Create the biggest redpill film of all time figuratively and literally

>create the biggest redpill film of all time figuratively and literally
>turned into feral trannies by ZOG because they flat out exposed people to perceiving the truth
did they deserve it?

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Other urls found in this thread: Invisibles vs. The Matrix

Quite poignant OP, take this bump.

>Raised by a "hardcore atheist" father and an "ex-Catholic turned Shamanist" mother,[78]

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they got saddled with some insanely toxic genes. it's quite sad

There is this story that they got electric cock and ball tortured by some famous dominatrix while on drugs, and that's why they both turned into trannies.

A pair of attention whores. It will be nice when they become another statistic in trans suicide rates.

shit i thought that was the cure. somebody tell mike pence

Brazil was a better "redpill" movie than The Matrix.

Left one is kinda cute desu.

back to /pol/, mutt

It's just the allegory of the cave with bullet time.

They were always a part of the hardcore BDSM scene, super into humiliation. I unironically think that their "transition" was a way to satisfy a fetish, not an actual gender dysphoria.

Lana honestly looks great for a 60 years old woman.

>rent free

This is true from what I've read. I have the whole story screenshotted on my computer but I'm too lazy to find it

On the real Lana has some pretty banging legs for a super late transitioner. You can tell she took lessons too.

The first one actually looks like a woman, albeit a very ugly one. The second one? Burn it.

You are mentally ill.

>create the biggest redpill film of all time figuratively and literally
lol, no.

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Please, user. I want to read about these poor idiots getting fucked in the head.



Reminder that Neo was originally intended to be Will Smith and when he said no the porducers suggested Keanu Reeves. The resistance was a bunch of black men and white women (only white men are twinks, traitors, and trannies) who lived in Jewish Zion with all the enemies being AI old white men. The Matrix was redpilled on accident and the Wachowskis were always going to devolve their fetishes until they turned into trannies.

Do they refer to themselves as the Wachowski sisters now?

>implying the matrix isn’t the biggest redpill movie because you like another movie better
stop being retarded OP said biggest not best

are you talking to yourself right now? that's not healthy


Eh 60 year old Run Lola Run stand in is still a better look than emulating King Mob.

Im inside your head.

The dominatrix in question is Buck Angel's "ex-wife."

okay well tell myself/yourself to stop seething

He's trying to pass for a woman and he does so splendidly. It's dumb to argue about semantics.

Get out of your head.

Morpheus was going to be Sean Connery but he turned it down, what are you talking about?

>its dumb to refer to a man by what he is: a man

Oh my fucking god, they're both trannies now!?

Guess what movies I'm never watching again

>character named Switch in the original script was a man in the real world and a woman in the matrix.
But yeah, it’s probably some Illuminati conspiracy

Yeah mixing drugs with orgasms + plus brainwashing yourself with degradation play is basically what trannies do now. On tumblr and such they make videos that are hypno-suggestive with hidden messages and flashing images that chip at their masculinity.

Throw in the degrading effect of long term pornography and you're going to eventually re-write your brain to think that's what "feeling good" is all about.

Plus you have a climate where people encourage the state of being a tranny as a way to be "special", or having "victim status" ect. You're not just a boring white boy with no identity, you're a (insert pronoun here because I have no clue) with an identity pre-made.

You can go online and bitch and you can get sympathy from your online friends that you're special. You can do porn or cam shows for attention.

Its pretty devious mental destruction.

Obviously they were pretty normal "doods" who came into a lot of money, and maybe they thought this was the path to happiness. Maybe they were miserable before - who fucking knows. I know one day they will probably wake up with no family or friends and wonder what the fuck happened to their life.. when sex isn't really the only thing out there.
I blame the jews completely.


based seether

>"boycotting" movies that are decades old
literally virtue signalling

>he does so splendidly
wew lad

He pulls it off more i guess, but jesus the other one ffs.

Show us how your grandmother looks.

>The siblings grew up in a close-knit family in Beverly, a middle-class neighborhood on Chicago’s South Side. Their parents—Ron, a businessman, and Lynne, a nurse—were film enthusiasts. They dragged Larry and Andy and their two sisters to any movie they found interesting, ignoring the parental-advisory labels. “We would have ‘movie orgies’—double features, triple features, drive-ins,” Andy recalled. “I was so young that I didn’t know what the word ‘orgy’ meant, but I knew that, whatever it was, I liked it.”
did your parents ever call any family activity you took part in while growing up an "orgy", Yea Forums?

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Literally fate worse than death innit

>Plus you have a climate where people encourage the state of being a tranny as a way to be "special", or having "victim status" ect. You're not just a boring white boy with no identity, you're a (insert pronoun here because I have no clue) with an identity pre-made.
This is literally the crux of so many "transitions" in recent years. Not for any mental illness (see: dysphoria (which I'm not saying should be treated with transitioning, just what has been the typical reason and response)) but instead a lifestyle/social thing. People give way more lenience to trannies when it comes to many things they would shit on the very same people about if they remained awkward white losers. Videogame obsession, constantly harping on about hentai and porn, anime watching, edgy humor. These are the stereotypical traits of your average "incel" in the minds of, say, the average twitter user. They caricaturize them regularly. However, look at their follows and their reblogs and you will see a legion of MtF transgenders that fit the exact description. Everyone in these circles glaze over it, it's mind-boggling. Just grow out your nasty hair and put on some tacky, cheaply made, halloween costume tier "girly clothes" like some kneesocks from AliExpress or some shit, and people will bend over backwards to justify you being an unlikable cumbrain nerd. I'm pretty sure some animals in the wild do this shit, smaller males "disguising" themselves as female to stay in in-groups.

my grandmother looks like a woman, unlike that man.

>people go through horrific hormone therapies and genital mutilation to fit in with a minority of hipster freaks
that seems...unlikely

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their first movie was about lesbians and was called bound. it probably signified their inner woman being caged and needing to set it free.

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if you're a faggot

can confirm
>have dysphoria
>don't have discord full of adderall-chugging CP enthusiasts encouraging me to chop my cock off
>dysphoria, shockingly, is 100% manageable

No, we did go sledding though


so you're a tranny but keeping your magical staff?

Most of them don't actually chop the dick off. And I don't see how a kind of hormone therapy that fucking Chris Chan does can be called horrific. It's like a tattoo, just something you do for your self identity. If you're not getting any puss anyway, what do you have to lose?

Very based post. I find it quite incredible how these dorky, incel tier makes can throw on some fishnets, apply a bit of makeup and force stuff up their rectum and suddenly they’re desired and have a line of orbiters longer than even many women. As much it makes me uncomfortable I can actually understand the twisted logic behind it all.

once i have a place of my own ill probably go ultra downlow hon mode and start wearing knee socks and shit just cause its so comfy, but wearing that shit more than five feet from your front door is mega degenerate and i feel no happiness doing it.

what's ZOG ?

>only human city left in the world is called Zion
what the fuck did the tranny faggots mean by this

zionist occupied government

really makes you think

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I just find it interesting that both brothers are transgender, especially after calling themselves "the Wachowski Brothers" on their projects and in the media for years. I would've thought somebody trapped in the wrong body would think words like Brother were horrible and wouldn't want to associate themselves with that as well as he and other pronouns. Maybe, their just... hmm i don't know.. mentally ill?

>Young impressionable men and teenage boys make rash decisions based off of a desire to be accepted by a group no matter how big or small
How do you think cults form, user? Surely these people won't do that to themselves just for the approval for a small minority of freaks?

it honestly looks like some kind of sick punishment, doesn't it

not planning to live as a wamen?

peter hitchen's mother is a jew

hell fucking no. its a fantasy. i'm not gonna impose my problems on the world.

based and redpilledpilled

i'd have to get drunk to give a speech too if my voice sounded like that

You might grow out of it. I was a mega twink until i was like 18. A good looking one if I may say so myself. Thanks to an internet addiction, being a hipster who wound up meeting girls with femdom interests and a massively low self esteem, I loved crossdressing. I fell deeper into the rabbit hole as time went on. As I grew older, my shoulders wider and a thick layer of body hair covered me, I got sick of it. Nowadays the mere thought of light femdom gives me a feeling of unease.

>How do you think cults form
Or any military force for that matter. It's all just peer pressure applied to impressionable youngsters

i'm growing out of it as we speak. first serious nofap of my life. somehow i'm able to manage without chemically castrating myself or getting strangers to engage in my idle fantasies of being born a girl.
maybe if i made a highly successful sci fi movie it'd be different. who knows.

>24/7 propaganda telling you that Bruce Jenner is amazing
>people prone to suggestion believe this and try to imitate

back to discord, tranny


why did lana go for a muppet hairstyle?

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it is dumb to argue about semantics, which is why its a fucking dude dressed as a woman

Since coming out they've lost most of their creativity

I just find it creepy they both decided to be creepy trannies they probably do depraved shit together

You typed this comment with one hand, didn't you?

Very based poster and pipe pilled

Trips of good luck.

are you hoping he did?

This is strangly entriguing, though and I hate trannies.

Made me think about Michael Jackson.

It's interesting how far you have to deviate from normality to become historical icon.

They've figured out immortality.

Are you hoping I'm hoping he did?

sorry how is the matrix a redpill?
>dude machines lmao
>dude simulation lmao
>dude humans are a virus lmao
no it's all a load of bollocks
people only like the matrix because it has (good for the time) action scenes and aesthetic

cringe and bluepilled

would unironically hug and maybe kiss Lana during the Matrix 4 wrap party

Not sure about Larry though

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>the movie that came up with the redpill/bluepill concept isn't redpilled
cringe and bluepilled

>two brothers turn tranny
Woah what a coincidence, what are the odds?


aaaaahhhhhhhh dude no you need go deeper into wonderland dude it's likeaahhh *tokes* like dude there's like a conspiracy dude yeahhhhhh maaaan the city's lit up and it's the cia racoons who are coming after US man! they want our weed maaaaan yeahhhhhh steak dude lmao did you know that cows didn't look like cows 1000 years ago dude? yeah we bred that shit out dude it's like totally not natural and shit maaaan *tokes* like dude im just spouting the truth here you've gotta get on my level dude

shut the fuck up

>the movie that came up with the redpill/bluepill concept isn't redpilled
this but unironically

Yeah, Y chromsomes

From Matrix to Sense8, a journey to degeneracy.

based retard poster

oh fuck off it didn't invent anything
literally everything in the matrix is literally just meaningless babble
and red pills were in total recall

They even had sex with each other. That's how progressive they are.

literally one of the comments under that video
>She cute

Did they transition just cause they were bald?

Prove it.

The message of the Matrix movies was Lana coming to terms with her tranner self by bondage dom mistress sex life

go watch the film

you're right... it's all babble... we shouldn't be thinking about why the world is so fucked and what shadowy figured may be behind it... i'm sleepy... time to go to bed. let's go to sleep everyone i'm sleepy let's sleep i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy i'm sleepy


Also Lana's a latexfag weeb

I've seen it multiple times. You haven't proven anything. Try again.

Red pills were in They Live before Total Recall and in other movies before They Live

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Firstly, they began transitioning during the production of the trilogy.
Secondly, why would Warner brothers have released this movie if they were afraid it was going to redpill people for real? Don't major movie studios work hand in hand with government?

there's also the story that they basically just ripped off grant morrison for most of the first movie (according to morrison, people who worked on the movie have come to him and said how the wachowskis literally gave them issues of "the invisibles" to use as reference). sequels was their attempt at making OC and they failed miserably because the best ideas weren't theirs to begin with. Invisibles vs. The Matrix

>implying jews have foresight

post the full webm please

You're a dumbass. Will Smith was extremely popular at the time and had a contract with WB.

shh stop questioning the narrative or they'll call you a tranny

this but unironically. fuck off cretin

New Contra video:

Heal yourselves from your nonsense hatred.

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>watch a giant gnostic fairytale about rejecting your physical form and full of weird leather dom sub culture
>be surprised when the authors turn trans

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kill yoursef you unholy abomination

>half-ass everything
>still take over the entire western world
damn jews really are the master race

if I was one of those guys I'd kill myself

>jews have all the power in the world and have a whole network of conspiracies they are apart of
>have no plans for the future
shit white people should be wiped out if the jews are this retarded and still control everything

reminder that Larry / Lana cucked Buck Angel

Huh. I recently saw Metokur review a documentary about furries, and the furry's mom was a shamanist.

>fuck off cretin
Say it with me: Yea Forums is not a safe space.

Well, emulating King Mob and not being Grant Morrison who they somewhat ripped off too.

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yes. do you think those dispositioned with foresight and consistency would keep piling on pure comedy to their narrative until it just becomes bizarre to everyone

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This. You are a retard if you are surprised and didn't see this shit already planted in the first film.

you're right, i guess you should be on your way then

Being transgender is just the way of the future, deal with it Nazis

>I blame the jews completely.
It unironically is the Jews. Look up Magnus Hirschfeld and his Institute fir Sexology and John Money, they pioneered this stuff by molesting children and other mentally vulnerable people then programming them.
Mankind deserves the hell that is coming for tolerating this stuff.

>you're right
glad you under-
>you should be on your way then
back to the drawing board

lol this can’t be real

stop posting my wife

Well obviously the story is fake (where did the first cart disappear to before the one right behind it came down?), but these are actual stories people used as propaganda and to make claims for compensation from the German government.

All parrot fish begin their lives as females. It's only when the local alpha dies/leaves that the next strongest female metamorphoses into a male to take his place.
As much as I'm disgusted by tranny shit, there's potentially a biological basis for it: there's no benefit to being male unless you're getting some. Perhaps psychological equivalents exist.

So you think they release movies without watching them first?

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the matrix is a metaphor for being trans, there is even a character called switch who is a different gender on the neberkenezer. that was the redpill all along

/pol/ brainlets will doubt this

legit do not watch the hypno pron guys. I fear for the youth

Submission and feminisation as a fetish is a very dangerous slope
HRTs make you infertile, and every 'LGBT community' is often spearheaded by sadists that get off on permanently changing other people

check those

so interesting that many anti-trans people in this thread identify strongly with this post...

replace "anti-trans" with the compounding host of reality

>compounding host
stop trying so hard. this phrase is a completely meaningless intellectualisation

>this phenomenon worries you heh guess what.....

Why is this the go to jibe with you lot?

aight how about this:
objective reality exists.
you don't get to choose your immutable characteristics and they're how pretty much everyone is going to judge you.
that isn't a conspiracy, it's just how human society works because 99.9% of spot judgments are accurate.

this isn't one of your matrix movies friend, it's a succinct summation of the whole of the governing laws and design of creation

I never thought I'd look back at my days of fapping to pron of dr packenwood "curing women" of their ailments by hypnosis as a more innocent time but here we are

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imagine where we are headed.....

Honestly, I don't watch anime or hentai or fit any of those traits. Though I've wanted to transition since I hit puberty and before trans people were seen as something mainstream. That being said, I doubt I will because the risk of losing all my family is too much to bear, and I'm quite traditional. I've learnt to repress it during my life.

It's standard Freudian meta-projection, you accuse the normal people of being weird for being disgusted by disgusting things. By pathologizing the healthy you normalize the diseased.

there are a lot of conspiracist explainations in the thread - the one that gets (You)s is the one that structures everyone around sissy hypno porn

most actually "normal" people never encounter this stuff, or will avoid looking because it is disgusting to them

just a little odd that everyone is instantly familiar...

It's not odd at all. Yea Forums is the battleground for the greatest war of our generation: the war to save western civilization. Scared, jew? Heh heh. You should be. You should be.

Part of being a healthy member of society is the desire to get rid of things that are bad for society. You might as well accuse heath inspectors of secretly being lovers of salmonella.

yeah we're on Yea Forums where that shit is instantly available on gif and gets spammed to other boards regularly. If people have watched it on purpose or by accident and maybe even enjoyed it at the time but ultimately realised what a nightmare it is then so what? that doesn't mean you've got a bunch of latents trans people here it means you have a bunch of confused internet neckbeards recoiling in disgust at the dark side of humanity while also being human. The correct thing for them to do is not to give in to whatever arousal they felt upon viewing it if they felt any at all and then go and build their entire life around an extreme fetish

a fair point, in the same way man shies from any disease

you're right, being a tranny really is the worst hell imaginable
our AI overlords don't mess around

and you're saying i have mental problems?
internally coherent - i just find it interesting that many of the most virulent anti-trans people quite clearly have some wish to break out of their gender binary. we clearly disagree about what is bad for society, etc - to me the sad thing is that someone who is attracted to femboys or malesub can't just happily have a period dressing femme and being submissive, and not be judged or suffer any expectation. they're in all likelihood not trans or genderqueer or anything, they just want to play around with different ways of expressing their sexuality - and that's ok :)

It's weird how /pol/ can say it's a mental illness and then lament how society brainwashed them into it in the same breath

>where'd the cart go??
that's why you think it's fake? lol brainlet

all mental illnesses were created by (((them)))
no exceptions

One of the worst parts of our current 'culture', and one that doesn't get talked about much even in 'right-wing' circles, is how the disgust response itself is viewed as something backwards and no longer needed. Part of the worship of tolerance is the suppression of natural instincts for disgust. Parents are expected to disregard their instinctive disgust for 'creepy' people around their kids, 'fat is beautiful', campaigns to get rid of stigmas around disease, etc.
People are being indoctrinated to suppress their own survival instincts, it is extremely sinister stuff.

ZOG MKULTRA'd them and parades them as brainwashed trannies to serve as an example to anyone else who considers to reveal any secrets.

>/pol/ can say it's a mental illness and then lament how society brainwashed them into it in the same breath
Disregarding your dumb bogeyman, what about that isn't consistent? Only a few mental illnesses are heritable, most are the result of some trauma or conditioning (even where there is a heritable vulnerability to it).

These guys suck each others cocks


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>suppression of natural instincts
Yeah and that is a good thing. We have been slowly suppressing natural instincts for thousands of years. That is what makes us civilized.

This. We have the right and duty to teach our children that anyone who's different from us is a disgusting freak that deserves hellfire. If we can't do that, society will fall apart and Satanic cannibals will roam the streets.

>biggest red pill film
Imagine being a millennial and being stuck so far up your own ass that you actually believe this.

Your stupidity is boundless. There was also a character named Dozer. Maybe it was a metaphor for sleep apnea.

Militaries have a function and I agreed with the function of our defense forces when I was conscripted.

Who are these people?
Also why do you get so TRIGGERED by trannies?

Real mature you transphobic asshole.

Poe's law.

The Matrix trilogy is fucking stupid. It’s made by a couple of demented faggots who shoot DMT into their balls.

When Keanu says “I know Kung fu” it was so unintentionally funny my audience laughed.

There’s no such thing as transphobia. Trannies are mentally ill

It's always funny seeing close minded conservatives get shocked and horrified when they realize that a person they respected is actually one of those /DEGENERATES/ that is
>into whatever fetish
It's like they are adults but not fully grown up yet.

>bloo bloo blooo

>We have the right and duty to teach our children that anyone who's different from us is a disgusting freak that deserves hellfire. If we can't do that, society will fall apart and Satanic cannibals will roam the streets.
Unironically this just look at Liberia and Haiti. That's what's coming to everyone who believes in tolerating faggotry and niggerdom.

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>eat shit
>get ill
>lol got ill from eating shit so not actually ill

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Sideshow Bob looks great for 60 year old woman.

>t. Eater of da Poo-Poo

You're about as good with analogies as a Mexican professional jump roper.

Imagine caring so much about how other people live their lives that you unironically get upset and angry. kek, learn to straighten out your own lives and sort out your own degenerate behavior + addictions you plebs.

>anti-trans people
you mean normal people?

I'm normal and not anti-trans. Try again.

Each failure is ours. And it hurts.

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normal people wouldn't dedicate any time to bullying the mentally ill, user

You are not normal, try again faggy.


religion for shitskins

Conservatives are the ultimate cry babies.

Are mexians good at jump rope?

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Right? And the funny thing is that half of these manchildren fap to traps and then claim it's different from being trans or give some other excuse.

funny how people that narrow their whole life to what clothes they wear and who they want to fuck are called open minded

I only know a couple trannies, and they are exactly like you describe. Utterly masculine, mentally ill (prior to any transitioning or expressed dysphoria), and generally unlikable trolls irl. Most are also misanthropic or even misogynistic as fuck, despite paradoxically being SJW's that harp on about terms like "ableism" or whatever else like they actually give a damn about social causes or human beings in general outside of what attention and praise they can get.

it's meant to be kinda funny, autist. Neo himself is surprised that he suddenly knows Kung Fu and is like "shit lol, I know Kung Fu."

then you can't be all that normal

shit analogies are almost as based as food analogies, don't let that other guy get to you.

you're not self aware

ofcourse discord trannies would derail this thread

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These posts? All me, a discord tranny.

Maybe get off of discord? Most everyone hates trannies, if you ever bring them up you can have a good tranny bashing conversation.

>couldn't even stop the Mexicans from worshiping death demons
>couldn't save Africa

Each failure is ours, and it hurts.

imagine thinking ridicule equals caring

They don't do that. You are doing that for them. You are pigeonholing them into "faggy tranny" as if they are not steal people with thoughts and emotions capable of living their lives irrespective of whatever gender/sex they chose to be.

just say zionists
that way they cant call you anti semite besides traitors hang first right?

You know what sucks? Transgender people wouldn't even be a big deal if so many of them hadn't become such cunts about it. They've been around forever, I remember in the 90s seeing them in random movies and TV shows and it wasn't a big deal. Sometimes there were lighthearted jokes, sometimes it wasn't even acknowledged, but no matter what it just didn't really matter. Nobody was praising a movie or show for having trans representation, and nobody was bitching about it either. Nobody cared.
But then that fucking piece of shit asshole Bruce just had to make a huge fucking deal about it and be the biggest fucking attention whore about it, and it all snowballed into what we have today. Now there are actual goddamn laws being passed about protecting the rights of guys to dress up like women. It's fucking insane. I legitimately hate what our world has become, and I wish we could just fix it and go back to the way things were.

you're actually me, and I'm an attack helicopter

Discord trannies wouldn't call trannies mentally ill, dumbass. You can disagree with the ideology without acting like a rabid animal.

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people have been bullying the mentally ill since forever, sick faggot, most of them learn to stop trying to express themselves because nobody wants to hear their nasty illness

Being cunts about it is the whole point, though

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Nah, I'm pretty normal. Boring even. The only difference between me and you is that I moved away from the rural village in which I grew up, lived in 8 countries on 3 continents and met all kinds of people from all walks of life.
And you are still operating by the pretty limited ideas that your parents taught you, as if they are the most wise of all people on the planet, as if they aren't just two average humans with some good ideas and some flawed ideas.

I've never met a normal person that didn't hate trannies. Parents, siblings, girlfriend, coworkers, former classmates, friends. Two things in common, they hate trannies and they're normal functioning people. You're highly suspect.


Same with my high school and black people. The most popular kid in my school was a black guy and nobody even the trailer trash rednecks ever said anything. Of course this was 2002. But even then race wasnt a thing. For how much the msm laments about how its ALWAYS bern this way. Alot of this has been a very recent "issue"

This post? Also me, the discord tranny.

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Because they want to be threated as normal everyday people rather than some circus freaks that are only good for fetish porn.

Taking the time out of your day to ridicule something means on some level you care.

Dude the most eye opening thing is moving from a nice quiet town to a multicultural city. I didn't hate trannies or fags until I did that.

>"ex-Catholic turned Shamanist"
Elemental, Enhancement or Restoration?

>being proud of being a rootless cosmopolitan nihilist

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they're not, they are fetishists consumed by their false identity
a man dressing up as a woman is inherently ridiculous, if you honestly believe you have to do that how can you not make your whole life about it?

you see those people all had their own walk of life, that means he shouldn't have any

a reminder

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>Because they want to be threated as some circus freaks that are only good for fetish porn rather than normal everyday people.
based and redpilled

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>not having a seething whiny hatred of other groups means you have no culture
okey dokey

>anti-trans people

Another made up liberal buzzword like Islamophobia

We had a trans person at our job in 2008, just before the zenith of all this hysteria happened. Sure, people talked shit, but nobody freaked out when "she" used the women's restroom. In fact, more people were homophobic there against the couple openly gay dudes than "transphobic".

this but unironically

I don't hate people that shove their hand into a woodchipper, I only pity them, and caution others against doing likewise.

fuck out of here, niggerlover

I don't like cities, but trannies and fags were never my problem.
What I hate about city people is the sluts and the smokers.
Why? Because when you are desperate for housing you end up living with them and they are both very annoying in their own ways.
I lived with two gay people and a bi girl. One gay dude, I didn't even know he was gay. Thought he was just an incel. The bi girl was always in the same relationship. Then there was the manslut. I hated him. Always bringing over people to fuck.

you wish
This is bizarre entertainment, like watching a fat ugly prostitute on the street from your car window and laughing about it. I don't care even a little bit about her but it's just so fun to look at.

No, the daily hate threads are proof of how little they care about any of this.

that's sounds horrible, really, I couldn't stand that, it's inhumane to have to share a house with freaks


I had a couple close friends who transitioned and neither of them are fetishists. You wouldn't have known they were anything but straight until they came out.

Unironically I agree with moviebob on this one and I despise everything about these

if you didn't know your friends put on their moms clothes and sucked dick before they dressed up in front of you I don't think your judgement of people is that accurate

They were ignorant then. Now they know better.

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>admitting to being a whiny bitter little bitch
why tho

Go to /r/transtimelines
Lots of the MTF are 100% normal looking dudes.
Many of them are even with a gf in the before picture.
Quite surprising.
You expect them to be sissies or camp but that it not the impression you get.

>implying you would
>implying you know
>implying you aren't friends with many degenerates that you are not aware of, because they are smart enough not to let the closeminded simpleton know their secret

>shilling reddit
>defending trannies
Massive cringe

they dialated the abyss and the abyss dialated them

Why are you going on reddit
Why are you going on tranny reddit

seeing as you freaks are a tiny insignificant part of the population you're taking quite a leap in assuming everyone must know someone that wants to make his whole life a freakshow by having such a bottom of the barrel identity crisis

>when you have the gangrene, the gangrene has you

No man can be as validation starved as the average tranny. That's what tells me their mental illness isn't totally bullshit

You're part of society, you don't get to selectively force queer bathrooms and gay wedding cakes and then bitch about people hating you

user the average tranny is walking the streets in some 3rd world shithole doing coke
these first world primadonnas don't know the path they chose

>seeing as you freaks are a tiny insignificant part of the population
Who? The trannies? Yes. The degenerates? Lol no. There are LOTS of degenerates out there. Most just don't tell you about it, though.

Somebody posted lewds and I followed them and got trapped.

Is Yea Forums ignoring the Matrix sequels on purpose? Just recalling Zion and all the "diversity" makes me hate them.

Just blew my mind bro

They have always been weirdos since the first movie with the bondage inspired leather..

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Some dominatrix messed with their minds to become women. Also, the one on the left passes WAY better than the woman on the right

anything times zero is still zero

>average looking guy
>get rejected by women
>become lonely and depressed
>lack of satisfaction in life
>end up hating yourself


>turn yourself into a girl
>get showered with attention from men
>become popular and desired
>life becomes tolerable
>end up appreciating yourself

It's no wonder why so many transition or go down this lifestyle.

>>turn yourself into a girl
>>get showered with attention from men
>>become popular and desired
>>life becomes tolerable
>>end up appreciating yourself
40% sounds swell!

calm down retard
just accept people can be different from you

who cares


Fuck off with your /pol/ shit

Genuine kino though

is that a boy or a girl


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The movies are just Baudrillard for brainlets

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both, and neither.

Yeah but there's clear influence there but I think they actually execute it better whereas Invisibles just throws every vague conspiracy at the wall and see what sticks.

>John Money
Jesus, the other day I read about that one kid who got his baby penis burned off by a post-circumsion cauterization or something, and Money had the parents raise the boy as a girl, going so far as to have him and his twin brother mime sex positions to imprint a submissive role into this poor kid. Nigga eventually got wise that something was wrong, and "transitioned" back to being male. The brother developed schizophrenia. P sure both killed themselves after a while.

Saddest shit I've ever read.

One of the right looks like a dude in a wig. Actually, specifically, he looks like a dude in a wig mean-mugging as a joke to make like an Ayn Rand impression or something.

Conjuration you fucking pleb.

Yeah, that guy was really fucking messed up. It's insane that anybody would reference him with anything but hate, that he wasn't fucking put in prison for life.

The first Wachowski at least passes as an old "indigo child"-ass womanchild you see around northern california. The big Wachowski literally looked like Aleister Crowley and still does.

Ilsa Strix is responsible for this.

i dont understand how people fall into the hypno pron meme. dont they get bored? i change fetishes every week its exhausting


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t. woman

Nice spacing