Who was the best Punisher? Who would (you) cast? How would (you) make a Punisher film or trilogy?
The Punisher In TV & Film
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men are meritocratic and any honest man will recognize that the best punisher movie is PUNISHER: WAR ZONE. directed by... a woman.
see? do a good job and we will recognize - even if the critics didnt.
worst incarnation, by far, is the netflix show. in perspective even on daredevil, when they try to justify is actions because of some head injury.
HE KILLS CRIMINALS. how hard is that?
anyway, no need to cast some know guy. do a casting call, find some tall italian american dude between 30/40s and thats it.
Netflix must be magicians. I still don’t understand the love for their take on Frank.
I'd say Warzone was probably the most correct Punisher that's been made. Was it good? Not really, it was ok I guess.
But the Punisher himself, the things them movie did, the costume, they all captured the Punisher from the comics the closest he's been.
I would say that Punisher as shown in Daredevil 2 was the second best, which is NOT the same as Punisher from the Punisher season 1 or 2.
Daredevil 2
Punisher 1
,,,the other movies were shit.
Punisher 2
to be fair, that not even punisher.
i just watched the first season and it is like a bunch of faggots, beta and women tried to make a spy show.
there is no urban violence elements that are essential for the character and i remember that the first black guy he kills happend at 40 minutes of episode 11.
> kill criminals
> it take 11 episodes to kill a nigger
its borderline sci fi.
War Zone. Easily.
The Exterminator will always be my favorite Punisher movie.
All of them are shit.
Pic related is the only non-garbage punisher kino, and it isn't even the punisher.
>Who was the best Punisher?
Ray Stevenson looks like Punisher but the movie is shit
Punisher MAX hbo series when
Shows you don’t get the characters beyond them shooting baddies.
Punisher is 100% about him killing scum, everything else is set-up to get him to that point. If you think it's about muh family or muh god or whatever then you're a fucking retard.
Dredd was a shitty ripoff of The Raid
in production before the raid etc
Then how can you bring up Dredd knowing that?
No it wasn't.
It had the same premise, a cop gets stuck in a towerblock with a bunch of criminals, but the similarities end there.
Dredd and The Raid are great movies though.
Oh god yes, who would you cast as Frank, though?
I’d bring back Bernthal, great Frank, shit material to work with.
the punisher short film with thomas jane is the best
bernthal was good in dd, but his own show was horrible
>how about that war on crime?
Why did they decide to give us two seasons of a mediocre conspiracy thriller?
>What the fuck do you call 125 murders in five years, huh?
>Work in progress
Lou Gossett giving an amazing performance.
He was a shit Frank. Frank has a stoic predisposition, he should be more like pic related. Instead, Bernthal's Frank gets emotional constantly, because the netflix audience can't empathize with someone who isn't constantly engaging in out of control histrionics.
Why are you explaining the premise of the movies to someone who's already seen both? Why do you press the enter key twice after every sentence?
they have one of the best comicbook runs ever to work with and they give us some shitty drama series instead
I will never be not mad
>forgot picture somehow
In the tradition of casting people such as bernthal as the punisher, here's my vote for who should star in the next project.
>how about that war on crime?
the patriarchy is a crime, shitlord, and also I'd like to say the word Islamophobia
>this post
and gay
Thomas Jane was best Punisher in terms of origin story. I wish they would have given him a sequel but if you don't think that short film that came out years ago wasn't better than every episode of Netflix's Punisher you are deranged.
Warzone was too campy. I couldn't take it seriously even if it was technically "more faithful" to the comics. It felt more like a cheesy 70's exploitation film and the story was non-existent.
Dolph Lundgren's is just hilarious to watch.
If I had to cast the Punisher today that would be difficult to do as there are no real "men" in Hollywood that would fit the age of Castle.
gold star user, you really cracked the da vinici code on this one
you're a fucking liar. there was a lawsuit over the raids people sealing a copy of the dredd script.
those punisher movies are the fucking best i can't recall anything better from marvel than those except maybe raimis spider mans
thx fren
Best in terms of looks? Ray Stevenson, easily.
In terms of character, I'd say Daredevil Season 2.
he would unironically be the DEFINITIVE PUNISHER
Thomas Jane in this I think
All i want is an adaption of the Punisher MAX Ennis run (minus Kitchen Irish and Mother Russia), how fucking hard can it be? Why does utter tripe like DD Punisher or Warzone exist instead?
Stevenson has the voice and face but lacks 40 pounds of musclemass to be credible, Jane and Dolph were meh tier and the DD Punisher is a travesty. I'd cast Michael Jay White after a heavy steroid cycle as Barracuda.
Moronic opinion.
It was a great rip-off of The Raid. Also
I know the other 3 but I don't remember the one on the far left
>Season 2 ends with him gunning down a room full of Blacks
What did they mean by this
Warzone was probably the best, but that's because all of the other punishers are that bad.
Ray Stevensons attitude and dolph lundgrens look is Punisher. The other two can fuck off. But frank grillo could be the best if they give him a shot.
punisher lets a woman get raped
yeah, okay....
he knew she was a coalburner
They all got something to learn from eachother.
Punisher 1989 has the best protrayal of the character himself and his entire mindset hands down, but suffers from 80’s Hollywood cheese.
Thomas Jane Punisher is a well made movie but was more like equalizer.
War Zone is great at showing actual PUNISHMENT but is so fucking bad and corny, so bad it might be good.
Just adapt Punisher MAX, show him as a psychotic Vietnam vet. First Blood meets Law Abiding Citizen, minus the shit ending.
>Fucking Bushwacker of all people is a boss
Great game
The Russian fight scene is so good, almost makes up for the 2 hours of garbage that surrounds it
as much as i enjoyed both seasons of the show, his arc in daredevil s2 ended with him being the punisher, and both seasons of his show undid it. so this scene is the spiritual successor to him in daredevil
Dolph was the best, as an actor, era actioner icon, and aesthetically. Ideally I'd have S Craig Zahler direct prime 80s Dolph, and he's wear the Punisher skull. The nude Castle meditation sewer scenes were cool in the original tho.
Ray Stevenson gets honorable mention. I'd like to see his Punisher in an 80s DePalma movie, anti Scarface, or better yet, Tony Scott
Tom Cruise would unironically be kino tho, Cruise truly unhinged