Bro-tier movie

10,000 Afghan BVLLS vs 21 Sikh BVLLS

21 Sikhs killed.
600 Afghans killed.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>21 heroic sikh warrior chads
>10,000 inbred afghan cucks


Is this a ripoff of 300 or something?

>Bearded easterners wearing towels on their heads killing each other

And nothing of value was lost

I haven't seen a movie so gun-ho about killing muslims since immediately after 9/11, I'm assuming this will not be getting a US/European release

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That beard looks so fake

It'll be banned in Europe most likely.

Good film. This is the most serious thing I've seen Akshay Kumar in and I was surprised to find he was decent in a dramatic role. First half felt long but once the attack starts I was fully on board. Wanted more of the evil sniper.
"So long, Fakhar."

It's closer to Glory in tone.

I live in Wisconsin and saw it opening night.

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>(((brotier sikhs)))
They claim fucking up Muslims is the cornerstone of their faith but they do jackshit to fight Islam while in our countries. They're just waiting for a collapse so they can fight over the corpse of our nations. By this alone, they're no better than the muds and equally deserving of extrication to their home country.

Sikhs are based. They deserve recognition for their efforts against the islamic scourge.

Whites do jackshit too. Why should they do anything if whites as a whole still refuse to wake up?

okay now this is epic

>Sikhs are based.
Leaf detected. Fuck off with this subversion.

Nobody who doesn't worship the true Lord and Savior Jesus Christ can ever be called 'based'.

Hell, I don't think anyone who doesn't recognize the primacy of the Bishop of Rome could be called based. Protestant? Might as well be a shitskin.

Nice Giman-jutsu, Javpreet.

Close, but you got it backwards. Those who DO recognize the primacy of the bishop of r*me are in fact the shitskins.

Thats like rooting for which turd gets flushed down the toilet first.

I'm a huwhite American.
Nice try, but catholics are massive cucks. Literally the most left leaning denomination. Enjoy your commie pope.

I prefer turds that don't blow me up. Sikhs have yet to commit terrorist acts against the west, so I think the enemy of my enemy is my friend here.

Im indian and I will be honest, sikhs are a joke even in india. They are the ones we make fun of in india, look up sardar jokes on google.

They didnt do shit honestly, they were the ones who were bent over first and are offspring of the muslims who conquered them with ease.

a sikh is just a pajeet with a rag hat.

gas them all.

Sikhs are pretty cool. In the UK, there is alot of racism towards Muslims and Pakistanis. Not to Indians and Sikhs.
They have integrated into our culture well, and whilst they keep their own culture, they respect ours and are generally nice and good citizens. I visited the largest Gurdwara in the UK a year ago and the people there were really nice. They gave me a free meal and spend Saturdays giving food to any homeless.
Whether or not they do anything to combat the growing issue of Muslims does not matter. They are generally good people, and don't even mix with whites (although I don't think many women would willingly have sex with many poos).
I like the poos. They fit well in the UK. Muslims, gypsies and Eastern-euros, however, do not.


Compare that to the page on Islamic terrorism.
Doesn't seem like alot, now, does it?