Why can’t incels create anything Yea Forums?

Why can’t incels create anything Yea Forums?

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Mommy and daddy didn't buy me a bunch of careers in hollywood
At least she's finally out of PE, right?

I need help. Brie Larson kidnapped me after hearing my thoughts on Captain Marvel and has been making me lick her feet. There's something growing on my tongue now, something alive.

I got 2 short stories published last year in ellery queen and i should have a book published this summer. I haven't had sex in 11 years.

god i wish that were me

Eric Roberts

I have over 2000 posts on Yea Forums, and 300 kills in my career as a Navy Seal.

I have THIS number and THIS number and this number aaaaaaaaand... THIS NUMBER!! You know what this means? You cant criticize her.


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I was so close


and you're still an over rated slag

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good for you bro very happy for you

itt INCELS who can’t accept Brie “1 Billion dollars” Larson

Incels create a lot, Kafka was an incel, Kant was an incel, Chekhov was a literal /r9k/ ROASTIE TOASTIE tier incel. And even their literal stinking feces had more artistic and intellectual value than anything Disney has produced this century

Isaac newton apparently died a virgin too


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20 bucks say incels have contributed more to western civilization than the entire female gender. Prove me wrong

I hate women like this

well thats a fact duh, incels are still men.

have sex

and thats why you can't get laid, incel.

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Those were all based volcels,not cringelord incels who post about hating having women in movies on 4channel.

that's a pretty stupid model.

The world was built by incels

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the entire marvel universe

I have created an entire cornucopia of posts that ended up in repeating digits and said “nigger” on 4channel

>he says as he shitposts on Yea Forums all day, unable to satisfy beyond basic needs.

>I hate women

i hate women

who doesn't? even women hate women

I love women. They're my favorite. I'd give men a 3/11 and women a 9/11. I like their boobs and faces and stuff.

Hahah look at this dood

>bla bla bla

And yet she’s shit at acting, plain looking, and is politically retarded.

>like their boobs and faces and stuff.
ah. you must have misunderstood. Let me clarify. I like women until they start talking.

>be Ditko
>be incel "As far as it is known, he never married and had no surviving children at the time of his death"
>create the main character that funded this whole Marvel enterprise, Spider-Man, and Doctor Strange too
>get ripped off by your "business partner"/ professional Jew Stan Lee who takes credit for your work, and Jack Kirby's work
>he makes millions while you languish in obscurity
>he gets to be on the big time movies and everyone knows his name
>they don't even bother to call you when they make Doctor Strange
>he dies and is christened a national saint. you die and only nerds care for like a day

>a few years later some blonde bimbo is now claiming that she is marvhel babyee

why live

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