Why didn’t he just mind control everyone to reproduce less and waste less food?

Why didn’t he just mind control everyone to reproduce less and waste less food?

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Be honest. If you had ultimate power, you wouldn't use it smartly. You'd use it to carry out certain fantasies unique to you.

He would see it as an invasion of free will. Sure, killing them is against their free will, but it's random so it removes him from being the arbiter of the decision. At least that's probably what he'd say

Does Ant-Man shrink down, crawl into Thanos' butthole, and then grows really big causing Thanos to pop like a ballon filled with blood?

sooo much oxycodone

yea, why didnt he just make everyone him?

Because that would make entire races of incels that would destroy the entire universe

What if he is mind controlling everyone since the beginning and it's all just a collective illusion just so people realize the dangers of consumerism?


Why doesn't he just create infinite resources?

No. Cptn Marvel will beat Thanos

Why don't you stop making this thread?

Leave Thanos to me.

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Yeah, I meant after when she knocks him out. Ant-Man crawls into his butthole and does his business, right?

Because Thanos was too busy trying to impress death like the closet incel he is.

Even Doom has a better chance of ruling the universe and he's gone back and forth between being a virgin and chad at the same time.

Frank Castle as Ghost Rider (and Johnny Blaze (fuck Ketch and Reyes)) have a better chance of being Thanos' (surrogate) father and the man that he (and his mother) will never be.

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That's just unrequited love, not being incel.

Probably. I wonder what the mandatory jokes and quips about it will be

So it's ok if someone in drag tells you to murder your past waifus and children and then kill half the universe in order to love her, right?

Even when there are fellow men like Nick Fury (Sr., not that Jr. piece of shit), Punisher, Ghost Rider, who have been to hell and back who'd help Thanos out and respect him in order to toughen him up for the unknown universe around him?

Talk about overly compensating, don't ya think?

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Because spiral force can't be controlled you pigmole

Why doesn’t Galactus just eat the planet Thanos is on?

Because Galactus has guilt on his conscience and Ghost Rider will eat that shit up like its oatmeal for breakfast.

As a fun fact, I'd like to call Ghost Rider and Blackheart the asshole rippers of the Marvel universe because they can tear probably tear out the fabric of the universe from hell and itself and then on back until they meet eternity.

Face it, the only reason why they're in the doldrums is because Marvel can't handle the chadness that is Nick Fury Sr., Punisher, and Ghost Rider (Both Castle and Blaze). The world is waiting silently for their return like its the second coming of Christ and will save them from the Jews and Disney.

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The comic books went full retard.

she would be my gf for sure

>What if superman but bad?

Why don't they just transport Sentry to a bad guy planet so he can beat them up when he has to blow off some steam?