ITT: things that NEVER happens in moovies

>character has a mouth ulcer

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Brush your teeth daily and get some good rest might because fatigue

>character has chronic constipation and has to stick their finger up their ass to loosen up the shit nuggets just so they can have a bowel movement

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>character has a vaginal infection
>character has a lyme disease
>character has herpes
>character has a prolapsed anus

I remember reading some quite recent research on the subject, claiming that this shit is caused 99.9% by lack of sleep and overworking, overall - stress, not lack of vitamins or bad diet, but stress.
Interesting stuff.

Just bite it, pop that shit pussy

You're moms' collective home video

>character has acne


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literal mysticism. this is what happens with nigs/chinks/loos/jews/women try to do science

Bad advice. That could turn it into a mucocele.

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you're pretty much guaranteed to get one if you bite yourself while eating
you can try to fight it with watermelon seed powder or mouth wash

are you stupid?
>character has a vaginal infection
Just off the top of my head: In Me Myself and Irene theres a woman in the grocery store that has a vaginal infection.

>character has a lyme disease
Pretty sure any medical show had at least one lyme disease

>character has herpes
herpes, really? I bet there are hundreds of comedies not only to reference it but to even show it.

>character has a prolapsed anus
That would be you, peace out.

literally every scene with girls doing their nails have it

>Character has constipation and is fatter than the previous day after partying.

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I was actually genuinely surprised Disney allowed all the main characters of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies to have realistic 18th century bad teeth

>character is shitting blood and doesnt go to the doctor

Get lysine pills (sells in pharmacy of grocery stores in civilized countries). It will heal in three days

ooh, a jolly rancher!

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t. world champion basement wanker

>doesn't have an actual example for 3/4 of the examples
silly goose

Those fucking suck

So that's what those are called. I don't really get them these days but it would happen somewhat regularly when I was younger, fucking miserable

>Straight white cis conservative Christian male is portrayed in a positive light
>Black woman is made to be stupid

>yes goym buy meds
this will go away from alone in three days

I get canker sores so often it's fucking miserable

They’re called canker sores

t. buttmad subhuman with no argument

>character has IBS and has to keep distancing himself from other people every 5 minutes to get rid of huge farts in a safe place

>character decorate his house with piss bottles


IBS is kind of hot.

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i got so sick of them, i use lip balm everyday now and havent gotten any in a while. its cause my lips were always damaged and dry.

I once had two of these that merged and it hurt ten times as much. Wtf why is that allowed?

Not him but I find brushing my canker sores really hard really fast until they bleed profusely helps them heal faster and makes them feel better almost instantly lol.

Not even trolling. It hurts really bad for a second but then it's better. I think you brush away the tissue that comprises the canker sore and then just have a regular wound which heals fast by comparison.

Salt helps a little too.

>character goes to pee
>somehow two pee streams come out of his wiener and he ends up missing the toilet

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The secret is change your toothpaste cankers are caused by some shit in most toothpastes I forgot what's it called but Google it and find a toothpaste without it shit changed my life

I get them from drink coca cola or eating pineapple

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Stop kissing people in the mouth so much and actually gargle mouthwash every so often.