favorite movies on the off chance you can find height disparities?
But he's literally just hunched a bit and then standing in these comparison pictures.
>it’s rey’s outfit from TLJ
>but white
truly iconic. this will be as iconic as luke going from his bespin fatigues to his all black outfit
Here is the Damage Control Excuse they will use: "well you see in Episode 6 Luke remade Obiwan's so it fine."
Reminder the bitch has know idea how a saber works and those shit books are note gonna be the Excuse to keep falling back on either.
This is retarded.
Probably a staff seeing as JJ literally posted a picture of her with her staff on his twitter.
>durr Rey is so kewl I can't wait to see her new saber! XD
>I wanna do what the cool boys are doing too
I don't think cool boys can take two weiners at once, not enough holes.
Truly the niggers of genders...
>Gee Rey! How come your director lets you use TWO lightsabers?
>No incels!
Please don't mix Luke with that feminist fan-fiction character, thank you.
>Le Yin and Yang xD
We Witcher now.
She's trying to regress back to what she knows and is more comfortable with after the end of TLJ because everything that went down with Kylo and admitting the truth about her parents made things too complicated for her to want to deal with. Her outfit visually reflects that and looking like she did in TFA is the point. Part of her IX arc will be pushing past that and finally truly coming into her own. She'll have a different look by the end, I guarantee it.
I had thought she'd end up with a double bladed one
Dual wield (single handed).
>be me
>live life almost exactly like this
>almost every week I'm essentially a different person, a new person with new hopes, dreams, personality, outlook, traits, manerisms
>have a default mode I always switch to, in order to preserve an aura of normalcy around friends, family, fiance, coworkers
>constantly paranoid they can see through my sham
>real me (that's essentially not the real me but is, the me that changes every week or so) is constantly trapped behind a facade of feigned normality
>every personality change plunges me further into an abyssal chasm of not knowing what's real, what's fake, what's normal and what's weird
>every week throws me further into a void of darkness blighted by irrational thought, shifting demeanors, and horrid waking nightmares
>stopped seeing shrinks once I realized they may see me as a threat to myself or others, and take my life away
>I fully acknowledge this will all blow up in my face one day, but this train I'm on is past the point of no return
>Somedays I barely can see anything through a hazy fog, other days appear right as rain, squeaky clean with no filter, I have no control, it controls me
>the other day I spent two hours driving around in circles through the neighborhoods around my house because I thought I was being tailed and I didn't want to lead the pursuer to my family
>walk inside and my fiance asks why I was idling in the driveway for so long
>I could have swore I was driving that whole time, but I watched my dash cam footage and I was just sitting in my car air drumming to the same van halen song over and over again
>I don't even fucking like van halen
>two weeks ago I parked in the grocery fandango
>oscar wilma foxtrot charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie charlie
>orange bass posting
Where did Luke's 2nd lightsaber come from?
THIS is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people
what did user mean by this?
this is a cursed post
OH you mean the pistol that is never used in the next movie? And completely forgotten about?
take your fucking meds m8
brehs theyre gonna do the dual bladed dual colored lightsaber from the tfa concept art to signify how reys in control of both her good and bad sides
>local para schizo with personality disorders derails thread using this one weird trick
>nu-wars shitposters HATE him
1065 they were trying to grab your prize
i see i am not the only one, revel in your power brother
It's faggots like yourself that make me hate Star Wars.
pls get help user no memeing
Sounds like you enjoyed the dumpster fire that is TLJ. Kindly see yourself to the nearest face fucking station.
nigga went full mk ultra goddam
>I don't even fucking like van halen
based ORANGE BASS poster
what a fantastic way to derail this shite thread
kudos user
was it kino?
You're the Maxx.
damn I legit thought was the only person on Yea Forums to have actually watched that show
also wtf
enough Yea Forums for one day
yeah its pretty based desu, I made a couple threads on here and anime but Yea Forums says its shit and Yea Forums tells me it doesn't even count as anime apparently. Sad that it gets no love but whatever
there's potential but you lack focus, your personalities, as it were, conflate one another into ambiguity rather than distinction
>mfw this user is all over the news tomorrow
put me in the screencap
>two weeks ago I parked in the grocery fandango
and then?
I have a strange feeling that this user will do something catastrophic
she tries to shoot Kylo with it when they first have the Force skype call and shoots a hole in one of the huts by accident and all the fish nuns tell her to get fucked. Tbh there's never really any points in that movie where that pistol would be needed/relevant. She didn't need to shoot anything on Luke's island. Using it against Kylo or Snoke would be a waste of time, especially since she already had a lightsaber.
>the other day I spent two hours driving around in circles through the neighborhoods around my house because I thought I was being tailed and I didn't want to lead the pursuer to my family
>walk inside and my fiance asks why I was idling in the driveway for so long
>I could have swore I was driving that whole time, but I watched my dash cam footage and I was just sitting in my car air drumming to the same van halen song over and over again
I've seen hundreds of scary movies and have read countless of creepypastas, but for some reason this is getting to me
this post is cursed as fuck
lost at orange bass lol
I always forget like 90% of yall have mental issues
boy this is some fresh ass pasta I'll tell you what
you idiots do realize this is satire right
The whole 'Bigger Luke theory' was/is a pisstake on all the other SW conspiracy theories that were running around at the time. That the conspiritards have since adopted it and now push it as a genuine conspiracy theory is only a tribute to its genius, timelessness, and their stupidity.
There's no finer award in trolling than to see your work get taken up as the real thing and memed about. For another example, see /pol/.
There is not one person on Yea Forums capable of detecting satire, sarcasm, or jokes. Everything is one hundred percent sincere or, at best, bait. If you try to bait someone and then say it was a joke, you're clearly just trying to defend yourself by saying "I was pretending to be retarded!"
Have sex.
I've got a sarlacc to put her in.
I love you
>They called the planet act 2
just stop worrying about others and simply bait
I have only watched the first 6 starwasrs movies is it worth watching the new ones? Even to see how bad it is?
No. They are bad but not entertainingly bad, just bad
Solo and rogue one are good
they're so bad you'll like the old ones even more, even the bad ones like aotc will turn into good movies
that's the lightsaber holster mang
It's Han Solo's gun. I laugh at you fuckers wondering where her lightsaber comes from. You're asking questions the writers of this trash didn't even think about. It's Star Wars, she got a lightsaber and a gun, just like Luke in the OT. They don't fucking care about anything. How many Disney garbage shoved in your face by (((Disney))) do you need to understand that? As if TFA alone wasn't enough to understand SW was dead for good, you also have R1, TLJ and Solo. What else do you need? These movies are made by complete fuckers who don't care, it's just a cash grab for manchildren who were fed too much soi in their youth
Yea Forums jokes about being autistic but the truth is most of the posters actually are on a spectrum.
That's a vibrator, op.
It's so she can do an epic dual wield in the final battle
>people still care about Disney Star Wars
Why? People talk about soulless movies a lot but both TFA and TLJ fit that description perfectly. I have seen both of them in the cinema with a bunch of mates and after the movie it felt like our souls have been sucked out of our bodies. It's not that these movies are bad, they are just so mediocre it hurts.
that isnt what aryan means you dumb nigger
that's a fucking anglo
>see /pol/.
absolutely SNEETHING
I guarantee they didnt think half as much about any of that as you just did. I wish they would but it is obvious they have had no plan and are just winging star wars and have been from the start. it sucks i know but its the sad truth of what we got.
10/10 post
>Rey/fatter Rey foreshadowing
It's retarded and painfully unfunny. "But it's a satire!" is a brainlet zoomer excuse for bad humor.
>user asks for a redpill on the Big Luke conspiracy
>Moments later another user loses his mind completely
This is merely a case of redpill overdose.
Why do people still talk about this shameless cash grab of a movie?
Is it becuase you guys love to complain? I know a small minority of you are from reddit and don’t care about the shit you pretend to love eating, but unlike Reddit this place at least tries being self aware
If you guys are just in it for talking shit it’s going to drain your mind later on. Yes we all know it’s a bad movie, but don’t let it drag on for this long
desu I think a neater twist would be if we're lead to believe that he is an exile or psycho criminal or from an evil planet or something like that, then the twist is that he's a normal alien kid who was sent to Earth by his hopeful, loving parents and that all of our incompatibilities (can't relate to others, gets bullied) is what leads him to becoming a monster. Like if ants tried to raise a human.