I'm back

Not working today, I'm bored. I already explained last time that I can't post any proof this is actually me because of bad publicity, so don't bother asking. AMA else though, I'll be here for like an hour.

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99% fake but fuck it

sprite or orange fanta

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honest opinion on Trump?

what is your preferred kind of futa

Were you offered Batman? Do you use drugs?

I don't like him that much but I don't really care about politics in general.
I'm not into that weird shit.

how was working with Denis on enemy and prisoners

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Stop doing capeshit.

Do more hairkino.

fav movie?

How'd you hook up with bear grylls for that episode of man vs wild?

yeah but so many actors were that it's like asking if you've fucked the town whore.
And no I'm not a fan of drugs.

tell us how people get jobs in Hollywood

definitely not the real jelly-in-the-hall, but whatever.
how'd you discover Yea Forums? do you browse this site often? do you browse it discreetly?

What if im Autistic, Jack ?
What if im so autistic that my life is a sitcom (in a funny way), Jack ?
Enemy is one of my fav films, Jack.

white time were you born?

Does Taylor Swift give blowjobs?

what's your favorite role you played?

how many cocks have you sucked

Fake, but whatever; I'll take whatever social interaction I can get. Redheads or Blondes?

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Write your surname without googling it, I dare you.

Are you based and redpilled?

he's your typical city slicker
he pulled up to me in his fancy german car
well pardon me

I see you finally start balding. What do you think of this?

Are you retards really under the assumption it's a matter of what you have to do? Think about how Harrison Ford got famous, he looks good and was in proximity to someone who matters in the industry. If you don't have that, just kill your dreams right now, because you're already not motivated enough to brute force it

Looking back on Donnie darko, how do you feel about it

Would you ever consider reading anons script?

Did you fugg any actress you worked with ?

tell us the truth about t. swift

how did you get to do Time to dance
why are you not getting more psycho killer roles, flawless performance

How big is your dick?