Younger celebrities and Before They Were Famous thread
Younger celebrities and Before They Were Famous thread
lots of literal whos there
Benicio looks incredible
>drew barrymore
Even Juliette looks like an oven dodger.
Vince looks like a Chad. Benicio looking great.
This guy was a giga chad?
>Casting couch polaroids
Drew Barrymore was famous at like 4 years old you absolute fucking retard.
why do you think he hates buffoonery?
Was young Mark Hamill a chad?
>Vaughn and Stiller were chads
>Thorton was a fucking absolute nerd
who'd have thought?
No chad has eyes that big. He looks like a giant baby.
everyone had their hair like that in the 1960s unless they were a stoner.
>the ugliest one in her family
why are you so obsessed with this cretin
Ricci was my childhood crush. Casper and Addams Family were /my films/
Vince Vaughn looking Chad as shit while Stiller and Billy Bob look like To Catch a Predator guests
Vince Vaughn really fell apart, didn't he?
That's Lindsay Graham
Young Josh Brolin was fine as hell. Like.. otherworldly beauty imo
>5’6” Jew
stop using the word Chad, you have no idea what it means
>Stiller ... look like To Catch a Predator guests
Cool it with the anti-Semitic remarks.
Al Gore was his roommate
>thinks caveman looking linemen are chads
Kek. This bonehead was not getting pussy.
Shit me too, son! I’ve watched a lot of garbage for her.
leave your basement occasionally
billy bob was old even when he was young
she lost her virginity around that age with some innane chad teenager
why is life so unfair?
>billy bob was balding in his early twenties
guy can score any bitch he wants despite looking like a mole rat and is needlessly aggressive at all times
it suggests his test is through the roof
so that checks out
>had more hair in his 40s than he did in his 20s
how he did this
>it suggests his test is through the roof
probably not if he's been taking propecia for the last 30 years. You tend to get Trump dick from that.
RESTORE my friends
Tommy Lee Jones was a guard on a football team. In the social order of a football team he was at the very bottom. Nobody pays attention to them. You don't hear their names during games.
They're invisible on football teams.
The skill positions get laid the most, and they get the most attention by far. I was a starting running back, for example.
Linemen are the incels of football teams.
It doesn't shrink your dick. That's stupid. It gives you manboobs maybe. Maybe some ED. But it doesn't shrink it. And Trump is as stupidly arrogant and aggressive as ever.
>starting running back
>linemen are incels
confirmed for 3rd string bench warmer lmao, no starting offensive player would ever trash talk the guys who make him look good.
But that's Josh Hartnett
American autism at it's finest
I didnt say that they didnt block well for me. What they did on the field is another matter.
I'm saying that I saw that most of them were lonely and awkward and insecure and so not that good with girls. I think most of them wanted an ideal athletic body that women drooled over but had to deal with the fact that they were stuck with being beasts of burden.
One of them actually said to me, "I wish I had a body like yours."