Why did Bumblebee flop?

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Budget was:
>$135 million

Box Office was:

It was more profitable than The Last Knight based on it's budget alone, which had the benefit of being a summer blockbuster.

Attached: Bepe.png (220x225, 10K)

A Transformers movie that doesn't hit a billion is a flop

The Last Knight was a major flop then.

had to compete with spider man + aquaman and the previous two bayshit movies already soured people.

>designed to pander to small market of 80s soibois instead of general audiences
>no Michael Bay to give it finesse and spectacle

Didn't The Last Knight rake in significantly less than Bumblebee and was a summer blockbuster that by ever right should have made a $1 billion, yet didn't?

Hailey didn't wear a bikini.

She's uggo

They didn’t include a scene of Bumblebee dancing to this song:

>the main chick friend zoned the darkie
Uhhh yeah I'm thinking this movie is based

>1. It's a spinoff starring a character who's already appeared in five movies
>2. Those five movies gained increasingly negative reception over the years and western audiences were fatigued

Generic ET story with a bunch of 80's nostalgia tacked on top

Everyone was sick of the last few and thought this one would be more of the same.
I like all of them to a certain extent... this one confused me because a lot of the stuff contradicted what happened in the rest of them.

Good film.
The girl was cute too, that always helps... but to be fair Transformers films have never lacked for cute main leads.

cause it's shit and it only sells because of the "transformers" name


When you have to compete with Prime Megan Fox, you better bring your A-game.

It was pretty cute, basically just a ET remake with Tranformers but it worked.
Bumblebee and Hayley were cute

This pepe is so BASED lol
Can he transform into a dildo and fuck me? Lol
Fuck me. You nigga. Fuck me rn. Rn rn fr nigga.

Edge of seventeen rip-off

Because despite the fresh coat of 80's paint and John Cena, it's still exactly the same as every other Transformers movie.

this. even the mc look similar

There wasn't enough 80s cybertron kino fighting in the movie

>ambiguous race minority male
>white female
Gee I wonder

If he was white you could have complained about him being a joke character not strong enough. Faggot.

>ambiguous race
that's a new euphemism for n*gger?